An A-to-Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind
ByTony Crisp
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was delivered fast,good packaging, the book itself is great, i just wish it has more words i can look up, but it has help med interpreted alo of my dreams and others, this book is very helpful and worth the price.
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paul anderson
In searching for a replacement for my other dream book, this one looked promising at first. It is lacking in so many common topics I couldn't believe it. It is also written in so many choppy sentences it was annoying. My search continues for a well organized and complete dream book. This one is going back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my second favorite dream dictionary after "The Encyclopedia of Dreams: Symbols & Interpretations" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. Mr. Crisp goes into a little more detail on topics such as colors (he gives many colors and their individual significance in dreams); houses (he breaks it down into rooms, walls, roof, etc.) and animals (many different animals are discussed). I can't understand the bad reviews. I've been interpreting dreams for myself and friends for years, and I love this book and find it indispensible. I highly recommend it if you want to delve further into your subconscious, dreaming mind.
Spiritual Dream Interpretation - Understand Your Dreams Now :: The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding :: The Interpretation of Dreams (Dover Thrift Editions) :: The Complete and Definitive Text - The Interpretation of Dreams :: The Interpretation of Dreams (Oxford World's Classics)
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ignatius ivan
I first became interested in dream interpretation over thirty years ago and over the years have attended workshops and collected a shelf full of books on the subject of sleep, dreams and dreaming. The one I always turn to first is Tony Crisp's Dream Dictionary.
It's easy to say this is the best, but if you are interested in understanding and interpreting your dreams, this is the standard by which all other dream books are measured. It's an easy read and you will get enormous insight into your dreams.
It's easy to say this is the best, but if you are interested in understanding and interpreting your dreams, this is the standard by which all other dream books are measured. It's an easy read and you will get enormous insight into your dreams.
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I too have purchased several "dream dictionaries" over the years, and while other books might tell you that a dream about a [fill in the blank] means "good fortune is coming your way", this is the only guide I've seen that gives real dream symbol definitions based on actual dream research. I was able to figure out the significance of a reoccurring dream using Tony Crisp's book. Now I use his book almost daily to look up my dreams and it helps me understand why I'm having them, and what my subconsious is trying to tell me so that I can move on. It's a great resource!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell bates
Over the years, I have purchased half a dozen dream interpretation books and this, by far, has been the most accurate and helpful for me. It is alphabetically listed by symbol, and includes information on processing and analyzing dreams, as well as dreamer's examples and interpretations of the emotions and symbolism in dreams. It is best used when the dreamer analyzes each symbol and emotion in his/her dream. For example, in one dream, my left toe was being bit by a HUGE rat and I was feverishly kicking it off, but it kept attacking me. When I finally faced my fear and pulled out the "big guns", it ran away. Interpreting the meaning of left vs. right, toe, biting, animals (specifically rat), and the emotions I felt, I gained tremendous insight to what I was dealing with at the time and could easily put my subconscious thoughts into the context of what was happening in my life. This helped me make changes for the better. I find this to be the one dream book I refer to most often, though I am still intrigued by other books on the topic, and will purchase yet another one today. For those of you who are beginner interpreters, this book will open the door to your subconscious and get you hooked on becoming an enlightened individual. If you suffer from recurring dreams (or nightmares), this book can help you 'face the dream' through unemotional analysis, which I've found, in most cases, prevents the dream from returning.
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helman taofani
I am constantly amazed by how clear my dreams become when I look up their elements in this book. The definitions allow me to immediately relate dream images to things happening in my life and from there, to understand or resolve them. Tony Crisp includes explanations of well-known psychological theory on dreams (Jung, Freud) as well as cues on processing your dreams. Overall, the book is much more than a dictionary; it really is the A-Z guide that the cover promises. That having been said, I believe the information contained here is most helpful when you're concurrently exploring your unconscious or working through issues by additional means, e.g., journaling, counseling/therapy, etc.
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isaiah smith
If this book popped up on your recommendation list next to a few others about dream interpretation, and you're only going to buy one..pick this one. Tony Crisp's "Dream Dictionary" is by far the most enlightening book on this subject that I have. If the subject interests you, it's fun to have a few different books by different authors to cross reference. But again, if you're only going to get one book on dreams, chose this one over any other. I found Crisp to have a much more realistic look into the subconcious than, say, Gustavus Miller ("The Dictionary of Dreams..") who seemed to have only three standard explanations of dreams... (death/illness, doom or good fortune). I find myself referring to Crisp's "Dream Dictionary" several times a week.
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heba ibrahim
What makes for a successful dream dictionary? Well, in order to answer this question, we need to consider why anyone would read a dream dictionary in the first place. I would suggest that the reader may be
-hoping to learn something about themselves
-on a path of self-discovery
-interested in psychology
-considering issues of life and death
-seeking to learn from their inner world
-interested in their spiritual development
-trying to understand past and present relationships
-trying to understand their place in the world
I could go on and on. My point is that whatever your reason for choosing a dream dictionary, this one ticks all the boxes. It does not simply seek to tell you what your dreams mean, it guides you on a journey of growth and exploration, so you can confidently travel through your inner world as revealed in your dreams, with Tony Crisp as your companion and guide. I have described the book as an "Essential ... Resource" because it does exactly what it says on the cover, i.e. it facilitates the "Understanding [of] Your Unconscious Mind".
The dream world can be frightening, and often features nightmare images, violent scenes and death and dying. Crisp has built up his expertise on the subject over 5 decades of experience of working with his own dreams and those of thousands of others. This inspires a palpable confidence in his calm teaching, empowering the reader to explore whatever wonders may be revealed through their dreams.
-hoping to learn something about themselves
-on a path of self-discovery
-interested in psychology
-considering issues of life and death
-seeking to learn from their inner world
-interested in their spiritual development
-trying to understand past and present relationships
-trying to understand their place in the world
I could go on and on. My point is that whatever your reason for choosing a dream dictionary, this one ticks all the boxes. It does not simply seek to tell you what your dreams mean, it guides you on a journey of growth and exploration, so you can confidently travel through your inner world as revealed in your dreams, with Tony Crisp as your companion and guide. I have described the book as an "Essential ... Resource" because it does exactly what it says on the cover, i.e. it facilitates the "Understanding [of] Your Unconscious Mind".
The dream world can be frightening, and often features nightmare images, violent scenes and death and dying. Crisp has built up his expertise on the subject over 5 decades of experience of working with his own dreams and those of thousands of others. This inspires a palpable confidence in his calm teaching, empowering the reader to explore whatever wonders may be revealed through their dreams.
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kevin wahl
This book maybe too basic to be of much scientific value.And there are no pictures or charts presented.I would read it as a supplement to one's more advanced 'dream interpretation' books.There are no 'goose feet' or annotations listed.Yet,there is an advanced bibliography at the conclusion.This dream book is a good introductary primer for understanding your soma symbolism.
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bridget mcguire
I've been an active dreamer, and sometimes lucid, for many years. After reading many books on dreaming and dream interpretation, I think this is the best dictionary available. In my opinion, the author has a good grasp of modern American cultural symbology and dream technique. I think the reason that some people find the book hard to use is that his alphabetical categories are fairly broad with the specific subcategories listed under larger headings. For example, "hand" is listed under "body" along with "foot", etc. rather than under "H". I hadn't noticed a particularly Freudian tone to his interpretations; in fact, he doesn't seem to ride on any particular psychological bandwagon. Most interpretations seem to be more cultural, artistic, and spiritual with some mythological and fairy-tale associations. The most interesting interpretation I ever got from this book was for the meaning of "falling frogs" in the movie "Magnolia" -- death, change, rebirth.
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jen fumarolo
This book provides different ways of interpreting different symbols of your dreams. You can choose those fit which makes it highly applicable to me. I have come across books that only give a very definite definition on each symbol, which in my dreams are completely irreverent. I love this book provides space for us to choose.
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This certainly doesn't miss the prophetic element of dreams, nor the emotional, nor the sexual, nor the spiritual. Even if I don't have a dream to look up, I can pick up Dream Dictionary and just browse. It has so many things in, like OBE's and sleep paralysis and nightmares. I am always discovering new things to learn from.
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joseph h vilas
This guy Tony Crisp is obsessed with sex. I think he's a little neo-Freudian in his schooling. Almost every dream I look up has something to do with sex. Come on, Tony, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. :)
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I purchased this book in hopes of accompanying my other not-so-detailed book and found this one to be rather difficult to interpret. You have to sit and not only remember your dream, in detail, but your feelings in the dream DURING and AFTER you awake to fully interpret your dream. This book is very lengthy, and you really can't find the interpretations you are looking for. For the beginner, it really isn't helpful and you become tired of it quickly to actually sit for an hour to use it. I purchased this using a gift certificate, THANK GOODNESS, or I'd be more upset at even spending a dime on this dust collector!
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this book isnt accurate i have studied dream interpretation for 15 years this book was 1 out of seven books that i used to look up all the elements of dreams and this book is bad it is more psychological that spiritual compare the book The dreamers dictionary with this one and you will see that the dreamers dictionary is the most accurate out of the seven dream dictionary is a waste of money only the ancients do dream interpretation right time and time again it has been proven to me and i studied them three years and the first book to prove that it was in accurate was this one. if you want a good one Get Lady Stern Robinsons book dreamers dictionary. This book is spiritual and stays away from american prospective that doesnt have the couple thousand years of experience to back it up. Take it from me i when i was studying these books i was searching for 1 or t2 book to scann into pdf which takes alot of time so i wasnt going to do all that scanning if the book wasnt worth it and out oout of all the books i wasnt going to choose that one for an everyday referance its really a bad book to interpret dreams and on a topic like this it is best to take your elders advice and that exactly what i did.I hope you do to.
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melissa keating
The book was actually pretty informative about dreams. It does go into detail and possible variables of each category of dreams. I haven't had a dream yet which wasn't in the book. And at the end of the book, it comes with a little mini dream tracker where you can write about dreams you've had which I think is a neato feature. It made a good gift for my girlfriend since we talk about our dreams a lot.
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Dream Dictionary was informative but it may have set up the reader to use an actual dictionary because the words in the book were a little complicated for most average readers to understand. All in all I could successfully say that the book was an eye opening into personal feelings and my own personal emotions. I even attempted to analyze a few of my classmates. I have tried to relate the findings of the book to my life and the way I look at it.
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mehul thakkar
these books made great Christmas gifts everyone loved them we all wonder what did that dream mean and this book can give them the answers now. they were reading the books before they finished Christmas with the family. Thank you so much
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kathy leslie
In different cultures - dreams are consider prediction of feature events in one's life. This book completely misses that connection. I recommend the author to review eastern dream books (several centuries old) for his next book. However the book is very well organized.
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alejandro perez
This book has been really useful in helping me understand my dreams. Every time I look up a dream in this book I get some real insight into what it could mean and usually end up with the whole thing clicking into place.
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