Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack the Ripper)

ByKerri Maniscalco

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While attending a leading forensic school in Romania, students couldn't have anticipated needing to help solve some mysterious murders from within their ranks in Kerri Maniscalco's Hunting Prince Dracula. 

Fleeing the terrible memories that often consumer her attention after resolving the Jack the Ripper murders, Audrey Rose and her friend and investigative partner Thomas head to Romania to attend one of the best schools of forensic medicine, housed within the walls of Vlad the Impaler's castle. With a mysteriously vampirically appearing murder on the train to the castle, Audrey Rose and Thomas become curious. As the body count continues to rise and with very few clues to indicate how they exactly perished, Audrey Rose and Thomas investigate the strange murders, facing even stranger turns and dangers the closer they get to the truth.

An entertaining murder mystery with a strong, determined female lead and reliance upon familiar tales of vampires and Vlad's vicious, bloody history, this story moves briskly as it builds up the intrigue of the mystery while also commenting on the way that women were perceived and treated in the early 1900s. While the romantic element to the tale was definitely cute and provided some much needed levity among the constant death surrounding the students, I'm glad that it wasn't the primary focus for Audrey Rose and her keen investigative inclination. Though reading Stalking Jack the Ripper isn't necessary to follow this story, it certainly would have been helpful as events from it were consistently referenced throughout the text as a way to explain Audrey Rose's behavior and preoccupations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann dulhanty
This review might contain spoilers from the first book, Stalking Jack the Ripper.

I always enjoy a good, creepy mystery. And I especially love it when the book is set in the 1880’s with a powerful, feminist message.

In Hunting Prince Dracula, Audrey Rose and Thomas Cresswell embark on a new “adventure”; they’re both vying for a spot at the Academy of Forensic Medicine and Science in Romania. By far the setting and story line alone is my favorite among the two books in this series. There is nothing I love more than a castle with a dark history, plus all the forensic/medical speak. It makes my heart so happy.

The book starts with a murder on a train, and the deaths do not stop there. Bodies keep turning up at the academy, and soon Audrey Rose and Thomas team up once again to investigate these gruesome murders. Stories of local legends of Dracula (aka Vlad the Impaler) and monsters in the forest circulate around the school, and the deaths mimic that of a vampire causing everyone to be put under suspicion.

What I loved about this book was how PTSD was addressed. Audrey Rose is still reeling from the aftermath of the Ripper case. Her family is torn apart. And as much as she loves forensics, she deals with the anxiety when performing autopsies because it reminds her so much of what happened with her brother’s gruesome experiments on their mother.

And let’s not forget Thomas Cresswell, who has unlocked Book Boyfriend Status. Please give me all the swoony Thomas one-liners please. He witty humor is such a treat and I love how feminist he is. I also adore his mind; it reminds me so much of Sherlock Holmes. I could sit down and read chapter after chapter of how he deduces a murder scene. In fact, I really wish Maniscalco included a dual POV between Audrey Rose and Thomas.

However, one thing that usually falls flat for me in this series is the ending/culprit. I don’t want to compare a YA mystery with an adult mystery, but I’ve read a lot of adult thrillers/mysteries to know my tastes. And usually that means I prefer mysteries where we are presented with several potential suspects where they all each have a big motive. I want subtle clues and bread crumbs. In both of Maniscalco’s books, I feel like the suspects don’t get much screen time, the red herrings are obvious, and what’s supposed to be the big reveal or “ah ha!” moment ends up being anticlimactic. In this case I also felt like the ending was very rushed.

Overall I still immensely enjoyed this story and I loved it way more than the first book. The academy reminded me of a creepier version of Hogwarts, which I thoroughly adored. I still highly recommend this book based on the overall ambiance, school setting, and you get lotssss of Thomas Cresswell!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nawal ali
Anyone who loves the Gothic element will love this novel as it continues to follow the smart and fabulous Audrey Rose. Taking the story out of London, the story and characters enter Romania to attend a prestigious forensic school. However, things are not going smoothly for her. Suffering from PTSD after the events of the Jack the Ripper case, a story that incorporated real historical events as well as tying in Gothic elements from the queen of Gothic literature herself, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. As riveting as a novel as it was, the story left a mark on the character that carries on in this novel. Audrey is seeking an escape from London and all the ghosts that haunt the corners of her mind, but in doing so, she must also find a way to overcome the tragedy within her, the dead bodies that come to life with mechanics only in her mind. Maniscalco expands the knowledge of Audrey Rose, adding to character development, especially as she enters a foreign environment that has its own hauntings and prejudices of women in the medical field. However, once again, Audrey rises to the occasion and against the prejudices against those who think she is cursed and that murder follows her and those who think her profession is unfit for women. She overcomes all of that and continues with her investigation as murders, reminiscent of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, comes into play.

It is an exciting novel that not only focuses on the facts but also delves into the mythology and lore of Romania and that created by Vlad Dracul. Vlad will always be a figure in history that will always inspire the imagination, and this novel explores why. Maniscalco keeps her character and the focus of the narrative trained on the facts, and she has the story look at the evidence, incorporating the lore of this land into making it otherworldly and challenging to decipher. It is excellent writing because the atmosphere in the story rises off the pages and draws the reader into the story as everything unfolds. Furthermore, much like with the previous novel, it is not predictable. One could read the novel more than once, seeking out those hints and pieces that would allude to that climactic ending, and find none. Maniscalco does not give anything away as she tells the story, letting it unfold for the reader as it unfolds for the characters.

Now, as tension driven and hypnotic as this story is, the climactic ending is short lived. The revelation, it comes to an almost abrupt ending, and this is probably the only part of the novel that’s lackluster, but it feels forced. It feels as if she was trying to make some of the characters have a more significant impact than they had, but it felt somewhat disconnected from the rest of the novel.

Nevertheless, Hunting Prince Dracula is still a remarkable novel that focuses on character development, growing out dynamics, and making sure the story is as haunting as the title.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A few weeks after the events of Stalking Jack the Ripper find Audrey Rose and Thomas on their way to a forensic school in Romania. Audrey Rose aka "Wadsworth" is still trying to come to terms with all the truths she discovered, afraid that she is irrevocably damaged. Thomas will do everything in his power to help her heal, even convince her father to let her attend the school, but he may be keeping some secrets to himself. When a murdered body is found on their train, staked through the heart, the duo may have inadvertently found themselves involved in another murder mystery.

Hunting Prince Dracula was even better than book one, which I am so surprised to say because I was absolutely in love with Stalking Jack the Ripper! The mystery was so very unpredictable, with false leads and misdirection left and right, I had no idea who the suspect was and who the victims were- exactly how I want my mysteries.

Let's just mention how great a character Audrey Rose is- her ideals and thoughts so apart from the norm. A strong woman ahead of her time, who wanted to pursue her academic endeavors regardless of society and their rules and refused to need a man to make her life choices. She was willing to jump into tricky situations, be it dissecting a former acquaintance to stopping a murderer. She was her own hero, and not only that, but this is the second time that she was also Thomas' hero. I also appreciated how she refused to let her emotions get the better or her, such as anger or angst, and she faces up to her mistakes and apologizes to move on to better situations. Seriously, I love Wadsworth.

Gawd, that kiss was epic, hands down my favorite part of the book and I have been waiting two books (over 600 pages, thank you very much!) for this moment. Full disclosure, I may have a little (ok, huge) crush on Thomas. He acts with bravado and flirts, always with a snarky comment and a smirk, but his heart is true and he only wants the best for Audrey. And boy does he wear his heart on his sleeve, his honesty so refreshing. I want nothing more but the two of them to live happily ever after, but really this is not that kind of book, or the focus of the story, but still my favorite.

The set up for the next book (Spoilers- Houdini!!!) was absolutely perfect and also makes me mad since I have zero patience and must wait until a release so I can get my grabby hands on the next book in the series. I am an absolute fan of Keri's words and I will gobble up anything I can can get from her. I HIGHLY recommend this series for fans of mystery, YA, historical fiction- heck, anyone who wants a good book, I suggest this series!

I listened to the story as an audio book (but I also own an ebook and my most treasured signed copy!) and I loved the narrator. I listed to the her read the first book and fell in love with how she brought Audrey and all the other characters to life and knew that I had to listen to the rest of the books read by her- and this is coming from the pickiest of audiobook people!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bharti bhagat
This review contains a spoiler. Stop reading here.
I read the author's previous book (Stalking Jack the Ripper) and that left me eager to read the Dracula novel. Unfortunately, while the excitement and title lured me in, the story, while interesting, contained to much teenage heart throb love and no Count Dracula. If you read the book, you will understand why the title contains the word Prince instead of Count. I must admit, I overlooked this distinction before reading the book. The story revolves around the major protagonists from the Jack the Ripper novel attending a competitive pathology course in Vlad the Impaler's castle in Romania (circa 1888). Only two students from the entering class will be selected to attend a follow-up course leading to presumably, a prestigious pathology career. On the train to attend the course, our protagonists are troubled by a murder. Further murders at the castle follow. The Dracula issue is raised due to the castle being owned by Vlad the Impaler, the fatalities being drained of blood, and the superstitious local population. A fun premise but a disappointing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley berg
Hunting Prince Dracula is the second book in the Stalking Jack the Ripper series, which is a fantastic Victorian-era forensics mystery that takes its readers on a harrowing journey with its main characters. In Hunting, Audrey Rose and Thomas travel to Romania to study at one of Europe's foremost schools on forensic science. Although they expected to examine cadavers, they never thought the bodies would belong to victims of a killer in the midst of their spree.

I found the plot of Hunting Prince Dracula to be more enjoyable than its predecessor, Stalking Jack the Ripper. There was a new cast of supporting characters which brought a depth to the storyline that wasn't as prevalent previously. There were more characters that had been introduced and developed that you formed bonds with or questioned their intentions - could they be the killer or the next victim?

By far my favourite aspect of the series was the Holmes/Watson-esque relationship between Thomas and Audrey Rose. Thomas' quips and barbs were the most enjoyable parts of the book, despite his sometimes rakish manner. He was my favourite character in both the first and second book. It was nice to see his emotional development over the course of the novel as he had previously been hiding that aspect of himself.

Audrey Rose continues to monologue incessantly in her head, both chastizing herself profusely for her feelings and reliving the events of Stalking Jack the Ripper. It is clear that she is suffering from a traumatic event, but is unable to determine how to deal with it. It was interesting to see her attempting to cope, yet sometimes falling prey to fits of her imagination as she was unable to process the events completely. Stalking pushed Audrey Rose in ways that she was not equipped to deal with and her struggle throughout the book feels authentic.

I felt that the mystery was very well done and the culprit wasn't obvious from the first few pages, rather you questioned everything up until the very end. Our heroes conclude the story with the news that they will be traveling once more and Escaping from Houdini in the third book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5/5 Stars

This second installment in the series is just as creepy as Stalking Jack the Ripper. These books could probably be read as standalones since each one contains its own complete story, but of course, you’ll understand a lot more of the context if you’ve read the first book too.

What Fed My Addiction:

Audrey’s demons.
Audrey isn’t nearly as sure of herself as she was in the last book. She’s haunted by memories of what happened with her family in that book (which I won’t spoil, in case you haven’t read it), and she’s even occasionally seeing visions of things that aren’t there. It’s awfully hard to work on dead bodies when you’re scared to death of them. And yet, Audrey isn’t a timid girl who’s content to let the men around her protect her. She’s very ahead of her time—an independent woman—and she fights to get herself under control so that she can continue doing what she loves and what she’s good at.

It’s hard not to love Thomas, even though he occasionally shows his lack of common sense when it comes to wooing Audrey. (This causes some very realistic tension between the two.) And the banter between these two is so much fun.

Paranormal or real?
This book is incredibly spooky and dark, and it skirts the line between paranormal and real life rather well. The murders seem to follow the legends of Dracula well, but of course, Dracula has been dead for centuries. And while Audrey is never convinced that legend is real and she’s sure there’s a logical explanation for everything, that doesn’t make the circumstances any less interesting for someone like me, who’s a fan of paranormal. Oh, and if you enjoyed the macabre aspect of the first book, there’s plenty of it to satisfy you in this book as well!

The setting and mystery.
Typically, in a book like this, the least interesting aspect for me is the actual mystery. But this book kept my attention because the mystery skirted that paranormal territory. I thought that the spooky Romanian castle was a perfect setting for the book as well—full of secret passages and surrounded by wolf-filled wolves. These elements were used well to set up the suspense in the book! And then there was the ending—I was taken completely by surprise and loved some of the revelations!

What Left Me Hungry for More:

Audrey is way ahead of her time.
Okay, so occasionally, I found myself realizing that while I LOVE Audrey, this is one of those historicals where the main character is way ahead of her time as far as her independence and progressiveness goes (when a character turns out to gay, neither she nor Thomas bat an eye). Of course, as modern readers, we love this, but I couldn’t help the little creeping thought that it’s not particularly realistic that she’s so independent (and so are all of the other female characters). I can’t really bring myself to complain much, though. As a YA book I’d rather see that than have a book that reinforces old stereotypes.

This book is a stupendously creepy historical read that skirts the line between the paranormal and the just plain abnormal really well. I give it 4.5/5 Stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher via ALA Annual in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve robinson
Book: Hunting Prince Dracula
Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Rating: 5 Out of 5 Stars

Stalking Jack the Ripper was actually a pretty surprising read for me. I am not really a fan of James Patterson and anything with his name on the cover makes me kind of nervous. However, I have found this series to rather entertaining.

Hunting Prince Dracula follows Audrey Rose and Thomas to Romania, where they find themselves in the legendry Bram Castle. Yes, the castle that is home to Dracula. Right away, I was drawn to the dark world and the wonderful legend of the castle. It really is the prefect backdrop for an academy that studies dead bodies. Hello, can it get any better than that? I don’t know why, but I was really drawn into the world. Kerri’s writing is intense and I found myself reading about a hundred pages in one sitting. I just loved all of the adventures Audrey Rose and Thomas got into.

Thomas is probably my favourite character. I just love his wit. He knows just what to say or do to get a reaction out of Audrey Rose. To me, he added a lot of humour to a book that was really dark in nature. I also love his loyal character and how he can actually put the jokes aside when needed. He is actually a really enjoyable character. I can understand why some people would be annoyed with his character. At times, he really isn’t the most serious of characters. However, he is one who will make your heart melt and make you want to go on an adventure with him. Rather you are looking for a good time or a companion to go hunting for dead bodies in the dungeons, he is your guy.

Audrey Rose is also a very enjoyable character. She is a go getter and doesn’t take any sass from any of the boys. She is just about the only female in the castle and many of the males do not take her seriously. However, once she shows them just what she can do, the snickers die down. What I like about her is that she doesn’t let the social boundaries of her society stop her from doing what she knows and loves. She is a great role model for girls everywhere. I also love how she is a woman in science. There is a big push in education to get girls involved in STEM and Audrey Rose is the prefect character and example for this. She shows us that girls can do anything.

Kerri is a great writer. There is just no other way to put it. She has memorable characters with equally appealing characters. She knows how to pull the reader in and how to keep them engaged. This is a mystery and she certainly knew how to keep me engaged and guessing. I never did see the solution coming.
Again, I really loved using Bram Castle as the backdrop to the story. It created the prefect dark setting and was just prefect for the plot. I don’t think any other setting would have worked for this book. It is spooky, romantic-the prefect Gothic setting!

If you loved Stalking Jack the Ripper, you must simply pick this book up. If you think this book sounds interesting, read the first one first. This is not meant to be read as a stand alone-you could, I guess, but I think you would be lost in places.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debra robillard
I received an early copy from Little, Brown Company in exchange for an honest review.

I immediately picked this up after I finished Stalking Jack the Ripper because I wanted to know what would happen next, especially after hearing so much about the sequel. Plus, it hit #1 on the NYT Bestseller List, so hello!

We pick up not too far from the ending of the first book. Audrey Rose is already on the train to go to Romania to attend a forensics school with Thomas Cresswell by her side. Their relationship is still kind of up in the air, but there is definitely an attraction - physical and emotional.

Not surprising, a murder occurs on the train with a man getting a stake in the heart. Audrey Rose is having nightmares and visions after her brother’s death and the Ripper murders, but she is still hooked on investigating dead bodies like she did with her Uncle. However, she is more sensitive.
When she reaches the school, she is thrust into a world of men and is cast aside because of her gender until more murders occur. She also shows her skill at forensics, which doesn’t hurt.
Thomas is also hiding something, too. His barrier goes up every now and then, which kind of got frustrating at times. However, he was more tolerable. I think it was because Thomas was more protective of her since the Ripper murders and knowing that she is kind of fragile right now when it comes to death. There relationship obviously grows, but not without some tension.

Audrey Rose was still a favorite character. She is fragile, of course. The murders scarred her, especially with the death of her brother. However, she tries so hard to stay strong and to show her worth among these men. It’s very empowering and it shows how bad-ass she really is for a woman in this time period. She explores hidden depths in the castle, showing how brave she is. Like, I consider her to be a superhero because of who she is. YES!
The details were so much better than the first book. When I say that, I mean that there is MORE. We were stuck in some of the same places in the first book, but there were so many places to explore in this book. It definitely seemed darker and creepier, too. That’s what really hooked me. Audrey’s POV kept me interested, too. Just like the first book, the words and her thoughts were so entrancing. I think it helped that the time period altered the language. For some reason, it really keeps me engrossed.
I can definitely see why this book hit number one. I didn’t predict ANYTHING correctly. AGAIN! I love when that happens with a thriller and the ending definitely hints at a third book and, currently, I’m trying to figure out which real/fantastical character will be inspired for the third book. Hint: America is the next destination. But...America has a lot of myths and folklore, so I’ll be guessing for a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ed ras
Hunting Prince Dracula begins with a train journey that, of course, is anything but peaceful. There is the tension between Audrey Rose and Thomas; even with her chaperone Mrs. Harvey right beside them, albeit napping, there's some flirtation that makes the compartment a bit full: of emotion, of romance even? Escaping for a brief walk, Audrey Rose mistakes a fellow passenger for her brother and later on stumbles upon the body of this man just outside her compartment.

What a way to open the book! There is, as I said, flirtatious tension and then that gets smacked aside for a murder. Right there on the Orient Express!

The first few chapters of the book aboard the train deal with Audrey Rose's state of mind, her traveling to Romania, and then dealing with the murder of this man in a suspicious manner, reminiscent of the method used by Vlad the Impaler. Not a moment's piece for this heroine. Attempting to assist in the collection of clues, Audrey Rose is confronted yet again by the expectations of male authority figures, who usher those in the corridor away from the body before anything useful can be ascertained.

That doesn't mean that the situation is out of Audrey Rose's head. Far from it, in fact, as she considers again the facts and the mistake she made in thinking this man was familiar to her. What sort of frame of mind is she in? Will she be able to make something of herself at the famed forensics school she's on her way to?

I liked that the societal limitations of the time were included in Audrey Rose's story. They weren't hidden in order to make a more palatable story for the reader. We go along with our main character as she deals with pressures and expectations and prejudices. As a woman in the 19th century, she has a lot to contend with. Being more than capable mentally, she has to dodge the insipidness of those around her that doubt her abilities because of her gender.

Thomas was a bit of a challenge to like. I remember his character from the first book, but even so, he has a bit of grating personality, what with the constant teasing and making fun of Audrey Rose. She likes him quite a lot and I assume he reciprocates, but his manner of showing it was not really palatable.

There were many side characters that were introduced, though only a few that we got to know with an degree of familiarity. Anastasia, the ward of the headmaster of the academy, was a good friend for Audrey Rose in place of her dear cousin Liza, as was Daciana, Thomas's sister. Anastasia could be more than a little "energetic" at times, pulling Audrey Rose into headstrong adventures that might not be 100% wise, but she tried her best to work with what she had in terms of allowances and freedom.

Moldoveanu, the headmaster, was such a pill and quite horrid towards Audrey Rose because of both a somewhat sexist attitude and, as Anastasia explains, a tragic loss that changed his view of the world at large. Radu, a teacher of folklore at the academy, was something of a funny character. He had moments when it felt like watching a train wreck, such as when he told Audrey Rose that she had a delicate constitution and hysteria was common for girls like her. I was mentally screaming at him the whole time he dug himself that particular grave.

The revelation of the person behind the "reanimation" of Dracula was a delightful surprise and the person's connection not only to Dracula, but to another famous historical figure, was exciting. Their character was not one I would have guessed at being involved in such bloody things and that the author was able to keep that a secret until the very end was good writing. So often I find myself being able to pick up on easy clues and I don't think I failed here, rather Kerri Maniscalco was just that good.

The aesthetics of the book were an attractive asset to the book. Throughout there are pictures of the places where the book takes place, such as a vista view of Bucharest, a castle like the one in which the forensics academy is located; there are also pictures of excerpts from antiquarian books that offer details about Vlad the Impaler and his legend, as well as a post-mortem room that adds a creepiness factor to the time that Audrey Rose is spending in the academy.

The chapter headers are not left out of the embellishments within the book. Each chapter is topped with a frightening looking scalpel, driving home that Audrey Rose has tools with which to work, but also emphasizing that these tools can be deadly and that this is not a happy-go-lucky novel.

I will admit that the writing style might be a bit sluggish in the middle. The events of the books happen at a relatively good pace, but it felt somewhat difficult to keep my attention during longer passages, such as the evening meals/meetings with Daciana, Thomas, and Audrey Rose or prolonged teasing/romantic interludes with Thomas and Audrey Rose. The intimate moments were alright, I'll say, but I did feel like there were rather more that felt repetitive and thus affected the flow I had while reading.

Hunting Prince Dracula continued in much the same vein as the previous book in the series, with a brilliant main character who is not perfect. There are plenty of things haunting Audrey Rose from her previous foray into mystery solving, not to mention her attempting to move on from the familial tragedy and discovery in the previous novel. The romance aspect was pleasing and funny, lots of flirtation going on, though seriously frustrating at times due to Thomas's behavior. The events of the book, the intelligence, the mystery, the adventure, all within the confines of a mountain retreat, made for a great read that will appeal not only to fans of Stalking Jack the Ripper, but fans of period "ghost"/mystery books as well.

I received a copy of this book as part of the Fantastic Flying Book Tour in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanna young
Kerri Maniscalco has quickly become a fave author of mine. There’s something alluring about the world she’s created and the way she crafts it. Her writing stands out because it just works perfectly for me. She has a talent for detailing a scene and making you feel and see all the right things without being wordy. This is not an easy task! And yet, when I read one of her books is as if I’m transported to this scary place and I love being on this adventure with these characters.

Because yes, lets face it. THE CHARACTERS! I’ve come to love Audrey and Thomas. Her curious and astute mind, his power of observation. Their sense of humor and undeniable chemistry. They’re the perfect protagonists to a story filled with some darker elements.

But on to HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA. It picks up where the first book left off (I’ll try not to spoil that one in this review) and Audrey is dealing with the emotional issues of solving the Jack the Ripper case. Thomas and her father have agreed that she attends a forensic studies course in Romania with Thomas to get her mind back to what she loves and hopefully move on with her life. Tragedy quickly follows them and bodies start appearing. Bodies that seem for all intents and purposes as if they were killed by none other than Dracula. Newspapers are warning people that he’s come back and the village is in an uproar, full of folk stories about werewolves and vampires.

The mystery in this series is always so well done. I often get bored with mysteries because I’ve read so many in my days I can usually pick apart the formula and figure things out pretty quickly. With this book, I couldn’t figure it ALL out. I had parts of it right, but the main culprit eluded me until the very end. Ms. Maniscalco kept me guessing and fooled me just as much as all the characters were. And I love that she was able to do that! The mystery in this one was better than in the first one in that respect.

Another favorite thing of mine about this series is the ability of the author to blend in the real classic tale details into her story. In this instance, the origins of Dracula and the Romanian folklore were integrated really well and made the story all that more interesting and layered. Definitely adding what the mystery needed.

And then there’s the romance. Audrey and Thomas have a chemistry that you can’t help but be drawn in by. Their banter and humor can lighten up an otherwise morbid scene and is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more. That combo works for me. I was also so impressed with how the romance is really such a small element in terms of what happens in the story, but at the same time the author manages to make it present all throughout.

This was one of my most anticipated reads of this month and it far exceeded my expectations. HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA was a thrillingly morbid adventure I didn’t want to see come to an end. If you’re not reading Ms. Maniscalco then you must start today. Even if you don’t usually read gothic horror, give it a shot. I cannot wait to see what other troubles Audrey and Thomas will get into next. We’ve had Jack the Ripper, Dracula… what’s next? I’m dying to find out. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
burcu ba datl
I really enjoyed the first of this series and loved how Maniscalco was able to give a wonderful version of a Jack the Ripper story, so I was interested to see what she would do with a Dracula story. Also, we just had to make a visit to her signing line at ALA, since Stalking Jack the Ripper was such a huge hit with Andrew’s high school students.

This book started off really slow for me, but once I was just about a third of the way in, I started to really enjoy all the intrigue and mystery. The relationship between Thomas and Audrey Rose starts developing into more than just their sniping/flirting attraction bits and starts becoming an actual sort of partnership and friendship, which is quite nice to see. I was worried in the first chapter that it’d be stuck into what it was in the first book, so the development was a relief. We also get to learn more about Thomas’s background and his family, which I thought was a nice way to add complexity in his character.

The story itself is intense and wonderful. Maniscalco has developed an intriguing mystery using Dracula folklore, complete with hidden dungeons in castles, ciphered riddles, and secret orders. I thought that it dragged a bit in places, but it was important for everything to be developed and get set up so that the reveal would be satisfying. There are some moments that are horrifying, but for the most part, I just thought it was good fun and enjoyed myself while reading it. I liked that the mystery wasn’t impossible to solve, so it didn’t seem too far-fetched when the answers revealed themselves, but it was crafty enough to be compelling.

This series is still holding strong and I am definitely looking forward to what theme we’ll be following in book 3. Maniscalco just continues to develop as a writer, and I have no doubt that the third will be even better than the first two. Definitely check this (and its prequel) out if you’re a fan of YA thrillers with a touch of romance thrown it. It’s a fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt lindsey
I really liked "Stalking Jack the Ripper" when I read it a while back, and so of course I was super excited to finally get my hands on the sequel "Hunting Prince Dracula" now. And what can I say? It did not disappoint!

Fresh of the horrible revelations about the identity of Jack the Ripper, Audrey Rose and Thomas have gone to Romania to attend classes at a school for forensic medicine situated in a castle that was the former home of Vlad Tepes aka Vlad Dracul. On the train ride to Bucharest a man is found impaled, adding to the rumors that Vlad Tepes has risen from the dead and Strigoi are wandering the woods around Bran Castle. Soon after their arrival, a student dies under mysterious circumstances, and during the autopsy it is revealed that all the blood is missing from his body. But while some people start buying into superstitions, Audrey Rose and Thomas are convinced that the killer is very human. Their investigations soon become a race against time as more bodies start piling up, and a secret about his family could possibly put Thomas in danger too ...

While this book started off a *little* slow it really took off after a while and turned into a fun and suspenseful rollercoaster ride. Given the setting it's not surprising that this story is at times quite creepy, and the author really piled on the "Oh my GOD!!!!" moments in the second half of the book. Seriously, everytime I thought "it can't get worse for them" I was immediately proven wrong! By the time I got to the last 100 pages I was just racing through cause I had to know how it would end. And while I did have my suspicions as to who the killer could be (suspicions that changed numerous times while reading) I can honestly say that I did not see this ending or the identity of the killer coming. Speaking of the ending --- the final part after the big reveal held a few very swoonworthy moments, and also nicely set up the next book in the series (no cliffhanger though).

There were a few moments throughout the book where I raised an eyebrow or two at things either Audrey Rose or Thomas said or did, or at choices they made. But the rest of the book was so good that I can easily forgive that. Ultimately, "Hunting Prince Dracula" was really fun to read and left me with a huge smile on my face. What more can you ask for?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Original review on Goodreads and My Blog*

To keep it short I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this trip with Audrey and Thomas to Romania! I think the author did a great job as I could picture all the creepy things that were going on!

I wanted to stay in this book but we must move on to Amercian in the next book I really wonder what they could get up to there? I'm really glad for the first two in this book series/trilogy?

Happy Reading!

Mel ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
...because this book is--dare I say it?--EVEN BETTER THAN THE FIRST. I didn't know it was possible for Kerri to top SJTR (which was stellar!), but this dark, twisty gem of a book won me over with its gorgeous prose and the chills it gave me late into the night. I'd follow Audrey Rose pretty much anywhere--as long as I can take a flashlight, that is! Seriously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this is a terrific follow up to Stalking Jack the Ripper. Audrey Rose is an intelligent young woman trying to break out of the strictures of her time. Thomas is an intelligent young man doing the same. The characters are complex, secondary characters interesting, the settings well-described, and the mystery engaging. If you like period mysteries (Victorian) with a soupçon of romance, this is the series for you. Here is hoping for many more Audrey Rose and Thomas adventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was even better than the first. It held my attention and dragged me into the story. For a historical mystery it is really well done, as a historical romance it is funny and light and inappropriate for the time it’s set in which makes it more fun. Overall the book itself is just so well written and the story is well thought out. With vivid imagery it is definitely a captivating story and the characters are so relatable. As an avid reader it has been a pleasant surprise to find a story of this magnitude written with such care and meticulous descriptive narrative. Highly recommend to any and all readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen roberts
I spent a semester studying abroad on Romania, specifically Transyvania. Maniscalco beautifully captures the lore and culture of that area. I found myself complete captivated by the mystery and character development in Hunting Prince Dracula. I’ve alread preordered Escaping from Houdini and am eager to join in for Thomas and Audrey Rose’s next adventure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words cannot describe how much I loved this sequel to Stalking Jack the Ripper! Kerri Maniscalco did such an amazing job with this book. Everything was perfect: Storyline, characters, the slow burn romance between Audrey Rose and Thomas (*swoons*), and the thrilling mystery surrounding the murders and school. Everything came together and made one fantastic book! I'm definitely looking forward to book three.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris godwin
I finished reading the Jack Ripper book a d immediately needed to get Hunting Prince Dracula. I found it, ordered it, received it, and started reading it on Sunday. I just finished it and it was AMAZING!!!! I couldn't put the book down!!! I love how Kerri is so descriptive, giving the reader the idea of the setting. I could imagine/see everything from Audrey and Thomas's point of view. It felt like I was there with them!! I cannot WAIT for the next book to arrive! I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a great mystery!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh Thomas my Thomas! Would that you were a flesh and blood human ... I’d probably still vote single! It’s not you, it’s me and all that. But good news, my love! The literary gods have banded together to bring you the most adorable sidekick. You’re going to love her and soon forget all about me. I know, hard to believe, but stranger things, my darling, stranger things indeed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz matz
Much better than ‘Stalking Jack the Ripper’! Well done Kerri! Even though the book is designated as ‘Young Adult’, it seems to appeal to not-so-young adults as well. Plenty of twists and turns. Plenty of blood and gore, autopsies, and ‘whodunit’; more so that the first book in the series. (Although I admit the autopsy scenes are a little gruesome even for my taste.) It keeps you guessing until the very end who really is the murderer, and is Dracula alive. Grabs you from page one and never lets go; a real suspenseful page-turner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chelsea malouf
Loved the first installment in the series couldn’t Wait to get My hands on this book. Great spin to an old tale. I love the spunkiness of Aubrey Rose and the flirtation of minds between her and Thomas Creswell. Can’t wait for the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hunting Prince Dracula is the sequel to Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. I loved Hunting Prince Dracula!!! It was so great to be back in the 1800s with Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell. I listened to Hunting Prince Dracula on audiobook, which was a great way to read the story. The voice actor did an amazing job of all the characters especially Audrey Rose. I highly recommend the audiobooks for this series.

Hunting Prince Dracula was set in a castle in Romania. I loved that the murder mystery of this story revolved around Dracula. I felt like I got to know the characters more during this story, especially given how Stalking Jack the Ripper ended. The romances kept me hooked, as always the chemistry between Audrey Rose and Thomas is intense, I love their banter. There was also a f/f romance in Hunting Prince Dracula which was great to read about. I hope we get to read more about those characters in the next book. Kerri Mansicalo’s writing was brilliant, I really felt like I was in Romania exploring the castle with Thomas and Audrey Rose. I never seem to be able to guess the murderer, so its always a good twist in the end for me.

Overall, I loved Hunting Prince Dracula and I recommend the series if you are a fan of murder mysteries.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anyone who loves the Gothic element will love this novel as it continues to follow the smart and fabulous Audrey Rose. Taking the story out of London, the story and characters enter Romania to attend a prestigious forensic school. However, things are not going smoothly for her. Suffering from PTSD after the events of the Jack the Ripper case, a story that incorporated real historical events as well as tying in Gothic elements from the queen of Gothic literature herself, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. As riveting as a novel as it was, the story left a mark on the character that carries on in this novel. Audrey is seeking an escape from London and all the ghosts that haunt the corners of her mind, but in doing so, she must also find a way to overcome the tragedy within her, the dead bodies that come to life with mechanics only in her mind. Maniscalco expands the knowledge of Audrey Rose, adding to character development, especially as she enters a foreign environment that has its own hauntings and prejudices of women in the medical field. However, once again, Audrey rises to the occasion and against the prejudices against those who think she is cursed and that murder follows her and those who think her profession is unfit for women. She overcomes all of that and continues with her investigation as murders, reminiscent of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, comes into play.

It is an exciting novel that not only focuses on the facts but also delves into the mythology and lore of Romania and that created by Vlad Dracul. Vlad will always be a figure in history that will always inspire the imagination, and this novel explores why. Maniscalco keeps her character and the focus of the narrative trained on the facts, and she has the story look at the evidence, incorporating the lore of this land into making it otherworldly and challenging to decipher. It is excellent writing because the atmosphere in the story rises off the pages and draws the reader into the story as everything unfolds. Furthermore, much like with the previous novel, it is not predictable. One could read the novel more than once, seeking out those hints and pieces that would allude to that climactic ending, and find none. Maniscalco does not give anything away as she tells the story, letting it unfold for the reader as it unfolds for the characters.

Now, as tension driven and hypnotic as this story is, the climactic ending is short lived. The revelation, it comes to an almost abrupt ending, and this is probably the only part of the novel that’s lackluster, but it feels forced. It feels as if she was trying to make some of the characters have a more significant impact than they had, but it felt somewhat disconnected from the rest of the novel.

Nevertheless, Hunting Prince Dracula is still a remarkable novel that focuses on character development, growing out dynamics, and making sure the story is as haunting as the title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie denton
"Drawings. Death. Strigoi."
This book tore my heart out and stitched it back with the same hand! Kerri Maniscalco has done it again! This book cleared me with the biggest awe of all time because of the amazing Thomas Cresswell adventure! It really blew my mind up in little, itty bitty pieces that I don't think I got them all, I think they're trying to get Escaping from Houdini, or kill me

Audrey Rose and Thomas have just gotten acceptance to become students at the best Forensic Science school in the world, but it is in Romania, where the alleged Prince Dracula has come back to life. He is starting to take place where he left off, killing people with a stake through the heart or sucking all the blood out of their victims. As you can tell, Wadsworth and Cresswell are trying to figure out this case, but there's a catch: The school in Romania, is actually a competition! Only 2 out of the 9 students auditioning get to be fully accepted into the school. Our 2 brave characters are making new friends, and meeting new people, but could one of them be Prince Dracula? And will one or both of them make it into the school?

This gruesomely dark and steamy tale has so many beautiful and exquisite writing formats that will make any reader want to have their own Thomas Cresswell! (Or kind of imagine him as your crush like I did) He is full of inappropriate flirts and gestures, that makes your heart flutter!
"For such a modest young woman, you certainly have an intriguing number of lacy unmentionables. I'm going to imagine all sorts of improper things while you're sawing up the next body in Percy's class."
You also see a big character development from Thomas, which is him being more sensitive to how Audrey Rose reacts, you can see through his inappropriateness that he cares so much about her and doesn't want to do anything to hurt her which is just

Kerri does the most beautiful writing that really makes you unsure of who the killer is until it pops out right in front of you! When you find out the mysteriously shady murderer, you have this suspect erased from your mind, cause your like, 'It can't be THAT person, no way!' but then it hits you and your so frickin shocked that you cant go to sleep for another 2 hours trying to resolve the mystery!

Overall, this book had a great swing to it and really helped me get into the mystery genre!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda m
Going on another adventure with Thomas and Audrey Rose is always going to be amazing. I love the facts and discoveries in this book. For awhile I was in Romania and it was brilliant. I can't wait for part three and more adventures.

We see sides of Thomas and Audrey that we go deeper into. We see the effects from the scenarios from the first book and it all ties in perfectly together.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelton reid
This review contains a spoiler. Stop reading here.
I read the author's previous book (Stalking Jack the Ripper) and that left me eager to read the Dracula novel. Unfortunately, while the excitement and title lured me in, the story, while interesting, contained to much teenage heart throb love and no Count Dracula. If you read the book, you will understand why the title contains the word Prince instead of Count. I must admit, I overlooked this distinction before reading the book. The story revolves around the major protagonists from the Jack the Ripper novel attending a competitive pathology course in Vlad the Impaler's castle in Romania (circa 1888). Only two students from the entering class will be selected to attend a follow-up course leading to presumably, a prestigious pathology career. On the train to attend the course, our protagonists are troubled by a murder. Further murders at the castle follow. The Dracula issue is raised due to the castle being owned by Vlad the Impaler, the fatalities being drained of blood, and the superstitious local population. A fun premise but a disappointing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book from the store to read. All opinions are my own. ????? Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco. I mean why not? A Dracula story in October! Who could say no? Really? While I was able to deduce who the "person of interest" was early in this story I couldn't wait to get to the why. To uncover all the secrets buried beneath Bran Castle and it's many tunnels and hidden passageways entangled into the Academy of Forensics. Audrey Rose and Thomas Creswell did not disappoint behaving well in public but very seductive behind closed doors. A love story slowly unraveling. I am excited for their next adventure in America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The sequel to Stalking Jack the Ripper finds forensics students Audrey Rose and Thomas in Transylvania trying to get accepted into an exclusive school. However when one of their fellow students is killed on the Orient Express in route to the school and the body is found devoid of blood, they believe someone is channeling Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula. Unlike the first book, I truly had no clue who was behind the murders until they were revealed. With this book revolving around Dracula, some of the scenes are particularly gruesome and bloody. Particularly a scene referring to the most prolific woman serial killer ever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This author is truly a great writer who takes her time to make sure her readers will enjoy her books! Just as in Stalking Jack the Ripper, the characters have a great relationship and the story mixes historical elements with fiction keeping you as a reader wanting to continue turning the pages. I cannot wait to read Escaping Houdini, the third book in this series.
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