And the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship, Liberty, Life

ByMJ DeMarco

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt giddings
Once again MJ Delivers true value with this book. I look at it as someone who is wildly successful sitting down and explaining the steps and pitfalls of business and life in detail for 400 pages. This book is another legacy game changer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim howard
Reading UNSCRIPTED was one of the best decisions I have ever made. If you want to change your perspective on the world in a positive and empowering way - do not hesitate. Life now seems to be so much more full of opportunity than before.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Both books from MJ DeMarco have made me think about life from a totally different perspective. They reveal the hidden truth about wealth and money and guide you to create a new life. The life you deserve...
Live More with an Internet Business You Love - Work Less :: If There Be Dragons: A Novel :: A Deadly Web (A Bishop Files Novel) :: Hold Back the Dark (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit) :: 6 Months to 6 Figures
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbi hogan
Motivational straight talk. If this doesn't drive you to an unscripted life, nothing will. Excellent wake-up call from endless meaningless self-help reiterations, it leads you down the least-trodden path towards self-creation of the life that you want.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MJ Demarco simply speaks my language.....I loved every second of this book! I read some reviews that said it was to "wordy" or that he could have "said the same thing in 200 fewer pages," but I simply love how detailed it is and how much time he spends elaborating on each subject. A must read for any entrepreneur!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
averil braden
I've been someone who understood the prison our society puts you in but still felt as though I was participating in it, despite being a self employed entrepreneur and business owner.

This book lights the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the last Entrepreneurship book you need to read. MJ Makes it exceedingly clear what it takes to break free from the mold and live the life of dreams. There is no silver bullet. There is no easy way out. The path to riches involves a lot of hardwork, everyday, to bring value to your customers and clients. If you are serious about becoming a millionaire, get this book NOW!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After I finished The Millionaire Fast lane, I spent some time on the Fast Lane Forum and held off reading this book. After reading many post on the forum I decided to give this book a try. I was definitely not disappointed. MJ takes many of the ideas from TMF and further expands on them making it a great read for anyone who enjoyed TMF.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the most comprehensive, no holds barred, straight thinking, right of the gut book. There is no other book that talks about the reality of life so lucidly and bravely. Reading this book is akin to reading a passionate war novel.
Despite the straight talking sometimes bordering on profanity, the book is remarkably well structured. The one chapter where he rips oft the compound interest scam in itself is worth the purchase. In my experience no one has dared to talk about this topic in such a forceful and contrarian manner

I don't think general reading in the passing will work with this book. It's quite elaborate and I might have to go thru couple of times more to internalize the framework. I am floored with the productocracy concept as well as the Disciplines. The framework provided is mindblowing.

Must buy for all. This book stands out as path breaking treatment of entrepreneurship. Don't miss if you want gut wrenching honesty and brutal soul stirring description of what it takes to live life on your terms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book covers so many aspects of being an entrepreneur. It also focuses on the concepts that will not fade with the changing trends. This is now my #1 book recommendation for others pursuing their own business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MJ’s sophomoric attempt at exposing the truths behind entrepreneurship is pure gold! Just when I held Fastlane as one the greatest books ever, Unscripted emerges as a new contender! MJ, thank you my friend. I look forward to your next book, and hopefully many more to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cecily williams
Good read. I found it both motivating, insightful, and yet practical. Most books in this category tend to be fluff or things you already know. This is a step above. I think it would be great for every young teenager to read this book as part of deciding what they want to do and be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane killion
Great book, pulls no punches and will make many people uncomfortable - the same way that 1984 or Matrix would make you uncomfortable if you were to look at the message and ask 'is this real' ... MJ will also upset some for his language, but if you're that easily offended then I guess there's not a burning desire for change.

Most importantly, this is no a get rich quickly or indeed any kind of 'system' - there is a defined process but there's no easy route to success - indeed he spends much of the book reinforcing that message.

I particularly like that this book, intended to give you a blueprint for HOW to go about success, not WHAT will make you personally successful, does dig into some related issues towards the end. He addresses stewardship of money in quite a lot of detail - which if you were to change your fortune in a big way would be important. He also does a great job of identifying the ways we lie to ourselves, let alone others, about what we are doing with our time. Action fakers - great term for what so many 'entrepreneurs' do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
troy chertok
A practical guide that peels back the layers of conventional thinking. Not everyone is going to be an entrepreneur but neither do we have to be constrained by the direction of the masses. This book provides an alternative view on how that can be achieved. Wish this had been around when I was growing up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sylvia saunders
Another awesome book from MJ. As usual, MJ holds no punches and doesn't worry about exposing the hypocrisy of numerous establishments as there is no 'backend' or industry kickbacks he gets for his books. Read it and it'll open your mind & eyes to what's really happening around us and to us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa scarola
Just finished the book.. it was Fantastic. Well written, filled with so much wealth knowledge, understanding and wisdom. This Book and MJ's first book "Millionaire Fastlane" will forever be apart of my library and will be mandatory reading for my children. I would give it 10 stars if I could. Highly Recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the book. Really liked the review of the fastlane principles as applied to UNSCRIPTED thinking. As with his last book, MJ has his own writing style that you'll either love or hate. I like it though I find the writing style over the top at times, but that's part of it's charm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie tsay
The absolute best book out for entrepreneurs and folks done with the "scripted" lifestyle!

DeMarco is an anti-guru, anti bs, pro keep-it-all-the-way real with you kind of guy, and this book is already the definitive bible for those that are ready to manifest their own destiny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie viggiano
It’s a book that is full of direct, straightforward and upfront actions that needs to be adhered to bring oneself up to an entrepreneur and subsequent financial freedom. I enjoyed every minute and seconds reading the book and you should as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kamila forson
'Unscripted' refers to not only living but understanding life that's liberated from the shackles of conventional wisdom in money, work, freedom, and life.
Let me provide examples for each:

- Conventional wisdom in money is the notion that you get rich [slowly] by investing in mutual funds and 401ks in atleast yearly installments while compound interest silently does it's work and ultimately the end result is a "rich" individual at the latter stages of their life.
- Conventional wisdom in work is the notion that you invariably work for a boss, earn a scaled paycheck with small intermittent increases, and work 5 days a week just to enjoy two.
- Conventional wisdom in freedom is the notion that freedom has to be obtained when you retire at 65 (around that time) and that you can finally choose to live out the scheduled you want after a life's work.
- Conventional wisdom in life incorporates the above and may falsely accuse the rich of being "lucky" or "evil".

These conventions are what the author refers to the "scripted life".
Like MJ's last book, The Millionaire Fastlane, this book unearths those same supposed dictums and gives you the real. The ultimate (mostly unspoken) truth is this: entrepreneurship is the most viable path towards financial freedom because it is as (if not less) risky as the scripted get-rich-slow life. The difference in this book from the Millionaire Fastlane is that the author goes into much more detail thus resulting in a much longer read. And this is where it's weakness lies. The greater part was spent repudiating the conventional wisdom underlying the Scripted life. And when I say repudiating I mean to say that the author was brash, overwhelmingly vitriolic, and seemed almost indignant to the point of broken pencils when writing it. Not that the author doesn't have a point in many topics, but perhaps he should tone down because one would especially see this mistake of overreach when an author becomes political as the author did (albeit admittedly not that much as he tried really hard not to). Now as far as the content on entrepreneurship, money, production and methods that was introduced in the second half of the book, the information was sublime to be curt. My only knock on this part was the fact that there were a superfluous amount of labels, symbols and even equations just about everything. It is almost certainly impossible to keep up with and extremely unnecessary because to be honest only the concepts themselves are important. Now I understand that throwing all these concepts under many labels and sub-labels would seem to make them structured and easier to remember but the sad truth is that it just does the opposite. Unless of course you can do a good job ignoring the overabundance labels and word equations. There was no need to include them in my opinion unless the author thought that he would be the first and last person to ever tout these principals. Many others will preach them in many different ways. In my opinion, with the surfeit amount of information to peddle the author is better off leaving the labels to the chapters and chapter sections and just spilling out the information in between. Not everybody is going to retain everything but a good amount of the magnificent information of this book will be retained regardless by the interested reader. Despite my criticism (borne out of me juxtaposing it with his previous gem), this is one of the better books I've read and definitely deserves to be in the hall of fame for the success and entrepreneurship genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
piper hesterly
Great book and definitely a recommended read. The great part about the book is this the Fastlane mindset can be applied to any business.

I personally prefer MJ's style of business book because it doesn't show you exact steps (useless). It shows you the mindset required to build a successful business.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph green
Longer, deeper and clearer than its predecessor, this book stands alone and makes reading another book about "getting rich" pointless. Together with Felix Dennis's "How to get rich" the make an unbeatable duo IMHO.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent Guideline on the Mechanics of Business, but WARNING: Not for the Faint of Heart

MJ did a great job of outlining the mechanics of launching a successful business and emphasizing that there is no magic list, but that the magic occurs when you take action and adjust to the market. I don't mind his rants because it is the same thought process I feel on a day to day basis in a dead end job going nowhere, so in this way he identifies with the very real and painful frustrations of the reader that exists in the scripted world, but offers solutions to exit on the ramp to the unscripted life. I also liked the analogy of business where you have to step up and swing, experience strikeouts, foul balls, and failures. I do not believe this is emphasized enough in business. The action and adjust formula also quickly blows through the one stop shop false solutions that litter the internet. I would only add that the stakes are much greater in this game.

In fact that is my only complaint, but the book added so much value that I did not knock it down a star.


My complaint is that the stakes are routinely under emphasized but it is the reason why so few people go after the unscripted life. There is a very real chance of complete failure and even death. Is this overstated? I don't think so. The saying 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' may be corny, but it is true. The stakes are so high, either trying and failing to the point of irreversible damage, or running back to the scripted life, that few dare to even try. There is a very real possibility that you have to decide between the unscripted life or die trying. The only reason I say this is because I came very close to homelessness, running out of money, and having no where to turn. It is a reality of ditching the job and surviving on your own. It is scary, the bottom does drop out, and you have to sink or swim. This is the part that is not emphasized enough. You better be ready. People may say, why don't you just get a job as back up? It just does not work that way for many reasons. Sometimes a job is just not available, and sometimes leaving the scripted life is for good. MJ kind of pushed back and said getting a job and learning the business is a good thing, but some of us are not in a job we want to take into the unscripted realm.


Substantial risks are not emphasized nearly enough. Damage can be real and lasting. Calculated risks are not always calculated perfectly, and sometimes there is no back-up. So be ready for that. Maybe MJ should put a warning label that the unscripted life is not for the faint of heart. That is why so few people try it. There is a reason people walk into the assembly line of the scripted life, and only the truly brave and sometimes lucky exit.


Incidentally, luck is also under emphasized. Yes, MJ and others did take the risks and experience the failures to get where they are, but everyone, from Bill Gates to Zuckerberg always say luck plays a role. It just does. It is the timing, the right wave at the right time.

Fastlane Forum and Fifty Shades of Wasted Time

Finally, MJ should red flag some of the dumb ideas on his forum. People can get sucked into garbage. Take the romance writing thread, for example. After Fifty Shades of Grey, people started writing romance books to jump on the billionaire romance bandwagon. Then in his book he talks about what he thought of the book. Well, say so on the forum! Don't let a thread like that run its course. I read the book because of his forum, and now my the store history is polluted with billionaire romance novels. Not to mention I wasted several hours of my life reading the book and others recommended, and months studying and following the industry and actually writing several novels. Are you really going to become a millionaire selling 99 cent ebooks at 30% royalties on billionaire romance? This is one of the most popular threads on the forum! Such the thread down. There is too much to sift through on his forum to figure out what works and what does not. It would have helped to know MJ thought this was a crappy idea to begin with.

Also why do the posers on the FF wear gaudy gold chains, showing pics of a guy lighting a cigar with burning cash, or posing next to cars they don't own? Of course, there is also the fist pump! The primal scream of victory etched in various facial expressions or favorite celebrities, athletes, and movie heroes! The "mo' money" gangster sign flash, and the guy without his shirt on. Do I really want to take advice from these posers?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine amodeo
MJ De Marco is revealing sad truth about humans SCRIPTED life scheme and gives us guidelines how to release from it. Definitely recommended reading, full of great advice not only for entrepreneurs but for everyone who wants something more from his life. Thank you MJ de Marco for this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley heggi
This is awesome book.How to move away from social conditioning you have learned from parents,teachers etc and move towards becoming an entrepreneur,away from the 9-5 job you hate.Ihighly recommend this no BS book for any budding entreprenuers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was much longer than TMF but as I progressed through, there were so many gems which I got much value out of. There were parts of the book which helped me to reframe the way I approach entrepreneurship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I highly recommend to read this book. While it may not put you into action immediately , it will definitely set you for the plan of actions. As for me, I've started. Thank you MJ
( @ FastlaneForum)
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