Suicide Forest (World's Scariest Places)

ByJeremy Bates

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a story! I never knew what would happen next. It was awful and awesome from the start through the ending. The writing made for many different feelings with horror at its best. What an author! This is a one or two sitting read. I highly recommend this book to thrill and chill you. Hang on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim bui
Very scary, suspenseful murder mystery. The setting is so creepy and the characters are very believable. Great story. I am buying all of Mr. Bates' books because I love horror and good murder mysteries, and he seems to have a talent for writing this genre.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cherie behrens
This story definitely held my attention and kept me guessing. The author does a great job of creating a dark, creepy atmosphere and keeps the pacing just right. There is certainly horror in those woods, though maybe not what readers might imagine. A bit convoluted in the final third of the plot, but would still recommend as a page-turner that will keep you up past your bedtime!
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is what I call your typical 'popcorn' novel. While it doesn't create any major revelations for the reader, it's a fast paced and interesting read that keeps you hooked and page turning until the end. The writing is a little bit basic in nature, but this is common of the horror genre. The book does have an interesting premise and I could see it as a horror movie one day. The biggest draw-back of the novel was that I didn't relate particularly well to the lead character - he's just not that likable in the context of the novel. Overall this is a 3.5 star book - a decent read and fitting of the genre but nothing too groundbreaking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam thiel
What starts off as something interesting to do while waiting for the weather to change, becomes a horrifying nightmare from which it seems there is no end. Right up to the last page, I didn't want to put this book down. I just had to know what horrors were yet to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maggie meredith
This book was responsible for keeping me awake all night because it is almost impossible to put down as the suspense grows until it grabs you by the throat and will not let you go.
I was lucky as hell by getting this book for free, but it introduced me to a wonderful author and I will make sure to buy more of his novels. The batteries on my Kindle ran out and it forced me to sleep while it recharged.
Good work sir.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew patton
Jeremy Bates is my new favorite author . He beats both King and Koontz hands down for pure writing ability. I have read the whole Worlds Scariest Places series. He never fails to keep me on the edge of my seat in suspense , and up all night , while i read just one more page.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A little draggy in the pacing. The characters are pretty bland. There was enough strangeness that I kept reading but in the end it felt like a small build to much of nothing. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good either. Also, a bit culture insensitive (though it does admit this in the book, it still stomps right on through).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corinne rampton
I really enjoyed this novel. I had thought that it would be a ghost story, but has a twist that makes it truely horrifying because it could plausably happen. The author used mood, setting, and pacing to create tension and not lurid details. I felt the main characters are well developed. I cared what happened to them. The author was knowledgable about Japanese culture. This book is well worth reading I have the second novel in the series on my next to read mental list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a great read! Mr. Bates is very talented and writes a cohesive, scary story that kept me interested from start to end. The ending was not what I expected and the characters were well developed and engaging. The only thing that made me pause was the clunky use of slang in some parts. The main character is American but he said things like "jumper" instead of "sweater" and "ring" instead of "call". It was a small issue, but I noticed it. All in all, very enjoyable, and I just stumbled on it by accident and those are my favorites! Onto book 2!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stuart rogerson
Jeremy Bates knows his stuff and just seeing his name on the cover is enough for me to read a book but this one, holy cow!! Took me a while to get my head around the fact this is an actual place. Definitely worth the read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa nelson
Man, I loved this book. No better place to creep you out with unknown than some gnarly forest and its hideous depths. Add in a good chance of finding a dead body of another suicide victim or even an empty tent, or strands of rope that lead deep into the dark forest like yellow brick roads leading to damnation. If you Want pure terror read this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joy ferguson
I can't believe they willingly walked into a forest known for being a place people went to kill themselves. Crazy! Nevertheless, it gets good when they do and I think I held my breath a couple times. The story slows a few times, but stick with it because the scary parts are worth it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I only gave this book three stars because the story wasn't what I thought it was. Not to give out any spoilers I'll only say that I think the description was misleading. It's not what you think it will be. There is horror, but not the kind of horror you think it is. Other than that, I think the book was well written. Jeremy Bates is definitely a great Arthur.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather mullinix
Horror fiction fans will love Jeremy Bates book that is captivating, suspenseful and down right scary. I enjoyed the character development and his description of the forest. It seemed to make the characters and environment come alive.
I think this series (which I have just started) is going to be a favorite, next stop, "The Catacombs".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Suicide Forest was well written, which to me is important in books I enjoy. Having seen documentaries concerning the locale made the story even more interesting. The action and relationships between the characters added to the suspense. Looking forward to more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hesitant at first to read this book, thinking it was going to ramble on and on about adrenaline junkies looking for their next "high". How wrong I was. This book sucks you in immediately and almost like the tangled forest within, it will not let you go. It's more about what the mind perceives than what is real and vice versa. I highly recommend this book to everyone!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book, didnt realky see where it was gkung, ending was NOT a let down. Lots of personal conflict, good dialogue, good narrative descritions without being over long. No typos, no grammar problems. Well worth a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan smith
I chose this series because of its real place settings hoping for a brief history lesson, and was not disappointed. Enjoyed the equal parts mystery, horror and thought provoking suicide/death concepts.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
najil hill
I decided to read this book because it looked like it would be really scary. The first part was a little slow, but it got increasingly scary. I was really creeped out until about 80% through. At that point it became more serial killer and less supernatural. Ultimately, the end was disappointing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked the book because Ethan kept fighting, no matter what and that he and John Scott became friends. What I liked least was Tomo dying but I guess some of the good guys have to die or it wouldn't seem as horrific or as real Thanks for a good read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good story line but needed to develop the characters more or at least give them a little more background information. Some suspense when story was in wrap up but lacked a more finality to it as it just ended with several questions unaddressed at the end. Not a book I would re-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david churchman
Wow...Jeremy Bates' books just keep getting better and better...I got this book for an honest review and this book deserves 5 stars...imagine yourself hiking in a forest...then imagine that forest is in Japan and called The Suicide Forest...that should tell you to run not walk to the nearest exit...8 people hike in and not all come out...Ghosts or someone else?...great book....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Found the author entertaining! Has a great sense of how to keep the reader involved in the atory. A definite page turner. I got this book as a free download from bookbub and wish there was more by this author for foree, however I must add that the price of the other books written, is well worth it for the amount of entertainment and enjoyment you will receive from reading this.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dana shukartsi
I started the book with eagerness. It dwindled as I started to become bored with the storyline. I didn't read any of it for a couple weeks then decided to try again. I finally got to a point it was holding my attention enough to stay and get the outcome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved the authentic flavor of Japanese culture and life that was presented - it is definitely well fleshed out and gives readers who are not so familiar with the culture a peak into what life in Japan is like, for the Japanese and Westerners.

The plot is engaging and the events easily draw you in, getting you wrapped up in knowing what will happen next. It is creepy in how easy it is to picture this being based on a real story and makes it all the better to read.

The narrator does come off as more distant, rather than drawing you into their feelings; however, that is offset by the fact that it also displays insight into how the character was shaped by his past. There are some occasional mistakes missed in editing but they do not detract from the reading experience.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and will be recommending it to my friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrej bojnec
Didn't go into this book with any expectations but now I'm a fan! I'll definitely be reading more from this author soon!

It was a quick read and read it all in one sitting because I had to know what happened! I just purchased The Catacombs and am diving directly into it tonight.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenny irick
I enjoyed reading a suspenseful and horror novel, especially based on a real location. That made it more believable. Once I started his book it was hard to put down. In light of the movie "The Forest" coming out it is a shame since his plot in this book with all the back history would also make a great film..Keep up the great work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a very unusual book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Because it is based on an actual place in Japan made it just that more interesting. And the ending wasn't anything that I expected so it had me reading late into the night. I bought the second book by this author as I liked his plot and writing, "Catacombs". I loved that book, also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW! There was never a dull moment with this book and it really leaves you holding your breath right up to the end. There are good transitions between the main character's thoughts, past memories, and dreams and the present tense with the other characters. Many elements that come in to play later on in the book are foreshadowed earlier on, but it doesn't hit you until you get there. A great read from beginning to end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a gripping read! Great character development...just the right amount of description so that the locations and events roll through your mind's eye like a movie. It was a fast-paced wild ride and I did not see the climax coming. If you like being scared out of your wits then definitely read this book. I can't wait to read another book by this author.
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