A Land Apart from Time by James Gurney (1-May-1994) Paperback


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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always loved reading, looking, staring at this book for years. I'm sad that the cover ripped and that there are stains on the book front cover as well (I was a kid! lol so sue me!), but the book itself has held up inside almost perfectly.

Anyway, the story itself is truly timeless in many ways. Discovering the world alone for the characters was interesting. There is so much more than meets the eye when reading more than once. I've learned about many things that maybe weren't in the made for tv movie they did about 9-10 years ago on ABC.

This is one of those type of books that I think it just great to collect and have in general as well. The cover art alone would make people go "oOoOo" and "Ahhhh" very easily because of the details.

All in all, this is just one of those books that is good to own. There is so much that I could say, but it'll mostly be about the art work that the story lol

But seriously, the artwork is something that would make even an adult want to buy this book... I believe it to be something of a rare gem in the book world with how amazing the artist too the the time to create such a vivid imagery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well,I know that this book is mostly for children but I can`t stop liking it,as I am a great admirer of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. There has been books before where humans and dinosaurs meet,but no one as special as this one.
What would the world have looked like if the dinosaurs were still alive?
Would we have used Brontosaurus as a beast of burden?
The little 5-foot long Protoceratops as a pet?
Or T-rex as the main attraction on zoos?
It is always an interesting thought. Some of the dinosaurs does not just seem to be like pets or beasts of burden for the humans,they are often very helpfull and intelligent beeings. Even the nasty Velociraptor can be domesticated here.
Well,I`ll give you a short description of the plot here:
Arthur Denison and his son Will are stranded on a mysterious island in the late 19th century. They find a little,strange animal (which later appears to be a protoceratops)which have been hurt. When they approach it,they are suddenly surrounded by gigantic creatures of many shapes and colors - DINOSAURS!
And then,a human appears to calm down the animals. They are now taken to a house were normal people live.
Then,they experience different adventures on the island,among them a flight in the mountains on giant pterosaurs,here called "dragons",a ride on giant ostrich dinosaurs,and a confrontation with Tyrannosaurus rex!
Over all,my thoughts about this book is that it is very great. The illustrations are of high quality and invalueable to the ones that likes dinosaurs. I am currently writing a story named "The Forgotten Island",were an expedition are sent to explore an island were dinosaurs are still alive. That story is quite inspired by this one,although the dinosaurs are not accompanied by humans in my story. I especially like the fact that he has included many not so well known dinosaurs in Dinotopia - for example the enormous ostrich dinosaur with 8-foot arms named Deinocheirus. Or the pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus.
Over all,this is a great book that receives all appreciation it can get as a wonderfull fantasy adventure.
I have heard that it is going to be visualized into a massive TV movie in the year of 2002 - over six hours!It will be really interesting to see what it looks like. As James Gurney has been their concept artist,I don`t think it`ll bee bad. I am currently looking a lot forward to it. While waiting,don`t forget to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ein leichter
When I think of Paradise, I envision Dinotopia. True, it is a book designed mainly to describe a Utopia. But somehow, it comes across as much more than merely some fairy-tale dream or some idealistic imagined land with strange mythology mixed in. Yes, much more.
When you read Dinotopia, the first thing you notice is how it is illustrated. A wonderfully concept art styled, somewhat sketchy looking, yet ultimately gorgeous art is displayed throughout the book. Many of it's illustrations have been "borrowed" (or stolen) as inspiration for other books and movies. Waterfall City and the Canyon City in particular continue to impress me.
But the art of Dinotopia is only half of the book. The other half is the way it is written. Dinotopia is written like it is the lost journal of a scientist who washed up on the island after a shipwreck. Much of the book is seen from his perspective as you discover and learn about the science, technology, scenery, and way of life of Dinotopia and its inhabitants. You come to care about him and his son. And you may indeed come to love Dinotopia as if it were a real place.
It's hard to say what exactly is so compeling about the reality of Dinotopia. For a book without a real source of conflict, without some sort of crisis, it is remarkably interesting. Perhaps it is the technology. Like a wanderer walking through a distant dimension, we find outselves amazed by the wonders of a civilization we never knew existed. Perhaps it is the unity of the people of Dinotopia, combined with their diversity (each region has a different culture, way of living, and style of life, but everyone believes in the same things). Perhaps there is something romantic and exciting about the Skybax riders who soar through the air, which hints at the exciting and wonderful things in life we all dream of experiencing. Perhaps it is the mysteries of the lost World Beneath, which hint at all the wonders of nature and humanity alike which we have yet to discover.
At any rate, Dinotopia touches on something wonderful about human nature and the world we live in. It is full of a scientists longing to understand, and child's sense of wonder. I love Dinotopia. I really think everyone should read this book. Maybe if they did, the world we live in could be a little more united, a little more beautiful, a little more hopeful. A little more...like Dinotopia.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diane snyder
Dinotopia is not an average book on dinosaur/human relations. There have been many portrayals of humans interacting with dinosaurs on television, movies and other literature, but Dinotopia took a different approach.
The book is actually portrayed as a lost sketchbook/journal that was discovered and is now being unveiled to the reader. Accompanying this very classy introduction to the book are numerous fabulous sketches of the world of Dinotopia. The story, though ordinary in nature, takes off in an amazing journey that tests the imagination of even the most seasoned reader. It is just a really impressive and wonderful book.
Readers of all ages can enjoy Dinotopia and get caught up in the fantasy that Gurney has created. This is a very good book to help educate younger children as well as entertain their parents. It is a very interesting layout that built upon the success of the past and added a new dimension to create a whole new world. Don't miss out one of the adventures of a lifetime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda margaret
Having always been fascinated by those giants who roamed the planet eons ago, I had to have this one upon its initial publication. "Dinotopia's" tale of a land jointly inhabited by man and dinosaur is a truly captivating adventure.
As fanciful as the premise is, the author logically develops the dinosaur characters based on the uniqueness of each respective species. Most are "good" and commune well with their fellow humans; but the T-Rex is still his usual grouchy self, much to the appreciation of us who were raised with the knowledge that the animal was one mean carnivore!
By placing the setting in the 1800's, the book could have been written by Wells or Verne, which gives it the feel of a classic.
And a classic, it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished reading Dinotopia to my 6 year old girl and we both enjoyed it a good deal. The art kept us captivated, even when the story failed to entice us. The "journal" format of the book did not really suit the story well, and the story meanders. At times, I felt that the story was just an excuse to link up a whole stack of lovely illustrations. At the close of the book, I'm not sure that the story was much more than a connector between paintings.

Gurney's imagination is absolutely marvelous. We felt that a whole realm had indeed been called up, and we loved learning about the designs and cultural innovations of Dinotopia. Through Gurney's eyes, we felt like explorers of a lovely land. And we were inspired by the messages of peace, hope, and harmony.

In the end we were curious to learn more about the places and realms of this imaginary land. Perhaps we'll look to sequels. But we hope that latter works of Dinotopia prove to be better written than this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug baird
Who needs Jurassic Park when you have this book??? This is the story of a man and his son shipwrecked on an island inhabited by Dinosaurs and the humans who live peacefully with them. This lavishly illustrated book gives us an insight into this world, with diagrams of flora, fauna, landscapes, musical instruments, machines, dwellings and so much more. There is even a complete written language. Dinotopia is like a fantastical edition of National Geographic, with so much detail that you could spend hours getting lost in it. The first of a series, this book has something to interest everyone, Dinosaur fans and those who wouldn't know a triceratops from a tyrannosaurus alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex popa
Suspend your beliefs, accept the mind-boggling premise & let your eyes convince your mind as you drool over James Gurney's exquisite pictures. This is for reading in company, for snuggling around a pool of light when all the day's chores are done, your home is warm, your critters fed & you all want to go on an adventure of the mind. It is a fantastically illustrated & evocatively written account of a father & son's adventures & discoveries on a lost island. It is a wonder-filled, well-wrought adventure following in the footsteps of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne & Jane Yolen...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all the Dinotopia books, (especially the illustrated ones). I grew up reading them when I was younger and this particular book was my favorite out of them all. It's filled with the most beautiful pictures and an excellent story about dinosaurs (who live peacefully with humans). You can't go wrong with this book. It's so good that I have even read it as an adult and still enjoyed it! It takes you away to a place filled with fantasy and splendor. To me this book goes above the 5 star rating so if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gozwul pikri
Dinotopia was the first book James Gurney wrote in this series. The artwork was what initially drew me into the story and I found sweatshirts, posters, calendars, pins...you name it, with these chaarcters on them. The storyline was easy to follow, as it was written in diary format.

The things I really found interesting were the song (notes and lyrics) and the code for the Dinotopian written language (footprints). My students love writing letters and stories in Dinotopian to each other and for daily assignments. After teaching it for almost 10 years students are as much in love with the story as I am and they want to read it over and over. The artwork makes for great writing prompts and gives kids ideas for sculpture and watercolor pieces.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j j white
Although this book is considered a children's book, or something for young teens, I believe it's enjoyable for people of all ages. The artwork is gorgeous and the detail Gurney puts into creating his world is amazing. The book is written in the form of a journal, written mostly by Arthur Denison, but with a few entries written by his son, Will. Because Arthur is a scientist, Gurney can believably put in a great deal of detailed information about the world of Dinotopia. I loved reading this book and I especially loved looking at it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica whiting
Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time is written as a journal of a man and his son who accidentally land on an unknown island when their boat is damaged. It takes place during the 19th century. This island, though, is inhabited by both humans and dinosaurs, living peaceably. The way it is written is what kept me reading. It seems like reading an old, lost journal, copmplete with sketches and pressed leaves. I highly recommend this realistically portrayed work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon huff
If there is one top "picture" book....this is it! The gorgeous illustrations and intricate details (in illustrations) really brings the book to life. You can really explore the lost island of Dinotopia and meet many interesting and intriguing characters...humans and dinosaurs. Enter this beautiful land by turning one of it's pages. I loved this book so much I practiclly memorized the whole story and every illustration!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby johnson
The journal type entries in this book make it ideal for classroom study. The vocabulary is challengenging and the social aspects of the book are thought provoking. Students do not get bored even if they need to read it over and over. More advanced students find much to analyze while less advanced students are interested and learning. So why can't I find any paperbacks in print for my Middle School students?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I originally read this when it first came out, but gave the book away to a child who became intrigued with it. The story is enhanced by the art and vice versa. Dinosaurs interact as equals with people in a 'marooned on an isolated island/lost world' scenario. This book, and the ones that follow [The World Beneath, First Flight, Journey to Chandara] are excellent and highly recommended to children and adults with a fascination for both fantasy and paleontology.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendi foley
I loved this book!!!:-) I absolutely though it was AMAZING!!! The Dinosaurs are not hostile, what a revelation!(except for the inhabitants of the Rainy Basin, but you have to read that.) I really thought it was interesting and the fact that the Dino's were equal with if not superior to the humans was great. You must read this book, there's something for everybody.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sebastian ku
This book is absolutely fantastic. I wish there were more books like this: quality books with both beautiful drawings and a beautiful storyline. This book is absolutely worth every penny, and then some. James Gurney is really onto something big here. I have had this book for 5 years about, and still read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found out about the dinotopia books by chance. I am suprised at how many children and adults dont know about this book. This book and the sequel book are absolutely fantastic! I read it to my older son, who was 6 at the time in one day! He now reads it in installments to his brother and sister. A true classic that needs to be up there with Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island and such!
I can say I will still be reading this again when Im 80!
Trust Me You Will Not Be Disapointed In This Story!
Makes a great gift for any Dinosaur Lover!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee bowser
Great concept, my grandson loves having it read to him. However, even he noticed something a bit strange: The dinosaurs haven't evolved further in the last 100-65 million years. They look exactly like their fossil records. Minor point, but it would have worked better at more levels to show an evolved race as well as the 'legacy' models so to speak.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richa rogan
You might just end up with "Dinotopia". That's how good the illustrations and paintings in this book are, and should be the primary reason for purchasing the book. The artwork is absolutely first class, and the book can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. I purchased "Dinotopia" in 1992 when it was first released, and subsequently, picked up its sequel "The World Beneath". They both still hold a special place on my book shelf more than 10 years later. HIGHLY recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first discovered this book the year it was released. I skimmed through it's pages, but never bought it for myself...just others (nieces, nephews, friends). Now, I am a dad... so, of course I had to buy it for my kids (and for me).

The story is good. However, it is the pictures that sell the book. What a talent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc buwalda
This book has some of the best illustrations I can think of. My mother bought this book for herself but let me take it whenever I wanted. I cannot say enough good things about the art in this book. The story is also wonderful. Full of detail and fascinating characters, I loved it as a kid and still love it as an adult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura baller
Dinotopia is different from most books about dinosaurs. It has good messages and shows the culture of the dinosaurs. It has great illustrations which add more detail to the writing, especially pictures where Will is flying on the Skybax. I recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loved this book for many years - the illustrations are original, detailed, effortlessly breathtaking. I think this is a perfect book for all dinosaur loving children, and a great library addition for adults because of the incredible artwork.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember reading this book as a child and loving it. Today I think I love it even more. The illustrations are so rich and well executed. I'm sad it isn't published in hardcover anymore. Every household should own a copy.
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