Black Dawn: The Morganville Vampires
ByRachel Caine
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen stewart
In the tradition of Morganville Books just when you think you know where this book is going you are wrong. There are twists in the last few chapters that are almost mind blowing. I loved every second of this book and it was perfect vacation reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carola flowers
I really like the book series due to its uniqueness. There are four main characters and this book brings them each out a little more than the others. Black Dawn felt a bit different than the previous books not necessarily in a negative way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mai gamal
Black Dawn is the comtinuing story of Clare, Shane, Eve, and Michale. It's well known that Eve and Michale wish to marry, and in the end they do, but the four of them have to get rid of the dreage first.
For me, it's a little dry, dose not hold my attention as well as the rest of the books.
Over all, it's a good read.
For me, it's a little dry, dose not hold my attention as well as the rest of the books.
Over all, it's a good read.
Leviathan (Leviathan Trilogy) by Scott Westerfeld (2010-08-10) :: Leviathan (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) :: Goliath (Leviathan Book 3) :: The Leviathan (New Directions Pearls) :: Bitter Blood: The Morganville Vampires
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marty gardner
This book is part of an outstanding, pulse racing series and rachael caine didn't let down with this one. I can say that Black Dawn is my favorite of the morganville series by far and I can't wait for the next one!! :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This story has become so convoluted, I simply couldn't get past the first couple of chapters before growing extremely bored, and looking for something else to read. I suggest this book as a sleep aid. :/ I'm so disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amber brad
finished reading Black Dawn. This book is a great way to finish the problems with the 'Drag' and leave you wanting more. The problem is that the Drag went on and on and was to quickly rapped up. I know that the point of the story in Last Breath, was the marriage of Michael and Eve but come on .... you kill the Head Drag and than get married? NOT HOW I WAS SEEING THIS ENDING.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt davis
I’ve always been a fan of the Morganville vampire series so I was glad to see that this book finally had an ending to it. It was a pretty long series at 15 books total. That being said, none of the books were terribly long so they went by relatively quickly.
To put it straight: I have a love/hate relationship with Claire. While I love her because she cares so much and wants the best out of everyone, I also hate her because there are times when she would put herself in a situation that she could have easily avoided if she wanted to. Which ended causing a lot of drama or even a whole book to figuring out how to solve that problem. The one book I didn’t particularly like was book 14, Fall of Night, where she decides to go to Cambridge to finally visit MIT. For some reason, I get the impression that the author was tired of writing about Morganville so she wanted a change of scenery hence Cambridge, Mass. And of course, things happen while Claire is there but if she didn’t go, none of that would have happened. After the end of book 13, Bitter Blood, things have finally settled down, for once, so why did Claire felt the need go to MIT and stir shit up again? And then of course, Rachel, the author, decided to write two more books out of the whole thing. She could have easily ended things after Bitter Blood but nope, she kept it rolling.
I liked Shane, Claire’s boyfriend. He definitely changed a lot since book one and you can see how much he had changed in these last few books. He thinks more before he rushes to do something and he’s a lot smarter now. In fact, all of the other characters, Eve and Michael, have all been rubbed by Claire.
SPOILER ALERT: I also thought that the last book with the bite and everything, was completely unnecessary. Not to mention, the “cure” too was also crazily nonsensical. First of all, how come that vampire cure just so happened to work on Michael and none of the other dozens of vampires that they were tested on? Second, how come that cure didn’t kill Oliver yet killed the others? There was no logic behind this. And finally, how come a vampire cure was able to cure a “hellhound” bite which was basically a werewolf bite, by the way? That last part made absolutely zero sense. While I liked the series, I think Rachel did a hazardous job on the last one. END OF SPOILER.
Sorry for that spoiler paragraph, I usually try to avoid any real spoilers but I could not help this one. Anyways, moving on to Myrnin, my absolute favorite vampire in this entire series. When he was first introduced, I was a little wary of him because he was basically a schizophrenic with crazy mood swings and I was always worried for Claire for spending time with him. However, he has really changed throughout the series and he seemed almost normal in the last few novels. I think it’s hilarious when he comes in wearing some crazy outfit. And despite his weird mood swings, you can tell how much he cares for Claire. To be honest, it would have been interesting to see a bit of Claire and Myrnin action. I mean, everyone already thinks there is something going on, so…why not? Haha
Overall, I liked the series. I’m just surprised that Morganville has survived as long as it did. I feel like without Claire, the vampires there would have died already. She helped them through so many vampire-related issues such as the disease or the long sworn enemy or the coup or everything else that happened. Regardless, I highly recommend these books. They’re super entertaining and fun to read.
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To put it straight: I have a love/hate relationship with Claire. While I love her because she cares so much and wants the best out of everyone, I also hate her because there are times when she would put herself in a situation that she could have easily avoided if she wanted to. Which ended causing a lot of drama or even a whole book to figuring out how to solve that problem. The one book I didn’t particularly like was book 14, Fall of Night, where she decides to go to Cambridge to finally visit MIT. For some reason, I get the impression that the author was tired of writing about Morganville so she wanted a change of scenery hence Cambridge, Mass. And of course, things happen while Claire is there but if she didn’t go, none of that would have happened. After the end of book 13, Bitter Blood, things have finally settled down, for once, so why did Claire felt the need go to MIT and stir shit up again? And then of course, Rachel, the author, decided to write two more books out of the whole thing. She could have easily ended things after Bitter Blood but nope, she kept it rolling.
I liked Shane, Claire’s boyfriend. He definitely changed a lot since book one and you can see how much he had changed in these last few books. He thinks more before he rushes to do something and he’s a lot smarter now. In fact, all of the other characters, Eve and Michael, have all been rubbed by Claire.
SPOILER ALERT: I also thought that the last book with the bite and everything, was completely unnecessary. Not to mention, the “cure” too was also crazily nonsensical. First of all, how come that vampire cure just so happened to work on Michael and none of the other dozens of vampires that they were tested on? Second, how come that cure didn’t kill Oliver yet killed the others? There was no logic behind this. And finally, how come a vampire cure was able to cure a “hellhound” bite which was basically a werewolf bite, by the way? That last part made absolutely zero sense. While I liked the series, I think Rachel did a hazardous job on the last one. END OF SPOILER.
Sorry for that spoiler paragraph, I usually try to avoid any real spoilers but I could not help this one. Anyways, moving on to Myrnin, my absolute favorite vampire in this entire series. When he was first introduced, I was a little wary of him because he was basically a schizophrenic with crazy mood swings and I was always worried for Claire for spending time with him. However, he has really changed throughout the series and he seemed almost normal in the last few novels. I think it’s hilarious when he comes in wearing some crazy outfit. And despite his weird mood swings, you can tell how much he cares for Claire. To be honest, it would have been interesting to see a bit of Claire and Myrnin action. I mean, everyone already thinks there is something going on, so…why not? Haha
Overall, I liked the series. I’m just surprised that Morganville has survived as long as it did. I feel like without Claire, the vampires there would have died already. She helped them through so many vampire-related issues such as the disease or the long sworn enemy or the coup or everything else that happened. Regardless, I highly recommend these books. They’re super entertaining and fun to read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though I knew coming into this book that there were more after...I had moments where I was so into the story that I was like "Omg this is it, this is the end of Morganville!" And after finishing, perhaps it is...perhaps it is the end of Morganville as we formerly knew it! That's what's so great about this series though, with a series this long it's refreshing to have new storylines and different twists and turns that keep everything exciting and still make you want to come back for more. I had been told by someone that these books got boring after awhile and were too predictable. I've not found that to be the case for me...each book takes the characters in a direction I've never seen a teen vampire book go before. In #12 you will get will get scared for lives, you will get scared for relationships, you will even get scared for some of the vampires you might not care about too much. There's a lot going on and a lot to process and in the end, while we still get a cliffhanger, it's a little more bearable than others within the series. If you enjoy paranormal romance, or vampire books in general...get out and get started on your Morganville adventure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fadi ghali
First Impressions: The Morganville Vampires series is a long-standing favorite of mine. I've read all of the previous eleven books before I began number twelve, Black Dawn. It is such a fun series and entertaining series, and I wish that someone would turn the series into a television show. Rachel Caine is a talented writer who is definitely one of my favorites. I'll pretty much read anything that she comes out with. I believe that Black Dawn was originally supposed to be the final book in this series, but from what I hear; Rachel Caine decided to write three more books after this one which makes me happy! It is hard to let go of a series that you really love!
First 50 Pages: I also seem to have a difficult time reviewing Rachel's books because I hate giving away spoilers, especially with books that are part of a series. Like always, I'll try to keep this review short and sweet without too many spoilers for all of the people who are dying to get their hands on this book. If you haven't read The Morganville Vampires series yet, you are missing out! Book eleven, Last Breath, ended with a major cliffhanger. One thing I really like about all of Rachel's books is that they seem to pick up right where the last book left off. That holds true for Black Dawn, with the continuation of the Draug's invasion of Morganville.
Characters & Plot: This poor town of Morganville has been through so much! Every time that things seem to be okay and everyone is content, something comes around that disrupts everything. Unfortunately for Morganville and its vampire occupants, there are new creatures in town and everyone needs to leave as soon as possible. The people are fearful of these creatures, called Draugs, because they want to take over the town and get rid of the vampires. Draugs are nasty creatures that come from beneath the water and they don't mix with vampires. One bite from a Draug will bring a very slow and painful death to any vampire. Poor Amelie, the town's founder/leader has been bitten by a Draug and is suffering. Her second in command is Oliver, who is trying to hold everything together. Some people have chosen to flee Morganville and others remain vowing to stop the Draugs from ruling the town.
Black Dawn also is told from varying points of view between the main cast of characters. Some people have complained about this, but I personally enjoy it much more than the way the earlier books were written. It gives each book a little bit of variety and each POV is very important to have in order to move the plot forward. I like that all of the different POV's in Black Dawn give insight into what each of the characters are feeling and experiencing. It makes for some very interesting character growth, especially the character, Shane. I always suspected he was jealous of Myrnin, or insecure about his relationship with Claire, but I didn't expect him to be as jealous as he is. Oliver's feelings about Amelie are also showcased and he cares much more about her then he lets everyone else see or know about. Rachel Caine did a fantastic job weaving everyone's different POV's together and it had a nice flow. For me, it wasn't confusing at all.
Since Black Dawn was supposed to be the last installment in The Morganville Vampires series, I expected a huge battle or showdown between the vampires and the Draugs. When things finally began to heat up and all of the big events started to happen, I have to admit that I felt a little bit let down. I don't know if Rachel went back and edited this story after she decided to write three more installments, but the way everything turned out in Black Dawn wasn't quite as powerful as I had hoped it would be.
Final Thoughts: Each of The Morganville Vampires books include so many side-plot lines that is it difficult to include everything that happens to short review. In Black Dawn, all of the varying POVs make up a great storyline and do a lot for character advancement. Even though I was a little bit disappointed with the climax of the story, the ending was unexpected and wonderful as usual. I'm such a huge fan of this series and Black Dawn I think stands out over the rest because it was interesting to see how the series might have ended (although I am sure there were changes made as per Rachel's decision to continue writing more books). Two thumbs way up!!
First 50 Pages: I also seem to have a difficult time reviewing Rachel's books because I hate giving away spoilers, especially with books that are part of a series. Like always, I'll try to keep this review short and sweet without too many spoilers for all of the people who are dying to get their hands on this book. If you haven't read The Morganville Vampires series yet, you are missing out! Book eleven, Last Breath, ended with a major cliffhanger. One thing I really like about all of Rachel's books is that they seem to pick up right where the last book left off. That holds true for Black Dawn, with the continuation of the Draug's invasion of Morganville.
Characters & Plot: This poor town of Morganville has been through so much! Every time that things seem to be okay and everyone is content, something comes around that disrupts everything. Unfortunately for Morganville and its vampire occupants, there are new creatures in town and everyone needs to leave as soon as possible. The people are fearful of these creatures, called Draugs, because they want to take over the town and get rid of the vampires. Draugs are nasty creatures that come from beneath the water and they don't mix with vampires. One bite from a Draug will bring a very slow and painful death to any vampire. Poor Amelie, the town's founder/leader has been bitten by a Draug and is suffering. Her second in command is Oliver, who is trying to hold everything together. Some people have chosen to flee Morganville and others remain vowing to stop the Draugs from ruling the town.
Black Dawn also is told from varying points of view between the main cast of characters. Some people have complained about this, but I personally enjoy it much more than the way the earlier books were written. It gives each book a little bit of variety and each POV is very important to have in order to move the plot forward. I like that all of the different POV's in Black Dawn give insight into what each of the characters are feeling and experiencing. It makes for some very interesting character growth, especially the character, Shane. I always suspected he was jealous of Myrnin, or insecure about his relationship with Claire, but I didn't expect him to be as jealous as he is. Oliver's feelings about Amelie are also showcased and he cares much more about her then he lets everyone else see or know about. Rachel Caine did a fantastic job weaving everyone's different POV's together and it had a nice flow. For me, it wasn't confusing at all.
Since Black Dawn was supposed to be the last installment in The Morganville Vampires series, I expected a huge battle or showdown between the vampires and the Draugs. When things finally began to heat up and all of the big events started to happen, I have to admit that I felt a little bit let down. I don't know if Rachel went back and edited this story after she decided to write three more installments, but the way everything turned out in Black Dawn wasn't quite as powerful as I had hoped it would be.
Final Thoughts: Each of The Morganville Vampires books include so many side-plot lines that is it difficult to include everything that happens to short review. In Black Dawn, all of the varying POVs make up a great storyline and do a lot for character advancement. Even though I was a little bit disappointed with the climax of the story, the ending was unexpected and wonderful as usual. I'm such a huge fan of this series and Black Dawn I think stands out over the rest because it was interesting to see how the series might have ended (although I am sure there were changes made as per Rachel's decision to continue writing more books). Two thumbs way up!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mel burkeet
I borrowed an audiobook of this from the public library.
In Last Breath, Claire died and Myrnin revived her. The cliffhanger left us with Amelie being infected by Draug's poison. In this book, Amelie was dying. The immortal vampires and the mortals had joined forces to kill the Darugs. The vampires could hardly beat the villains. To defeat them, they would need to kill Magnus (Master of the Draugs) first and his minions would follow. The problem was that only Claire could see Magnus. Once again, Myrnin would put Claire in a difficult position. Finally, the Draugs were defeated, but they were so many many deaths. I thought the mortals would be treated nicely by the vampires after the chaos, but vampires were egotistical creatures who would not concede to be leveled with mortals. Morganville was back to square one again...mortals were part of the food chain and ruled under the command of Amelie and Oliver. I'd loved Myrnin since day one, but he was a mere puppet of Amelie--which really upset me. One day, I would love to see him lead the rebellion against Amelie and Oliver. It's a wishful thinking! I enjoyed listening to this at work even though the voice was different from what I had been accustomed.
In Last Breath, Claire died and Myrnin revived her. The cliffhanger left us with Amelie being infected by Draug's poison. In this book, Amelie was dying. The immortal vampires and the mortals had joined forces to kill the Darugs. The vampires could hardly beat the villains. To defeat them, they would need to kill Magnus (Master of the Draugs) first and his minions would follow. The problem was that only Claire could see Magnus. Once again, Myrnin would put Claire in a difficult position. Finally, the Draugs were defeated, but they were so many many deaths. I thought the mortals would be treated nicely by the vampires after the chaos, but vampires were egotistical creatures who would not concede to be leveled with mortals. Morganville was back to square one again...mortals were part of the food chain and ruled under the command of Amelie and Oliver. I'd loved Myrnin since day one, but he was a mere puppet of Amelie--which really upset me. One day, I would love to see him lead the rebellion against Amelie and Oliver. It's a wishful thinking! I enjoyed listening to this at work even though the voice was different from what I had been accustomed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael sena
This novel is the 12th installment in The Morganville Vampires series. I'm a real fan of this series and Rachel Caine never ceased to amaze me with her books. This book is so good!
By now, we all know Eve, Claire, Michael and Shane among other characters and we know pretty well how Morganville is ruled but somehow it's always different and entertaining.
Son this one is the direct sequel of Last Breath with all the drama running wild everywhere and it's some crazy drama. This book is a pure rollercoaster during which I feared for our beloved characters as much as I enjoyed what they had to fight. I was caught in the story from the beginning, always on the edge because I didn't know what would happen and who would die. It's addictive!
Myrnin, being my favorite character, was as awesome as always even if I would love to see him more. Don't get me wrong, he's quite present throughout the novel but I never have enough of Myrnin.
One thing I enjoyed too was the different POVs. It's quite good to see through the eyes of other characters sometimes. But, I'm not sure if it was always pertinent. It's my own opinion of course.
Now, like always when one of these books end, I'm eager to read the sequel. Why? Just because it'll be different for the characters' dynamic and for Morganville's atmosphere. It'll be a new era and I wonder what it'll be like.
Rachel Caine is really awesome, because she entertains and surprises her readers even after twelve books.
I need to do a special Shout Out for Shane. I always loved him, but now he's just awesome. I don't want to spoiler you but I find him more and more moving.
Why should you read this book and this series? Because it's wonderful to read about "real" and complexe vampires, about a vast "universe" which is the town, about growing up characters, about colourful ones and about a kick ass and nerd main character. Seriously, you should try. And Black Dawn is one of the best books of the series.
If only November - release for the next book - could be tomorrow.
A must read, but I'm a fan so I may not be in my right mind.
This novel is the 12th installment in The Morganville Vampires series. I'm a real fan of this series and Rachel Caine never ceased to amaze me with her books. This book is so good!
By now, we all know Eve, Claire, Michael and Shane among other characters and we know pretty well how Morganville is ruled but somehow it's always different and entertaining.
Son this one is the direct sequel of Last Breath with all the drama running wild everywhere and it's some crazy drama. This book is a pure rollercoaster during which I feared for our beloved characters as much as I enjoyed what they had to fight. I was caught in the story from the beginning, always on the edge because I didn't know what would happen and who would die. It's addictive!
Myrnin, being my favorite character, was as awesome as always even if I would love to see him more. Don't get me wrong, he's quite present throughout the novel but I never have enough of Myrnin.
One thing I enjoyed too was the different POVs. It's quite good to see through the eyes of other characters sometimes. But, I'm not sure if it was always pertinent. It's my own opinion of course.
Now, like always when one of these books end, I'm eager to read the sequel. Why? Just because it'll be different for the characters' dynamic and for Morganville's atmosphere. It'll be a new era and I wonder what it'll be like.
Rachel Caine is really awesome, because she entertains and surprises her readers even after twelve books.
I need to do a special Shout Out for Shane. I always loved him, but now he's just awesome. I don't want to spoiler you but I find him more and more moving.
Why should you read this book and this series? Because it's wonderful to read about "real" and complexe vampires, about a vast "universe" which is the town, about growing up characters, about colourful ones and about a kick ass and nerd main character. Seriously, you should try. And Black Dawn is one of the best books of the series.
If only November - release for the next book - could be tomorrow.
A must read, but I'm a fan so I may not be in my right mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Favorite Quote(s):
“She swallowed. ‘Don’t talk with your mouth full.’ He did exactly what any boy—no, man—his age would do: he showed her a mouthful of mashed croissant, which was gross, then drank more coffee and showed her again. Gone.”
Favorite Character: Shane. I loved seeing him open and vulnerable.
First Line:
“It would have been better if he’d screamed.”
My Musings: Alas I am back again to tell you all about Black Dawn, the twelfth novel in the Morganville Vampire series. I am proud to say that I have only two more novels until I am caught up with the publication dates! But anyways.
In this novel, we pick right back up with Claire and her friends’ struggle against the draug, the predator of the vampires. And when you have the vampires in the state that they were in, what with their ‘queen’ infected by the master draug’s bite, well, it only makes since to assume that things wouldn’t turn out well. But if you’ve read any book in this series, you’d know that Claire and her gang are some tough cookies, and they’ll fight for what they believe in. And although they had to overcome a lot of obstacles, they were successful in the end…well, sort of.
I really never know what to say when I talk about the characters. I feel like I’m being repetitive in every review, because, well, the characters don’t change that dramatically. We have Claire, brilliant and selfless as always. Shane, with his protectiveness that is utterly adorable. Claire and Shane, with their steamy yet sweet romance. Eve with her snarky attitude, and Michael with his Golden Boy personality. Those two struggling with the disadvantages of being a ‘mixed’ couple. You know, they same sort of stuff.
Although I can say that we see a very vulnerable Shane during this book. And a spunky Claire. Very amusing indeed.
Some Claire and Shane for your enjoyment:
“She hadn’t had a chance to take off the stupid plastic jumpsuit, which was so not sexy; she reached for the zipper, but in one of those startling fast, strong moves that always took her breath away, he flipped her over so her back was against the mattress, and he was the one straddling her. He considered the zipper. Then he took hold of the thin plastic and ripped it all the way down.”
“I feel better,’ Shane said. ‘Or I would if I could figure out where Batty McCrackula took my girlfriend.’”
So I’m going to talk about a character that I haven’t talked about in a while: Myrnin. He’s a very complex character with a side of crazy. He’s hot and cold, and very unpredictable. But in that, he’s also very funny. Although he probably doesn’t mean to be. But the things he says…the things he does…the names that Shane and Eve call him. It makes for a very hilarious time indeed.
“’That’s AB,’ Myrnin said helpfully. ‘It’s still warm. Oh, and there’s a hint of sweetness in it. High triglycerides. I think the donor needed a bit of medication.’”
In this novel, it was interesting to see Morganville as a ‘ghost town’. All the water was infected with draug, and there was nothing they could do about it for a majority of the novel. It felt like they were fighting an unwinnable battle. But some things that I can’t talk about happen and well, things turn out alright. I guess. Maybe…
Rachel Caine went even farther in this novel, and included some new points of view. We read some Oliver Amelie, Shane, Eve, Michael, and Naomi. Very interesting to see what they thought of the things that were going on during the novel. It gave the novel a more rounded feel to it, and I really hope that Caine continues it throughout the series. I can’t even imagine what I had been missing just reading from Claire’s point of view for most of the series!
Black Dawn was another thrilling installment in the Morganville vampires series. Filled with danger, pain, and hope, it’s an installment you don’t want to miss out on.
“She swallowed. ‘Don’t talk with your mouth full.’ He did exactly what any boy—no, man—his age would do: he showed her a mouthful of mashed croissant, which was gross, then drank more coffee and showed her again. Gone.”
Favorite Character: Shane. I loved seeing him open and vulnerable.
First Line:
“It would have been better if he’d screamed.”
My Musings: Alas I am back again to tell you all about Black Dawn, the twelfth novel in the Morganville Vampire series. I am proud to say that I have only two more novels until I am caught up with the publication dates! But anyways.
In this novel, we pick right back up with Claire and her friends’ struggle against the draug, the predator of the vampires. And when you have the vampires in the state that they were in, what with their ‘queen’ infected by the master draug’s bite, well, it only makes since to assume that things wouldn’t turn out well. But if you’ve read any book in this series, you’d know that Claire and her gang are some tough cookies, and they’ll fight for what they believe in. And although they had to overcome a lot of obstacles, they were successful in the end…well, sort of.
I really never know what to say when I talk about the characters. I feel like I’m being repetitive in every review, because, well, the characters don’t change that dramatically. We have Claire, brilliant and selfless as always. Shane, with his protectiveness that is utterly adorable. Claire and Shane, with their steamy yet sweet romance. Eve with her snarky attitude, and Michael with his Golden Boy personality. Those two struggling with the disadvantages of being a ‘mixed’ couple. You know, they same sort of stuff.
Although I can say that we see a very vulnerable Shane during this book. And a spunky Claire. Very amusing indeed.
Some Claire and Shane for your enjoyment:
“She hadn’t had a chance to take off the stupid plastic jumpsuit, which was so not sexy; she reached for the zipper, but in one of those startling fast, strong moves that always took her breath away, he flipped her over so her back was against the mattress, and he was the one straddling her. He considered the zipper. Then he took hold of the thin plastic and ripped it all the way down.”
“I feel better,’ Shane said. ‘Or I would if I could figure out where Batty McCrackula took my girlfriend.’”
So I’m going to talk about a character that I haven’t talked about in a while: Myrnin. He’s a very complex character with a side of crazy. He’s hot and cold, and very unpredictable. But in that, he’s also very funny. Although he probably doesn’t mean to be. But the things he says…the things he does…the names that Shane and Eve call him. It makes for a very hilarious time indeed.
“’That’s AB,’ Myrnin said helpfully. ‘It’s still warm. Oh, and there’s a hint of sweetness in it. High triglycerides. I think the donor needed a bit of medication.’”
In this novel, it was interesting to see Morganville as a ‘ghost town’. All the water was infected with draug, and there was nothing they could do about it for a majority of the novel. It felt like they were fighting an unwinnable battle. But some things that I can’t talk about happen and well, things turn out alright. I guess. Maybe…
Rachel Caine went even farther in this novel, and included some new points of view. We read some Oliver Amelie, Shane, Eve, Michael, and Naomi. Very interesting to see what they thought of the things that were going on during the novel. It gave the novel a more rounded feel to it, and I really hope that Caine continues it throughout the series. I can’t even imagine what I had been missing just reading from Claire’s point of view for most of the series!
Black Dawn was another thrilling installment in the Morganville vampires series. Filled with danger, pain, and hope, it’s an installment you don’t want to miss out on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual the books are amazing. The book starts off with everyone waking up in a massive room. They wake up to Michael's screaming. Michael is remembering what happened the night before. The night before they fought the draugh and managed to save 3 people him , Oliver, and the founder Amelie. Everyone seems fine except for Eve and Amelie. Eve flinches at the touch by Michael after he attacked and drank from her from being in the water with the draug to long. Amelie on the other hand isn't doing so well, she is so sick that no one thinks she'll make it out alive. With that in mind they have to do something so Myrinn has a plan for Claire and her friends on how to help to the draugh. Claire and her gang head to the water plant to help stop the draugh. They manage to stop and reverse the water flow and place mounds of silver in the water. As they go to leave Shane is caught by the draugh. Claire runs hoping Shane will make it. But as she gets to the car, Michael starts to drive away with Claire screaming her head off tell Michael to turn back for Shane. Every tells her that Shane is gone but he really isn't. According to Myrnin he may still be alive. After going back Claire and her friends find Shane and rescue him still alive. Now as you get to the end there is a loss, but don't worry its not a big character. The ending brought victory to Morganville and a special ending for two of the main characters. I give this book 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First Impressions: The Morganville Vampires series is a long-standing favorite of mine. I've read all of the previous eleven books before I began number twelve, Black Dawn. It is such a fun series and entertaining series, and I wish that someone would turn the series into a television show. Rachel Caine is a talented writer who is definitely one of my favorites. I'll pretty much read anything that she comes out with. I believe that Black Dawn was originally supposed to be the final book in this series, but from what I hear; Rachel Caine decided to write three more books after this one which makes me happy! It is hard to let go of a series that you really love!
First 50 Pages: I also seem to have a difficult time reviewing Rachel's books because I hate giving away spoilers, especially with books that are part of a series. Like always, I'll try to keep this review short and sweet without too many spoilers for all of the people who are dying to get their hands on this book. If you haven't read The Morganville Vampires series yet, you are missing out! Book eleven, Last Breath, ended with a major cliffhanger. One thing I really like about all of Rachel's books is that they seem to pick up right where the last book left off. That holds true for Black Dawn, with the continuation of the Draug's invasion of Morganville.
Characters & Plot: This poor town of Morganville has been through so much! Every time that things seem to be okay and everyone is content, something comes around that disrupts everything. Unfortunately for Morganville and its vampire occupants, there are new creatures in town and everyone needs to leave as soon as possible. The people are fearful of these creatures, called Draugs, because they want to take over the town and get rid of the vampires. Draugs are nasty creatures that come from beneath the water and they don't mix with vampires. One bite from a Draug will bring a very slow and painful death to any vampire. Poor Amelie, the town's founder/leader has been bitten by a Draug and is suffering. Her second in command is Oliver, who is trying to hold everything together. Some people have chosen to flee Morganville and others remain vowing to stop the Draugs from ruling the town.
Black Dawn also is told from varying points of view between the main cast of characters. Some people have complained about this, but I personally enjoy it much more than the way the earlier books were written. It gives each book a little bit of variety and each POV is very important to have in order to move the plot forward. I like that all of the different POV's in Black Dawn give insight into what each of the characters are feeling and experiencing. It makes for some very interesting character growth, especially the character, Shane. I always suspected he was jealous of Myrnin, or insecure about his relationship with Claire, but I didn't expect him to be as jealous as he is. Oliver's feelings about Amelie are also showcased and he cares much more about her then he lets everyone else see or know about. Rachel Caine did a fantastic job weaving everyone's different POV's together and it had a nice flow. For me, it wasn't confusing at all.
Since Black Dawn was supposed to be the last installment in The Morganville Vampires series, I expected a huge battle or showdown between the vampires and the Draugs. When things finally began to heat up and all of the big events started to happen, I have to admit that I felt a little bit let down. I don't know if Rachel went back and edited this story after she decided to write three more installments, but the way everything turned out in Black Dawn wasn't quite as powerful as I had hoped it would be.
Final Thoughts: Each of The Morganville Vampires books include so many side-plot lines that is it difficult to include everything that happens to short review. In Black Dawn, all of the varying POVs make up a great storyline and do a lot for character advancement. Even though I was a little bit disappointed with the climax of the story, the ending was unexpected and wonderful as usual. I'm such a huge fan of this series and Black Dawn I think stands out over the rest because it was interesting to see how the series might have ended (although I am sure there were changes made as per Rachel's decision to continue writing more books). Two thumbs way up!!
First 50 Pages: I also seem to have a difficult time reviewing Rachel's books because I hate giving away spoilers, especially with books that are part of a series. Like always, I'll try to keep this review short and sweet without too many spoilers for all of the people who are dying to get their hands on this book. If you haven't read The Morganville Vampires series yet, you are missing out! Book eleven, Last Breath, ended with a major cliffhanger. One thing I really like about all of Rachel's books is that they seem to pick up right where the last book left off. That holds true for Black Dawn, with the continuation of the Draug's invasion of Morganville.
Characters & Plot: This poor town of Morganville has been through so much! Every time that things seem to be okay and everyone is content, something comes around that disrupts everything. Unfortunately for Morganville and its vampire occupants, there are new creatures in town and everyone needs to leave as soon as possible. The people are fearful of these creatures, called Draugs, because they want to take over the town and get rid of the vampires. Draugs are nasty creatures that come from beneath the water and they don't mix with vampires. One bite from a Draug will bring a very slow and painful death to any vampire. Poor Amelie, the town's founder/leader has been bitten by a Draug and is suffering. Her second in command is Oliver, who is trying to hold everything together. Some people have chosen to flee Morganville and others remain vowing to stop the Draugs from ruling the town.
Black Dawn also is told from varying points of view between the main cast of characters. Some people have complained about this, but I personally enjoy it much more than the way the earlier books were written. It gives each book a little bit of variety and each POV is very important to have in order to move the plot forward. I like that all of the different POV's in Black Dawn give insight into what each of the characters are feeling and experiencing. It makes for some very interesting character growth, especially the character, Shane. I always suspected he was jealous of Myrnin, or insecure about his relationship with Claire, but I didn't expect him to be as jealous as he is. Oliver's feelings about Amelie are also showcased and he cares much more about her then he lets everyone else see or know about. Rachel Caine did a fantastic job weaving everyone's different POV's together and it had a nice flow. For me, it wasn't confusing at all.
Since Black Dawn was supposed to be the last installment in The Morganville Vampires series, I expected a huge battle or showdown between the vampires and the Draugs. When things finally began to heat up and all of the big events started to happen, I have to admit that I felt a little bit let down. I don't know if Rachel went back and edited this story after she decided to write three more installments, but the way everything turned out in Black Dawn wasn't quite as powerful as I had hoped it would be.
Final Thoughts: Each of The Morganville Vampires books include so many side-plot lines that is it difficult to include everything that happens to short review. In Black Dawn, all of the varying POVs make up a great storyline and do a lot for character advancement. Even though I was a little bit disappointed with the climax of the story, the ending was unexpected and wonderful as usual. I'm such a huge fan of this series and Black Dawn I think stands out over the rest because it was interesting to see how the series might have ended (although I am sure there were changes made as per Rachel's decision to continue writing more books). Two thumbs way up!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz lovero
I borrowed an audiobook of this from the public library.
In Last Breath, Claire died and Myrnin revived her. The cliffhanger left us with Amelie being infected by Draug's poison. In this book, Amelie was dying. The immortal vampires and the mortals had joined forces to kill the Darugs. The vampires could hardly beat the villains. To defeat them, they would need to kill Magnus (Master of the Draugs) first and his minions would follow. The problem was that only Claire could see Magnus. Once again, Myrnin would put Claire in a difficult position. Finally, the Draugs were defeated, but they were so many many deaths. I thought the mortals would be treated nicely by the vampires after the chaos, but vampires were egotistical creatures who would not concede to be leveled with mortals. Morganville was back to square one again...mortals were part of the food chain and ruled under the command of Amelie and Oliver. I'd loved Myrnin since day one, but he was a mere puppet of Amelie--which really upset me. One day, I would love to see him lead the rebellion against Amelie and Oliver. It's a wishful thinking! I enjoyed listening to this at work even though the voice was different from what I had been accustomed.
In Last Breath, Claire died and Myrnin revived her. The cliffhanger left us with Amelie being infected by Draug's poison. In this book, Amelie was dying. The immortal vampires and the mortals had joined forces to kill the Darugs. The vampires could hardly beat the villains. To defeat them, they would need to kill Magnus (Master of the Draugs) first and his minions would follow. The problem was that only Claire could see Magnus. Once again, Myrnin would put Claire in a difficult position. Finally, the Draugs were defeated, but they were so many many deaths. I thought the mortals would be treated nicely by the vampires after the chaos, but vampires were egotistical creatures who would not concede to be leveled with mortals. Morganville was back to square one again...mortals were part of the food chain and ruled under the command of Amelie and Oliver. I'd loved Myrnin since day one, but he was a mere puppet of Amelie--which really upset me. One day, I would love to see him lead the rebellion against Amelie and Oliver. It's a wishful thinking! I enjoyed listening to this at work even though the voice was different from what I had been accustomed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sulaf farhat
This novel is the 12th installment in The Morganville Vampires series. I'm a real fan of this series and Rachel Caine never ceased to amaze me with her books. This book is so good!
By now, we all know Eve, Claire, Michael and Shane among other characters and we know pretty well how Morganville is ruled but somehow it's always different and entertaining.
Son this one is the direct sequel of Last Breath with all the drama running wild everywhere and it's some crazy drama. This book is a pure rollercoaster during which I feared for our beloved characters as much as I enjoyed what they had to fight. I was caught in the story from the beginning, always on the edge because I didn't know what would happen and who would die. It's addictive!
Myrnin, being my favorite character, was as awesome as always even if I would love to see him more. Don't get me wrong, he's quite present throughout the novel but I never have enough of Myrnin.
One thing I enjoyed too was the different POVs. It's quite good to see through the eyes of other characters sometimes. But, I'm not sure if it was always pertinent. It's my own opinion of course.
Now, like always when one of these books end, I'm eager to read the sequel. Why? Just because it'll be different for the characters' dynamic and for Morganville's atmosphere. It'll be a new era and I wonder what it'll be like.
Rachel Caine is really awesome, because she entertains and surprises her readers even after twelve books.
I need to do a special Shout Out for Shane. I always loved him, but now he's just awesome. I don't want to spoiler you but I find him more and more moving.
Why should you read this book and this series? Because it's wonderful to read about "real" and complexe vampires, about a vast "universe" which is the town, about growing up characters, about colourful ones and about a kick ass and nerd main character. Seriously, you should try. And Black Dawn is one of the best books of the series.
If only November - release for the next book - could be tomorrow.
A must read, but I'm a fan so I may not be in my right mind.
This novel is the 12th installment in The Morganville Vampires series. I'm a real fan of this series and Rachel Caine never ceased to amaze me with her books. This book is so good!
By now, we all know Eve, Claire, Michael and Shane among other characters and we know pretty well how Morganville is ruled but somehow it's always different and entertaining.
Son this one is the direct sequel of Last Breath with all the drama running wild everywhere and it's some crazy drama. This book is a pure rollercoaster during which I feared for our beloved characters as much as I enjoyed what they had to fight. I was caught in the story from the beginning, always on the edge because I didn't know what would happen and who would die. It's addictive!
Myrnin, being my favorite character, was as awesome as always even if I would love to see him more. Don't get me wrong, he's quite present throughout the novel but I never have enough of Myrnin.
One thing I enjoyed too was the different POVs. It's quite good to see through the eyes of other characters sometimes. But, I'm not sure if it was always pertinent. It's my own opinion of course.
Now, like always when one of these books end, I'm eager to read the sequel. Why? Just because it'll be different for the characters' dynamic and for Morganville's atmosphere. It'll be a new era and I wonder what it'll be like.
Rachel Caine is really awesome, because she entertains and surprises her readers even after twelve books.
I need to do a special Shout Out for Shane. I always loved him, but now he's just awesome. I don't want to spoiler you but I find him more and more moving.
Why should you read this book and this series? Because it's wonderful to read about "real" and complexe vampires, about a vast "universe" which is the town, about growing up characters, about colourful ones and about a kick ass and nerd main character. Seriously, you should try. And Black Dawn is one of the best books of the series.
If only November - release for the next book - could be tomorrow.
A must read, but I'm a fan so I may not be in my right mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Favorite Quote(s):
“She swallowed. ‘Don’t talk with your mouth full.’ He did exactly what any boy—no, man—his age would do: he showed her a mouthful of mashed croissant, which was gross, then drank more coffee and showed her again. Gone.”
Favorite Character: Shane. I loved seeing him open and vulnerable.
First Line:
“It would have been better if he’d screamed.”
My Musings: Alas I am back again to tell you all about Black Dawn, the twelfth novel in the Morganville Vampire series. I am proud to say that I have only two more novels until I am caught up with the publication dates! But anyways.
In this novel, we pick right back up with Claire and her friends’ struggle against the draug, the predator of the vampires. And when you have the vampires in the state that they were in, what with their ‘queen’ infected by the master draug’s bite, well, it only makes since to assume that things wouldn’t turn out well. But if you’ve read any book in this series, you’d know that Claire and her gang are some tough cookies, and they’ll fight for what they believe in. And although they had to overcome a lot of obstacles, they were successful in the end…well, sort of.
I really never know what to say when I talk about the characters. I feel like I’m being repetitive in every review, because, well, the characters don’t change that dramatically. We have Claire, brilliant and selfless as always. Shane, with his protectiveness that is utterly adorable. Claire and Shane, with their steamy yet sweet romance. Eve with her snarky attitude, and Michael with his Golden Boy personality. Those two struggling with the disadvantages of being a ‘mixed’ couple. You know, they same sort of stuff.
Although I can say that we see a very vulnerable Shane during this book. And a spunky Claire. Very amusing indeed.
Some Claire and Shane for your enjoyment:
“She hadn’t had a chance to take off the stupid plastic jumpsuit, which was so not sexy; she reached for the zipper, but in one of those startling fast, strong moves that always took her breath away, he flipped her over so her back was against the mattress, and he was the one straddling her. He considered the zipper. Then he took hold of the thin plastic and ripped it all the way down.”
“I feel better,’ Shane said. ‘Or I would if I could figure out where Batty McCrackula took my girlfriend.’”
So I’m going to talk about a character that I haven’t talked about in a while: Myrnin. He’s a very complex character with a side of crazy. He’s hot and cold, and very unpredictable. But in that, he’s also very funny. Although he probably doesn’t mean to be. But the things he says…the things he does…the names that Shane and Eve call him. It makes for a very hilarious time indeed.
“’That’s AB,’ Myrnin said helpfully. ‘It’s still warm. Oh, and there’s a hint of sweetness in it. High triglycerides. I think the donor needed a bit of medication.’”
In this novel, it was interesting to see Morganville as a ‘ghost town’. All the water was infected with draug, and there was nothing they could do about it for a majority of the novel. It felt like they were fighting an unwinnable battle. But some things that I can’t talk about happen and well, things turn out alright. I guess. Maybe…
Rachel Caine went even farther in this novel, and included some new points of view. We read some Oliver Amelie, Shane, Eve, Michael, and Naomi. Very interesting to see what they thought of the things that were going on during the novel. It gave the novel a more rounded feel to it, and I really hope that Caine continues it throughout the series. I can’t even imagine what I had been missing just reading from Claire’s point of view for most of the series!
Black Dawn was another thrilling installment in the Morganville vampires series. Filled with danger, pain, and hope, it’s an installment you don’t want to miss out on.
“She swallowed. ‘Don’t talk with your mouth full.’ He did exactly what any boy—no, man—his age would do: he showed her a mouthful of mashed croissant, which was gross, then drank more coffee and showed her again. Gone.”
Favorite Character: Shane. I loved seeing him open and vulnerable.
First Line:
“It would have been better if he’d screamed.”
My Musings: Alas I am back again to tell you all about Black Dawn, the twelfth novel in the Morganville Vampire series. I am proud to say that I have only two more novels until I am caught up with the publication dates! But anyways.
In this novel, we pick right back up with Claire and her friends’ struggle against the draug, the predator of the vampires. And when you have the vampires in the state that they were in, what with their ‘queen’ infected by the master draug’s bite, well, it only makes since to assume that things wouldn’t turn out well. But if you’ve read any book in this series, you’d know that Claire and her gang are some tough cookies, and they’ll fight for what they believe in. And although they had to overcome a lot of obstacles, they were successful in the end…well, sort of.
I really never know what to say when I talk about the characters. I feel like I’m being repetitive in every review, because, well, the characters don’t change that dramatically. We have Claire, brilliant and selfless as always. Shane, with his protectiveness that is utterly adorable. Claire and Shane, with their steamy yet sweet romance. Eve with her snarky attitude, and Michael with his Golden Boy personality. Those two struggling with the disadvantages of being a ‘mixed’ couple. You know, they same sort of stuff.
Although I can say that we see a very vulnerable Shane during this book. And a spunky Claire. Very amusing indeed.
Some Claire and Shane for your enjoyment:
“She hadn’t had a chance to take off the stupid plastic jumpsuit, which was so not sexy; she reached for the zipper, but in one of those startling fast, strong moves that always took her breath away, he flipped her over so her back was against the mattress, and he was the one straddling her. He considered the zipper. Then he took hold of the thin plastic and ripped it all the way down.”
“I feel better,’ Shane said. ‘Or I would if I could figure out where Batty McCrackula took my girlfriend.’”
So I’m going to talk about a character that I haven’t talked about in a while: Myrnin. He’s a very complex character with a side of crazy. He’s hot and cold, and very unpredictable. But in that, he’s also very funny. Although he probably doesn’t mean to be. But the things he says…the things he does…the names that Shane and Eve call him. It makes for a very hilarious time indeed.
“’That’s AB,’ Myrnin said helpfully. ‘It’s still warm. Oh, and there’s a hint of sweetness in it. High triglycerides. I think the donor needed a bit of medication.’”
In this novel, it was interesting to see Morganville as a ‘ghost town’. All the water was infected with draug, and there was nothing they could do about it for a majority of the novel. It felt like they were fighting an unwinnable battle. But some things that I can’t talk about happen and well, things turn out alright. I guess. Maybe…
Rachel Caine went even farther in this novel, and included some new points of view. We read some Oliver Amelie, Shane, Eve, Michael, and Naomi. Very interesting to see what they thought of the things that were going on during the novel. It gave the novel a more rounded feel to it, and I really hope that Caine continues it throughout the series. I can’t even imagine what I had been missing just reading from Claire’s point of view for most of the series!
Black Dawn was another thrilling installment in the Morganville vampires series. Filled with danger, pain, and hope, it’s an installment you don’t want to miss out on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual the books are amazing. The book starts off with everyone waking up in a massive room. They wake up to Michael's screaming. Michael is remembering what happened the night before. The night before they fought the draugh and managed to save 3 people him , Oliver, and the founder Amelie. Everyone seems fine except for Eve and Amelie. Eve flinches at the touch by Michael after he attacked and drank from her from being in the water with the draug to long. Amelie on the other hand isn't doing so well, she is so sick that no one thinks she'll make it out alive. With that in mind they have to do something so Myrinn has a plan for Claire and her friends on how to help to the draugh. Claire and her gang head to the water plant to help stop the draugh. They manage to stop and reverse the water flow and place mounds of silver in the water. As they go to leave Shane is caught by the draugh. Claire runs hoping Shane will make it. But as she gets to the car, Michael starts to drive away with Claire screaming her head off tell Michael to turn back for Shane. Every tells her that Shane is gone but he really isn't. According to Myrnin he may still be alive. After going back Claire and her friends find Shane and rescue him still alive. Now as you get to the end there is a loss, but don't worry its not a big character. The ending brought victory to Morganville and a special ending for two of the main characters. I give this book 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex sheehan
I love The Morganville Vampires series with all my heart. I've read all the books to date a few times and I only do that with absolute all-time favourites. I tend to complain when a series just goes on and on but seriously? I don't want this one to end, ever. I don't know how I can ever let go of these wonderfully developed characters and their scarily addictive story. Everything about these books just draw me in and refuses to let go. They're so incredibly gripping and entertaining. The only bad thing is that I get so caught up in them I finish them in no time and then I'm left waiting impatiently for the next book. I try to pace myself but it's just not possible.
Black Dawn picks up right where book eleven left off. Morganville is in serious danger as the draug (the only thing that really terrifies vampires) are in town and threatening to ruin everything! We see humans and vampires somewhat reluctantly joining together to fight a common enemy. This whole book was so insanely intense. I had to put it down several times because it was freaking me out so much! It really messes with your emotions and I was so terrified for my favourite characters because they have to face some awful situations. Yet they do it with courage and never really think about not fighting. They're all seriously brave and I love how, as always, Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire look out for each other even when they're not getting on.
Shane gets a lot of focus in this book- something I'm sure many fans won't mind at all! Of course, as always where Shane is concerned, it's not always good focus and will probably make your heart freak out and have you refusing to believe what you've just read. Shane has a way of always getting into sticky situations (not always his fault, really) and terrifying both the characters and the readers! Claire is awesome and has gotten even tougher, something I didn't think was even possible. She's so selfless and smart, it's hard not to like her. Their relationship faces some problems but neither of them run away from the problems and it's interesting watching them try to deal.
Myrnin is as awesome (and wacky) as ever and made me laugh out loud so many times. He's also getting really sweet and at times was seemed to be becoming a bit of a softie! Michael and Eve are still reeling from the events of book eleven. This book is told from many POVs, which works sometimes and doesn't work other times. I like seeing things from Shane and Claires perspective, but I'm really wasn't too crazy about the times it switched to Eve. I really love her as a character but her POVs just don't work for me. Overall, this is book is amazing and I have no idea how I'm going to handle the wait until book 13, which isn't out until November of this year. I can't recommend this series enough, even though new-comers will certainly have a lot to catch up on!
Black Dawn picks up right where book eleven left off. Morganville is in serious danger as the draug (the only thing that really terrifies vampires) are in town and threatening to ruin everything! We see humans and vampires somewhat reluctantly joining together to fight a common enemy. This whole book was so insanely intense. I had to put it down several times because it was freaking me out so much! It really messes with your emotions and I was so terrified for my favourite characters because they have to face some awful situations. Yet they do it with courage and never really think about not fighting. They're all seriously brave and I love how, as always, Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire look out for each other even when they're not getting on.
Shane gets a lot of focus in this book- something I'm sure many fans won't mind at all! Of course, as always where Shane is concerned, it's not always good focus and will probably make your heart freak out and have you refusing to believe what you've just read. Shane has a way of always getting into sticky situations (not always his fault, really) and terrifying both the characters and the readers! Claire is awesome and has gotten even tougher, something I didn't think was even possible. She's so selfless and smart, it's hard not to like her. Their relationship faces some problems but neither of them run away from the problems and it's interesting watching them try to deal.
Myrnin is as awesome (and wacky) as ever and made me laugh out loud so many times. He's also getting really sweet and at times was seemed to be becoming a bit of a softie! Michael and Eve are still reeling from the events of book eleven. This book is told from many POVs, which works sometimes and doesn't work other times. I like seeing things from Shane and Claires perspective, but I'm really wasn't too crazy about the times it switched to Eve. I really love her as a character but her POVs just don't work for me. Overall, this is book is amazing and I have no idea how I'm going to handle the wait until book 13, which isn't out until November of this year. I can't recommend this series enough, even though new-comers will certainly have a lot to catch up on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
*Review copy courtesy of my local library*
**Contains potential series and Book 12 spoilers.**
Book 12, Black Dawn, begins right where Book 11, Last Breath, ended. The town of Morganville is in chaos, having been overrun by the draug and their Master, Magnus. Amelie, Morganville's vampire leader was bitten and infect by Magnus and is slowly losing herself and beginning the transformation into a draug. Unless the remaining residents can find a way to destroy the draug, Amelie will complete the transformation into the one creature that vampires fear most. The problem? You can kill all of the spawn but a Master draug cannot be killed....Or can he?
Eve and Michael are dealing with the fact that he attacked her; or rather, they aren't dealing with it. Michael's worst fear presented itself after the gang save him from the draug pool and tossed him into a small space with Eve. Their relationship is very strained through a good majority of Black Dawn.
Claire, Shane, Michael, and Eve still haven't figured out why Claire can see Magnus but no one else can. The significance of this ability comes full circle and ties a couple things together from the earlier books in the series. I certainly wasn't expecting the outcome. Myrnin pulls a double-cross on Claire that had me shaking my head as I thought to myself, "Why does this turn of events NOT surprise one bit?!"
This installment is like all of the previous books; it is riveting and pulls you in, keeping you engaged from start to finish. There is adventure around every corner. It is full of suspense surrounding the plight that is the draug. Shane has an experience with the draug that upsets the balance as well as his personality for a small time. We get to see a more vulnerable side of him and we come to realize that while Shane may have been a screw up and irresponsible, Claire is a very good thing for him. Shane cannot live without her, or with the prospect of being without her. She is exactly what he needs and vice versa.
I really enjoy the story being told from various points of view. Each chapter is narrated by a different character. I think this gives the novel more depth and better insight into what the other characters, besides Claire, have with the goings on in Morganville. The plot, as usual, is pretty solid and makes sense.
As from my Vol.1 review: The entire human population of the town lives in fear of the creatures that stalk them; some of them can even be out during the day. Leaving the town is possible but not advisable as the vampires can do some interesting mind tricks to you to make you forget the town--BUT--if you ever start remembering anything while outside the bounds of Morganville, they will hunt you down and destroy you.
According to the author's website, these books are suitable for Young Adults ages 13 and up, and I agree.
Welcome to Morganville, Texas but make sure you don't stay out after dark!
**Contains potential series and Book 12 spoilers.**
Book 12, Black Dawn, begins right where Book 11, Last Breath, ended. The town of Morganville is in chaos, having been overrun by the draug and their Master, Magnus. Amelie, Morganville's vampire leader was bitten and infect by Magnus and is slowly losing herself and beginning the transformation into a draug. Unless the remaining residents can find a way to destroy the draug, Amelie will complete the transformation into the one creature that vampires fear most. The problem? You can kill all of the spawn but a Master draug cannot be killed....Or can he?
Eve and Michael are dealing with the fact that he attacked her; or rather, they aren't dealing with it. Michael's worst fear presented itself after the gang save him from the draug pool and tossed him into a small space with Eve. Their relationship is very strained through a good majority of Black Dawn.
Claire, Shane, Michael, and Eve still haven't figured out why Claire can see Magnus but no one else can. The significance of this ability comes full circle and ties a couple things together from the earlier books in the series. I certainly wasn't expecting the outcome. Myrnin pulls a double-cross on Claire that had me shaking my head as I thought to myself, "Why does this turn of events NOT surprise one bit?!"
This installment is like all of the previous books; it is riveting and pulls you in, keeping you engaged from start to finish. There is adventure around every corner. It is full of suspense surrounding the plight that is the draug. Shane has an experience with the draug that upsets the balance as well as his personality for a small time. We get to see a more vulnerable side of him and we come to realize that while Shane may have been a screw up and irresponsible, Claire is a very good thing for him. Shane cannot live without her, or with the prospect of being without her. She is exactly what he needs and vice versa.
I really enjoy the story being told from various points of view. Each chapter is narrated by a different character. I think this gives the novel more depth and better insight into what the other characters, besides Claire, have with the goings on in Morganville. The plot, as usual, is pretty solid and makes sense.
As from my Vol.1 review: The entire human population of the town lives in fear of the creatures that stalk them; some of them can even be out during the day. Leaving the town is possible but not advisable as the vampires can do some interesting mind tricks to you to make you forget the town--BUT--if you ever start remembering anything while outside the bounds of Morganville, they will hunt you down and destroy you.
According to the author's website, these books are suitable for Young Adults ages 13 and up, and I agree.
Welcome to Morganville, Texas but make sure you don't stay out after dark!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
don goforth
Out of all the Morganville Vampire books, Black Dawn seemed like the darkest one yet. Which is saying a lot if you have read any of the Morganville Vampire books, because there are a lot of dire situations, we are talking about vampires. After the events of Last Breath, Morganville is looking like a ghost town, but Claire, Shane, Eve, and Michael are not going down without a fight. This town maybe owned by vampires, but it is their home too. The problem is the enemy they have to fight has the ability to hide everywhere there is water even so small as a few drops.
I love the Morganville Vampire series, and I have from the beginning. With a series that has multiple installments, there is a worry that the story will become repetitive or stale. The Morganville Vampire series never has me worried, because each installment seems to blow my mind and Black Dawn is no exception. With shocking losses as the draug continue to consume everything, Morganville may never be the same, even if they manage to take it back.
Black Dawn feels like a turning point in the series, leading up to the final three books in the series. I really think that before this series ends, it is going to get much darker for our human characters. I am curious to see how the vampire versus human battle will continue if they can get anyone to return to Morganville. Claire is the character you cannot help but love, and I am very nervous about her and the rest of the Glass House gang's futures in Morganville.
With the final book in the Morganville series due out this November, I am dying to catch up. I cannot wait to read Bitter Blood and find out what Claire is going to have to face next. Rachel Caine has created a world filled with characters you cannot help but love. The Morganville Vampires series will always be a favorite for years to come.
I love the Morganville Vampire series, and I have from the beginning. With a series that has multiple installments, there is a worry that the story will become repetitive or stale. The Morganville Vampire series never has me worried, because each installment seems to blow my mind and Black Dawn is no exception. With shocking losses as the draug continue to consume everything, Morganville may never be the same, even if they manage to take it back.
Black Dawn feels like a turning point in the series, leading up to the final three books in the series. I really think that before this series ends, it is going to get much darker for our human characters. I am curious to see how the vampire versus human battle will continue if they can get anyone to return to Morganville. Claire is the character you cannot help but love, and I am very nervous about her and the rest of the Glass House gang's futures in Morganville.
With the final book in the Morganville series due out this November, I am dying to catch up. I cannot wait to read Bitter Blood and find out what Claire is going to have to face next. Rachel Caine has created a world filled with characters you cannot help but love. The Morganville Vampires series will always be a favorite for years to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Last Breath: The Morganville Vampires, the rain brought a new and dire threat to Morganville and its vampires... their ancient enemies, the draug. Now, the vampires are fighting a losing war, and it will fall to the residents of the Glass House: Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire, to take the fight to an enemy who threatens to destroy the town, forever.
Lovers of Morganville, rejoice: Black Dawn takes the intrigue, romance and nail-biting suspense of the series to its highest level yet! (Summary in Book)
My Review:
Black Dawn picks up almost right were the last book left off, with Claire and friends trying to figure out any way possible to fight off Magnus and his thrall. (Magnus is a Master draug, and ancient enemy of Vampires) Since the draug live as part of water, that means the storms hitting Morganville are much more deadly, and even the drinking/washing water isn't safe. With Amelie bitten and transforming into a draug herself, Oliver is stepping up to take over with possibly disastrous results. Will Claire and Myrnin be able to come up with a successful weapon before Amelie is turned and even more hell breaks loose?
Well, it is an exciting read, packed with adventure, and twist and turns. I really enjoyed it, and I have read all the previous books, and it surprises me that with this being the 12th book, it's one of the best. If you read the early ones, and wasn't hooked, you should give this one a try, these books really have gotten better, especially the last few ones in the series.
Here is a quote I found especially funny, I previously shared this on my blog as a teaser.
Kindle location 481
Shane settled his flamethrower more comfortable on his shoulders. "Ladies? After you."
"Rude," Claire said.
"I was being polite!"
"Not when you have a flamethrower."
I also thought it was so funny that Shane nicknamed Myrin Batty McCrackula, lol
I really enjoyed how we got to dip into the minds of more characters. The last book did this some, but only a few people. In this one, we will have whole chapters from another's POV, we get inside Michael, Eve, Amelie, Oliver, Shane, and Naomi, but the majority is still Claire. I really liked that. I was thinking it might have been cool to get a POV of Myrnin, but then thought, that might have been a little crazy in there, lol.
Overall? Black Dawn is a great continuation of the Morganville Vampires series.
You will be hanging on the edge of your seat, with all the action and suspense going on.
Go to my profile for more reviews and to get link to my blog, you can find extras and more reviews if you want. Thanks for reading my review.
Note: I recieved a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Lovers of Morganville, rejoice: Black Dawn takes the intrigue, romance and nail-biting suspense of the series to its highest level yet! (Summary in Book)
My Review:
Black Dawn picks up almost right were the last book left off, with Claire and friends trying to figure out any way possible to fight off Magnus and his thrall. (Magnus is a Master draug, and ancient enemy of Vampires) Since the draug live as part of water, that means the storms hitting Morganville are much more deadly, and even the drinking/washing water isn't safe. With Amelie bitten and transforming into a draug herself, Oliver is stepping up to take over with possibly disastrous results. Will Claire and Myrnin be able to come up with a successful weapon before Amelie is turned and even more hell breaks loose?
Well, it is an exciting read, packed with adventure, and twist and turns. I really enjoyed it, and I have read all the previous books, and it surprises me that with this being the 12th book, it's one of the best. If you read the early ones, and wasn't hooked, you should give this one a try, these books really have gotten better, especially the last few ones in the series.
Here is a quote I found especially funny, I previously shared this on my blog as a teaser.
Kindle location 481
Shane settled his flamethrower more comfortable on his shoulders. "Ladies? After you."
"Rude," Claire said.
"I was being polite!"
"Not when you have a flamethrower."
I also thought it was so funny that Shane nicknamed Myrin Batty McCrackula, lol
I really enjoyed how we got to dip into the minds of more characters. The last book did this some, but only a few people. In this one, we will have whole chapters from another's POV, we get inside Michael, Eve, Amelie, Oliver, Shane, and Naomi, but the majority is still Claire. I really liked that. I was thinking it might have been cool to get a POV of Myrnin, but then thought, that might have been a little crazy in there, lol.
Overall? Black Dawn is a great continuation of the Morganville Vampires series.
You will be hanging on the edge of your seat, with all the action and suspense going on.
Go to my profile for more reviews and to get link to my blog, you can find extras and more reviews if you want. Thanks for reading my review.
Note: I recieved a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robin macleod
** Warning! This review contains spoilers of previous 'Morganville Vampires' books **
The town of Morganville is no stranger to danger; Bishop, homicidal super computer, rogue vampires and a near-deadly human uprising. All have tried, and failed, to bring Morganville and the town's founder, Amelie, to its knees. Always, the vampires have come out on top, with their human donors agreeing to keep tremulous obedience. But now, all that has changed.
The draug are ancient water creatures who feed on vampires. Death by draug bite is long and painful . . . even worse though, are the hallucinations that come with death. The draug have invaded Morganville with the intent to overthrow Amelie and reign supreme - and they seem to be succeeding. Amelie lies dying from draug bite, and her second-in-command, Oliver, is in charge.
What happens in Morganville when those who have always been at the top of the food chain, are now the ones being hunted?
`Black Dawn' is the twelfth book in Rachel Caine's epic paranormal series, `Morganville Vampires'.
Twelve books in and travelling back to Morganville is still a helter-skelter thrill-ride of epic proportions. Book eleven, `Last Breath', finished on a cliff-hanger with the invasion of Morganville, and the Scooby gang (Claire, Shane, Eve and Michael) learning of the vampires ancient enemy, the draug. As Morganville comes to ruin, vampires and humans alike are in hiding, avoiding bodies of water, and even Claire's university has been shut down and evacuated. Even worse, the town's founder, Amelie, lies dying by increments from a draug bite that will see her eventually turn into one of them. Morganville rests in Oliver's hands, and as the Scooby Gang know, he has no love lost for humans.
The town is crumbling, and so too are the Scooby Gang. In `Last Breath', vampire Michael was captured and attacked by the draug. Upon being rescued by his friends, he inadvertently attacked Eve and nearly drained her dry. When `Black Dawn' begins, the gang are fractured following Eve and Michael's falling-out - she can't help but flinch at his touch, and Michael starts to question the likelihood of a vampire and human staying together, let alone marrying as they had planned.
`Black Dawn' continues Rachel Caine's recent trend of alternate points-of-view, something which stated in `Bite Club' when she gave us Shane's narrative. In `Black Dawn', even more long-running characters are offering their perspectives. We get chapters from Oliver, Michael, Shane and Eve. As well as Claire's usual input. Each of these POV's are vital to the story - and often the narrative switch comes in scenes in which Claire is not physically present, and readers would have no ordinary way of knowing what transpired. This means we get some very interesting insight into Eve and Michael's relationship hurdles, Oliver's unusually tender feelings for Amelie and Shane's true insecurities about Myrnin's interest in Claire. . .
That's right. `Black Dawn' has a surprising focus on Shane's jealous steak where Claire's vampire boss, Myrnin, is concerned. Claire and Shane have been a pretty rock-solid couple for quite a few books now (the romantic tensions of `Bite Club' being their first real trial in a long time). So fans are understandably keen for a little spice to be added to the mix - in the form of Claire's boss, Myrnin, who many have speculated has a soft spot for his little human laboratory assistant. Now, I'm not saying that all fans want Claire to leave Shane for Myrnin. I'd say it's a small minority who are Team Myrnin in the battle for Claire's affections. But I think lots of fans want the tension and drama of Myrnin professing his interest in Claire (beyond just wanting her brain to power his super-computer that is). So far fans have been left to speculate and make mountains out of molehills where Myrnin and Claire are concerned. . . well, things get interesting in `Black Dawn'. Thanks to the alternate perspectives, we do get to read Shane's true jealous feelings. We also get a glimpse at what Amelie and Oliver think of Myrnin's interest in Claire. Hmmm. . . .interesting, interesting stuff. And, of course, all this speculation leads to some funny and classically snarky Shane scenes between him and Myrnin.
Any fans who are sceptical of Caine's POV swap-up will be rest assured by `Black Dawn'. The alternate narratives pay-off ten-fold when we get new insight into Eve and Michael's relationship - another couple who have been fairly stagnate for a few books now, but have a real change-up in this twelfth instalment. Shane also has a chapter of such heartbreak, which is so beautifully communicated by Caine, that fans will absolutely understand and accept the reasons behind her needing other characters to have a voice.
Now, as to the ending. . . a lot happens in `Black Dawn', and there are quite a few resolutions to be made (not least of all because of all the side-stories alternate narratives present). The ending is mind-blowing, to say the least. Quite a few times Caine comes close to the edge of changing the entire trajectory of the `Morganville Vampires' series. But she doesn't do it. She takes a step back and I, for one, was a wee bit disappointed...
*** [SPOILERS - the following paragraph contains huge SPOILERS - do not read if you don't wish to be spoiled!] ***
I actually wanted Amelie to make Claire a vampire. I know, I know - I can hear fans howling at the indignity of this opinion. But, honestly, I was rooting for it. For one thing, I would have really liked to read Shane's reaction. A lot of `Black Dawn' is about how far Claire and Shane have come in their relationship - and they are gorgeous together (their `not perfect' speech was BEAUTIFUL!) But I kinda wanted to read a spanner thrown in their works - and I think a real test of Shane's devotion, would be how he reacts to a vampire Claire. Would he still love her? Would he still want her? Remember his reaction to his best friend, Michael, being turned vampire - well what would happen if it was Claire? Furthermore, I was intrigued by Amelie saying Myrnin would appreciate Claire being turned. I think he would have. A lot. I wanted to read that. I don't know, maybe I'm a sucker for a rock and a hard place, but I think Caine begged off of a genuinely good and complex curve-ball when she didn't turn Claire vampire.
*** [end SPOILERS] ***
`Black Dawn' is an incredible new instalment in Rachel Caine's `Morganville Vampires' series. Now I'm interested to know where we go from here - and with the thirteenth book title announced, `Bitter Blood', what is in store for the Scooby Gang and the town of Morganville in the wake of disaster?
The town of Morganville is no stranger to danger; Bishop, homicidal super computer, rogue vampires and a near-deadly human uprising. All have tried, and failed, to bring Morganville and the town's founder, Amelie, to its knees. Always, the vampires have come out on top, with their human donors agreeing to keep tremulous obedience. But now, all that has changed.
The draug are ancient water creatures who feed on vampires. Death by draug bite is long and painful . . . even worse though, are the hallucinations that come with death. The draug have invaded Morganville with the intent to overthrow Amelie and reign supreme - and they seem to be succeeding. Amelie lies dying from draug bite, and her second-in-command, Oliver, is in charge.
What happens in Morganville when those who have always been at the top of the food chain, are now the ones being hunted?
`Black Dawn' is the twelfth book in Rachel Caine's epic paranormal series, `Morganville Vampires'.
Twelve books in and travelling back to Morganville is still a helter-skelter thrill-ride of epic proportions. Book eleven, `Last Breath', finished on a cliff-hanger with the invasion of Morganville, and the Scooby gang (Claire, Shane, Eve and Michael) learning of the vampires ancient enemy, the draug. As Morganville comes to ruin, vampires and humans alike are in hiding, avoiding bodies of water, and even Claire's university has been shut down and evacuated. Even worse, the town's founder, Amelie, lies dying by increments from a draug bite that will see her eventually turn into one of them. Morganville rests in Oliver's hands, and as the Scooby Gang know, he has no love lost for humans.
The town is crumbling, and so too are the Scooby Gang. In `Last Breath', vampire Michael was captured and attacked by the draug. Upon being rescued by his friends, he inadvertently attacked Eve and nearly drained her dry. When `Black Dawn' begins, the gang are fractured following Eve and Michael's falling-out - she can't help but flinch at his touch, and Michael starts to question the likelihood of a vampire and human staying together, let alone marrying as they had planned.
`Black Dawn' continues Rachel Caine's recent trend of alternate points-of-view, something which stated in `Bite Club' when she gave us Shane's narrative. In `Black Dawn', even more long-running characters are offering their perspectives. We get chapters from Oliver, Michael, Shane and Eve. As well as Claire's usual input. Each of these POV's are vital to the story - and often the narrative switch comes in scenes in which Claire is not physically present, and readers would have no ordinary way of knowing what transpired. This means we get some very interesting insight into Eve and Michael's relationship hurdles, Oliver's unusually tender feelings for Amelie and Shane's true insecurities about Myrnin's interest in Claire. . .
That's right. `Black Dawn' has a surprising focus on Shane's jealous steak where Claire's vampire boss, Myrnin, is concerned. Claire and Shane have been a pretty rock-solid couple for quite a few books now (the romantic tensions of `Bite Club' being their first real trial in a long time). So fans are understandably keen for a little spice to be added to the mix - in the form of Claire's boss, Myrnin, who many have speculated has a soft spot for his little human laboratory assistant. Now, I'm not saying that all fans want Claire to leave Shane for Myrnin. I'd say it's a small minority who are Team Myrnin in the battle for Claire's affections. But I think lots of fans want the tension and drama of Myrnin professing his interest in Claire (beyond just wanting her brain to power his super-computer that is). So far fans have been left to speculate and make mountains out of molehills where Myrnin and Claire are concerned. . . well, things get interesting in `Black Dawn'. Thanks to the alternate perspectives, we do get to read Shane's true jealous feelings. We also get a glimpse at what Amelie and Oliver think of Myrnin's interest in Claire. Hmmm. . . .interesting, interesting stuff. And, of course, all this speculation leads to some funny and classically snarky Shane scenes between him and Myrnin.
Any fans who are sceptical of Caine's POV swap-up will be rest assured by `Black Dawn'. The alternate narratives pay-off ten-fold when we get new insight into Eve and Michael's relationship - another couple who have been fairly stagnate for a few books now, but have a real change-up in this twelfth instalment. Shane also has a chapter of such heartbreak, which is so beautifully communicated by Caine, that fans will absolutely understand and accept the reasons behind her needing other characters to have a voice.
Now, as to the ending. . . a lot happens in `Black Dawn', and there are quite a few resolutions to be made (not least of all because of all the side-stories alternate narratives present). The ending is mind-blowing, to say the least. Quite a few times Caine comes close to the edge of changing the entire trajectory of the `Morganville Vampires' series. But she doesn't do it. She takes a step back and I, for one, was a wee bit disappointed...
*** [SPOILERS - the following paragraph contains huge SPOILERS - do not read if you don't wish to be spoiled!] ***
I actually wanted Amelie to make Claire a vampire. I know, I know - I can hear fans howling at the indignity of this opinion. But, honestly, I was rooting for it. For one thing, I would have really liked to read Shane's reaction. A lot of `Black Dawn' is about how far Claire and Shane have come in their relationship - and they are gorgeous together (their `not perfect' speech was BEAUTIFUL!) But I kinda wanted to read a spanner thrown in their works - and I think a real test of Shane's devotion, would be how he reacts to a vampire Claire. Would he still love her? Would he still want her? Remember his reaction to his best friend, Michael, being turned vampire - well what would happen if it was Claire? Furthermore, I was intrigued by Amelie saying Myrnin would appreciate Claire being turned. I think he would have. A lot. I wanted to read that. I don't know, maybe I'm a sucker for a rock and a hard place, but I think Caine begged off of a genuinely good and complex curve-ball when she didn't turn Claire vampire.
*** [end SPOILERS] ***
`Black Dawn' is an incredible new instalment in Rachel Caine's `Morganville Vampires' series. Now I'm interested to know where we go from here - and with the thirteenth book title announced, `Bitter Blood', what is in store for the Scooby Gang and the town of Morganville in the wake of disaster?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison leed
With the rain came the draug and their destruction, bringing Morganville to the brink of annihilation. Holding on only by the sheer determination of their will to survive, the remaining vampires and humans alike must band together to find a way to destroy the draug once and for all. It's time for the final stand, with the winner taking all.
It is amazing how much the characters have grown from the start of this series. Eve's learned to trust in others and open her heart, as well as thinking more before she acts. Shane's let go of a lot of his anger, although he will always be a fighter, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing considering what they continually have to face. Michael's path is much slower as he tries to accept what he has become, and yet still hold onto his humanity. He had a major setback at the end of Last Breath, which was a large issue for both him and Eve in this installment. However, I think once he can put it behind him, he will finally be able to make peace with himself. But above all, Claire has probably grown the most, even if she doesn't see it for herself. She really is the glue that holds them all together, and as Michael states, they wouldn't have survived without her. She's always been incredibly strong, but she lacked the confidence to back it up. Now, despite her fears, Claire never once backs down from standing up to fight when needed, and no one, vampire or otherwise can ever really hold her back.
With each new book that brings us closer to the end of the Morganville Series, I can't help wondering how in the world Rachel Caine will tie everything up with a HEA. After finishing Black Dawn, I'm more baffled than ever as I just don't see the vampires relenting any power now. Not after losing so many of their own to the Draug. In fact even before the final conflict was over, I was already looking to the future and what the ending events would mean for the humans in Morganville. To be honest, I have a feeling things will be worse than ever for Claire and company in the next installment. You would think the vampires would be at least a little grateful for their vital assistance throughout their darkest hour, but I guess that is a human sentiment. I should really stop trying to humanize them in my mind and just accept that they play by a completely different set of rules.
Ever since finishing Last Breath, I have been waiting rather impatiently for this installment. I knew it would be an incredibly hard act to follow as it took a well established series and completely changed the game. While I can't say that Black Dawn had quite the same level of shock and wow factor that Last Breath instilled, due to the Draug already being revealed, I was still utterly enthralled from start to finish. Rachel Caine hasn't once let me down in this series, as each installment only gets better as the stakes get higher. Full of danger, raw emotion, and heart pounding action, Black Dawn can't possibly disappoint!
It is amazing how much the characters have grown from the start of this series. Eve's learned to trust in others and open her heart, as well as thinking more before she acts. Shane's let go of a lot of his anger, although he will always be a fighter, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing considering what they continually have to face. Michael's path is much slower as he tries to accept what he has become, and yet still hold onto his humanity. He had a major setback at the end of Last Breath, which was a large issue for both him and Eve in this installment. However, I think once he can put it behind him, he will finally be able to make peace with himself. But above all, Claire has probably grown the most, even if she doesn't see it for herself. She really is the glue that holds them all together, and as Michael states, they wouldn't have survived without her. She's always been incredibly strong, but she lacked the confidence to back it up. Now, despite her fears, Claire never once backs down from standing up to fight when needed, and no one, vampire or otherwise can ever really hold her back.
With each new book that brings us closer to the end of the Morganville Series, I can't help wondering how in the world Rachel Caine will tie everything up with a HEA. After finishing Black Dawn, I'm more baffled than ever as I just don't see the vampires relenting any power now. Not after losing so many of their own to the Draug. In fact even before the final conflict was over, I was already looking to the future and what the ending events would mean for the humans in Morganville. To be honest, I have a feeling things will be worse than ever for Claire and company in the next installment. You would think the vampires would be at least a little grateful for their vital assistance throughout their darkest hour, but I guess that is a human sentiment. I should really stop trying to humanize them in my mind and just accept that they play by a completely different set of rules.
Ever since finishing Last Breath, I have been waiting rather impatiently for this installment. I knew it would be an incredibly hard act to follow as it took a well established series and completely changed the game. While I can't say that Black Dawn had quite the same level of shock and wow factor that Last Breath instilled, due to the Draug already being revealed, I was still utterly enthralled from start to finish. Rachel Caine hasn't once let me down in this series, as each installment only gets better as the stakes get higher. Full of danger, raw emotion, and heart pounding action, Black Dawn can't possibly disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our Review [by Michelle L. Olson - LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha]:
I love the Morganville Vampires series and have been an avid follower since book #1. While I didn't think that anything could surpass the incredibleness that was Book #11, Last Breath, I stand corrected after the completion of Black Dawn.
If I said that Last Breath was a home run, then Black Dawn was a grand slam!
Like all Morganville books, there was tons of action, danger lurking around every corner, sweet romance, problems to be solved, friendships solidified, alliances forged, enemies made and mysteries galore, all packed into a fabulously eerie and quirky package.
Like Last Breath, Black Dawn gives us insight into other characters by switching between points of view. It was seamlessly written and a wonderful gift for the reader to get inside these other characters' heads.
Last Breath was definitely darker than the other Morganville books. They've been getting increasingly darker installment after installment (to my utter delight), but there were times during Black Dawn that you could actually feel the hopelessness, and those times just lent more credibility to the glimpses of hope that were uncovered like rays of sunshine.
While Morganville is known for its danger, and we fans have come to expect and love the town and its residents for it, the Morganville in Black Dawn is literally flooded with death, destruction and despair. All that deranged action is thrown at you in a non-stop thrill ride that grabs you from the very beginning and doesn't' really ever let go, because even after completion of the last page, you want to scream, "Well, what now??".
The character development in Black Dawn was intense, the storyline intriguing and demanding nothing short of utter investment, and the world, in true Rachel Caine fashion, beautifully fashioned.
LITERAL ADDICTION gives Black Dawn a thoroughly deserved 5 Skulls, and would recommend it to EVERYONE! Morganville may be classified as YA, but we like to call it YA for the not-so-young-adult, and this installment proved that Rachel can capture both sides of the audience with ease.
I am so happy that there will be more Morganville to come. I absolutely adore this series.
I love the Morganville Vampires series and have been an avid follower since book #1. While I didn't think that anything could surpass the incredibleness that was Book #11, Last Breath, I stand corrected after the completion of Black Dawn.
If I said that Last Breath was a home run, then Black Dawn was a grand slam!
Like all Morganville books, there was tons of action, danger lurking around every corner, sweet romance, problems to be solved, friendships solidified, alliances forged, enemies made and mysteries galore, all packed into a fabulously eerie and quirky package.
Like Last Breath, Black Dawn gives us insight into other characters by switching between points of view. It was seamlessly written and a wonderful gift for the reader to get inside these other characters' heads.
Last Breath was definitely darker than the other Morganville books. They've been getting increasingly darker installment after installment (to my utter delight), but there were times during Black Dawn that you could actually feel the hopelessness, and those times just lent more credibility to the glimpses of hope that were uncovered like rays of sunshine.
While Morganville is known for its danger, and we fans have come to expect and love the town and its residents for it, the Morganville in Black Dawn is literally flooded with death, destruction and despair. All that deranged action is thrown at you in a non-stop thrill ride that grabs you from the very beginning and doesn't' really ever let go, because even after completion of the last page, you want to scream, "Well, what now??".
The character development in Black Dawn was intense, the storyline intriguing and demanding nothing short of utter investment, and the world, in true Rachel Caine fashion, beautifully fashioned.
LITERAL ADDICTION gives Black Dawn a thoroughly deserved 5 Skulls, and would recommend it to EVERYONE! Morganville may be classified as YA, but we like to call it YA for the not-so-young-adult, and this installment proved that Rachel can capture both sides of the audience with ease.
I am so happy that there will be more Morganville to come. I absolutely adore this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aletha tavares
*contains spoilers if you haven't read the previous books*
After the ending we were left with in Last Breath, the fate of Morganville was left in shambles. The Founder has been bitten and is now near death. The Draug are getting stronger and much bolder in their attacks against humans and vampires. When you start the first page of Black Dawn, we are picking up where the previous book left off. Now the town is dealing with the aftermath of the rescue mission and it is not going well.
Told from multiple point of views again, the reader gets to glimpse inside their favorite Morganville characters. (except Myrnin -- and I am very disappointed we haven't got to read from his POV yet!) Together, Shane, Claire, Eve, Michael and the vampires must find a way to save their Founder and bring down the Draug once and for all. What the reader gets is romance, drama, death and the beginning to a new chapter in Morganville with a set of new rules to come. Yes, we even get a cliffhanger ending that makes you want the next book right now.
I cried with the death of great character again, -- oh, how Ms. Caine loves to hurt the readers this way -- and the painful aftermath of a Draug capture to another beloved character. It was heart wrenching, nail biting, and oh so good. Of course, Morganville wouldn't be the same without Myrnin. I admit it. Myrnin is my favorite character by far because he is so crazy he is smart. I love how Myrnin can be indifferent one moment, and caring the next with Claire. I seriously want a Myrnin of my own to work with.
While Black Dawn still didn't surpass Last Breath or Carpe Corpus as my favorite in the series, it is by far the best in plot. It brings everything to the front and makes the reader wonder what will happen now. If you haven't bought your copy of Black Dawn yet, you are seriously missing out on one of the best books in the series. I can't wait for what is to come for Morganville next.
After the ending we were left with in Last Breath, the fate of Morganville was left in shambles. The Founder has been bitten and is now near death. The Draug are getting stronger and much bolder in their attacks against humans and vampires. When you start the first page of Black Dawn, we are picking up where the previous book left off. Now the town is dealing with the aftermath of the rescue mission and it is not going well.
Told from multiple point of views again, the reader gets to glimpse inside their favorite Morganville characters. (except Myrnin -- and I am very disappointed we haven't got to read from his POV yet!) Together, Shane, Claire, Eve, Michael and the vampires must find a way to save their Founder and bring down the Draug once and for all. What the reader gets is romance, drama, death and the beginning to a new chapter in Morganville with a set of new rules to come. Yes, we even get a cliffhanger ending that makes you want the next book right now.
I cried with the death of great character again, -- oh, how Ms. Caine loves to hurt the readers this way -- and the painful aftermath of a Draug capture to another beloved character. It was heart wrenching, nail biting, and oh so good. Of course, Morganville wouldn't be the same without Myrnin. I admit it. Myrnin is my favorite character by far because he is so crazy he is smart. I love how Myrnin can be indifferent one moment, and caring the next with Claire. I seriously want a Myrnin of my own to work with.
While Black Dawn still didn't surpass Last Breath or Carpe Corpus as my favorite in the series, it is by far the best in plot. It brings everything to the front and makes the reader wonder what will happen now. If you haven't bought your copy of Black Dawn yet, you are seriously missing out on one of the best books in the series. I can't wait for what is to come for Morganville next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like much of Texas, Morganville suffers from a severe drought. The town is run by vampires with Amalie the final authority at the top of the food chain. However the arid conditions have led to the draug water vampires searching for water and other vampires to snack on. Morganville due to a deluge of storms is a place for the draug to stay and take over.
A Draug bit Amalie who is turning into a land-Draug. Her second in command, loyal Oliver refuses to let her go while his side also is losing the inter-species war. Most of the residents of Glass House (Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire) and a few allies take a last stand against the draug. Claire uniquely is the only one who can see the head Draug, which is why he needs her dead. Her friends (human and vampire) guard her while trying to figure out how to take the battle to the seemingly invisible enemy. Their only hope is to dangle Claire as bait to draw out the powerful leader of the foe.
The latest Morganville Vampires (see Last Breath) is a great entry in which a common enemy forces the humans and vampires to unite; failure to team up will mean death for all. The storyline provides a bit of vampire background as we learn how the draug came to be, insight into their hive-like culture and why they became cannibals. Saving Morganville appears unlikely but the Glass House quartet feels they must make the Son Quixote effort.
Harriet Klausner
A Draug bit Amalie who is turning into a land-Draug. Her second in command, loyal Oliver refuses to let her go while his side also is losing the inter-species war. Most of the residents of Glass House (Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire) and a few allies take a last stand against the draug. Claire uniquely is the only one who can see the head Draug, which is why he needs her dead. Her friends (human and vampire) guard her while trying to figure out how to take the battle to the seemingly invisible enemy. Their only hope is to dangle Claire as bait to draw out the powerful leader of the foe.
The latest Morganville Vampires (see Last Breath) is a great entry in which a common enemy forces the humans and vampires to unite; failure to team up will mean death for all. The storyline provides a bit of vampire background as we learn how the draug came to be, insight into their hive-like culture and why they became cannibals. Saving Morganville appears unlikely but the Glass House quartet feels they must make the Son Quixote effort.
Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica braun
The Draug. Evil beyond evil. They have come to decimate the vampires of Morganville, and whats worse, the vampires are powerless to stop them. The draug feed on blood, but they especially love vampire blood, they feed by being liquid gel-like being and sucking blood with acidy like bites or pokes from the skin. Sound painful? It is.
So of course it is up to Claire and Co. to find a solution and end the draug problem, which can only be achieved by killing the master draught Magus, but Claire is the only one who can see him. This installment of the long running series was in my opinon much much better than the last one (Last Breath) It had its action, its angst and its love. There were twisty twists (Jason!!) and the usual vampire/human fighting.
The only thing I think I had a problem with was they always seem to focus on Shane for some reason, hes always the one getting kidnapped or hurt or whatever, give someone else a turn! Okay, that sounded a bit sadistic, but really... the book is quite good and I am so happy for that ending.
So of course it is up to Claire and Co. to find a solution and end the draug problem, which can only be achieved by killing the master draught Magus, but Claire is the only one who can see him. This installment of the long running series was in my opinon much much better than the last one (Last Breath) It had its action, its angst and its love. There were twisty twists (Jason!!) and the usual vampire/human fighting.
The only thing I think I had a problem with was they always seem to focus on Shane for some reason, hes always the one getting kidnapped or hurt or whatever, give someone else a turn! Okay, that sounded a bit sadistic, but really... the book is quite good and I am so happy for that ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kamila forson
This is a nonstop action, no rest installment to the Morganville series. I like where the book starts off, right after the big city pool showdown with Amalie being bit by the Master Draug and Eve being bit by Michael. That leaves Claire, Shane, Myrnin, and Oliver being the ones who really push the story foward. There were a lot of viewpoints in this book, but because the pace was set at such a rapid tattoo, I think it only adds to the frenzy Caine was going for. I'm always stressed for the main characters because they forever get themselves in bloody trouble, they even acknowledge what they're about to do is not such a good idea and still. There wasn't as much banter between the whole gang and I missed that. Myrnin spent very little time in crazy scientist mode and I missed that as well. In the midst of one potential deadly Draug encounter after another you still get pulled into the romances between Claire and Shane and Eve and Michael. At this late stage in the series I have to ignore the little voice in the back of my head that says, "why are they still helping the ungrateful, murdering vampires?" Still, I am ready for the next book, like always.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Black Dawn, like most of the Morganville series is bound to hook you in. It was a good read, and I did enjoy it. Now onto my mini rant.
I like Morganville. I like the books, the story and world setting. Is it amazing, gripping and mind blowing? No. But the story's interesting and the characters likable enough to want to know what happens. (Some even more than likable *cough* Myrnin *cough*)
They're fun books to read. After so many though, I really want something drastic to happen. I want someone to die (someone important.) I want Shane to cheat on Claire. I want Claire to turn into a vampire. I want Micheal to kill someone. I want something really dramatic. There's so much potential for it. I feel that after so long, we need some extreme unchangeable drama in this series. Or maybe that's just me. I will keep reading, because like I said, I like the books, I just want more.
I like Morganville. I like the books, the story and world setting. Is it amazing, gripping and mind blowing? No. But the story's interesting and the characters likable enough to want to know what happens. (Some even more than likable *cough* Myrnin *cough*)
They're fun books to read. After so many though, I really want something drastic to happen. I want someone to die (someone important.) I want Shane to cheat on Claire. I want Claire to turn into a vampire. I want Micheal to kill someone. I want something really dramatic. There's so much potential for it. I feel that after so long, we need some extreme unchangeable drama in this series. Or maybe that's just me. I will keep reading, because like I said, I like the books, I just want more.
Please RateBlack Dawn: The Morganville Vampires