Forever Odd: An Odd Thomas Novel
ByDean Koontz
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cody w
a real good and entertaining read. Odd Thomas and the "good" characters are so like real people although Odd would comes across as a liitle off in real life. but that makes the stories even more entertaining and interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
val wilkerson
Anyone who like to read Koontz will enjoy this installment of the Odd saga
Great read and a real page turner
Bought to replace "missing" book in series
Enjoy and be prepared to stay up was too late on work nights
Great read and a real page turner
Bought to replace "missing" book in series
Enjoy and be prepared to stay up was too late on work nights
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another funny, quirky Koontz type adventure with our favorite Elvis seeing character, Odd Thomas, who, whilst saving a crippled boy from a mad would-be voodoo princess and her two zombies, ponders the meaning of life as postulated by a jolly fat detective-writer / cook and nails it! His reason for why things are as bad as they are (e.g. Voodoo princesses and zombies murdering a crippled boy's father) are pretty much what I hear in Church and believe. Can't wait till Odd, in the monestary where he went, figures out also what the answer is - stay tuned. Another good read for fans of the New Koontz.
Brother Odd (Odd Thomas Novels) Publisher - Bantam; Reprint edition :: House of Odd (Graphic Novel) (Odd Thomas Graphic Novels) :: How We Made a Billion Dollars at the Box Office and You Can :: In Odd We Trust (Graphic Novel) (Odd Thomas Graphic Novels) :: Odd Is on Our Side (Graphic Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been literally swallowing up the entire Odd Thomas series as the days go by. Am now on Brother Odd and it's as good as the others. I never realized Dean Koontz was not only a great story teller but a great writer.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
After the first novel, I wanted more of the rollercoaster that is Odd Thomas and less of a review of the last novel. There were no plot twists as in the first novel and it is my sincere hope this was more of bridge to the third novel which I plan to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having seen the movie, Odd Thomas, I was eager to read the book. I was delighted to know there are several books in the series and this is the second. It did not disappoint. Character is well-developed and elicits an emotional response that makes you want to read more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe sindal
Though several people have voiced a dislike for this book, I do not share their concerns. Danny is new to the story but there is no need tho think at this point we know every thing about Odd. Get it, read it and enjoy it---that is what stories are all a about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dean Koontz and Odd Thomas are quite the pair. Odd's worldview is innocent & refreshing. Quite the adversary to combat evil. Enough chuckles to lighten a dark burden.
A good tale when you weary of heavier stuff.
A good tale when you weary of heavier stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
great continuation of the series, Getting to really like Odd Thomas, the characters and the story line, always keeps me interested and attuned and concerned for the characters a good read (or in this case listen)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alyssa hancock
There was just one plot & almost one scene in this novel versus the novel before this one had different scenes & plots. This novel just went on & on with no surprises & change of scenes unlike the first novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan hageman
I love this particular series. In addition to being suspenseful, it is inspiring and spiritual. Dean Koontz's writing is surprising, entertaining and delightful. It's as if he has chosen this series to show off his skills.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susan ferguson
** spoiler alert ** The first half of the book is Odd’s discovery of the disappearance of his childhood friend and the brutal murder of the friend’s stepfather. He searches for his friend Danny, thinking the murderer and kidnapper is Danny’s biological father, a convict. He discovers halfway through the book that the blame, in fact, lies with a different culprit, and spends the rest of the book trying to figure out how to defeat her.
It is out of this structure that my main complaint arises. The villain, Detura, is evil, sadistic, and bloodthirsty to the core. She seeks out ghosts and even the ability to see them herself. She revels in causing pain. In short, she is a flat character. She has no intriguing backstory, redeeming motives, or even moments of uncertainty; she’s just horrible. This flatness, or simpleness, is a great exception to the many other utterly unique and delightful, oxymoronic and relatable, complex characters that inhabit Koontz’s books.
Full review at: (...)
It is out of this structure that my main complaint arises. The villain, Detura, is evil, sadistic, and bloodthirsty to the core. She seeks out ghosts and even the ability to see them herself. She revels in causing pain. In short, she is a flat character. She has no intriguing backstory, redeeming motives, or even moments of uncertainty; she’s just horrible. This flatness, or simpleness, is a great exception to the many other utterly unique and delightful, oxymoronic and relatable, complex characters that inhabit Koontz’s books.
Full review at: (...)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dean Koontz is my favorite author & everytime I read some of his books I think its the best, but really - the Odd Thomas series is definitely one of his best. I barely end one & I'm jonesin for the next. It kills me when I don't have one on hand to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Joints NEVER fails to amaze me with his details that aren't so detailed that you get bored out of your mind with tedium. No matter how I feel...jump on a Koontz trail ride and see the good the bad and the ugly of love, life and the pursuit of happiness!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dylan reed
Forever Odd was thoroughly enjoyable. Dean Koontz is a wonderful author and his narrative is fast paced and very enjoyable to read. If you have never read the Odd Thomas series, I would definitely recommend starting with his first book and read them in the order they were published, it makes the books easier to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This follow-up to Koontz's "Odd Thomas" begins with the aptly named central figure, Odd, a year older and decades wiser after the horrible events that occurred on August 15 when Odd lost the true love of his life, Stormy Llewellyn. Odd continues to use his gift to see the dead and correct the wrongs that occur in this world while grieving Stormy's death. Odd awakens one night to see the ghost of Dr. Jessup, the adoptive father of his best friend, Danny. Dr. Jessup has been murdered and Danny is missing. Danny suffers from a condition in which he has brittle bones, making his kidnapping more treacherous. Odd uses his psychic magnetism (where he can focus on a specific individual and then locate that same individual) to find Danny and Danny's captors, Datura, Robert, and Andre. Koontz compares Datura to the goddess Kali with her fascination with the occult and her zombie-like followers, Robert and Andre. Koontz again interweaves humor with horror as Terrible Chester and Elvis reappear in this second installment in the Odd series. Odd is more introspective in this novel than in the first but it was overall very enjoyable and action-packed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rania adel
The writing is solid, the voice of the character interesting, and the plot is sinister enough to keep you reading till the little hours of the night.
My second favorite book of the serie, and recommended to anyone who enjoyed the first book.
My second favorite book of the serie, and recommended to anyone who enjoyed the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda wyatt
The story line is definitely different, and in some places it gets a little slow. But overall, the story is greatly crafted and the characters are spot on. There's no good reason not to read this book.
The fact that part of the story is in a big desert rainstorm brings back memories of when I lived in Arizona. Oh, monsoon season, how I miss you.
The fact that part of the story is in a big desert rainstorm brings back memories of when I lived in Arizona. Oh, monsoon season, how I miss you.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chris merto
I'm becoming less enchanted with the Odd novels - the unrelenting grimness isn't offset by Odd's earlier humor. I would have been happy if it had continued with Odd defending the living and helping the dead.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While book 1 was quite fulfilling , book 2 felt a little strained. Far less of a page turner because of the thrill, but more so just to try to "reach" the exciting part, which was flat upon its arrival. Hoping for a better book 3.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
echo z y
I enjoy most everything Dean Koontz writes but have to admit he was off on this book. Very slow going and a lot of explanation of things that didn't matter. His lengthy descriptions seemed to drag on and on. But when you got down to the real "meat" of the book that is when you finally got some enjoyment out of it. I love Koontz but I feel he stumbled on this one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
DISAPPOINTING - This was nothing more than an Odd Thomas monologue with characters that just pop up out of nowhere, with almost no personality, and end up dead in unimaginable ways. The few pages that contained dialogue and interaction between characters were mostly stilted and uninteresting and added little to the story line. If the test for the story was logic and reasonableness, this one comes in way short of the mark. There was little of Dean Koontz's humor, adventure, storytelling, or anything else that makes most of his books "can hardly put it down" adventures. I've read over a dozen of his books and this one is on the bottom of the list of my favorites.
Luckily I purchased this book through my Kindle account, so I can simply delete it. I have done that.
Luckily I purchased this book through my Kindle account, so I can simply delete it. I have done that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natasha alterici
I love the Odd Thomas series. I started with the first one and will complete the series. I am currently on the third in spite of the fact that I have a dozen unread books on my Kindle. I found it difficult to put Forever Odd down. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tiger gray
The book starts out with a good introduction to Odd Thomas & proceeds in a weird but believable storyline, but then twists into an unbelievable situation. The ending was well done & had a unique twist that made for an unsatisfactory end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard seibert
I ordered almost the whole Odd series for my husband because he is a Koontz fan. The book came brand new and the packaging was easy to open. My husband enjoyed it and I will definitely use this seller again if I order more books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
After reading Odd Thomas, which I didn't find scary, but it was a page turner and being saddened by Odd's loss of Stormy I was hoping for another good book. This book started off slow to me. You jump in right away to searching for Danny. In the time it took Odd to leave the Grille and finally get to Danny I was bored silly. In this book Odd seems to ramble and ramble and this bored me to tears. When the villan was introduced I was seriously let down. She is just plain stupid crazy, no scary or thrilling factor here. I cannot picture the casino this all took place in, there's just too much rambling. About 3/4 of the way through this book I had to force myself to finish it. I finally was just skimming the paragraphs looking for the story tryng to skip the ramblings and paragraphs that just didn't have a bloody thing to do with the storyline. The ending was not pleasing, it ended just like the entire book was, boring. I'm very disappointed in this book and in this author. Koontz, according to my mother, is a excellent author who nevers ceases to scare the pants off her. I feel he's killed Odd in this book, enough so, I won't be reading the next in his series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My daughter told me how she enjoyed the Odd Thomas books. Since I have always been a Dean Koontz fan, I started with the first two books in the series and I am now hooked. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the character!
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