The Foundling (Regency Romances)

ByGeorgette Heyer

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erika barnes
"The Foundling" is a Regency romance, though it was really more of a coming-of-age adventure. While the beginning had some funny moments, the story didn't really get interesting (and funny) until Gilly "escaped" his protective servants and relatives and started his adventure.

The story had an interesting mix of characters. While some of the characters initially seem similar to those in her other novels, their reactions to events and their adventures were very different. I was never sure of exactly how a situation would work out.

There were no sex scenes. There was some bad language (most of it the swearing using "God"). Overall, I'd recommend this book to Heyer fans.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is such a wonderful story, please read it, don't miss out. A soldier wounded in body and soul, an abandoned baby. You might think that's the whole story, but no, it's beautiful, heartbreaking tale of love that holds on, no matter what life and time throw at it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather latimer
"The Foundling" is one of Georgette Heyer's regency romances. I've read all of them, and this one is very good. Written in 1948 it tells the story of the Duke of Sale. He is a shy young man of 24, of slightly below medium height, who is dominated by his guardian and his various relatives and retainers.

The young duke sets out to prove his manhood by becoming anonymous for a while. He becomes engaged, befriends a young boy who has run away, and rescues Belinda, the foundling of the book's title.

It is all very amusing and told in such a way that the reader never loses interest.

The duke's character as well as his cousin Gideon, his fiancee, Lady Harriet, and the other lesser personages are portrayed by Heyer in her clever way.

If you like light reading of the regency era in England, you will enjoy "The Foundling" very much.
The Unfinished Clue (Country House Mysteries) :: Arabella (Regency Romances) :: Beauvallet (Historical Romances) :: Cotillion (Regency Romances) :: Devil's Cub (Historical Romances)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa ishigaki
This is another Great story from Georgette Heyer! I was not disappointed! What a fun story teller she is! Many great laughs! Tons of hilarity! I related the story to my husband and daughter as read it, and kept them on the edge of their seats! On to the next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach heiden
I was reluctant to read this book because I understood that it contained very little romance and was more of a "coming of age" story about a young Duke. Didn't sound quite like the other Heyer novels I have loved so well (Frederica, Venetia, Regency Buck, The Talisman Ring) -- but how much I would have missed if I had passed this one over! It was truly a fabulous book! Riveting story and plot, tantalizing adventure, just enough romance, and perhaps the most likeable characters Heyer ever created (especially the protagonist Duke and his cousin Gideon). All of the secondary characters are simply unforgettable as well. Perhaps the best thing about the book, however, is the truly satisfying metamorphosis which the main character undergoes. It is so satisfying to watch and he truly is one of the most endearing characters I have ever read. I cannot recommend this novel heartily enough. It now ranks in my mind as one of Heyer's very best! (P.S. I laughed out loud so frequently while reading this book that I was quite bothersome to everyone around me!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For avid Georgette Heyer fans, The Foundling will be an interesting and satisfying departure from the romance novels. The Foundling focuses on the Duke of Sale and his adventures as he goes "undercover" as a regular man. Gilly is a sympathetic and interesting leading character trying to overcome years of being overprotected. Gilly encounters all sorts of personalities while trying to end his cousin's entanglement, fortunately, Gilly reacts to the unexpected with kindness, a gentle manner and considerable common sense. The Foundling is witty, unexpected, and great fun.

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (September 2009), 448 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rininta widhyajiwanti
Another Heyer gem!
Adolphus Gillespie Vernon Ware, the Duke of
Sale, is tired of all the pompous trappings of his position. A mild
mannered and kindly young man, he's also tired of being treated like a
semi-invalid child by his family and retainers alike. Longing for an
adventure, he leaps at the chance to help a young realtive who has
written some unwise love letters to an unsuitable young lady, and who
is now being sued for breach of promise. What follows is a series of
adventures, some hilarious, a few somewhat dangerous, as the young
duke comes into his own.
A truly excellent book. The young Duke of
Sale is exactly the kind of romantic hero one wishes one read more of
instead of the autocratic-almost-a-rapist "hero" one comes
across more often in regency romances today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
micah shanks
THE FOUNDLING enters the arranged lives of Harriet Presteigne and Gilly, the young Duke of Sale. Belinda Ware is a beautiful young "foundling" who needs rescuing from danger and Gilly has longed for adventure to the horror of his over solicitous family.
Gilly surprises his family when he begs his fiance to shelter the young woman, it just isn't done in their circles. The advent of Blenda into their lives throws new light on a marriage to be that has been arranged by their elders. Georgette Heyer's touch for this romance is much lighter and her pen carries broad sweeps of blight characterization.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie schmitz
I could binge read Georgette Heyer. But this book is outrageously funny. And, Belinda has to be the most bird-witted, twit of a heroine of any book I have ever read. The book is outrageous from beginning to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, The Foundling, is my favorite Heyer. I have read it a dozen times over the years and never fail to laugh at the same places each time. Her characters are so interestingly and accurately portrayed that you can easily picture them as real people. This book contains some memorable characters, and the plot takes interesting turns and diversions. Georgette Heyer introduces much interest in the plot by continually bringing in uniquely interesting minor characters.
If you can only read one Heyer, it has to be this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy trevino
What does a coddled young Duke do to free himself of the attentions of his servants but run away to the country? This delightfully diverting tale of a young man's coming of age has the humor and Regency details only Heyer can provide. The characters are well-drawn and the misadventures diverting. Fans of Regency romance will thoroughly enjoy Heyer's Foundling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you're looking for a "typical" Georgette Heyer romance novel...then this is not it at all! It's more of a rousing adventure story, filled with strong-willed characters, villainous rogues, and Heyer's trademark precise and witty sentence construction. It's a fun, exuberant book , much more interested in being a coming-of-age story than any romantic concerns. The titular character does not appear till almost half way in, and she's not the protagonist! I loved its wackiness!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha quinn
A tour de force of everything deliciously Recency by the nonpareil Georgette Heyer with a NOT top-of-the-trees' hero and an utterly unique story, steeped in brilliantly beguiling dialogue of a bounteous cast of singular supporting characters. The romance herein is but one of the hero's many relationships which develop in this seamlessly erudite yet freshly captivating historical novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the first chapter of this book, I had low expectations for the rest. Not surprising, since this is not my usual genre. I was pleasantly surprised, however. The characters, though unrealistic, were engaging and the plot exciting enough to hold the reader. If this is a good example of regency romance, I believe I will be reading more of this genre in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is one of Heyer's least 'romance-driven' Regencies, but it's one of my favorites. I really like the mild-mannered Gilly and his dashing cousin, and The Villain of the Piece is hilarious. The dialogue, descriptions, and historical inter-weavings are all top-notch, as usual. This ranks right up there with The Unknown Ajax, The Talisman Ring, and Sprig Muslin (none of which pay overwhelming attention to the romance part of the plot,and all of which are enormously entertaining).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joey mills
What does a coddled young Duke do to free himself of the attentions of his servants but run away to the country? This delightfully diverting tale of a young man's coming of age has the humor and Regency details only Heyer can provide. The characters are well-drawn and the misadventures diverting. Fans of Regency romance will thoroughly enjoy Heyer's Foundling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenn fischer
If you're looking for a "typical" Georgette Heyer romance novel...then this is not it at all! It's more of a rousing adventure story, filled with strong-willed characters, villainous rogues, and Heyer's trademark precise and witty sentence construction. It's a fun, exuberant book , much more interested in being a coming-of-age story than any romantic concerns. The titular character does not appear till almost half way in, and she's not the protagonist! I loved its wackiness!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A tour de force of everything deliciously Recency by the nonpareil Georgette Heyer with a NOT top-of-the-trees' hero and an utterly unique story, steeped in brilliantly beguiling dialogue of a bounteous cast of singular supporting characters. The romance herein is but one of the hero's many relationships which develop in this seamlessly erudite yet freshly captivating historical novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the first chapter of this book, I had low expectations for the rest. Not surprising, since this is not my usual genre. I was pleasantly surprised, however. The characters, though unrealistic, were engaging and the plot exciting enough to hold the reader. If this is a good example of regency romance, I believe I will be reading more of this genre in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jason hensel
This is one of Heyer's least 'romance-driven' Regencies, but it's one of my favorites. I really like the mild-mannered Gilly and his dashing cousin, and The Villain of the Piece is hilarious. The dialogue, descriptions, and historical inter-weavings are all top-notch, as usual. This ranks right up there with The Unknown Ajax, The Talisman Ring, and Sprig Muslin (none of which pay overwhelming attention to the romance part of the plot,and all of which are enormously entertaining).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba el sherif
I just wish she had written 100 more Regency Romances for me to read. I have read them all and some two or three times. This one is a rainy day, cup of tea wonderful ride into the Regency world. She was definitely the master of this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin lockard
What a fun story, a delightful read. Engaging, human characters. I really love books that have characters that are human and normal. Georgette Hayer is great at writing real people and breaking stereotypes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read Georgette Heyer novels since 1972, just finished this one, and I consider it my favorite. Wonderful characters and interesting plot, with some deeper life lessons about coddling and independence. Loved it!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristi perry
Even though Heyer's writing style and wit are present un this book, I could not help being disapointed. This one is really not as funny as her other less romancy books like The Unknown Ajax, or The Talisman rings. To borrow from her, I'd say that I was in whoops over these two books, and only mildy amused by The Foundling.
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