The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives
ByKelly Brogan M.D.
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen helena nell
Dr. Brogan is a genius for compiling this information in such a compelling and clear way. This information should be required reading for physicians and patients dealing with depression or any sort of mental complaints. Actually, I think anyone would benefit from at least being exposed to a different way of thinking about health that doesn't involve just popping a pill and thinking everything will be better. If you were raised like me on the Standard American Diet, then finding a normal using lifestyle techniques is a LOT of work, but so worth it. Thank you, Dr. Brogan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon connolly
Excellent resource to empower us to live a healthy life. Even though Dr. Brogan has an extensive medical background, her writing is easy to follow. She explains environmental and physiological factors that may contribute to psychological disorders. I enjoy the recipes in the book and her supplement guide is very helpful. This will be a resource guide for me for years to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teri massey
I've already recommended this book to so many people who are NOT women or who do NOT have depression. If anything I think it was a mistake to limit the audience in that way. This is about how all of us can reclaim our health and understand the downside of believing all that the pharmaceutical company wants us to believe. Great book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book presents an important perspective on depression and its treatment. It helped me understand my own health problems in light of some new and seldom-publicized research. If you have taken psychiatric medications with no success, you might want to read this book, before your psychiatrist writes you another prescription. Some of the advice is unhelpful (I have a degree from a Methodist seminary, so I felt the spiritual advice, which seemed to me to conform with the general Western imperialist tendency to cannibalize spiritual practices from Eastern religions, was trite and unnecessary.) I certainly will not be doing yogic breathing exercises, but the recommendations for health screenings, changes in diet, supplementation, and other options for reducing depression are worth your consideration. The insights that Dr. Brogan presents could change the way depression is treated, for the better.
The research in this book has been done well, with one exception. The lack of regulation in regards to the labeling of naturally-raised animal products in the U.S. can make terms such as "pasture raised" essentially worthless, and numerous studies have shown that plant-based diets are beneficial to humans, but the author's recommended diet plan includes consuming large amounts of meat, usually three times a day. Even if I was not so utterly repulsed by smell, appearance, and texture of meat, and worse, nauseatingly odiferous fish, how could someone on a tight budget, like myself, ever afford three daily helpings of (hypothetically) non-factory-farmed animal parts, which are sold at double or triple the price of their Big Agra counterparts? The author mentions being an ex-vegetarian, but she presents no alternative for those of us who, say, phased meat out of our diets years ago, and experienced a marked reduction in IBS symptoms, so much so that meat doesn't look or feel like food to us anymore. I think this is the biggest flaw with the book. It seems the author has assumed that all readers who are interested in her methods are also financially able to overhaul their kitchens, bathroom cabinets, cleaning product caches, and even bedding and other interior furnishings, as well as being able to tolerate eating meat.
I hope future discussion of naturally healing depression does not ignore the needs of poor women and vegetarians. I also hope the author does not imply that conformity to one person's myopic definition of what constitutes a healthy diet is critical to healing.
The research in this book has been done well, with one exception. The lack of regulation in regards to the labeling of naturally-raised animal products in the U.S. can make terms such as "pasture raised" essentially worthless, and numerous studies have shown that plant-based diets are beneficial to humans, but the author's recommended diet plan includes consuming large amounts of meat, usually three times a day. Even if I was not so utterly repulsed by smell, appearance, and texture of meat, and worse, nauseatingly odiferous fish, how could someone on a tight budget, like myself, ever afford three daily helpings of (hypothetically) non-factory-farmed animal parts, which are sold at double or triple the price of their Big Agra counterparts? The author mentions being an ex-vegetarian, but she presents no alternative for those of us who, say, phased meat out of our diets years ago, and experienced a marked reduction in IBS symptoms, so much so that meat doesn't look or feel like food to us anymore. I think this is the biggest flaw with the book. It seems the author has assumed that all readers who are interested in her methods are also financially able to overhaul their kitchens, bathroom cabinets, cleaning product caches, and even bedding and other interior furnishings, as well as being able to tolerate eating meat.
I hope future discussion of naturally healing depression does not ignore the needs of poor women and vegetarians. I also hope the author does not imply that conformity to one person's myopic definition of what constitutes a healthy diet is critical to healing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pinar mavi
Changed my wife and my own lives. After suffering severe post-partum depression and anxiety, my wife was at wits end trying to return to normal life. Therapists, psychiatrists, chiropractors, doctors and anecdotal evidence provided nominal benefits at best. The steps laid out in this book have allowed my wife to get off of prescription meds, greatly improved energy levels and mental clarity. Having participated with her on this journey and diet changes, I’ve noticed incredible benefits as well...I sleep better, blood sugar is stabilized, no longer have afternoon/evening crash and and am a better husband/father as a result. I cannot recommend this protocol and learnings highly enough...get the book and experience the change for yourself!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya wicht
A very interesting book about depression, antidepressants, and things you should consider if you are suffering from depression. This should be a must-read for everyone in the mental health industry and everyone who takes medication for depression. It is time to look at non-pharmaceutical treatment for many mental health issues. I love the way Dr. Brogan explores hormones, thyroid dysfunction, vitamin deficiency, and gut health as possible causes of depression. A holistic approach can only help when providing treatment for mental health issues. The book is well written, provides scientific evidence to support the author's conclusions, and outlines a protocol for self-treatment of gut health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As I am a journalist and fitness writer, this book is a superb addition to my library. Brogan comes out swinging against the pharmaceutical industry but she does so with solid science. As a doctor, psychiatrist and holistic healer she makes a powerful argument for never, ever taking anti depressants. She backs up her arguments, provides a detoxing program, thorough diet and supplement plans, and what to expect. This is a potent, no-nonsense primer for ultimate health free of toxic drugs. And they are toxic indeed. What she preaches,. works. Period I've done it myself and can attest to how powerful the results are to be free of pharma drugs. HIghly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harry mccaul
Fantastic resource for eating and living in a way that helps to heal your body and addresses the causes of depression, while avoiding drugs that don't really address the root problem and likely cause bigger and longer-term issues with your health. Dr. Brogan is a no-nonsense psychiatric practitioner who has left anti-depressants behind and shows you how to assess your health and clean up your act, avoiding as much as possible the toxicants and processed "food" we have all become oblivious to. A couple of caveats: there is a lot of medical/scientific jargon and explanations, but Dr. Brogan does a pretty good job of simplifying the ideas. Also, if you are looking for a quick-fix, or direct guidance on how to come off anti-depressants, those are not included in this book. But, just like in life, there are no true quick fixes and Dr. Brogan presents do-able and achievable goals, and how to get there in a realistic way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As I am a journalist and fitness writer, this book is a superb addition to my library. Brogan comes out swinging against the pharmaceutical industry but she does so with solid science. As a doctor, psychiatrist and holistic healer she makes a powerful argument for never, ever taking anti depressants. She backs up her arguments, provides a detoxing program, thorough diet and supplement plans, and what to expect. This is a potent, no-nonsense primer for ultimate health free of toxic drugs. And they are toxic indeed. What she preaches,. works. Period I've done it myself and can attest to how powerful the results are to be free of pharma drugs. HIghly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph lanning
Fantastic resource for eating and living in a way that helps to heal your body and addresses the causes of depression, while avoiding drugs that don't really address the root problem and likely cause bigger and longer-term issues with your health. Dr. Brogan is a no-nonsense psychiatric practitioner who has left anti-depressants behind and shows you how to assess your health and clean up your act, avoiding as much as possible the toxicants and processed "food" we have all become oblivious to. A couple of caveats: there is a lot of medical/scientific jargon and explanations, but Dr. Brogan does a pretty good job of simplifying the ideas. Also, if you are looking for a quick-fix, or direct guidance on how to come off anti-depressants, those are not included in this book. But, just like in life, there are no true quick fixes and Dr. Brogan presents do-able and achievable goals, and how to get there in a realistic way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda holt
necessary reading for all,
women and girls and the men and boys who love them.
There is always more to learn
Kelly has made the necessary in roads to understanding and negotiating the major changes happening on a global level
and maintaining healthy mind, healthy body and soul.She walks her talk and passion as a gift for our collective and individual
experience, growth and stimulating healing
women and girls and the men and boys who love them.
There is always more to learn
Kelly has made the necessary in roads to understanding and negotiating the major changes happening on a global level
and maintaining healthy mind, healthy body and soul.She walks her talk and passion as a gift for our collective and individual
experience, growth and stimulating healing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen moore
This book affirms what I have sensed for a while now...that chemicals and processed foods, excess sugar, etc. are causing us lots of problems with our health.I agree with a lot of what is in this book. the rest time will tell. I have taken steps to get rid of as many chemicals as possible in my home, eat whole organic foods, and drink lots more filtered water. Wow! What a difference. I have been doing this for only like 2 weeks and already feel a difference. I suffer from anxiety...but here lately I noticed that I don't 'dwell' on things as long and generally feel happier. I may miss some of the foods I used to eat from time to time. But the more relaxed-at ease feeling is worth it. Plus, I am learning to create some recipes that aren't too bad. I guess when you are sick and tired enough--you'll do anything to get better. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori cline
Finally , a great book we all been waiting to read. This doctor takes her 'coat off,' and becomes a real humanitarian , and a compassionate friend . Lot of great info here you cannot stop reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess fantz
If you are on anti-depressants or are considering taking them, you should read this book! My only concern is that the author does not accept the ketogenic diet as a safe and effective diet for women. It works great for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just phenomenal. So much good information with the studies to back up everything. Great lifestyle tips. A phenomenal resource to live a better life and protect yourself from some of the modern-day threats.
I'm recommending this book to all the women in my life - as well as anyone who knows a woman! It's a must read for everyone - especially those operating under the "normal" healthcare paradigm.
I'm recommending this book to all the women in my life - as well as anyone who knows a woman! It's a must read for everyone - especially those operating under the "normal" healthcare paradigm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarika reddy
There is a movement gathering force called Functional Medicine, which is essentially what we thought we were learning in Medical School. Kelly Brogan has written the book for my field, Psychiatry, and will change forever how I and, no doubt, hundreds of other psychiatrists will practice medicine. Stay tuned.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great perspective on the simple truths of how to be healthy. We have to take ownership of our own well-being and not fall victim to the "system" of big food manufactures, big pharma, and outdated myths and practices of traditional medicine. We have the power to be well, and this book outlines how to "thrive" rather than just "survive". Nature has provided the answers--we just need to listen! I highly recommend this book! Thank you Kelly Brogan, MD!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david austin
This is everything you want to know about what doctors and the pharmacies are pushing on the population and the terrible effects they have on all of us. I will probably read this again in another year to refresh the harm we are doing to our bodies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a MUST have for any therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, psychiatric nurse practitioner, etc. As well, if you have struggled with depression and anxiety do yourself a favor and be freed from the downward spiral of psychiatric meds & their side effects.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
casey giddens
Dr. Kelly Brogan tells the truth about depression being a symptom not a condition, and best treated by "looking under the hood" as I like to say in my own psychiatric practice and writings.She boldly breaks down the myth of medication-- a pill for every ill-- and in its place, gives natural, scientifically- and clinically-based solutions that work. Thanks, Kelly, for your brilliant contribution, and let this be the start of a turnaround in the mistreatment of depression and other psychiatric conditions, so that true healing can occur, both of the individuals involved and of a sick medical system.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim aikman
Excellent book by M.D., Kelly Brogan.
First book to analyze and start for a description of this state of consciousness, which is as old as mankind
but to which no certain cure is at hand. Two additional chapters I would propose:
1. How does Ayurvedic medicine handle depressions or bipolar disturbance ?
2) How does the old Chinese medicine treat people with the symtomes of depression /bipolar disturbance ?
Ein ausgezeichnetes Buch von Ärztin Dr. Kelly Brogan, orientiert auf den amerikanischen Lebensmittel- und
Medikamentenmarkt, der ein so großes Spektrum von Bionahrungsmitteln wie bei uns noch nicht hat.
Das Buch umfasst alle Lebensbereiche und das hat bisher unsere liebe
Medikamenten-Medizin noch nicht versucht (wird es auch nie tun, weil dann der Profit weg ist).
Was noch fehlt, sind zwei Kapitel.
1) Welche Medizin wendet die indische Ayurvedic für Depression bzw. Bipolare Störung an ?
2) Welche Medizin wendet die alte chinesische Medizin für diese Art der Behinderungen an ?
First book to analyze and start for a description of this state of consciousness, which is as old as mankind
but to which no certain cure is at hand. Two additional chapters I would propose:
1. How does Ayurvedic medicine handle depressions or bipolar disturbance ?
2) How does the old Chinese medicine treat people with the symtomes of depression /bipolar disturbance ?
Ein ausgezeichnetes Buch von Ärztin Dr. Kelly Brogan, orientiert auf den amerikanischen Lebensmittel- und
Medikamentenmarkt, der ein so großes Spektrum von Bionahrungsmitteln wie bei uns noch nicht hat.
Das Buch umfasst alle Lebensbereiche und das hat bisher unsere liebe
Medikamenten-Medizin noch nicht versucht (wird es auch nie tun, weil dann der Profit weg ist).
Was noch fehlt, sind zwei Kapitel.
1) Welche Medizin wendet die indische Ayurvedic für Depression bzw. Bipolare Störung an ?
2) Welche Medizin wendet die alte chinesische Medizin für diese Art der Behinderungen an ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book in Kindle format from the store and have been reading it voraciously. I was trained as a PhD psychologist who, because of several major health issues, left the field without obtaining my license. My experience which included severe major depression during that time actually made me question whether my field truly had the answers to mental health issues. It is wonderful to see the many seemingly disparate things I've dealt with over my 71 years (chronic constipation, depression, stomach discomfort, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, multiple food and chemical sensitivities, even the effects of cancer treatment) actually tied together by the various functional medicine experts I have since learned about. Dr. Brogan's book has added a much needed mental health piece to this holistic picture for me. There is a need for this sensible information based on true, unbiased research to guide us in pursuit of wellness. I would recommend Dr. Brogan's book to everyone.
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