Pestilence (The Four Horsemen) (Volume 1)

ByLaura Thalassa

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy aaron
Just WOW.
This is an emotional rollercoaster!
I can hardly wait for book 2... this was off my charts some really messed up mental stuff, but so fabulously well handled, IMO.

Really well written, great character development, solid storyline, and nail biting heartbreakingly beautiful moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin steeves
The first story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and I also stayed up late finishing it, I could not put my Kindle down.
Sara Burn's story and falling in love with a being that is killing humans by divine order, is heart warming, funny at times in the dialogue and a good read. I can't wait for the second book "War" to be published and sold on the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a book! This book was full of excitement and character and thank the Lord it wasn't only issues Is that she isn't the love insterst in all the books...but tbh I haven't read the other ones so maybe she is? A girl can hope. Seriously though Laura is a good writer. Hail Laura a wonderful writer with a shitty book cover. Change your cover Laura not your writing!
Diary of a Worm :: How to Eat Fried Worms :: There's a Hair in My Dirt! A Worm's Story :: How to Set Up and Maintain a Worm Composting System :: A Medical Thriller (The Plague Trilogy Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah brooks
WOW! I absolutely this version of the four horsemen! The angst/slow burn between Pestilence and Sarah was perfect! The pace of the story, passion, and love was beautiful! I can't wait for the next book! Must read!!! It's excellent! I couldn't put it down, pulled an all nighter! Kudos!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was such a fun read. The protagonist is HILARIOUS. She had me laughing out loud, and that hardly ever happens while I'm reading. Pestilence is a great male lead. He's oddly naive for someone thousands of years old, and that makes him rather endearing. If you're looking for a quick, easy, entertaining read, give Pestilence a go. I can't wait for War!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was such a well written and plotted out book. It also makes me love it more since the main characters name is Sara. There so many funny lines in this book and they were very needed to lighten some of the very dark things that happen. I’m am now a solid fan of this author. Can’t wait to read War!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a page-turner! Just imagine what it would be like for Sara, a tough lady of the 21st century, to fall for the angel Pestilence, in an apocalyptic world. It is UN-imaginable. Terribly fun, profane, and racy. I won't spill the beans, but the ending is so-o-o satisfying. Can't wait for the next book in The Four Horsemen series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anthony lavadera
PICTURE THIS. Me lazing on my couch procrastinating doing work by going through the hordes of junk emails that litter the inbox on my phone. I only keep a precious few, one of which is the Goodreads romance newsletter because I get a kick out of some of the titles they list on that thing each month. This one catches my eye because of the pretty (if not a tad dramatic) cover and once I read the description I download it IMMEDIATELY.

It sounds like the most ridiculous thing ever and I HAVE to know more. I mean, she falls for one of the four horsemen?? Wtf?!? HOW?!

I'm here to tell you that this surpassed my expectations because IT'S HILARIOUS, both intentionally and unintentionally. First of all, for all my friends who don't know (since I had to do a little Googling myself), this is about The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Four men on horseback sent to start the apocalypse with each one symbolizing a tragic end—Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. Obviously this one is about Pestilence, the one who brings sickness and plague.

That's right, HOMEGIRL FALLS IN LOVE WITH THE PLAGUE. I can't stress enough how endlessly entertaining that was for me. SHE GETS IT ON WITH THE PLAGUE. And apparently the plague is a hottie. Who knew?

The great thing about this book is that it knows exactly how kooky it is and plays into that using Sara, the hilariously blunt, sarcastic narrator and protagonist. In between my bouts of hysterics over her FALLING IN LOVE WITH PLAGUE (SERIOUSLY, WTF?), I had some genuine laughs over Sara's inner monologue. The combination made for a strangely pleasant reading experience.

Now I'm trapped waiting for the next one, which I HAVE to read because I'm SO CURIOUS. The next novel will be about the horseman War and I need to know how his power works. Does he start brawls wherever he goes?? When his love interest finally meets him, will they just get an overwhelming desire to punch him in the face??? When he walks into a room, do a million fights break out??? I'm picturing it a lot like that church scene in Kingsman where everyone just attacks each other.


This book isn't campy or terrible enough for me to dub it "so bad it's good" because I enjoyed the writing style, but I vote read it for the entertainment value.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
merwyn haskett
I thought that I have already read all books that could have made me read during nighttime while my family is asleep. But I was sooo mistaken.... this is just the book that will make you to want for more, for next similar story that will capture you and won’t let go...

I have not read any of this author’s books before and now I wonder - why so?! She has such good stories and writes just brilliantly.

This was ine of very rare books that captured my undivided attention from the very first pages. I was into the story, I loved Sara and Pestilence’s interactions. Even his violence regarding her at the beginning was something to be understood.

In some moments I cried when he was wounded as I felt that I am feeling his pain... cannot imagine what can feel a person who cannot die and has to feel every pain inflicted on him...

The last city where they were attacked, I just could not bear the vivid scenes with sooo vile and hateful humans. In that part I really understood that it is real, this kind of violence. If you cannot kill a person, then why there is need to tru it? To look for yourself? To check how much pain you can make him feel before he kills you?! Nooo...

Although, I really understood that this was a picture of real humankind.

I am waiting in aticipation for the next book. And while I wait, I will try other books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hobart frolley
Woah! I loved this book! Definitely for adults only because of the strong language, but oh my.. I want to say that I couldn't put it down, but sometimes I just needed to take a break to process everything that was happening! Now I just can't wait for the 2nd book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ty bufkin
The prologue was epic, and it really set forth the seriousness of the topic at hand. While the Four Horseman are symbolic in nature, Thalassa turns them into supernatural beings that are truly believable. Could an angel of death be more accurately represented? I don't think so.

The story takes place 5 years after the arrival of The Horsmen. It's not real clear how long Pestilence has been riding, or what other parts of the world he has infected, but the scene is North America. Of coarse we have some heroes that try to stop the being. Sara, the main protagonist, is one of those people. Her weapon of choice? A shotgun, and incidentally, gasoline and a match. The kicker is Pestilence can't be killed, and Sara learns this the hard way.

I loved how graphic this story was. It was definitely a horror show, no doubt. It touched on the depravity of mankind, the reason that the Horsemen ride, but also pointed out the good. I loved how even though Pestilence is a divine being, he sets aside the world's religions as false. I detested how Pestilence and Sara's relationship started, with Sara as a captive, but love how Sara ultimately changed this "monster" into a man, and taught him a thing or two about mercy.

I definitely will continue to read The Four Horseman series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna simpson
Where to begin?! This book is the bomb diggity! It is addicting from beginning to end! I mean I read this damn book in one sitting because it's so freaking good!!! Now I'm left waiting for book 2 War!!! Believe me when I say you are missing one hell of a storyline if you don't get this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan francis
I... honestly was not expecting to like this book as much as I did. I've never read anything by the author and I was a bit leery. fears were quickly put to rest, however. The relationship and character development actually moved at what felt like a realistic pace and not that fall in love in a week crap I'm so used to in other novels of this sort. I'm quite pleased and rather ravenous for the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew bertaina
Omg, it's ridiculous how amazing; incredibly; unbelievably (insert all good adjectives here) this woman writes! Not to mention the story itself. I mean, I could not put the damn book down until I was throughly finished with it! The way the characters develop, how everything that happens happens at the exact perfect time... Just.. Thank you Laura Thalassa. I am now your number one fan! Really. Número um. Please never stop writing. I can't wait to read your other books, but most of all, the next one in this series. I can't begin to imagine what the story will be like.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina greiner
I loved this book and constantly look again to see when War is coming. I enjoyed the book, some of the pain she endured was hard to read but because of the concept of the book I was much more able to read it throughout. I enjoyed it, would highly recommend this and others written by her!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really liked this slow burn apocalyptic love story.
Definitely for adults!
It was funny,
And dark
And steamy.
Sometimes I did get angry at the main character for her flip floppy emotional ways, but it ended awesome.
Also the author needs to hurry up and finish the other siren series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patricia hong
Really, really enjoyed this book. It was different in terms of perspective considering there are some moral questions to be asking here when it comes to this book. That's what is so great about it though, it's different. It's also a bit of a guilty pleasure. Also, a lot of the story is focusing on their relationship. (It may not be for everyone) Can't wait for the 2nd one, I'll be waiting! I really want to know more about Death :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ilana bram
It was brutal, vicious, bloody, gory and very sensual book showing how hate, greed, vengeance lead to more hate and bloodshed. The heroine is exciting although in denial for large portion of the book, love is tender, fiery, fierce and unapologetic. Sexy and raw it is a very engaging read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Raised Catholic as a child, I've always been more interested in the dark, unmentioned parts of theology, or the parts mentioned only with broad, sweeping generalizations. Pestilence nails these themes and so much more. I read it in one gorging, and I've already started rereading it-something I almost *never* do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laraerinyahoo com
I loved loved loved Sara in this book. Her personality kept me engaged during the slow read. I didn't however like how Pestilence went to a lovesick stage 5 clinger. Yes you can love someone and want to do everything for them but it is so cheesy and over the top.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david d ambrosio
I didn't realize the book had been just published until I was at the end, and was disappointed that the next installment want available yet! I'll have to wait for the next one to be written, I guess. ? I very much enjoyed the characters, and the plot was something that, to be honest, I was skeptical about it working, which is kind of why I was intrigued, but ... It just works so well, and the author's writing makes the characters believable, and seem like fully fleshed out people. The tension builds nicely, in my opinion, and it's quite sexy if that's what you're looking for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carol sparks
This book had me feeling all kinds of emotions. The love of a woman helped to save mankind. I grew to like Pestilence, destroyer of humankind. Sara and Pestilence were the perfect couple. Good read, but some things were hard to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing. Seriously just amazing. This is either going to be a love or hate book for some readers. I went into it with the realization that it's purely fictional and I came out unscathed. Oh, and also, I LOVE IT!! I can't wait for War!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky bell
I never knew a romance could feature characters starting so epically far apart on the mortal enemies scale and still find true love -- in the apocalypse. This story blew me away. Pestilence is nuanced (a far cry from a one-note, chest-thumping alpha male but still *so* swoon-worthy) and Sara is a spitfire and a delight. The romance between them unfolded beautifully and subtley; I bought into it every step of the way. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryam rezapour
A great idea and stunningly well-written. Normally first person POV isn't my favorite, but this knocks it out of the park. The story is strong, paced well, and the flow is perfect. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book ended up being nothing like I expected, although this was my first book by this author so I’m not really sure what exactly I was expecting.
It took me a bit to get a feel for Saras character. The beginning of the book started out a little rocky for me. It’s pretty dark and more than once I questioned exactly how Sara and Pestilence were supposed to fall in love in any kind of believable manner. Oh, but they did!
All in all I loved this book!! I was so disappointed when it ended, although I’m very happy with the ending. Now I’m anxiously waiting Wars book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie hansen
I started this book last night, stayed up entirely too late and picked it up again today when I should have been doing my own work. Captivating, emotive, and heart clenching. I am glad I picked this one up on a whim. Thank you for such a masterful story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Omg this book is amazing.

The plot has incredibly well-timed pacing that keeps you hooked to the action and romance. The characters are memorable and distinctly unique--this ain't no damsel in distress, this chick is tough as nails but also shows her tender moments so she'll leave your heart wrenching.

A lot of very tough and emotional scenes that had me almost in tears.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie consolvo
Absolutely loved it! Favorite book I've read in months. The only thing that would make it better would be Pestilence's POV. I'd love to know what he was thinking throughout everything! The heroine is badass, hilarious, and snarky, while the hero can give it back just as good.

Can't wait for the next one! Hopefully it comes fast since I'm in a book funk now!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
patricia lawless
To start this book has terrible language. Do you really have to say the F word 5 times in a page. Not only that, but the main character is fighting for her life and the lives of every one else on earth when starts listing hard after him after not even 24 hours with him. That doesn't make sense to me at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rahina zarma
This is not a Christian book, even though the idea is somewhat based on the bible. It's only an idea and an event related to more to the book of Revelation then the horseman himself. It is still a great read, one reminding us of God's wrath and mercy in the midst of it. It was a good reminder to look beneath that what we see and hear. See and treat the cause, not just the symptoms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I loved the funny one liners and how the book progressed throughout. I read it in two days and was sad when I could not find the next book in the series..... now I wait
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had me on an emotional rollercoaster. Such as chuckling out loud at Sara's attempt to offer him food. The old couple made me cry. The impossibility of love had my heart aching. I can't wait for book two!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rachael gilkey
I'll admit that I bought this book primarily because this sounded absolutely ridiculous (and Katy was gushing about it on Twitter), but I was really pleasantly surprised! This book is excellently paced with an incredibly witty narrator and an interesting dystopian story that also has a romance.

Five years ago the four horseman appeared and modern life as we know it - electricity, cell phones - goes by the wayside. But then they just vanished and life continues in the dystopian remnants of society. That is until Pestilence reappears and people along his route are dying by the thousands and there is no cure for the Messianic Fever, which appears to be kind of like an Ebola/Plague awful thing that no one would wish to die from.

Evacuation orders have been sent, but Sara wants to save everyone she loves and stays behind to kill Pestilence. But he doesn't die and he is pissed off, taking her prisoner and vowing to make her suffer.

Overall I really enjoyed this read, but I knocked it down to three stars because I didn't buy the romance - it was a weird combination of enemies-to-lovers and insta-love, but there was literally no development of that relationship. At all. Given the care and development Thalassa put forth in the worldbuilding and overall plot, I was a bit disappointed with how the relationship came to be (but I am down with this pairing for sure).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor lowery
Really, no one writes complex evil/tormented characters like Ms Thalassa. I've read The Bargainer series and The Fallen World series. I was skeptical when I read about the subject of this story, but it was excellent.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nazanin yosefzadeh
The writer was extremely creative (and thumbs up to not making the main female character young and dumb loved her spark!) but something wasn't connecting between the action and the romance, it just felt too weird and put me off making a true connection with the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan newell
Great book! One of my favorite authors if you haven’t checked out her other books you should! I loved the characters in this novel and their dynamic relationship. This book was one I couldn’t put down and the story was surprising (not totally predictable). This is more of a mature read as there are some steamy scenes but fun read nonetheless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelley gillman
Paranormal romance meets biblical mythology, I loved this story, the characters were wonderfully written and the storyline was a refreshing and vibrant new take on the paranormal genre, it flowed beautifully and kept me glued to the page from start to finish, I can't wait for the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie smith bell
Loved, loved, LOVED this book! It is the perfect slow burn romance book, with such an intriguing story that you can't stop reading it! I got to the end of this book and was so sad that this series isn't released yet and I couldn't binge read my way through more!! Take a chance and read this book, you won't be sorry!!
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