Book 4), Sea of Silver Light (Otherland

ByTad Williams

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The conclusion to Tad William's _Otherland_ saga, _Sea of Silver Light_, is a massive, sprawling, complex, sometimes confusing, but ultimately satisfying journey. The plot turn that closed Volume 3, _Mountain of Black Glass_, has left Our Heroes divided once again, and with some peculiar choices in travelling companions.
Though their separations, combinations, and ultimate reunion do drag on, there is little of the aimless feel that plagued the previous two books, especially the second, _River of Blue Fire_. There is definitely momentum here, and the momentum picks up as the companions come closer to the dark heart of the entity known as the Other.
The various plot threads finally rush together in a thrilling and well-plotted conclusion that resolves the mysteries of Paul Jonas, Ava, the man Sellars, and the nature of the Other itself. The ending does get a bit warm and fuzzy; after the apocalyptic tone of most of the book, it seems a bit disconcerting for so many things to turn out so well, but as I said before, the book and series make a satisfying whole.
The ultimate fate of Renie, !Xabbu, and their friends, as well as when and whether the nefarious Jongleur and his monstrous servant Dread get their well-deserved comeuppance, is certainly worth reading for, and the descriptions of some the virtual worlds through which they trek to reach that fate are, as in the previous books, breathtaking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary e
Wow -- This was an awesome ending to an incredible series. The first book drew me in, but I've got to admit, by the time I'd finished the third book, I was getting a little tired of Otherland. I picked up the final installment half-reluctantly, but ended up hardly able to put the book down. Rarely have I read such a satisfactory conclusion to anything -- this series was fantastic. Maybe in a few years I'll tackle it again, and see what it's like to read it all at once.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
callie leuck
I thouroughly enjoyed this series - as with all of TW's books - and recommend them to anyone with a Fantasy/SF interest or a wild imagination! Like some, I was dissapointed with the second volume which to me didn't advance the plot and seemed to be more a collection of ideas for new virtual worlds that the characters could explore. 1,3 and 4 are the good ones and stories of this nature beg to be long and detailed. It is interesting that Tad had decided this would be a 4 volume rather than a trilogy pretty early on in the series and I'm still not convinced this was the best move.
I have a couple of minor issues with SOSL - we do get the 'been there, done that' feeling occassionally: characters arrive in another incredibly inhospitable place and just manage to escape (again!). Second the last few chapters reminded me a bit of the final 10 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey, as everything accelerates and becomes slightly incomprehensible.
I also loved the 'Netfeed' intros to each paragraph - just how many potential novel(lla)s are there in his head?
Tailchaser's Song (Daw Book Collectors) by Tad Williams (2000-12-01) :: To Green Angel Tower - Part 1 (Memory :: The War of the Flowers :: The Dirty Streets of Heaven (Bobby Dollar) :: The Last Continent: Discworld #22
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent conclusion to a series that was long and interesting. I don't know that I can say that it is one of the best books that I have ever read, but it definitely comes very close.
When I say I should have know, I refer to the revelations that the book makes regarding the Other.
It comes as no surprise to me that there is so much hatred expressed by this being toward Felix Jongleur, after you understand what it is.
To those who 'skimmed over the first sentence in each paragraph' I do not wonder at all that they missed out on so much of the book.
A truly awe inspiring conclusion, and an actual sense of ending are two of the wonderful things about this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
vanessa conde
I finished this final volume of Otherland with a very bad taste in my mouth and sadness in my reader's heart. Having adored reading every necessary word of very long "Memory, Sorrow, Thorn," I assumed Williams could handle another megabook series. But I came away distinctly feeling Williams caved into pressure from his publisher to do another series of huge expensive books without worrying about quality of story or writing; and also to make the final book sickeningly violent in order to capture that portion of the reading market which feeds on anything a`la Hannibal Lector (pun intended). Tad, I'm so disappointed in you and hope Shadowmarch is your redemption. MST was excellent literature; Otherland was a good idea which grew bloated and grotesque. I was so disgusted I found myself wondering if you were being paid by the word, with bonuses for sickening scenes of torture and murder. Having had, once long ago, a short correspondence with you, I truly don't want to believe that of you.
Someday, when the kids are grown and you find yourself with some time; rewrite/redact/reduce the excellent book hidden within Otherland. BTW, the second star is for the first two books and series that could have been.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished reading the entire 4-book epic in about 1.5 to 2 months (with reading this book in about 2 weeks). I could hardly put it down. Whenever I had free time, I was reading it. I loved reading how Williams's characters interacted with characters from books and movies I haven't read or watched in years (i.e. Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz).

I think this last book brought together the multitude of plot lines fairly well, at least for the main characters. Some of the minor characters were slighted in how their particular scenario was wrapped up. It was nice to know that the "heroes" survived and the "villians" were captured or killed. A pretty standard ending to fantasy novels. The ending did leave me with wanting to know who the Wicked Tribe was. They were important minor characters that led to some comic relief in serious situations. But, you'll have to read the entire series to find out more.

Tad Williams was recommended to me by a friend. The Otherland books were the first work of his that I read. I would definitely recommend this series, and author, to any avid Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan. I would also re-read the series...after I recover (this book alone is 1000+ pages).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie sollars
The final volume of the wonderful "Otherland" series far exceeded my already high expectations. I was both gratified and amazed by the thoroughness with which the author wove the intricate and complex elements of the books into a thought-provoking and highly satisfying conclusion. The steady increase of dramatic tension and the revelations which built inexorably toward the climax, tying all of the volumes brilliantly together, showed masterful planning and writing style.
While the book is captivating as simply a story, it is even more exceptional as a vehicle for exploring issues involving the nature of consciousness and intelligence, the powerful human desire to extend our finite existence, and the ability within each of us to draw upon the best of our human spirit to persevere and triumph. The darkness portrayed was dark indeed; yet courage and hope were found in abundance.
I also found the netfeed blurbs that introduce each chapter to be a chilling and all-too-credible commentary upon current societal trends and our media.
A wonderfully crafted final volume...thank you, Mr. Williams.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These books were a fantastic journey. I found myself wishing it wouldn't end. I could have taken 4 more books without even thinking about it. I was SO wrapped up in it all and in the characters that it literally left me emotionally exhausted. If this series is not the best thing I've ever read, then its close because it's hard to definitively point to something better. My only complaint now is: I don't know how he could possibly top it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is nothing short of astounding in its depth and richness- of invention, characterization, plotting, and ideas. The late 21st century world that Williams creates is totally believeable both for its differences and its similarities to today.
Making your way through the nearly 4,000 pages of the four books is a major committment, but, like Tolkein, Tolstoy, etc. it is more than worth it. (Note: you really need to read them in sequence to get the full effect) I read the last 500 pages of Sea of Silver Light in one sitting and I lost count of the number of times I was enthralled as plot, characters and ideas came together in ways both welcome and unexpected. At the end I felt like I had really been on a special journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tony swanson
I have read this series three times and each time find something new and interesting. This series is pretty amazing and seems under appreciated to me. The amount of detail and complexity make it quite a feat for the author. Unlike a lot of series I really feel that the characters had depth and substance. I highly recommend this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shashank sharma
Otherland is a fascinating series of books, one that although it has great length it took little time because it was almost impossible to put down. The books told of one of the most realistic futures imaginable. There are so many twists and turns in this epic tale of friendship, war, and courage mixed with the thrilling worlds of Otherland and the believable real world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monique mulligan
This is simply a fantastic book. True, the series does not exactly add up. As another reviewer said, the previous novels lead one to expect a lot more than even this one can offer. But since I have to rate the book and not the series I must say I enjoyed it *immensely*. In fact, I might start it all over again and if I'm willing to do that with 1200 page monster of a novel, then it must be worth something.
If you liked any of the other Otherland books even a little bit, you will love this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tad Williams has managed to create a world even more alive than in the preceeding three volumes. The wonders of Otherland shine in Sea of Silver Light and I had many a late night as I refused to put the book down. The numerous loose ends start to come together early on, much to the benefit of the reader. When the nature of the Other was finally revealed, I set the book down and contemplated the issue. The book raises countless issues; issues not restricted to the fictional world, but applicable to our own. A profound and engrossing novel.
The only downside is that the book does not seem to know when to quit. Sure, Williams wanted to wrap up all the loose ends, but his conclusions are less than satisfying and the book could do without the last 75-100 pages.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
haley carnefix
Well, I've now finished the whole Otherland series and it was basically a drag. The pace was way too slow, much of the plot was extremely predictable, and the overall length of the series could have been shortened into two 400 page books. Specifically, waiting until page 740 of book four to bring Orlando back from the dead was silly when it was obvious from vol 1 that was the most likely thing to happen. Tad Williams can write a great series as nicely demonstrated in the Stone of Farewell but in Otherland, I think some money-hungry editors had the upper hand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read and enjoyed the entire book now... That is to say, all four books of this one immense volume. That is why I say to be prepared! The first three books do not have clean 'everything gets resolved' endings. They are simply somewhat random stopping points for this character rich tale. But as you finish the final volume, Mr. Williams brings everything together masterfully, with a suspence that rivals the most twisting of mystery novels. It is also believable sci-fi, without the need for 'galaxy far-away' civilizations and incomprehensible alien technologies to make it work. Otherland is a testament to the sci-fi genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina kemeny
absolutely among the very best series I have ever read in any genre...unique prophetic complex and compelling. It is a true gift to the world of sci fi and fantasy and a story that sets a new standard in fiction. I simply cannot praise it enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deb maclean
(very small spoiler alert!) Tad Williams' Otherland series is one of the best sci-fi/fantasy series out there. He is an elegant writer; a master of character development; and he excels at unexpected (though not unwelcome) plot twists and story resolutions. My one complaint about this final book is that the author wraps up the series a bit too optimistically--for an epic of well over 3000 pages, with so many characters who face so many life-threatening challenges, one doesn't expect such a "happy ending." Nevertheless, it is a satisfying final book that left me missing the characters for weeks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The conclusion of this epic. In the real world, the intrepid police
close in on the aboriginal assassin, as the quest in the virtual world
comes to a final confrontation. The conclusion is what you might call
bittersweet, but upbeat, as the relationship between the two young
gameplayers has developed over the events of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first of the 4 Otherland novels was published when I was a freshman in Highschool back in 1996. The whole series was something that I grew up with in a way. Each book better than the last, each book I read faster than the last (this one took me about 16 hours counting sleep.) In SoSL, Williams brings the book to a close by tying up lose ends. The only complaint is about the fate of one of the youngest of the major "good guys" and I think you will know what I mean when you read it. Other than that, Williams brings Otherland to a conclusion that lacks only because outside of Otherland, the consequences are realistic if a bit depressing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kanags surendran
Was recommended to this series by a coworker and loved every page. It started out a little slow but once it got going it was an amazing ride. If you like sci-fi or cyberpunk, or drama, or mystery, or thriller type novels then give this series a try as it does all of these at one point or another!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This 4-book series, some 4000 pages or so, should have been edited down to a single 300-page novel. The ideas are okay, but the story did NOT need to be so long-winded and overwritten. Also, the main female character is supposd to be a genius, really brilliant, but every time we get into her thoughts, she's a moron! She is slow to understand EVERYTHING around her, she has to ask stupid questions, and she is shown to be a semi-hysterical idiot. When we're told someone is brilliant, they have to ACT brilliantly and THINK brilliantly. If Sherlock Holmes was always saying, "Duh, Watson, I dunno whaddya think?" we wouldn't believe his genius, and the same is true of Williams' lead female.

This series is like running a 100-mile marathon, but the story it covers is only a 10-yard dash.
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