Blood Sins (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit - Blood Trilogy)

ByKay Hooper

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Readers` Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
(CONTAINS SPOILERS) I could not agree more with all of the previous one-star reviews. I have read Kay Hooper in the past and enjoyed her writing. This book, on the other hand, was the most laborious, overly expository, one-dimensional read I have EVER picked up. The plot synopsis suggests that Tessa will actually get inside the compound and that suspense will ensue. Nothing ever happens. I expected that Sawyer and Tessa will really connect by the end of the novel. Nothing ever happens. I expected a suspenseful, truly climactic showdown between the evil reverend and the good guys. Nothing ever happens. Unless you count one insignificant (and duplicitous, to boot)character and someone else(? -- can't remember).

I wondered frustratedly WHY the characters were still trying to explain psychic phenomena up until almost the end of the book. I got tired of all the "well, according to all the research . . ." and "so-and-so is the only one who can . . ." to explain the unexplainable. Too many boring explanations about what we "know" about psychic abilities and "shields." In most good stories, the necessary exposition would come at the outset, with some clarifiers, reminders, and surprises (because it is a thriller) throughout as the action builds then climaxes. Not at all what happened in this story.

I realize we all bring a different perspective to the reading experience, but I'm still baffled that anyone could call this a five-star read. And it's nothing to do with having read Hooper extensively in the past and "knowing what to expect" with her. Picking up the second book of any well-written trilogy makes the reader
rush to get the others and complete the series. Not happening with this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have loved the Bishop series from the very beginning and have enjoyed every book-except this one. It was well written and very entertaining but I feel that it was definitely missing something. There was not a single moment of romance between Tessa and Sawyer. This book seemed to only serve the purpose of setting the story for the last book in the trilogy, which is a great disappointment. It also seemed a little shorter than the rest of the books in the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin lee
A very disappointing and minor league novel. I had read the first one, but still had no idea what was going on or how each of the characters related to one another.
There were no suspenseful situations and the final act was very anti-climatic. It's also very convenient to the author that instead of good plot, characters, and writing to drive the story she can just make up new and amazing powers to give her characters to get them out of tough situations. And, does every other person in the world have psychic abilities? Seems that way according to Ms. Hooper. I'll pass on the next installment.
Haunted (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit) :: Fear the Dark (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit) :: A Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Novel (A Bishop/SCU Novel Book 3) :: Blood Ties: A Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Novel :: Hunting Fear: A Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Story synopsis: well covered in other reviews

My feedback: This was a very fast paced book - a quick read. However, I'm really big on character development & in this book they almost seemed to be incidental. They seemed to be there simply to advance the psychic story line started with the introduction of the SCU/Haven several books ago.

Spoiler Alert!!!! - Spoiler Alert!!!!- Spoiler Alert!!!!!
The epilogue is written to let us know that there are several unresolved issues that will be addressed in the next book.

My concerns:
I could have doubled her list in terms of things not answered/not addressed
As many people reading these reviews probably haven't read the book - I'll just mention two things I'd really like answered in the next book (in case Kay or her people read these comments J.) Who is really saying "I see you"? And what happens to the special children Ruby, Cody & Hunter? While it may not seem like I enjoyed the book - I did. I rated it a three because of the unresolved questions I had. There were too many loose ends that I'm pretty sure won't be answered in book three unless it picks up back at the church.

Also Kay may be pushing the believability factor regarding psychic gifts - specifically, the abilities that Galen & Hollis now have.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The characters were flat, underdeveloped names on the pages of this book. The base storyline was interesting, and that is the only reason I trudged through the book and finished it. The back and forth banter between characters were the only development of the storyline, and that got old REALLY FAST. The ending was just complete crap. I think this is the worst book I've ever actually finished.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cynthia ekren
I always love Kay Hooper novels. However, this wasn't up to her normal standard. There was no connection to Tessa nor the Chief. There was no connection for me the reader to the main characters. I read the book prior to this one and thought it was a much better read. It was very hard for me to get thru and I kept expecting for something to turn. Something to make me not want to put it down and it never happened.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica gary
Albeit the story is well written and fast paced and If you like paranormal stories this one won't let you down. The issue here is that if you didn't read the prequel first you won't understand the plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was surprised that some others rated this book low. I thought it was one of Kay Hooper's better books. Good plot and fast moving. I read it on a plane trip and read it straight through. It kept be interested.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve brown
If you like the Bishop series, you will love this book. It is a great and fast read, like all Kay Hooper books. I cannot wait for the next one!! This is definitely a page turner with twists all the way to the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachelle cruz
As always Kay Hooper's book was entertaining I could not wait to finish the book. She takes mystery and eeries to a new level. I wanted to read a Kay Hooper story and that is exactly what I received. Another wonderful book and I hope to read another soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cari m
I literally could not put it down until I finished it. I can not wait for her next book. S.L. Chessor author of Poodlums, Boogeymen and Booglers and My Tongue Fell Out. Poodlums, Boogeymen and Booglers: A Poetry Collection
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