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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cried during the first three chapters nonstop. It's an amazing story of a girl struggling to accept that she can be loved. You MUST read this. Seriously. And have a box of tissue with you while you do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
b fay
Really fun book. I enjoyed it very much! Very rich and full story and characters. It is the first time I've ever thought of a book as delicious, like food. But it is, tasty, delicious and satisfying. Loved it:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Near perfect sequel! Can't wait for the next one, hope there will be a next one!!! The heroine in this series never gets tired or feels forced; you grow with her as you read along. Awesome read, could've been longer...
Incarnate (Incarnate Trilogy) :: and the Brotherhood That Helped Turn the Tide of War :: Revised and Updated (Modern Library Exploration) - Scott and Amundsen's Race to the South Pole :: Satan's Last Assault On God's Kingdom - The Omega Conspiracy :: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The action picks up in this sequel to Incarnate. Two more newsouls are born and the population feels threatened. Ana goes back into the temple and learns why Sam and his friends continue to reincarnate. A sacrifice is made and more answers begin to be revealed. This is a hard to put down book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paula kenny
Soo completely loved the 1st book. But I feel like ms meadows possibly hit a slump for this book. It was still a great book,I just kept wishing for a little more umph to it. Hopefully the 3rd book is amazing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely wonderful. Such a great book I definitely recommend this book to everyone who knows how to read. The story is always keeping your attention. With love and adventure and mystery at every turn
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
drew koenig
Really appreciated the drawing of main characters and their bumpy relationship, very human, very messy. While I was intrigued by the premises of the community of the story the ending left. me a bit flat.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicole england
After reading the positive reviews, the story premise (dealing with souls and reincarnation), the hype on the book release and even the cover, I was sold on buying the book. In fact, I even downloaded a sample onto my Kindle and though I thought the 1st 5% of the book was a bit slow, I thought that this was just setting the background for more action to come.

Unfortunately, the book never delivered on its promising story concept. I kept expecting better world building, a balance and integration between the between the souls/reincarnation story vs. the romance and just that little extra story element to make the overall story stand out. Instead, this seemed to be mainly a romance between the Ana and Sam, that happens to be set in this world. I really wanted to like this more than I did, and kept reading thinking that I would eventually read something to turn this around. This never happened, even when I got to the end. It just felt rushed and the explanation of why Ana was born seemed simplistic at best.

Overall, this was an OK story. It wasn't bad, but I can't say it was really good either.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne hopkins
I honestly couldn't make it past chapter one. Normally I give a book 100 pages to grab me but this time she lost me from the word go. I've said this about other authors as well but it's a huge deal for me. If you're going to use mythological creatures that have a history to them, please make sure you use the term correctly. If I say centaur, there is a certain expectation on the part of the reader that I now need to fulfill. If you want something that looks like a Sylph but acts like a fire elemental, you need to make up your own word. You can't just say it's a sylph and then make it do things that sylphs don't do. It's like saying something is a vampire and then making it require orange juice to live instead of blood... it's intellectually incongruous because your audience was raised with a certain cultural expectation. I really liked the general concept but the issue with Sylphs that use fire I could not deal with.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jared houston
sigh. Why do authors and publishers insist on trilogies when a single book or duology would suffice? The concept had interesting potential, however, the author did not follow through on the execution. Quick read but forgettable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It arrived in a week with purchasing the product. Absolutely perfect condition and I bought for a great price of $2.98 plus shipping and handling for a total around $9:69. I still saved from the original price of $17.99 and with the tax of buying it at the store I saved atleast 10 dollars. The cover is more beautiful in person that on a computer screen. BUY BUY BUY!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My thoughts on Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
So besides being drawn to the cover Incarnate by far was a dream to read, like a butterfly carried me through the entire book so effortlessly. My best description of the book as I started was sympathizing with Ana to start the first of your life with a feeling of no self worth no love would be hard then to set into a world unknown, being the only one (newsoul or nosoul). Ana surprised me in many ways at first I thought her character to be weak and stubborn and yes she was a stubborn character. Weak she was not, her strength grew just as she came into her own. Ana needed to find herself in a sea of people who found themselves 5000 years ago.

I was instantly drawn into the story line, I felt that author Jodi Meadows kept me on my toes for this book was not predictable at all. No insta love the romance was ongoing with just a touch here and there to keep you wanting the other to go after it. Being a Pride and Prejudice fan myself even though this book had nothing to do with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy I would say Ana and Sam sure reminded me of them as characters. Ana was stubborn and set in her thoughts sometimes thinking maybe just maybe Sam was not what he really was. Sam was drawn toward Ana wanted to share that with her but his pride was in check I mean what would be said, how would people react, would he lose her. The 2 characters were well written, plus I enjoyed the romance in this book.

Dragons and Sylph now I have to look up exactly what a sylph is but I would not want to meet one in this lifetime or any for that matter. The constant attacks on Ana, Sam and the city are so wonderful. I wanted to grab a laser and get in there to help. Author Jodi Meadows has a wonderful imagination. Without including spoilers the dragons don't spit fire but something else! Something to check out yourself and look forward too.

I don't want to include spoilers so I will stay away from all parts of being in the city Heart, which I can't clearly grasp a picture of I know the author explained it but I need more to the city. I can see the way the city is but I wish it was more in my mind. More than just white plain more color more awesome or intrigue to the surroundings in Heart. Hopefully that is too come in the next book.

This book was awesome I am onto Asunder. Jodi Meadows writing is wonderful. I am adding her to my favorite author list!! Seeing how I don't read alot of Dystopia and Fantasy after reading Incarnate I will be reading more! Thanks Jodi for a read that I can share with my entire family.
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