Awaken (The Patronus Series Book 1)

BySarah M. Ross

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leandi cameron
Sarah wrote an excellent new take on the afterlife. It's a direction that I have never seen taken before and it's a lot like I would imagine it to be. The book gives a different look at vampires and werewolves with such an amazing supernatural twist where you seriously are like - OMG, how did she come up with this!!! Such a terrific story being told about a strong young girl that despite the tragic events that have occurred, carries on with a fierce attitude and a will to do her best. The characters plus the story line are written extremely well. I love the banter between all the characters. The range of emotions that Sarah writes for these characters is astounding and you really feel the drama and conflict going on around them. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley loftus
Oh man, this was so good! I actually finished it a few days ago but I had to get started immediately on book 2 so the review has been delayed a bit! Seriously, I would've been screaming and throwing things if I would not have had book 2 (Avenge) ready to go immediately upon finishing this! It was definitely one of those books that drag you into their world completely and you don't even wanna stop reading! The Patroni are very unique and I loved Lucy and her team immediately! And there are so many surprises along the way (some good, some bad) that it will keep you on your toes from beginning to end! Another series I have absolutely fallen in love with!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
thantit trisrisak
This book is written in the first person, which is difficult to carry off. But the protagonist's voice sounds like a whiny teenager who constantly gushes about her boyfriend. This really doesn't meet my expectations of a fictional afterlife. It seems more like a prolonged high school sleepover with a little action thrown in. The action includes a near-rape, extreme violence and cursing. All of those plot elements can be appropriate when used with the correct material, but this book just doesn't match up with them. The book just stops in the middle of a scene, which I suppose is one way to setup for a sequel. I would not recommend this book for adults. The tone is just too juvenile.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah has written a fantastic book with well developed characters and an interesting plot. She brings a new concept to what we normally think of as the afterlife, and she writes and presents it in a way that this realm makes perfect sense. You as the reader learn about the new realm as the main character learns about it too, so you never feel lost. She also writes an element of suspense into the plot that made me keep turning the pages instead of going to bed when I should have. I am not normally into the paranormal genre, but I was willing to take that risk with reading this book. I am sure glad I did, and I can't wait for Book 2!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda siegel
I found myself falling in love with these characters. Laughing at their little quirks and crying with them through the hard stuff. I couldn't put my Kindle down while reading. I was shocked for this to end the way it did. I feel like I was left on such a major cliff hanger (which I love) kind of like at the end of season finale. I started yelling " NO NO NO! I need to know what happens next. I don't want to wait another few months!" I am dying to see how the relationship between Max and Lucy pans out and to see what happens with Jessica.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris neal
I really enjoyed this book. The author created a new place very well with great description along with depth to her main characters. If you have ever wondered what happens to a soul once the body has died, this is Sarah's version of what happens. Good vs. evil and who keeps that balance. That is where the Patronus comes in, a protector of souls. This book hooked me from the beginning and kept me hooked until the end. The length of the book was not very long; I read this in an afternoon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading Awaken (The Patronus) by Sarah M. Ross. Once I started the book, I couldn't put it down! Ms. Ross has found a way to put a new spin on life after death, vampires, werewolves and other supernatural beings. The story is about Lucy Donovan who recently dies from being hit by a drunk driver. When Lucy awakens, she finds that she is not in heaven (or hell) but she has been chosen to be a Patronus. Patroni are protectors of souls before they reach their final destinations. The book follows Lucy as she learns to be a Patronus, protects souls from vampires and even falls in love with another Patronus, Max. All of the characters in the book were well fleshed out and bring the story to life. I loved the plot and the new twist on the supernatural. Unfortunately, the ending of this book just leaves you wanting to read more! Hopefully Ms. Ross will write a sequel soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian mason
Overall I really liked this book .I loved the story and characters,yet I could wish Lucy wasn't quite so whiney ,tho hers is a strong character it wasn't present as much as I could wish.Having said that it's a good read and I look forward to part 2 and the last. Hopefully the author will have tightened up Lucy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was such an awesome read. a very different take on the after life and so much you just would never even think could be a possibility. Sarah Ross has taken us to a completely different realm where there is more then heaven and hell.

Lucy is such a strong character who has to deal with so much and she has Max who is there for her every step of the way. Max and Lucy have a connection that you wonder about just as much as much as Lucy does throughout the entire book and then FINALLY find it out in the end. Sarah does not dissapoint int he least and I am very much looking forward to reading her next one in this series. It is definitly time to go kick some Vamp booty!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This appeared to be a cute little science fiction tale that I expected to have a "story-book" ending: you know the girl wakes up at home having been in a coma etc. That "Adam and Eve" tangent just left me cold. Don't publish any more of these please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this story! The idea that we have guides after we die to watch over us and then transport us to where we go after is amazing. Lucy was such a well-written character and I love how well the characters work together. Throw in some hot guys and supernatural beings into the mix and you have a great story! Love it Sarah! Can't wait to read Avenge!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I considered read this as reference from another author and I can tell you this novel is truly addictive and heart racing from the time I began to read it to the time it ended was completely addictive and heart racing non stop action love this book going to buy part 2 avenge
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica wardzala
I hate cliffhangers but I did enjoy this story and can fill in the rest with my imagination since I'm left with that. But the book is great and for free you can't beat it
Get lost in this book I did and it was great
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hillary britt
I absolutely loved this book and really cannot wait until the next one comes out. It had me hooked from the first page. You won't be disappointed. Now if only I can get a hold of some of the guys in the book, hot hot hot!!!! Thank You Sarah Ross for writing such an enjoyable book for me to read and I'm not just saying it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carrie goldberg
Awaken has a different and interesting premise. It spins a new interpretation of who guardian angels might me and what limbo is and makes an intriguing little story. Awaken by Sarah M. Ross was provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
marianne barone
This book is written in the first person, which is difficult to carry off. But the protagonist's voice sounds like a whiny teenager who constantly gushes about her boyfriend. This really doesn't meet my expectations of a fictional afterlife. It seems more like a prolonged high school sleepover with a little action thrown in. The action includes a near-rape, extreme violence and cursing. All of those plot elements can be appropriate when used with the correct material, but this book just doesn't match up with them. The book just stops in the middle of a scene, which I suppose is one way to setup for a sequel. I would not recommend this book for adults. The tone is just too juvenile.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
evan heigert
I did not like the protagonist. She has the emotional maturity of a Terrible Two. Many scenes of scenery-chewing emotional outbursts. "I was too lost in my emotions. They overpowered every part of me and were in complete control." (selected at random) And she's supposed to be part of a team that protects and defends the spirits of the newly-dead?

When she captures a vampire, her instinct is to torture it before killing it. Nice.

She just can't stand being in a classroom and being taught something that might be crucial, because she is just too anxious for action.

She has no comprehension of the fact that the hundreds of years of experience the other characters have had in their tasks might just have some wisdom to guide her actions; she cannot accept authority but has to try her best to manipulate it to her own ends.

Then there are the seemingly endless passages of -- tingly, ooooh he's so handsome, my body melts -- attraction to the main male character. -- Everything's all right just as soon as he touches me; I have to be near him; I don't understand what this is all about.-- (Step out into the hall and let me explain it to you, sister.)

But the straw that broke the camel's back was the quasi-Creationist explanation for the origin of humanity, and the consequences of the garden of Eden events rippling down through the millenia. I was a bit uncomfortable with the religious themes (though they were well disguised by re-naming) but the recounting of humans as not part of evolution, but separate and apart, was too much.

The ending pretty much just drops the reader off in the middle of an event. Boom! Bye! Buy the next book if you want to know what happens, because nothing is resolved in this one, except to learn that the two main characters are soul mates. Quelle surprise!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa allen jadhav
Wow what an absolutely amazing debut book. I totally fell in love with the original plot and remarkable characters. Characters that will have you laughing, cheering them on and crying for them. Yes this is a surprisingly awesome book that made me feel I was right along side these people as they battle supernatural beings, fall in love and have heart wrenching moments. Also look for some amazing side characters to pop in that leave you in shock over who they are. I only had one problem with this book. It ended and had me begging for more. Sarah M. Ross has written a book i am sure will be a favorite to many. I look forward to reading more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First of all I am an AVID paranormal/supernatural reader. It is basically the only genre of books I like to read along with suspense and medical dramas. Since I read A LOT of these books I start to get jaded to the typical vampire/werewolf/zombie stories. I like a story that moves quickly, isn't overly descriptive and has characters that you feel are worthy of the time you are investing in them.

Sarah wrote an excellent new take on the afterlife. It's a direction that hasn't really been taken before and it's a lot like I envision it to be. Sure there are vampires and werewolves but there is also a terrific story being told about a strong young girl that despite the tragic events that have occurred, carries on with a fierce attitude and a will to do her best. The characters in the story mesh well with Lucy and her room-mate Cassie is my favorite. I honestly can not say enough about this book. I read it in one sitting during a bout with a cold, I could NOT put it down. Normally you don't find this type of intelligence written into the characters of a YA book. I love the witty banter between all the characters. The range of emotions that Sarah writes for these characters is astounding and you really feel the drama and conflict going on around them. I highly recommend this book. Take it from a "jaded supernatural fan", it's worth the read.

(I received this e-book free of charge for review purposes. It in no way influenced my review at all.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
austin netzley
Imagine waking up in a strange room, attached to strange machines, and surrounded by strange faces. Then, imagine finding out that you died 5 months ago, have been chosen as a Patronus (guardian of souls), and are no longer on the earthly plane. Yeah, that'll make your head spin and your knees weak.

Lucy comes to learn that there are supernatural beings - vampires, werewolves, and fae - who steal souls, at the time of death, to repopulate their species. It will be her job to protect these endangered souls until a final judgement is passed and they either move up, to the Alpha, or down, to the Omega.

On, virtually, Lucy's first day out there's a breech, she's attacked, and nearly dies. Barely healed from the attack, she finds out that her sister, who has leukemia, is scheduled to be guided through in just a few days.

But Lucy is a guardian, not a guide. And when she insists on being allowed to escort her sister's soul, she is put through rigorous testing by a couple of very interesting, historical characters. One of the more amusing parts of the story.

Through all of this, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Max, a member of her team. When he pulls away, despite what seems to be a mutual attraction, Lucy is hurt and confused. But there are more important things than romance.

Will she be approved as a Guide? Will she be able to get her sister safely to the Patroni's realm? And will anyone ever explain what's up with Max?

Recommended by a fellow Facebook group member, Awaken left me with rather mixed feelings.

The afterlife realm that Ross created is fascinating and unremarkable; unusual and ordinary. Populated with others chosen to guard the souls of the newly deceased, it is virtually identical in appearance and function to the earthly realm from which they came. I was mildly disappointed, but understood the characters' explanations.

Speaking of characters, I loved them. From different times and places, some have been Patroni for decades - or centuries. Cassie is a crack-up, Max is {sigh} dreamy, and the famous people who pop up are unexpected and great fun.

Frankly, I didn't care for the religious, somewhat preachy nature of certain passages and the extreme demonizing of supernatural beings. Grammatically, some sections could definitely have benefited from additional editing. Lastly, I would have expected Max, who died in the 1870s, and James, who is even 'older', to have slightly different speech patterns. But everyone speaks in 21st century idiom and slang.

With that said, Awaken is still a fun read. It challenges the imagination; I've never thought about what Purgatory, for lack of a better term, might be like. Ross has and has, overall, done a fine job of taking us there.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the series has to offer.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary electronic galley of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Awaken" took me by surprise. Besides the stunning book cover, I also liked the concept of chosen ones becoming guardians in the afterlife to protect other spirits awaiting judgment before moving on, from being stolen by supernatural forces who wants to ensure the survival of their species. It is yet again another refreshing look at vampires, werewolves, faeries and such; although - except for the vampires - werewolves and faeries are not the main focus of this book. As I've had my fill of vampire and werewolf themed books, I enjoyed this one more for its take on guardians and guides in the afterlife.

Who knew that in heaven you'll find a waiting room with magazines dated from the 1980s, a coffee station and water cooler? Even more astonishing is finding that the realm of the after-life is not much different from the world we know. Chinese takeout, all your favorite television channels, buffet breakfasts and a fully equipped spa are only some of the familiar things you'll come across in this realm. And as wonderful as all that sounds, I was slightly disappointed that the author didn't put a little more imagination into this. Instead, she just duplicated our world. Having a realm where anything is possible at her fingertips, I'm surprised she chose not to be more creative and wow the reader with a whole new magical world! But......that's just me. Hopefully, the next book in the series, "Avenge", will do all that!

I liked all the characters, and again I was so happy to find another female lead who isn't a, whiny, spoiled little drama-queen, which you so frequently find in YA novels. Considering the new life Lucy had to embrace, and also surviving a horrendous attack soon after she arrived in her new world, she takes her duties as a Patronus (guardian) seriously. Her dogged determination and fearlessness to protect innocent souls from the evil trying to snatch them away, is remarkable to say the least. And what I wouldn't give to have one of those cool bracelets the guardians get to wear, with which you, wait, let me not spoil it for you. But trust me, you'll also want one!

A delightful little twist to this tale is how the author worked well-known historical figures into the story. A lot of time is spent detailing the training sessions Lucy had to partake in to help her develop the skills necessary for the battles ahead of her. After said training sessions, I was as exhausted as she was since the author described it so well! She really got my adrenaline pumping and I felt ready for the fight along with Lucy. I felt giddy knowing we're ready to go and kick some vampire butt!

This quick, well-written read will definitely appeal to the young adult market of readers aged 16 and up. "Awaken" is the first book in a new series that will definitely knock your socks off!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah wrote an excellent new take on the afterlife. It's a direction that I have never seen taken before and it's a lot like I would imagine it to be. The book gives a different look at vampires and werewolves with such an amazing supernatural twist where you seriously are like - OMG, how did she come up with this!!! Such a terrific story being told about a strong young girl that despite the tragic events that have occurred, carries on with a fierce attitude and a will to do her best. The characters plus the story line are written extremely well. I love the banter between all the characters. The range of emotions that Sarah writes for these characters is astounding and you really feel the drama and conflict going on around them. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Review abridged from my book review blog, Reading the Alphabet.*

Lucy was your average girl. Then she died. Her life wasn't over. Lucy's new life as a Patronus, a guardian of recently deceased souls, began.

Lucy begins training as a Patronus. It's a tough job: souls don't always want help, there are soul stealing vampires to contend with, and training is beyond exhausting. Fortunately for Lucy, her team is comprised of a wonderful bunch. She's also really good at what doing all that's thrown at her, which is good, because trouble is brewing and her first soul to escort is one she wishes she didn't have to save.

Lucy was an enjoyable character. She dove head first into challenges, was not perfect under pressure, and wasn't afraid to cry. I rooted for her when she struggled and cheered at her successes. My other favorite characters were Cassie and Max.

Set relatively in the present day, the setting of Awaken is recognizable. As Lucy puts it in the book, "Nothing had changed, but everything had changed." The realm the Patronus lives in is much like the human realm with televisions in the common room, extensive DVD collections and iPads. I appreciated the explanation behind this same but different element. I loved the use of real doors between realms, although travel between realms was not as easy as just stepping from one room to another. The scenes depicting this process were among my favorite because the visual description was easily pictured and the physical description was easily imagined.

From the start, Awaken was an enjoyable read. The ending was well written. I was satisfied with certain elements of the arc and was left wanting more in a good way with others. This book had all the feels, and I look forward to reading book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nichola lynch
The description gives you an accurate idea of what the book is about. What it doesn't tell you is how you will experience the intense emotional upheaval that Lucy goes through while transitioning to her new life as a Patronus. And not a Harry Potter shaped Patronus either :D

Awaken gives a whole new spin on life after death and how and why it all happens. Lucy was killed in a car accident and was recruited to the Patronus ranks. She became the newest team member to transport and protect newly departed spirits from nasties like vampires & werewolves, while they await the decision on their final destination. Was it to be with the Alpha aka Heaven or the Omega aka Hell?

I was so engrossed in the story and just wanted to know what was going to happen. I wanted to know if she would survive her brutal attack, what the strong connection she felt with Max was, and whether she would succeed in a mission that was fraught with danger and emotional baggage.

Poor Lucy didn't know whether she was going sometimes. There were surprises in store for her around every corner. And can I add? None were good ones. If she wasn't confused about her feelings, she was exhausted from her huge progress, if she wasn't scared for her own life and those around her, she was confident that she could handle the mission closest to her heart. Mostly Lucy just gets on with it and does what she thinks needs to be done, putting one foot in front of the other.

While her tantrums did get a bit tiresome (I can't believe 700 year old James and the others put up with so much!) and her reluctance to take direction (sometimes Lucy knows best - ya know?), I really did like her. Most of the time. Sometimes the gazing into Max's eyes and his gorgeous smile and dimples gave me butterflies, her self-motivational speech "Are you going to react or are you going to act? You're not a bystander in your life. You're in the driver's seat so step on the pedal already!"got me thinking and her hilarious thoughts made me laugh out loud. `Oh, God! It was a wife. Well, crap on a cracker! That sucked big time.' Hahahaha and what about this little piece of gold "Oh my gravy, you startled me!" So funny.

While we got some answers before the heart breaking tear soaked ending, there are plenty of questions left unanswered. Like who is the spy in their realm? Will they manage to save Jessica before it's too late? Can Lucy come to terms with the fact that she ate the apple? I for one will be looking for answers in Avenge upon it's release in November...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eman g
I LOVED this book. It's like Twilight meets House of Night meets Fallen! It's the perfect blend of action, romance, mystery and adventure for the young female and occasional male reader! I'm sure I could get the Husband to read it, but it may have a little too much romance for his taste. lol.

This story had me completely hooked before the 2nd chapter! I couldn't put it down. And when household duties required that I did put the book down, I couldn't focus on anything else, because I just had to get back to the story to see what was happening next! Each chapter left a cliff hanger and made you want to immediately dive into the next! The only downside to this, is that the book ends the same way! A cliffhanger that leaves you dying for the next book, which is due to be released the Summer/Fall of 2012!

The writing style is clear, and well organized. The Story is fast paced and doesn't have a bit of boring back story. When history of the characters are explained, it's done in an intriguing way that keeps the tempo of the book upbeat and always leaves an element of excitement as you are finally figuring out a new piece to the puzzle of the story! The character's personalities are well described and it is easy to picture them in your mind, and you can even see how they would react in just about any situation. The story revolves mostly around Lucy, but with her supporting characters of her Team leader James, roommate Cassie, teammate Adam (who is involved with Cassie) and teammate Max who we know as the romance focus of the story. There is a bit of humor mingled in the story along with the action, adventure, love, mystery and all!

Awaken has the same intense and mysterious love connection style as Twilight and Fallen, with the amazing discovery of powers for the lead character as in Twilight, House of Night, and Fallen with a touch of Angelic presence as in Fallen. But with a bit less risqué content as House of Night, making it more appropriate for younger audiences. Yet through all those similarities to those other books, Awaken is completely it's own and unique story! I love how the story doesn't focus solely on the romance between Lucy and Max, but that it lets you have a little taste here and there as you are enjoying a full course meal of excitement, mystery, action, and humor. There is swearing occasionally through the book, so if this is something you shield from your children, you may want to pass on this book. But the swearing is mild, and only very occasionally, though there is one "F" word to be aware of.

Overall, the book drew me in, and was a very easy and quick read. It was finished in a short 3 days! The romance doesn't have much content to be shielded from younger readers, but you may want to restrict young readers due to language. This book does make for a great read for older teenagers and adults a like. And the romance isn't the full focus of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
'Awaken' is the first book in the Patronus series, which follows the teenage heroine Lucy Donovan, as she dies and then wakes to find that she is now an immortal being known as a Patronus - a guardian of souls and spirits. As part of her new duties, Lucy must fight vampires and werewolves to retrieve the souls they have stolen. On top of everything, Lucy meets Max - another Patronus whose presence confuses and intrigues her.

This was a really fun and fast paced book that I couldn't put down. I really enjoyed the history and backstory of the Patroni and what they are called to do. I found it to be refreshing and original in the young adult genre. The characters are all well rounded and have unique personalities - especially Lucy. There is lots of action throughout the book along with tons of twists thrown in for good measure. The plot moved quickly and kept me on my toes, which I really liked. The setting and the different realms was really interesting. There were lots of threads started in the first book that I'm excited to follow up with in the next installment. Overall, this is a really well written novel that fans of young adult paranormal fiction will really love.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer nye
Lucy Donovan was supposed to have a weekend of fun in the sun, celebrating her upcoming graduation from college. In a split second, everything changed. A drunk driver ended Lucy's mortal life.

Lucy opens her eyes to a world she never imagined possible and a new destiny: as a Patronus, a guardian of spirits. Adjusting to her new role and abilities while negotiating this confusing realm will test her limits and push her further than she ever dreamed she would go. From wayward spirits who don't want her help to soul stealing vampires, and even a stuck-up British royal, Lucy must brave them all to save one spirit she can't bear to lose.

Further complicating her life is an inexplicable yet growing connection she feels to a member of her team, Max, whose mysterious behavior leaves her both confused and intrigued.

Waking up dead was just the beginning of her problems. Lucy's death is about to become the greatest adventure of her life.


Oh my...the ending. I think next to the definition of cliffhanger. It's one of the most suspenseful endings. My heart stopped midbeat once I realized that there wasn't a next page.
This novel has many peaks and valleys for me:
The thing about paranormal novels is that you have to take an already developed concept, and somehow make it into something original. I think that Ross does this. However, at the same time, some concepts were so hard to swallow...and they kept being thrown at you, one after the other. Ross does a magnificent job of creating this world. If you could believe it when J.K. Rowling created this world of Harry Potter's wizardry, or when Stephenie Meyer created sparkly vampires that had a diet that consisted mainly of animal blood, then you'll be able to believe Ross' afterlife, filled with vampires, werewolves, and wayward souls.
I didn't like how Lucy finally accepts her situation in the afterlife. One moment Lucy is skeptical and doesn't believe that she's actually dead, and then she does. There is this disconnect, concerning Lucy's acceptance. It's like the reader is missing something, which is a shame, because she seems so believable before that point. However, Lucy's personality soon makes up for it. She's stubborn and doesn't listen, and has some issues. All qualities that I love in a protagonist. She also gifted, and her tenacity also is a tool. Lucy also has a strong bond with her sister. It is what clearly motivates her and gives her strength. This sisterly bond isn't often written about, and it was exquisitely done. It is a bond that transcends time, and life or death. It's another kind of love, and readers will be lucky to read.
The highlight of Awaken, however, is Lucy and Max's relationship. One word to describe their relationship: swoon. From the very first moment that they are introduced, you instinctively know whatever happens between them is going to be hot. The unresolved sexual tension builds throughout the entire plot, and just when you finally it'll get resolved, the novel ends! It's like Ross just gave you one chip and put the rest of the bag conveniently out of reach, but in sight. You've got to be cruel to be kind.
Stay tuned for the sequel Avenge coming out late summer/fall 2012.

ARC provided by Author.

Fun Tidbit: Once upon a time, way back when, I was once one of the eight graders that Ms. Ross taught to love books :)

Check out this review or my others at or
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was such an awesome read. a very different take on the after life and so much you just would never even think could be a possibility. Sarah Ross has taken us to a completely different realm where there is more then heaven and hell.

Lucy is such a strong character who has to deal with so much and she has Max who is there for her every step of the way. Max and Lucy have a connection that you wonder about just as much as much as Lucy does throughout the entire book and then FINALLY find it out in the end. Sarah does not dissapoint int he least and I am very much looking forward to reading her next one in this series. It is definitly time to go kick some Vamp booty!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent goheen
I am a ridiculously slow reader, throw in going to college and working full time and it's a wonder how I keep up with this book blog, so when I zoomed through Awaken in less than 3 days, I shocked myself. But I could not put this book down! Awaken is filled with suspense, non-stop action, romance and just about everything you look for in a young adult novel.

Lucy is an AWESOME protagonist and a kick butt superhero. She may start at the bottom, but she will do anything it takes to pull herself to the top. Her friends are great too, each doing their own to challenge, console and of course, helps Lucy laugh. One of the super cool things Sarah did with this book was add in a few historical characters we know such as Queen Elizabeth and Amelia Earhart. Which, why not? Everything does take place in Lucy's afterlife!

The only couple of things that had me kind of eh was the beginning. I understood simply because the point wasn't who Lucy was in this lifetime, but rather the life she was about to begin as a Patronus. Still, it felt rather sudden. The other hesitation was Lucy and Max's relationship. Sarah plays up the insta-love but it doesn't feel like insta-love. It genuinely seems like Lucy and Max not only have known each other forever, but are just meant to be. However throughout the entire book, Max is holding a secret that has something to do with Lucy. The suspense is building and building until he finally reveals it to her and... what? I didn't see that coming. (No spoiler alerts here!) But I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that they expand on that situation further in the next novel because as much as I loved this book and loved the couple together, I was a bit let down with that outcome.

My favorite part of this book was the fact that Sarah was not afraid to have her characters fail, be slowed down or put in their place.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah lewis
I really expected this book to be much better when I borrowed it with Prime (thank God I didn't buy it..) but it just turned out a lot worse than I expected. Guess I shouldn't alwayys trust reviews, because they can certainly be misleading, especially when it came to this read.

I would like to start off by saying how the protagonist utterly -and quite thoroughly- annoyed me from the first page to the very last. She was supposedly in her early 20's? Could've fooled me for a 13 year old the way she endlessly famished over Max like a fangirl. Honestly, I understand her connection to him -now that we learn they're supposedly the first soulmates to ever exist or something like that- but it was sorely over the top and bothered me to no ends.

That being said, I have tto also acknowledge her immaturity in other aspects as well, such as the little temper tandrums she threw. Sure, I understandhow difficult it must have been to be stuck in her situation but half the problems she sobbed over were foolish and unnecessary. And the way the other characters handled it with such nonchalance made me believe Lucy was actually just a whiny teenage spoiled brat.

Other than how annoying the main character was, she did carry some good traits under that thirteen-year-old facade of hers. She cared for her parents and how they were holding up with the loss of a child, and she loved her very deeply. Lucy is an affectionate character which slightly made up for all her childish antics.

The only other thing I have against this book is the plot of it and how the auhor made it work. I felt things were a little fast-paced and that she didn't dwell much on her description of the world she places her readers in. She focuse to much on Lucy's attraction to Max and not enough on developing the plot itself. About 90% ways into the book I felt as though the action in the story had just begun, and yet there were only two chapters left out of the story.

I would range this book within the grey area between 2-3 stars. I just could'nt take this one too seriously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob liz
I just finished reading Awaken (The Patronus) by Sarah M. Ross. Once I started the book, I couldn't put it down! Ms. Ross has found a way to put a new spin on life after death, vampires, werewolves and other supernatural beings. The story is about Lucy Donovan who recently dies from being hit by a drunk driver. When Lucy awakens, she finds that she is not in heaven (or hell) but she has been chosen to be a Patronus. Patroni are protectors of souls before they reach their final destinations. The book follows Lucy as she learns to be a Patronus, protects souls from vampires and even falls in love with another Patronus, Max. All of the characters in the book were well fleshed out and bring the story to life. I loved the plot and the new twist on the supernatural. Unfortunately, the ending of this book just leaves you wanting to read more! Hopefully Ms. Ross will write a sequel soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary kaye martzke
Sarah M. Ross has created a unique type of vampire story in Awaken. I'm not a fan of such stories, but I enjoyed reading this one. It's 19 chapters with vivid description. I loved the way the author described the hero's eyes. I like to use eyes and vivid description of them myself. She's used original wording and coined a new phrase. The ending of this novel will make you hunger for the next. I loved the way she ended it like a good soap opera and left readers on the edge of their seats awaiting the next serial, Avenge. It's a short, easy read, a light one, so if you're looking for a weekend read, check out Awaken. It might keep you awake wanting to discover what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy gay
Let me start by saying this is another wonderful book by the lovely Sarah M.Ross. You will not be disappointed in this book.

After dying Lucy wakes up in a whole new world and finds out she's now a Patronus. She meets Max,James,Cassie and Adam who are apart of her team and teach her what a Patronus is. On the first day of class she has to help her team when a vampire slips in and trys to steal some souls. She gets attacks and nearly dies again but the handsome Max and Adam save her.
Everything is going good for Lucy until she gets horrible news about someone in her family. Throwing herself into intense training to become a guide everyone finds out she's so much better than they thought she would be. Marco and James try to keep Lucy from going to collect a soul for fear the vampires know who she is. But Lucy is determined to go at any cost.

I loved how I got sucked into this book like I was right there in the story. I laughed and cried with all the characters and my heart broke for Lucy. You will slowly fall in love with Max and wish he was real lol. Great Job Sarah!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awaken-The Patronus: Book One
Author: Sarah M. Ross
Synopsis: Her death was only the beginning...Lucy Donovan was supposed to have a weekend of fun in the sun, celebrating her upcoming graduation from college. In a split second, everything changed. A drunk driver ended Lucy's mortal life.... Lucy opens her eyes to a world she never imagined possible and a new destiny: as a Patronus, a guardian of spirits....Further complicating her life is an inexplicable yet growing connection she feels to a member of her team, Max, whose mysterious behavior leaves her both confused and intrigued.
Are you intrigued yet? I was, and I could not put this book down. I am drawn to books such as this, and when I read the synopsis on what the book was about, I could not help but sign up for the review. This book was so much more than I even expected. Kept me turning the pages and wanting to read on to see what was going to happen next. This book has a combination of the supernatural, suspense, adventure and romance theme to it. It was very easy to follow along and stay connected to the story. As I read the descriptions of the places in the book, I could fully and easily visualize them. I highly recommend this book and can see it as a great movie. I can not wait til the next one is published. By the way, I only gave you a partial synopsis above.You have to get this book for yourself to find out the rest!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rene patterson
I had the lovely opportunity to review this book for this tour. I have to say it's like nothing any book I've ever read before. It was sweet, romantic, heartwrenching, but yet exciting book. I have to say that Sarah writes about strong characters going through trials and tribulations and somehow managing to find love...even on the other side. I know what you're thinking, I'm not into scify. I'm into romance. Yeah, that's what I thought too. Then I read this book and couldn't put it down and can't wait for the next one to come out! Get your copy today!!
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