The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden)
ByJulie Kagawa
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina priest
This book was beyond amazing, I loved the emotion through it and the jokes to lighten the mood at times. Five stars, because it deserves it. I'd give it five million if I could. I love to ending as well, it means there will be a next one. Right? I hope so. I recommend this book to ANYBODY who's willing to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerald kinro
I this book was absolutely magnificent!! Every emotion is raw and drives into you. I found this book even harder to put down then it's processor and I look forward to what lays ahead (time could not go fast enough)!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sun yung
I stumbled on the first book The Immortal Rules, and really liked it. So; I try to keep my eyes open for books that come after and make a series, and this one has left the reader with a cliffhanger tht will make waiting for the next installment difficult.
The Iron Daughter :: The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey) by Julie Kagawa (2013-10-29) :: Rogue (The Talon Saga) :: Winter's Passage (The Iron Fey) :: Iron's Prophecy (The Iron Fey)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis heermann
I stumbled on the first book The Immortal Rules, and really liked it. So; I try to keep my eyes open for books that come after and make a series, and this one has left the reader with a cliffhanger tht will make waiting for the next installment difficult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika bonham
Eternity Cure was hauntingly dark and I found myself easily lost in this twisted world that had me terrified for what was to come. Because let me tell you, I love to guess how a book is going to proceed, and I came nowhere near close to a few of the unexpected events that happened. So I'll clue you into a fun little fact before you venture into this book - while Eternity Cure was addicting, it was also devastating at times. It honestly felt as though someone reached into my heart and crushed it until there was nothing left. And while it hurt so bad, my dark side loved the utter perfection of how the story proceeded. Because the peril and that ending?! Oh my gosh, this is the type of story that will undue me every single time.
What I want to talk about the most, sigh, I really can't. So much of this book contains spoilers, but those spoilers are so insanely good! So I'll stick to what I can talk about, like Allie. If you loved her in the first book, she is even better in Eternity Cure. She has grown and learned so much from all of that life has thrown at her. Allie is still the smart, compassionate, kick-ass heroine that I love! While she tries her hardest to stick to her human morals while fighting her vampire demons, it was fascinating watching her struggle to hold onto her morality! And she is tested time and time again because she embarks on a journey that seems almost impossible at times! She's on the hunt for psycho vamp (best nickname ever...well besides the one she earns later on in the book) aka Sarren because he is holding Kanin captive. But in her search for Kanin and Sarren, there are twists thrown at her. Such as a character that I easily despised at first. But when my feelings changed from black and white to grey I was livid. Because I started to laugh and even smile towards this character, and I didn’t want to at all. The characters she creates are so multi-faceted and real, it’s easy to grasp their many sides unfortunately haha!
Probably one of my favorite things about this book, besides the characters I dearly love, was the jaw dropping peril. I couldn't believe some of the things that happened. Many times I would pause staring at my kindle thinking no way. No way she took the story in that direction. I thought I had to have read it wrong. But nope, she did take it in those directions. I got to a scene where I desperately tried my hardest to turn off my feelings. But it was too late. I was too invested, and I went right along with Allie and her feelings. Because Julie Kagawa dangerously weaves together despair and a beautiful story.
Oh, I couldn’t let it go either! So yeah, I am officially addicted to this series. I love the world that she has created that is ruled by vampires. And I love all of the characters who invoke such strong feelings in me! Well love is too strong of a word for a character I definitely despise. I kept hoping that fate would deliver this character a brutal case of death and you probably will too! So if you haven’t read this series yet, it's a definite must!
What I want to talk about the most, sigh, I really can't. So much of this book contains spoilers, but those spoilers are so insanely good! So I'll stick to what I can talk about, like Allie. If you loved her in the first book, she is even better in Eternity Cure. She has grown and learned so much from all of that life has thrown at her. Allie is still the smart, compassionate, kick-ass heroine that I love! While she tries her hardest to stick to her human morals while fighting her vampire demons, it was fascinating watching her struggle to hold onto her morality! And she is tested time and time again because she embarks on a journey that seems almost impossible at times! She's on the hunt for psycho vamp (best nickname ever...well besides the one she earns later on in the book) aka Sarren because he is holding Kanin captive. But in her search for Kanin and Sarren, there are twists thrown at her. Such as a character that I easily despised at first. But when my feelings changed from black and white to grey I was livid. Because I started to laugh and even smile towards this character, and I didn’t want to at all. The characters she creates are so multi-faceted and real, it’s easy to grasp their many sides unfortunately haha!
Probably one of my favorite things about this book, besides the characters I dearly love, was the jaw dropping peril. I couldn't believe some of the things that happened. Many times I would pause staring at my kindle thinking no way. No way she took the story in that direction. I thought I had to have read it wrong. But nope, she did take it in those directions. I got to a scene where I desperately tried my hardest to turn off my feelings. But it was too late. I was too invested, and I went right along with Allie and her feelings. Because Julie Kagawa dangerously weaves together despair and a beautiful story.
Oh, I couldn’t let it go either! So yeah, I am officially addicted to this series. I love the world that she has created that is ruled by vampires. And I love all of the characters who invoke such strong feelings in me! Well love is too strong of a word for a character I definitely despise. I kept hoping that fate would deliver this character a brutal case of death and you probably will too! So if you haven’t read this series yet, it's a definite must!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Julie Kagawa's sophomeore book in her Blood of Eden Saga - The Eternity Cure - more than lives up to it's predecesor The Immortal Rules.
There was plenty of action in The Eternity Cure but the pacing was much in slower with a lot of the time spent traveling from site to site and there were many times that I wished for more action... I will admit however, that this did allow for a lot more introspection for the characters and development and growth which I always consider the true building blocks of any great story. In other words - for me - the characters make it.
Allison's character grows throughout as she struggles to find her new place in this upside down world. Where can she fit in? Who can she truly befriend and even love when she fears to trust in even herself let alone others? Can she have and maintain a true relationship?
As Kanin tells Allie:
"You will always be a monster - there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you."
We also learn so much more about the hearts and souls of the characters of both Zeke and Kanin and perhaps are able to love them even more because of it. Zeke has matured a lot since first meeting Allie...but he still manages to retain his moral compass despite everything he faces. And Kanin...well Kanin is Kanin...I can't say much more without gushing. I found the exploration of Allison's relationships with each of these two to be one of the most fascinating and heartbreaking facets of the book.
We also meet Jackal again and what an incredibly complex and dark character he is. I hated him, I sympathized with him and most of all I laughed with him. He provided a small bit of humor within a pretty horrific world. Is he really a villain, or is there potential for change? I really hope that we see more of him to come.
As usual Kagawa's world building and plot line also astound rounding out the top three most important aspects in a book for me : Character development, Plot, and World building and therefore making this one a home run. Trust me: This is so much more than just another Vampire Series.
Note: Book Received from Publisher in exchange for an honest review
There was plenty of action in The Eternity Cure but the pacing was much in slower with a lot of the time spent traveling from site to site and there were many times that I wished for more action... I will admit however, that this did allow for a lot more introspection for the characters and development and growth which I always consider the true building blocks of any great story. In other words - for me - the characters make it.
Allison's character grows throughout as she struggles to find her new place in this upside down world. Where can she fit in? Who can she truly befriend and even love when she fears to trust in even herself let alone others? Can she have and maintain a true relationship?
As Kanin tells Allie:
"You will always be a monster - there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you."
We also learn so much more about the hearts and souls of the characters of both Zeke and Kanin and perhaps are able to love them even more because of it. Zeke has matured a lot since first meeting Allie...but he still manages to retain his moral compass despite everything he faces. And Kanin...well Kanin is Kanin...I can't say much more without gushing. I found the exploration of Allison's relationships with each of these two to be one of the most fascinating and heartbreaking facets of the book.
We also meet Jackal again and what an incredibly complex and dark character he is. I hated him, I sympathized with him and most of all I laughed with him. He provided a small bit of humor within a pretty horrific world. Is he really a villain, or is there potential for change? I really hope that we see more of him to come.
As usual Kagawa's world building and plot line also astound rounding out the top three most important aspects in a book for me : Character development, Plot, and World building and therefore making this one a home run. Trust me: This is so much more than just another Vampire Series.
Note: Book Received from Publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j jones
Review: Warning: This review can and will more than likely have spoilers. Should you like to escape the threat of spoilers, please scroll down to the conclusion where you will find a short summary of my feelings for this novel and my plea for you to read this series. You have been warned. This novel. This whole story. Alison and Kanin. Sarren…Zeke. Oh, lovely, kind, sweet Zeke. I am not going to lie though, as much as I love Zeke, I may love Kanin more. I love a sexy vampire reeking of power.
And then there is Jackal. The vampire who won’t stay down. Though, I must say, Alison is a little tough on the guy. He is her blood brother after all. I kind of learned to love Jackal in this novel, though, with vampires like Sarren, it’s easy to love the much less evil vampire.
Alison follows her blood tie, and then when it breaks apart and there are two blood ties pulling her, she follows the strongest. Can I just say…WHAT? She knows that Kanin is hurt and weak, yet she follows the strongest blood tie? Fine, whatever. She finds Jackal and even though she wants to kill him, she lets him come along. Alison is scared to face Sarren alone and I don’t blame her.
But, enough about the fact that Jackal is still alive. Let’s talk about the fact that in New Covington, the place where Alison is from, the place she lived and died, Zeke is there! He isn’t safe in Eden like Alison thought. Nope, he came looking for her and found himself in a lot of trouble. As always, he is trying to find a way to save all the people around him. So noble of him, but why couldn’t he have just stayed in Eden where he was safe?! And then he dies.
But let’s face it. He isn’t going to stay dead. The last bit of the novel you have Sarren talking to someone and while you may be thinking that it was Zeke’s dead body, you know better. Sarren isn’t that crazy and just killing the world with the Red lung virus isn’t going to be enough for him. He wants to make everyone suffer!
I do have one complaint. Why was Stick such a jerk?! Now that he is some vampires trained monkey he wants to act like Alison never saved his life. Hello! She died because of him! Ungrateful prick.
Sarren is one crazy vampire. He wants to destroy everything, but why? He has tortured Kanin, knowing that his children would come for him. And he doesn’t want to just stop with torturing Kanin and anyone tied to the master vampire. Sarren wants the whole world to suffer. What is this mans deal? Why is he so messed up? I sure hope we find out.
If you like vampire stories then you need to check out this series. I can’t help but to love it, even if people stop loving it after the first novel. I have loved every minute of it and can not wait to finish this series. The bond that Kanin has with Alison is fantastic. I love it. And the bickering between her and her blood brother makes me want to strangle both of them.
This was a great sequel and the cover is another simple, yet beautiful cover. Julie Kagawa is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
For more reviews and much more visit my blog:
And then there is Jackal. The vampire who won’t stay down. Though, I must say, Alison is a little tough on the guy. He is her blood brother after all. I kind of learned to love Jackal in this novel, though, with vampires like Sarren, it’s easy to love the much less evil vampire.
Alison follows her blood tie, and then when it breaks apart and there are two blood ties pulling her, she follows the strongest. Can I just say…WHAT? She knows that Kanin is hurt and weak, yet she follows the strongest blood tie? Fine, whatever. She finds Jackal and even though she wants to kill him, she lets him come along. Alison is scared to face Sarren alone and I don’t blame her.
But, enough about the fact that Jackal is still alive. Let’s talk about the fact that in New Covington, the place where Alison is from, the place she lived and died, Zeke is there! He isn’t safe in Eden like Alison thought. Nope, he came looking for her and found himself in a lot of trouble. As always, he is trying to find a way to save all the people around him. So noble of him, but why couldn’t he have just stayed in Eden where he was safe?! And then he dies.
But let’s face it. He isn’t going to stay dead. The last bit of the novel you have Sarren talking to someone and while you may be thinking that it was Zeke’s dead body, you know better. Sarren isn’t that crazy and just killing the world with the Red lung virus isn’t going to be enough for him. He wants to make everyone suffer!
I do have one complaint. Why was Stick such a jerk?! Now that he is some vampires trained monkey he wants to act like Alison never saved his life. Hello! She died because of him! Ungrateful prick.
Sarren is one crazy vampire. He wants to destroy everything, but why? He has tortured Kanin, knowing that his children would come for him. And he doesn’t want to just stop with torturing Kanin and anyone tied to the master vampire. Sarren wants the whole world to suffer. What is this mans deal? Why is he so messed up? I sure hope we find out.
If you like vampire stories then you need to check out this series. I can’t help but to love it, even if people stop loving it after the first novel. I have loved every minute of it and can not wait to finish this series. The bond that Kanin has with Alison is fantastic. I love it. And the bickering between her and her blood brother makes me want to strangle both of them.
This was a great sequel and the cover is another simple, yet beautiful cover. Julie Kagawa is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
For more reviews and much more visit my blog:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian liebenow
This series only got better with this second installment to The Immortal Rules. I devoured this book in one sitting. It took me no time at all because it just reads that fast. I absolutely loved the first book, and this one just upped the ante and invested me even further. I love how Julie Kagawa writes... she's never in a rush to tell her story or have you get to know the characters. It is gradual, slow-building, but not so slow that it makes you impatient or, heaven forbid, lose interest. It's just the right pace. In this story, you know the characters even more, you love them even more. This author really knows how to do it.
Allie is just as fierce, brave, and selfless as in the first book, if not more. I've never read a character so determined, and so eager to sacrifice anything for those she cares about. You can't help but love her so much. And whens he starts waving that katana around... wow. Kick ass!
Kanin, a favorite of mine from the first book, is steady and calm, and I loved that contrast to Ally's fire and passion. His relationship with Ally is poignant, like a father-daughter relationship that adds such an interesting other level to the story.
The addition of Jackel into this installment was a good one. At first, I wasn't sure if I would like this because of the part he played in book one, but about halfway through the book, he had thoroughly won me over, if for nothing more than comic relief. This is a somewhat dark series, so having him there to add a level of irreverent humor was nice. And I definitely feel that there's more to him than meets the eye and he's going to be important.
That brings me to Zeke.... I liked Zeke in the first book, but I wasn't really knocked out by him. There was just an element missing for me to really invest myself in him as the leading man. I think maybe he was a little too innocent. In this book, he really won me over. There are pieces to his character I hadn't seen before, and a tough sexiness to him that came through for the first time. He grew some danger to his personality that, I can't help it, made him more appealing to me. I'm definitely an Ally-Zeke fan now.
This installment was a lot more grisly than the previous one, but it really just kept me on my toes and suspended breathlessly. And wow...what an ending. I think people down the street from me could hear my reaction to this ending. Wow. This book was nearly perfect to me. Wonderful sequel. Can't wait for book three!
Allie is just as fierce, brave, and selfless as in the first book, if not more. I've never read a character so determined, and so eager to sacrifice anything for those she cares about. You can't help but love her so much. And whens he starts waving that katana around... wow. Kick ass!
Kanin, a favorite of mine from the first book, is steady and calm, and I loved that contrast to Ally's fire and passion. His relationship with Ally is poignant, like a father-daughter relationship that adds such an interesting other level to the story.
The addition of Jackel into this installment was a good one. At first, I wasn't sure if I would like this because of the part he played in book one, but about halfway through the book, he had thoroughly won me over, if for nothing more than comic relief. This is a somewhat dark series, so having him there to add a level of irreverent humor was nice. And I definitely feel that there's more to him than meets the eye and he's going to be important.
That brings me to Zeke.... I liked Zeke in the first book, but I wasn't really knocked out by him. There was just an element missing for me to really invest myself in him as the leading man. I think maybe he was a little too innocent. In this book, he really won me over. There are pieces to his character I hadn't seen before, and a tough sexiness to him that came through for the first time. He grew some danger to his personality that, I can't help it, made him more appealing to me. I'm definitely an Ally-Zeke fan now.
This installment was a lot more grisly than the previous one, but it really just kept me on my toes and suspended breathlessly. And wow...what an ending. I think people down the street from me could hear my reaction to this ending. Wow. This book was nearly perfect to me. Wonderful sequel. Can't wait for book three!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca bartley
After finishing “The Immortal Rules” I dived right into “The Eternal Cure”. Allie forms an uneasy alliance with Jackal, the despicable raider king who murdered some of her human friends, in a common quest to find their sire, Kanan, and a cure for rabidism.
One of the book’s major strengths is its characterizations. Jackal plays a major role in this novel, and he is a complicated character with questionable loyalties. He has a twisted sense of humor, full of sarcasm. The first 25% of the book is filled with the verbal sparring and mistrust between Allie and Jackal, and I missed Zeke, Allie’s love interest in the previous book. I was thrilled when his character appeared, and at this part things really started happening. Allie is as tough, smart, and as formidable as ever. She continues to fight to preserve her humanity. (I love her character; however, there is a lack of any other notable females in the book.) Zeke is transformed into a strong hero (yet sexy and sweet), and I grew to like his character more. I felt the romantic connection and spark between Zeke and Allie is believable. The main villain, Sarren, is a sadistic psychopath who holds a grudge. He wants to destroy all creatures, and will use all methods of violence and torture to achieve his ends. He is one of the scariest villains I have ever seen.
Julie Kagawa excels at world building. This post-apocalyptic world is interesting, terrifying, and convincing. The pacing is excellent. There is a mixture of fight scenes and dramatic scenes; some parts are more intense than others, but I was always compelled to keep reading because there are some unexpected twists and turns. This book is even more intensely violent than the first, with sword fights, beheadings, and scenes of torture, so it may be more suitable for older teens.
The book ends with a heart-wrenching cliff-hanger. Luckily, the third book in the series was recently published.
One of the book’s major strengths is its characterizations. Jackal plays a major role in this novel, and he is a complicated character with questionable loyalties. He has a twisted sense of humor, full of sarcasm. The first 25% of the book is filled with the verbal sparring and mistrust between Allie and Jackal, and I missed Zeke, Allie’s love interest in the previous book. I was thrilled when his character appeared, and at this part things really started happening. Allie is as tough, smart, and as formidable as ever. She continues to fight to preserve her humanity. (I love her character; however, there is a lack of any other notable females in the book.) Zeke is transformed into a strong hero (yet sexy and sweet), and I grew to like his character more. I felt the romantic connection and spark between Zeke and Allie is believable. The main villain, Sarren, is a sadistic psychopath who holds a grudge. He wants to destroy all creatures, and will use all methods of violence and torture to achieve his ends. He is one of the scariest villains I have ever seen.
Julie Kagawa excels at world building. This post-apocalyptic world is interesting, terrifying, and convincing. The pacing is excellent. There is a mixture of fight scenes and dramatic scenes; some parts are more intense than others, but I was always compelled to keep reading because there are some unexpected twists and turns. This book is even more intensely violent than the first, with sword fights, beheadings, and scenes of torture, so it may be more suitable for older teens.
The book ends with a heart-wrenching cliff-hanger. Luckily, the third book in the series was recently published.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura mckowen
Allie is desperate to find her sire, Kanin. Every night, she is haunted by dreams of torture and despair while Kanin is held prisoner by the psychotic vampire Sarren. Allie is closing in, but still uncertain which way to go. She feels a strong pull in her blood in two different directions. Which way? She makes a decision and at last reaches a fortified castle. The building is surrounded by rabids and a fence. Once Allie gets inside, she is in for a shock. She is reunited with her wicked vampire brother, Jackal. Allie and Jackal strike a bargain. He will help her find Kanin if she in return helps him find an underground lab that might hold the key to the infection that started the plague that turned humans into rabids. Can Allie and Jackal work together for a common goal?
What I Liked:
*I was in awe of Ms. Kagawa's world building. I know that she is a master at creating her worlds, but I wasn't prepared for the stark departure in this series. This time around, the reader is thrust into a dark, scary, desperate world where vampires rule and humans are nothing more than cattle for feeding. If you don't live in the vampire city under the protection of the blood suckers, life is cruel and mortality rates are high. In Immortal Rules, I thought I had seen the worst of it, but I was wrong. The danger is far worse now as there is a new virus on the loose, plaguing humanity and vampires alike. Food is scarce and everyone is desperate to survive. This is truly a frightening landscape. Ms. Kagawa knocks it out of the park with the world building in this one.
*I enjoyed seeing Allie's growth. She is still grappling with her vampirism, but in some ways she has come to terms with it. Even though she is a vampire, she hasn't lost some of her goodness and humanity. Every day she battles with the monster inside of her, and she struggles with letting the monster overtake her. She is fierce, deadly and determined to save her sire. I liked how when she was faced with unseemly people and horrible circumstances that she still managed to hang onto that spark of goodness inside. She is growing and evolving and I am excited to see where she goes from here.
*Jackal returns.... what can I say about Jackal? At first meeting in Immortal Rules, he was a despicable villain. This time around, he balances the fine line between being a somewhat redeemable character and a bastard. He is the scene stealer in this one, and I couldn't help but snicker at his snarky lines and his antics. He is a lot of fun, and he shocked me a time or two. I only hope we get much more of him in the next book. I appreciated that Jackal provides much needed comic relief.
*Kanin was one of my favorite characters from the first book, and one of my big quibbles with The Immortal Rules was that he was absent for the second half of the story. Thankfully, Allie is reunited with him and I got to spend more time with Kanin. Kanin is wise, patient and trying to escape the demons from his past. He had to make some hard choices, and he struggles with the outcome everyday. He is someone whom I admire and I can't wait to see what he does from here.
*The romance..... I was not a fan of the romance between Allie and Zeke in the first book. It seemed far fetched and out of place with the rest of the story. This time, I was able to understand it better. Allie and Zeke have grown and changed and I can see why there is an attraction. I am still unsure of how it will it settle out, I fear I may be in for heartbreak.
*I so appreciate that Kagawa has returned the vampires back to dark, scary predators instead of making them sexy, love interests. The vampires in this book are not sparkly, or sexy. The are fearsome predators.
*This is a heart pounding page turner. There is rarely a moment of reprieve. The story is dark and dangerous and Allie and Jackal are constantly facing new hideous creatures and unexpected obstacles. I liked the surprises and the quick pace. The climax is fast and furious and just when you think the dust is settling and you can breath easier until the next book, Ms. Kagawa throws in a jaw dropping finale that will punch you in the gut. It was a cruel, cruel trick. I am just relieved that I waited so long to read this one because I already have the final book waiting!
And The Not So Much:
*The cliffhanger ending!! The ending is horrendous and it left me completely stunned. I was in shock and horrified at the turn of events. For those of you who detest cliffhangers like me, this is one that will bite you!
*As much as I admired the way Allie tried to keep her inner monster in check, I grew frustrated with the way she let one particular character from her past continue to rile her and cause her trouble. Especially at the end when she saw him spying around the corners. I had a hard time believing that she could let him get away, and she pays dearly for it. I wanted her to step up and kick his ass!
*I think this book is darker than its predecessor. There are some gory scenes that are not suitable for the squeamish so if you are not a fan of horror either strap on your big girl panties or skip it.
The Eternity Cure is a sequel that is better than its predecessor. This book notches up the danger and action while showing solid character growth. This story doesn't let up until the final jaw dropping, tear your hear out cliffhanger that will leave you desperate for the next book. If you are a fan of Kagawa and her world building, this is a must read.
Favorite Quotations:
"Here we are in the sewers again, my favorite New Covington vacation spot. So thrilled to be here."
"You two must've been such great pals. I hope you don't mind when I say I'm going to rip his tongue out through his nose and make him eat it."
"Nothing lasted in this world. The harder you held on to something, the more it would kill you when it was gone, so it was best not to get attached to anything."
"There are no good choice, Allison," Kanin offered in a quiet voice. "There are only those you can live with, and those you can work to change."
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.
Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.
What I Liked:
*I was in awe of Ms. Kagawa's world building. I know that she is a master at creating her worlds, but I wasn't prepared for the stark departure in this series. This time around, the reader is thrust into a dark, scary, desperate world where vampires rule and humans are nothing more than cattle for feeding. If you don't live in the vampire city under the protection of the blood suckers, life is cruel and mortality rates are high. In Immortal Rules, I thought I had seen the worst of it, but I was wrong. The danger is far worse now as there is a new virus on the loose, plaguing humanity and vampires alike. Food is scarce and everyone is desperate to survive. This is truly a frightening landscape. Ms. Kagawa knocks it out of the park with the world building in this one.
*I enjoyed seeing Allie's growth. She is still grappling with her vampirism, but in some ways she has come to terms with it. Even though she is a vampire, she hasn't lost some of her goodness and humanity. Every day she battles with the monster inside of her, and she struggles with letting the monster overtake her. She is fierce, deadly and determined to save her sire. I liked how when she was faced with unseemly people and horrible circumstances that she still managed to hang onto that spark of goodness inside. She is growing and evolving and I am excited to see where she goes from here.
*Jackal returns.... what can I say about Jackal? At first meeting in Immortal Rules, he was a despicable villain. This time around, he balances the fine line between being a somewhat redeemable character and a bastard. He is the scene stealer in this one, and I couldn't help but snicker at his snarky lines and his antics. He is a lot of fun, and he shocked me a time or two. I only hope we get much more of him in the next book. I appreciated that Jackal provides much needed comic relief.
*Kanin was one of my favorite characters from the first book, and one of my big quibbles with The Immortal Rules was that he was absent for the second half of the story. Thankfully, Allie is reunited with him and I got to spend more time with Kanin. Kanin is wise, patient and trying to escape the demons from his past. He had to make some hard choices, and he struggles with the outcome everyday. He is someone whom I admire and I can't wait to see what he does from here.
*The romance..... I was not a fan of the romance between Allie and Zeke in the first book. It seemed far fetched and out of place with the rest of the story. This time, I was able to understand it better. Allie and Zeke have grown and changed and I can see why there is an attraction. I am still unsure of how it will it settle out, I fear I may be in for heartbreak.
*I so appreciate that Kagawa has returned the vampires back to dark, scary predators instead of making them sexy, love interests. The vampires in this book are not sparkly, or sexy. The are fearsome predators.
*This is a heart pounding page turner. There is rarely a moment of reprieve. The story is dark and dangerous and Allie and Jackal are constantly facing new hideous creatures and unexpected obstacles. I liked the surprises and the quick pace. The climax is fast and furious and just when you think the dust is settling and you can breath easier until the next book, Ms. Kagawa throws in a jaw dropping finale that will punch you in the gut. It was a cruel, cruel trick. I am just relieved that I waited so long to read this one because I already have the final book waiting!
And The Not So Much:
*The cliffhanger ending!! The ending is horrendous and it left me completely stunned. I was in shock and horrified at the turn of events. For those of you who detest cliffhangers like me, this is one that will bite you!
*As much as I admired the way Allie tried to keep her inner monster in check, I grew frustrated with the way she let one particular character from her past continue to rile her and cause her trouble. Especially at the end when she saw him spying around the corners. I had a hard time believing that she could let him get away, and she pays dearly for it. I wanted her to step up and kick his ass!
*I think this book is darker than its predecessor. There are some gory scenes that are not suitable for the squeamish so if you are not a fan of horror either strap on your big girl panties or skip it.
The Eternity Cure is a sequel that is better than its predecessor. This book notches up the danger and action while showing solid character growth. This story doesn't let up until the final jaw dropping, tear your hear out cliffhanger that will leave you desperate for the next book. If you are a fan of Kagawa and her world building, this is a must read.
Favorite Quotations:
"Here we are in the sewers again, my favorite New Covington vacation spot. So thrilled to be here."
"You two must've been such great pals. I hope you don't mind when I say I'm going to rip his tongue out through his nose and make him eat it."
"Nothing lasted in this world. The harder you held on to something, the more it would kill you when it was gone, so it was best not to get attached to anything."
"There are no good choice, Allison," Kanin offered in a quiet voice. "There are only those you can live with, and those you can work to change."
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.
Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.
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