The Gender Game 5: The Gender Fall (Volume 5)

ByBella Forrest

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebecca bolchoz
This series started out so promising but as the books continued they are getting more and more full of what I look at as filler. This one I'm skimming and not reading much of it. So much of these books are turning out to be fight scenes, long drawn-out pages and pages about whichever character is hurt and how they feel and how they are being treated etc. etc. Come on, where is the plot???? Where is the character development? Where is the story progressing? I'm getting tired of this. Disappointing. I may drop the series. At least I'm using my Kindle free borrow and not paying for the books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
damon riley
This series is better than some others; the writing is better than the "Twlight" series for example. The technique, themes and plot are all solid. However, it does get tedious. The exhaustive, never-ending battles just make you wish they were over already, and the romance gets a little "gives me a toothache" sweet. The use of colloquialisms such as the non-word "ahold" drove me insane. That's breaking a major rule of creative writing, though that is probably me just being a little too picky. Overall, I'm midway through the sixth book; and while I can't say that I can't put it down, I can say it's been a pleasant diversion. Worth a read, in my opinion.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Much like everyone else I started out in love with this series but as the books go on I find myself taking longer and longer to finish. This book was basically useless, there wasn’t any character development and nothing was really accomplished until the last few chapters all of which could have been the start of the 6th book. I’m not fond of the shifting view points especially when there really isn’t a need for it, they spend most of their time together in this book and the last one so it wasn’t needed. I prefer it from one view point only shifting to viggo when it’s absolutely necessary. I’m hoping the next book doesn’t drag as this one did. Honestly it deserves less stars but I liked the first 3 books so much I’m being generous. Here’s to hoping the next two are better!
The Secret of Spellshadow Manor :: The Gender Game 7: The Gender End (Volume 7) :: The Gender Game 6: The Gender Plan (Volume 6) :: A Mother's Fight to Cure Her Son's OCD - Saving Sammy :: The Gender Game 4: The Gender War (Volume 4)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michelle cable
I've stuck with the series to this point because, while it has its flaws, it was at least easy to read and (most importantly) free with the Kindle Unlimited subscription. I can't finish this one though. It's so beyond slow and plodding. Halfway into the book and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED, they've sat around talking about plans with Violet and Viggo making googly eyes at each other. I get it, it's a young adult dystopian romance and that's going to be a big focus, but I've come to realize I just can't bring myself to care about these characters. Also, did this author even have an editor skim the book? Someone needs to tell Bella Forrest that "amused" and "bemused" don't mean the same thing.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dina meyer
I really enjoyed this series of books, as it brought to light the danger in holding on too dearly to gender stereotypes. The evolution of characters and the primary love interest arc were also fun to witness.

However for reasons I don't understand, beginning in chapter 14, the word "bemuse" pops up again and again, and was used incorrectly each time. (E.L. James has this habit as well). I believe I counted 12 instances of its use in the place of amuse, rather than confuse, which is closer to its meaning. I blame the editor for not catching this.

Other than that, I would've loved to hear just a little more about, even just a hint at, whatever world or life may still lay beyond Matrus and Patrus after "The Fall". But it kept me fully engrossed and was generally a pleasure to read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
donna weaver
I really enjoyed this series when I started book one, but this is a complete waste of your time. Seriously just skip to the next book. I haven't read it yet, but I can't imagine anything can be worse than the Gender Fall. I don't think there was any new information for the first quarter of the book, just recapping what's happened so far in the other books. There was maybe 40 pages out of 400 worth reading, and most of those were at the end. The writing was really bad, I'm wondering if she had someone else write this for her, because it's so different from the first two books. Maybe she started drinking or doing drugs? Or maybe she got greedy and is just desperately putting out books trying to sell more? Maybe she had to meet a deadline and just started typing random thoughts as they came to her? Whatever if was, I really wish I could get my time back I wasted reading this awful book. How the hell did anyone leave a good review?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zebardast zebardast
I am truly impressed by Bella Forrest's courageous dissection of society's gender norms, prejudices and corruption. She bravely addresses the gender biases that still so greatly affect females, while also addressing the less popular biases that discourage male's expression of emotion, domestication and other supposed weaknesses. The word she builds throughout the series is so creative and distinctly it's own, even for an avid dystopian fan, that you can't help but crave more while simultaneously wanting to tear the corrupt society down
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sally hall
Had this been written with quality instead of quantity in mind this series would rock. Instead it gets bogged down with to much irrelevant information to spread the series out. Why people are giving 5 stars and then saying to much filler is beyond me. The writer is only going look at the rating and disregard what people are saying which tells me all of the books will be the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy rowe
These books are very interesting and fast paced. I really like that there are so many strong female characters. I also REALLY like the mutated plant and animal life present. I want them to make this and The Girl Who Dared To Think series into some movies for me. Kthanks.

I had to sign up for Kindle Unlimited just so I could satisfy my urge to complete the story and not spend a small fortune. Such a good deal! for me anyway....probably not for the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
genie kosen stewart
Violet is severely injured but still alive. The doctor says she will die if she doesn’t have surgery to her brain. Owen, Amber and Viggo go to the Liberator’s main camp and try to sway them to their side. They bring back Dr. Tierney to save Violet, Henrik and Quinn. The stakes are climbing and the body count of the innocents is appalling. Can they get through to the people and take back their lives. A fast paced story and series.
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