The Commodore (Vol. Book 17) (Aubrey/Maturin Novels)
ByPatrick O%27Brian
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy hoekenga
This book finds Horatio Hornblower in the Baltic Sea and in Russia. Here he has to do what seems to be the impossible fight the French and keep Russia and Sweden as British allies not an easy job. But if you have read the previous Hornblower novels then you know he can do it. It is just a question of how to do. Also this book give insight into the Russian campaign of Napoleon, but not in great detail. I mean after all this book is about Horatio Hornblower not Napoleon,b ut you can see why Napoleon has no love for this devilish Englishman, a thorn in the side of Napoleon on land and sea this time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Hornblower Saga has been extremely erntertaining for me. I am a Sailor and the sailing knowledge reflected in these books is absolutely amazing to me.. The Story-Iines are fascinating as well as exciting. They appeal to our desire to put ourselves into the role of someone with human doubts and frailties and yet is victorious in final results.
The Far Side of the World (Vol. Book 10) (Aubrey/Maturin Novels) :: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey (Vol. Book 21) (Aubrey/Maturin Novels) :: Master and Commander :: Desolation Island (Aubrey/Maturin) :: The Far Side of the World, Master and Commander
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina marie
With each book of the Hornblower saga, Forester enriches the Hornblower character. His evolution seems natural and his core beliefs and personality go with him through all of his adventures. I love these books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michelle adamski jones
I have read all the Hornblower books. This is good book, but not C.S. Forester's best work. The author attempts to bring in actual historical characters into the story, such as Carl von Clausewitz, but it comes as a little cheesy. However, I did enjoy the emphasis on the political and strategic aspects of warfare, rather than just retelling a series of battles. Overall, if you have read this far into the series, then this is a must read to move Hornblower's story-line towards a conclusion. I would not recommend this as the first read in the series. Definitely need to have a few Hornblower books under you belt before trying this novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every Patrick O'Brien novel - especially all of the Aubrey Maturin series - should be required reading for anyone who loves a great story with compelling characters, adventure, suspense and just the slightest touch of romance. Add to that that they are steeped in actual history - based on the logbooks of the RN captains who sailed in the era about which he writes - these are history lessons in the most entertaining form imaginable. Highest recommendation i could possibly give.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It's a fine book, like the entire series. Hornblower is a wonderful character and it's a lot of fun to watch him develop from an ambitious youth to a gruff veteran over many years, while always being defined by the same core traits of self-doubt and unflinching loyalty. They're also just cracking good stories, with just the right mix of romanticized adventure and gritty reality. If I ever have kids, I'll read these books to them as soon as I think they can handle the gore and endless nautical terms.
Two stars off because the edition I got was not the one pictured above, and now I'm doomed to be mildly irritated every time I look at these books in a row on my shelf.
Two stars off because the edition I got was not the one pictured above, and now I'm doomed to be mildly irritated every time I look at these books in a row on my shelf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fred basas
I have read the entire 21 volume Aubrey/Maturin series, now, six times. I am addicted, as are hundreds of loyal readers. This volume should not be the book to start your reading because so much happens long before . The story involves England's actions against the African slave trade and there is so much to like in this interesting action. If you choose to start here be aware that you may find this to be akin to catching your pantleg in the bicycle chain...there is no stopping.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read the paperbacks before of the Jack Aubery and Stephen Maturin series by Patrick O'Brien and loved them. Now my eyes are getting old and I was so happy they finally made those books for Kindle so that I can go to sea this summer. Janice U Raine
Please RateThe Commodore (Vol. Book 17) (Aubrey/Maturin Novels)
The good news is that otherwise, this story is very well done. Why Forrester chose to insert the above garbage plot device into this otherwise fine story is beyond me. Overall, it is well worth the read.