One Kick: A Kick Lannigan Novel

ByChelsea Cain

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lois shawver
Something is missing from an, otherwise, potentially new heroine. This story lacks depth as does its main character. I have the impression the writer doesn't yet know enough about Kick's presentation. It seems too superficial. Not like the previous characters. Hope the next books are more fleshed out. A little disappointing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara johansson
Chelsea Cain wrote another book that kept me reading page after page. Her characters are flawed as usual but with a strength that overcomes obstacles both past and present. Fast paced and full of surprises. Strong female characters that don't wait for Prince Charming to save them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pamela rosen
I really don't understand the hate. I loved loved the book. Sure, the subject is maybe too dark for some people to handle. After all, child rape is a gut wrenching topic. But Chelsea Cain handle it pretty well, and never exploit it for pure sensationalism. Kick is pretty badass and all the characters are well written. Can't wait for the second kick...
Let Me Go :: Creep (Creep series Book 1) :: The Night Season (Thorndike Large Print Crime Scene) :: A Thriller (Archie Sheridan & Gretchen Lowell) - Evil at Heart :: Heart Sick
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren walker author
Well let me start by saying this. "There is probably never going to be another fictional character as intriquing as Gretchen Lowell", That being said; I like Kick and Bishop in this book. the plot is fast and the topic is one that is not dealt with often, even in fiction. Ms. Cain handles it well. The horror of Pedophilia is there but without unacceptable graphic detail. That alone has got to be difficult for any author. Character development is great - I feel like I am getting to know Kick at just the right pace. I look forward to her measured recovery in future books in this series.
Lastly - lets keep in mind that this fiction; don't pick it apart - just enjoy a thrilling read !!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leigh anne
I enjoyed reading this book and it kept me reading, but like in other reviews i was dissapointed in the fact that they even used her help. It was another way of abusing her. Theres no way she could be completely over what happened yet. So its normal that she would freeze in certain situations. Its like PTSD. You can prepare but sometimes it just dosent work. Also some people adjust faster than others. Im very confused on this book. I really liked it and i really didnt. Im not sure if i'll read the next in the series yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kick is likable. Sometimes she’s adult, self-aware and logical. Other times she can be child-like, remembering the girl whose childhood was stolen. Bishop is less likable: he seems too focused on results without caring who gets hurt on the way until his past is revealed and his actions become more understandable. As a pair they make a great team: Bishop’s logic and Kick’s intuition. "One Kick” is a sensitively written, as well as a fast-paced thriller. Kick Lannigan kicks butt!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jojor theresia nababan
3+ stars
First of all, it starts off completely ridiculous, especially with what this girl has already been through. I am not sure what she was thinking when she wrote the first few chapters. It almost made me wish I hadn't pre-ordered the book. After about 1/3 of the way through you really start to like Kick and I was enamored with her crazy quirks. Her worry book, her yelling 'HA' to bring her back to reality and especially her fondness and protectiveness with James. Bishop is a whole different story. He is one dimensional but I am not sure if that is how she wanted to write him, perhaps he grows in the next book. I don't know, but this was a bit of a put off for me.

The story deals with the very unpleasant and vile use of children in pornography and movies, but I will say she does it skillfully so you are not just thinking about that. After about 1/2 way through the book I was completely hooked, and it only got better from there. I only wish her editors would have read the first few chapters first and said this is not the way to start a book. I only say that as people may download the sample and move on. I probably would have if I wasn't so in love with her previous books.

Overall, good start to a new series and I will definitely read the next book. It is hard to compare to her previous books as Gretchen and Archie were such compelling characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love love love Chelsea Cain. All her characters seem to have something to them that in some way you can relate to.

I was a little hesitant about reading a new series; Gretchen Lowell Serial Killer series is my favorite. However, Cain did not disappoint; she created a new set of characters that are in some way off kilter but you cheer and love them for it.

After finishing this book, my only disappointment was wondering how long I have to wait for another Cain book!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I absolutely love Chelsea Cain's other books, but this one was a difficult read. A lot of it could have been the subject matter, which made my skin crawl so much more than anything Gretchen Lowell ever did that I could barely get through it. Chelsea Cain is a great writer, but this was a hard read, and I'll look forward to hearing more from Gretchen.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dustin hiles
There is something slightly maddening about Cain's writing. As other reviewers have mentioned, despite setting up an elaborate backstory of Kick's fighting, weapons, and lock picking skills, she rarely employs them to much effect. Kick is actually rather useless and Cain seems to delight in making her so.

I noticed a similar quality in the Archie Sheridan books with the Susan Ward character. Rather than growing into her talents, Susan seemed to become less and less competent as the series progressed.

This all reminds me of a woman I used to know. She owned a business and proclaimed herself a "strong" "feminist", and on the surface seemed to be just that, but the longer I knew her the more wary of her I became. First off she kept a chaotically filthy house, seemingly on a path to cat lady level hoarding. But more disturbingly she had a habit of having "accidents".

These "accidents" often, though not always, occurred when drunk, and were always SPECTACULARLY and publicly embarrassing. Picture a sitcom nightmare where our heroine stumbles at a wedding, grabs on to the bride's dress to steady herself, ripping it off to the horror of those assembled, then pirouettes backwards, crashing through a table of hor d'oeuvres landing face first in the wedding cake.

This exact, cringe inducing sequence of events never happened of course, but I witnessed so many similar scenes that its a fairly accurate dramatization. After one or two such incidents I realized that, while not exactly consciously her fault, these weren't exactly accidents either.

And that brings me back to Chelsea Cain's writing. It gives me the same feeling of foreboding and anxiety that being in the presence of this woman did. She never stops telling us how strong and capable her female characters are, but in the end you know they're going to do everything in their power to *fail* to help themselves and collapse spectacularly.

Do women think this sort of self-damselling is charming? It isn't, It's maddening and repellant and makes me for one, want to get as far away as possible. And that is, I suppose, what I'll end up doing with the rest of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was everything I look for in a thriller/suspense. I have absolutely loved the Archie Sheridan series, but, this is, dare I say, even better. Kick is intelligent, independent and a bit of a smartass. There's no doubt that she's flawed, but she's definitely not broken. I was thoroughly entertained with the interaction between her and Bishop and loved their chemistry. Chelsea Cain was able to write about a vicitm of child sex trading/pronography without hitting the reader over the head with it. I don't typically shy away from a really dark or heartwrenching story, but it was actually a bit of a relief that there wasn't graphic detail of what Kick and the other children endured. However, at no point was their ordeal minimized. Sometimes just seeing the aftermath and the way a person's present was impacted is enough to let you know how horrific their past was. I think that the author did a great job of describing the lasting impact without shoving it in our face. MINOR SPOILER ALERT: The dog, though? What. In The. Hell?! I cried my eyes out.
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