Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux by Nicholas Black Elk (2005-08-02)


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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam gossage
This is a must read for anyone courious about the Native American Indians. I myself can't read enough about them. This book explains so much about their life on and off the reservation, the wars they've been through and the way the were and still are treated. We hear so much about the Holicost, the Genocide and the homeless in the world but we don't hear much about their Holicost, Genocide or homeless then and now. The book "Black Elk Speaks" holds your attention from start to finish. Black Elk himself gave this interview to John G. Neihardt in the 1930's and gave Mr. Neihardt permission to tell his story in book form. You can almost hear Black Elk speaking and feel like your there during the interview.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One is left speechless after hearing Black Elk's story. Authentic, enlightening, emotionally sublime, we are left standing at his side atop the cliff. We too are drenched in tears and drizzle. We understand much better our humanity as well as his. Best of all,we have made contact with the sacred and sense the slender hope of possible rebirth and redemption. This is a life you need to share.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a perfect buy. The cost was very reasonable.
I would purchase from this seller again. I love reading about
what happened in the past. I have learned that we Americans
have done a great injustice to the Indians and we should be
ashamed of our ancesters.
Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux :: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux by John G. Neihardt (1988-08-01) :: Black Elk Speaks (Play) :: Black Elk Speaks (Play) by John G. Neihardt (1996-01-01) :: Stories and Lessons for Living (Compass) - The Lakota Way
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracey e
much within is spoken to try and explain Mysticism. It has tried to explain the different levels of concious awareness as seen by Black Elk and his trainers. Without an actual Experience, much is left to the readers ability to understand without trying to achieve the state oneself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Black Elk's numinous vision is juxtaposed with Native American loss. Little Big Horn was an attempt to stop the breaking of a treaty. Wounded Knee was a massacre of Native Americans. including women and children. Black Elk's vision is a powerful vision of Self.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica wilderotter
To truely understand the tragedy that was the white man could have avoided if the "missionaries" would/could have understood the faith of the natives. It was and is much closer to what Jesus told us to be than what some "churches" are today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
warren stewart
I am an avid reader of many different genres and, I must say, this book is most certainly one of the best books I have ever read! I can see why it is being considered a "classic".

The author actually brings the reader into the life of Black Elk - so that you can almost "see", "hear" & "feel" what Black Elk was experiencing at the time. It's an amazing journey!

In my opinion, this book is a "must read" for EVERYONE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have not finished reading Black Elk Speaks, and already I am looking forward to other books written by John Neihardt in Black Elks words. Not only does it give the reader the real American History, but is also very spiritual. He speaks of Mother Earth in the very real sense of family, not something just to exploit. Our Mother is the true Church, not a manmade building, with manmade rules to fit someone else's agenda.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An insightful and emotional journey into native american spiritual realities...I am native american and love to read about those that made their mark in the world..Black Elk's teachings will live on!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Black Elk Speaks" is a very touching, astonishingly beautiful and a truly heartbreaking story, a story that conveys to the reader a lot of living details about the way of the Sioux peoples. The manner in which he perceived and described the world they lived in, and the world of the spirits, speaks in vivid color even to MY spirit, being a caucasian European.

Black Elk was undoubtedly himself a very wise man, with strong spirit guides to help him and his people. It makes me cry when I think of how we have treated the indigenous Americans, taken away their land and pride, destroying them for no good reason at all. But reading this book brings you to the pristine plains of Dakota, almost like you were there yourself in those days. To me it clearly suggests that the spirit of these peoples, who lived in such great harmony with everything in the universe, is still very much the same - even to this day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martine mcdonagh
I have spent some time with the Native Americans but never had anyone give a background on the intersection of their spirituality and Catholicism. This is a good interview to accomplish that mission.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adela chang
I have only had a quickish glance through this book but I'm sure when i get down to read it I will love it.

It also contains original letters and photographs and although it is a paperback, it is much larger than say a Penguin Classic. It is an impressive book & an excellent edition to my library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie sobaski
excellent product. Extremely well made. You may run into very long delivery due to USPS in NY City holding up shipment from manufacturer to distributor. If you can apply a little patience, you will end up with the best designed and manufactured product available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dave bench
This is a book that every person will obtain something of important value in their life from reading. It is my thought that every person who is a religious leader of any faith should consider it required reading.
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