An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man - My Friend Michael

ByFrank Cascio

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Frank Casio met Michael when he was 5 through his family whom Michael befriended. Frank stayed at Neverland with his brother and sisters and family and he clearly disputes the many allegations made about Michael by the media. Michael was an extraordinary friend to this family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe bowling
This is my favorite book about Michael's character and his life. Michael is so controvercial so you will see a few posts that are not positive ...I put that more on the reader than the book. This is about Frank too...of course...but the stories he shares with us about Michael are ones you certainly will not find elsewhere...and they are very endearing. I love that he covers everything about Michael...but the reverence he shows is undeniable. It is a good good read and it will be treasured. If you love MJ keep the tissues handy. I hope Frank writes more books about the life he shared with our wonderful gift ...Michael Jackson. I'm hoping hoping hoping!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
niloofar sh
Frank Cascio shows the human aspect of Michael Jackson in a very loving and honest way. He reminds us that besides being the artistic genious that he was, MJ was foremore and foremost a human being with shortcomings and everything that being human implies. Mostly, I appreciate his love and loyalty to his mentor and friend. I couldn't find any hidden or selfish motive in this book. Very enjoyable, I highly recommend it.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen hinrichs
I have read many books on Michael. Always careful to select those that I thought would represent a reasonably objective view of the truth. However none, singularly, have given me a glimpse of who Michael the person was . . .
how he spent his days . . . what he was like when not performing, much less . . . insight into the depths of his soul. But collectively . . . they have all served to deepen my understanding and insight of a truly beautiful and unique individual. I believe the world was not ready for him. And so, he was labeled as "strange" but the truth is, how many of us would not make different choices, if only, we could attain his level of wealth and fame?

"My Friend Michael" is an objective and loving account of Frank's years with MJ. How difficult it must have been to write this book when so much has been written about Michael. To try to present an objective view and know that someone out there would construe it negatively. How can you share your unique experience with the public without crossing the boundaries of loyalty? . . . all tough challenges. The book neither hides Michael's very human imperfections nor, does it condemn him for them. Rather, it seeks to give the reader a glimpse of the immense stress and complexity of a brillant life. My opinion is that Frank seems to write from the heart.

I can understand why Michael needed a friend like Frank . . . someone who wanted nothing from him but his friendship. And down the line . . . becomming a trusted employee. One who was willing and able to put aside their own social life for the extreme demands of his. Someone who didn't see it as a sacrifice but an honor, a privilege an adventure. I think we all wished in some way, we could have been a part of MJ's life. Experienced it . . . become his assistant like Frank, but I believe that being associated with MJ's great fame brought great responsibility, pressure and isolation not many could bear long term. In a sense though, yes . . . he had tremendous wealth and privilege but what a sacrifice and isolated existence it must have been for someone so gentle, kind, giving and loving.

It is difficult for one to grasp everything that went into becoming "MJ" the person, It had to be someone born under his exact astrological natal chart and with all the environmental influences and experiences that shaped him along the way. It's hard to imagine a life so unwaveringly dedicated to one goal. His sensitivity adding to his immense creativity and compassion.

I continue to be amazed by what he created and left to the physical world.

But more so . . . I am amazed by Michael, the person . . . by the beauty of his soul.

My Friend Michael: An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric butler
The guy who wrote this book was Michael Jackson's closest long term friend. He lived inside of Michael's world, knew Michael's thoughts and opinions on just about everything. He knew where Michael stood in terms of his sexuality, his reasoning for why he did many of the things he did in the public eye, and he also explains all too well what I consider the final story on the charges and allegations against him. They were all nonsense. read this book, and you'll understand why people victimized and tried to hurt Michael and get money from him around every corner. This was an unfortunate fact of Michael's life and something he had to deal with every day. I am not a naive person, nor I am a MJ Fanatic - never saw him in concert, I enjoyed his MTV videos back on the 80's, and his music.. my opinion on Michael has changed from being clouded by outrageous allegations of bad behavior to the opinion that he was a very misunderstood person. This is THE must read bio for anyone who really wants to understand Michael.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john ford milton
This story is for anyone who wants to be inspired. For anyone who wants to know what the actual MAN behind the "Superstar" was like. Noone else can really tell us what it was like to see the world from the inside, looking out. Frank Cascio was one of the few people who got to look OUT from the inside of the limos, the stages, the hotel rooms and the home of Michael Jackson... the way Michael did himself. He tells a story of a world from Michaels viewpoint, where as everyone else was looking in.

His story tells about the loving, incredible man who was wise beyond his years, who knew about the "laws of attraction" way before books like "The Secret" became popular or available. Michael knew exactly how to manifest what he wanted in life, which is how he created the life he created. Frank Cascio tells us what books and music inspired Michael. I ran out and bought every one!

This book hits every point you want it to hit. He doesn't sugar-coat things. He explains to the world, WHY Michael did things a certain way that may have looked strange to the outside world.

His book made me laugh, cry, and ultimately inspired me and re-invigorated me again. It made me understand the human being that Michael was behind all of the sensationalism.

HIGLY RECOMMEND this book!!!

Thank you Frank Cascio!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah evan
Hey, I just finished reading the book "my friend michael", I really liked it. Its a great book,really fun to read, you get an inside in the private world of michael jackson. I m really happy that I bought this book.
I recommend it to everyone, well written,fun and entertaining.

5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary clare
I think that Frank Cascio tried to be honest about his priviledged friendship with Michael Jackson. The book is revealing, highly emotional particulary during the 3 year period Frank was Michael's PA 1999-2002. Some aspects of the book is sketchy and perhaps Frank didn't want to include certain details... I think he could have worked longer on the book. I would have liked to see an image the mind maps. Having read Jermaine's account (though heartfelt lacks depth in the later years), this book is probably as close as you can get to understanding what life was like for Michael Jackson from 1993 to 2005. Frank was there to witness important events that were to impact =and change the course of MJ's perceived public life eg. Frank met both Jordie Chandler and Gavin Arviso.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah peck
I've been following Michael for years (decades) and knew about Frank Cascio. During the 2003 trial (and after) I wondered what had happend with Frank and why wasn't he testifying and supporting Michael? (I've also wondered the same thing about some other people who were "close" to Michael back then, but that doesn't matter right now.)
So, I bougt this book hoping to find some answers...
I like first part of the book where Frank describes his child memories of Michael, travelling around with him, playing, learning from him... Great insight of who Michael was, but I allready know that. And I believe that Michael really loved Frank as a son and his entire familly.
When Frank started to work for Michael (Invincible era), he was young and unexperienced and he made some mistakes and wrong calls which is totally understandable. So I believe they had some arguments and that they worked them out. Michael was a great mentor and he knew Frank very well and gave him a big opportunity to work and learn from him.

But, the truth is that Frank wasn't there for Michael when he most needed him! We all know that the 2003 trial destroyed Michael and that almost everybody turned their back on him. I can understand that Frank was afraid, but God knows that his support (PUBLIC!) and his testimony would meant a world to Michael back then. Let alone that Frank was maybe the only one that knew what really happend that night in Michael's room, and what was the Arvizos all about! Maybe, he would be the biggest witness for defence. Despite his fear, his layer, his projects he was working on...And I don't buy Frank's explainations, he is just trying to clear his conscience.
Also, I don't like how Frank is trying to portray himself as the most important person and most loyal person in Michael's life. He even says "I don't know why WE let this woman in OUR lives (J.Arvizo)", like he had any power to prevent it or change Michael's oppinion about anything!

I know that they were close, father/son and friends relationship (till 2003) and that they have a lot of memories together. But I think that some detailes shouldn't have been revealed (Michael smoking pot, drugs, wine, swearing...). Michael wasn't an angel that's for sure, but hes been working all his life on his image and certan way to portrey himself to his fans, children and whole world, so that public image should stay that way! I'm pretty sure Michael wouldn't like for world to know these things and would be very disappointed in Frank.

Honestly, I was hoping that Frank was a true friend to Michael and that he will give us a closer, but RESPECTFUL glimpse in Michael-the man.

At the end, unfortunately, I'm convinced that Frank is just another leach trying to make some cash out of Michael. Like everybody in Michael's life... Very sad!

Anyway, I would recommend to read this book (at least the first few chapters), although there are some far more better and objective books about Michael.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel pirie
I thought the book was insightful and gave a better understanding of Michsll's world. Mr Casio show the more human side of Michael and if he had more friends like him Michael might still be here today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter gulliver
Frank Cascio has shared with readers an intimate and unique perspective on Michael and his life. He has portrayed Michael in an objective and balanced way. Through eye-witness accounts of events and a TRULY "insider's" perspective, he has laid out Michael's strong points and weak points so that readers are made aware that beyond being a star, Michael was a true human being, a beautiful person, in spite of, and maybe partly because of, his faults and failings and weaknesses. Cascio attacks the media's obsession with those faults, pointing out that every person, including the reader himself, can identify with them or share them, and that doesn't turn anyone into a monster or a freak. Besides the objective narrative, Franck Cascio speckles his story with humorous moments and caring insights into Michael and his life, and his love and devotion to his friend shines through like a light. I recommend this book to anyone who loves Michael Jackson or doesn't. If you do, you will really enjoy it and if you don't, you may change your mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing book. It really offers a behind-the-scenes look at Michael Jackson, the man. But I would say also as an entertainer, you learn so much that you maybe did not know. Having been a fan of MJ of 25+ years I knew a lot already, but still this book offers so much interesting details and stories. It just radiates from every page how much Frank and the rest of the Cascio family loved Michael and how much he meant to them. Read the book and you will love Michael even more, flaws and all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane starwood
Its pretty amazing to listen about Michael from some of the people who actually knew him, not the tabloids or the media that always wrote lies to sell. Michael is indeed the most amazing person in the planet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nishant shah
Great MJ Story about loyalty and friendship. MJ was a lover and giver who cared about people, children, friends and amazing talented gifted person with a huge heart, a modern day Fred Astaire. He death was a tragedy and he will be missed forever.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After reading Frank Casio's his "Ordinary friendship with an Extraordinary man", I am more than disappointed and disturbed by his subjective, judgmental, biased and opinionated story about MJ written all over book. I am extremely disenchanted that Frank Casio, who called himself a friend of MJ, has in fact misunderstood and passed unfair judgment on Michael. Without walking MJ's shoes, Franks is the one of the many worst, as worst as the tabloids, so-called journalists, and Tom Sneldon. I can't imagine how one could have endured the magnitude of psychosocial pain of being misunderstood that MJ had suffered. I don't think I could sleep, eat or breathe with a faith in God. If you ask any healthcare professionals involving in pain management and palliative care, there is solid evidence to support that "Pain is what the person says". Also, there is a very fine line between addition to dependency
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great MJ Story about loyalty and friendship. MJ was a lover and giver who cared about people, children, friends and amazing talented gifted person with a huge heart, a modern day Fred Astaire. He death was a tragedy and he will be missed forever.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stebby julionatan
After reading Frank Casio's his "Ordinary friendship with an Extraordinary man", I am more than disappointed and disturbed by his subjective, judgmental, biased and opinionated story about MJ written all over book. I am extremely disenchanted that Frank Casio, who called himself a friend of MJ, has in fact misunderstood and passed unfair judgment on Michael. Without walking MJ's shoes, Franks is the one of the many worst, as worst as the tabloids, so-called journalists, and Tom Sneldon. I can't imagine how one could have endured the magnitude of psychosocial pain of being misunderstood that MJ had suffered. I don't think I could sleep, eat or breathe with a faith in God. If you ask any healthcare professionals involving in pain management and palliative care, there is solid evidence to support that "Pain is what the person says". Also, there is a very fine line between addition to dependency
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kevin hanks
This would be more accurately described as Cascio's memoir with a handful of enjoyable stories about Michael. The bulk of Frank's writing is redundant and becomes stale halfway through the book. We get it, Frank. You knew Michael. He spent time with your family. It is not necessary to remind the reader on every page - get to the substance. If the editor had removed the redundant rhetoric, the irrelevant story lines, and Frank's continual focus on himself and his interpretation of Michael's thoughts and feelings, the book would amount to a few short pages.

One word: Disappointing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana maresca
love love love this book!It is a detailed inspiration behind the man and the words. Michael is a beautiful soul that is and will always be a human being. Read this book, I enjoyed it more than Moonwalker.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started reading this book expecting to dislike Frank Cascio. I assumed he was just trying to make money off his supposed "friendship" with Michael Jackson. I almost decided against the book when I read newspaper articles about it. I'm glad I didn't. This book ended up being absolutely fascinating.

Can you imagine being a teenager and having Michael Jackson over to your house for dinner? Can you imagine going to school every day, listening to all of your friends talking about Michael Jackson, and knowing that he's actually sitting on the couch in your living room waiting for you to get home? Not quite sure how Frank managed to stay quiet all of these years. I can assure you that if Michael Jackson had been over to my house, the entire school would have known about it.

This book is filled with cute anecdotes and stories. Things like Frank and Michael feeding Starburst candies to the elephants at Neverland. Walking around Times Square late at night, with a disguised Michael, while a street performer did a Moonwalk before them. Late night stories about Madonna trying to seduce Michael. Stories like these seem to give insight into Michael as we've never seen him before. (Personally, I never would have guessed that Michael's shyness would be the source of so much of his behavior.)

The book talks a bit about the charges against Michael and some drug use, but that's definitely not the focus. This is a book about an unusual relationship. Why did the King of Pop feel most comfortable with a family in suburban New Jersey? This man seemingly had it all, yet it seems that the Cascios were able to provide with him with a sense of peace that he didn't feel anywhere else. When times were tough, they seemed to be first ones to have his back. To me, it seems like this book is Frank's attempt to continue protecting Michael just as he did when Michael was alive. He managed to let me, for a few hours, forget all about the media circus and remember the man that made me want to make the world a better place - and dance all over my parents' house.
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