The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Midnight
ByL. J. Smith
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sea stachura
I read a lot of reviews before getting this book. I was going to read it regardless of the negative reviews because I had to continue the story. It was....different and confusing at some parts. All in all I enjoyed it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
seema devgan
I can't believe there are people who actually enjoyed this book. I loved the first two, and enjoyed the second two, so so much and I was thrilled when the series was revived (I even watch the show, which is so much better than these newer books) The one thing I hate the most is when an author goes overboard in their storylines and that is exactly what has happened these last few books. If you are like me you probably will only get through the first 30 pages before you give up because of how ridiculous they have gotten.
(Also I am a huge Damon fan, hes my favorite character and while I greatly enjoyed spending more time with him in this book the storyline with it was just too much for me to bare)
(Also I am a huge Damon fan, hes my favorite character and while I greatly enjoyed spending more time with him in this book the storyline with it was just too much for me to bare)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book... its a continuation to the wonerful Vampire diaries series. It makes you fall more in love with Damon and Stefen... and I love how there is a large dose of Bonnie in this one.
The Vampire Diaries: The Fury :: The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters: Phantom :: Nightfall (The Vampire Diaries - The Return :: Nightfall by L Smith (Mar 15 2010) - The Vampire Diaries :: The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is definately geared towards younger readers than I am. The story is interesting. There is imagination behind the story. The writing is not outstanding, but again I am an adult reading a book intended for young people.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was delivered quickly, but arrived in less than perfect condition. The corner of the book was badly damaged. It also came with a large black dot on the pages of this book (seen when closed) as well as on a paperback that were delivered together. They almost appear to be used.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Having just finished The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Midnight. I found that it was lackluster in comparison to the previous "The Return" books, especially Shadows Souls. Without creating too much of a spoiler, the plot twists did not seem developed enough and resolved the issues in way too simple and easy a way. The whole side storyline with Meredith seemed ill-constructed and nonsensical, and was not fleshed out nearly enough to seem like more than a poorly constructed anime. As far as the plot line with Damon becoming human from the prior book, L.J. Smith could have done a LOT more with it, instead of resolving it quickly and progressing what seemed like "business as usual" a quarter of the way into the book. The whole ordeal with him speaking to the "Princess" was cheesy at best.
As a whole, I was disappointed with this book, having such high expectations from Shadow Souls. Will I be reading the next one when it comes out? Yes, but only because it seems like a shame to leave it on a cliffhanger after so much of a time investment reading all the other books.
As a whole, I was disappointed with this book, having such high expectations from Shadow Souls. Will I be reading the next one when it comes out? Yes, but only because it seems like a shame to leave it on a cliffhanger after so much of a time investment reading all the other books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I think that Smith should have left the series alone and not attempted to bring it back just because there is a T.V. show now (sorry if this isn't the only reason). This book is horribly written and makes very little sense. I'm not convinced that an editor read it at all. And if they did then they didn't do a very good job. The dialogue is at best fake and almost embarrassing. At worst it's impossible to understand. Plus you have Elena claiming to love only Stephen which is rubbish if you ask me. It is obvious that she has something going on with Damon. In fact, if it wasn't for their moments than the book would have gotten one star from me. It's hard not to read it after reading the other ones. Brings back a great series I haven't looked at for years. But when it's this bad I think, as I said, it would have been best to let it be.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
juli burnham
The reason I have continued to read these books is because I have enjoyed the interaction between all of the characters, Bonnie, Meredith, Matt, etc. This book focuses a ridiculous amount of time on basically just Damon and Elena, literally hundreds of pages. I find Elena's character to be annoying in this book. She jumps head first into things without thinking and lacks will power with Damon. The plot was all over and confusing. I can't believe this is the book I've been waiting for. What an absolute disappointment.
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