The Bourbon Thief: A southern gothic novel

ByTiffany Reisz

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darrah dussome
One of my favorite authors . Her characters are so skillfully drawn and her stories so artfully woven. Certainly not formulaic, she seems to always test the boundaries of what we can accept. Smart, sexy and challenging. Thanks can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy jeanevieve
As intoxicating as the drink itself, The Bourbon Thief entranced me from beginning to end. No surprise when it comes to this gifted author. A story of great love and great loss laced with revenge and mystery. Tiffany Reisz creates yet another world where her readers become entranced and enthralled with a being a part of it. We're drunk off the story as she's weaving it. Her gift and raw talent for telling stories within stories is untouchable. Here beautiful prose tells the brilliant story surrounding the fictional Red Thread Bourbon where great bourbon lead to great wealth as a result of great tragedy and greed. And the debauchery continues. Cursed because of greed the gluttonous history of Red Thread Bourbon unfolds brilliantly captivating readers.

The story told within the pages of The Bourbon Thief is best consumed without any prior knowledge of the story. Go in with no expectations and find yourself immersed in the brilliance. If you've read Tiffany Reisz novels before you're familiar with her brilliant, one-of-a kind style of story telling. If you're not familiar I believe this book is a really great place to start. It's grand in the structure of the plot, unfolding mysteriously through the eyes of someone in present day relaying a beautiful love story from the past. Reisz incorporates her usual flair for the taboo and forbidden elements. Intermixed with a story of devastating pain and unbreakable love she creates a world where you literally don't want to leave. You're haunted by the ugliness of it while equally enchanted by it's charm. Like sitting around a fire with a good glass of your favorite poison so involved with the story you're being told you have no idea how many hours have gone by.

Tiffany Reisz is a favorite author of mine. All of her books are favorites of mine. Her characters are one of a kind. This particular story is unlike anything I've read before. So familiar to Reisz' signature style yet so different from her previous works. I'm in awe of her story-telling chops and the marvelous stories she brings to life creating visceral reactions in her readers. The Bourbon Thief is a new favorite of mine and I hope to spend more time in this world and look forward to wherever else Reisz plans to take me. This is a high priority, definite recommendation. I want everyone to read it. Whether it's your first Reisz book or your tenth, The Bourbon Thief is a MUST READ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz
Source: Netgalley
My Rating: 5/5 stars
My Review:

This is the second Tiffany Reisz book I have read and I’m getting a little tired of her breaking my brain with the awful and awesome . . . . seriously!! Little. Tired. Of course, that tired bit could have something to do with the fact I was up until 3 a.m. reading, took a 3 and half hour nap and then finished the read a couple of hours later. . . . . Yeah, it’s that kind of good.

From the moment Paris, the seductive and sultry woman not the city, walks into Cooper McQueen’s life, he knows his night is on the upswing. When the morning comes, Cooper McQueen knows his life is never going to be the same. There are some stories a man just can’t unknow and Paris certainly knows how to tell a story.

From the very moment Paris begins her long and winding tale, Cooper is taken in. Paris begins her tale with generations back with a white slave owner raping and impregnating one of his slave girls. As the tale goes, the man’s wife ripped the red ribbon from the young girl’s hair as she and her unborn baby were sold. From this tragedy was born the Red Thread bourbon company and a family cursed because of their evil beginnings and continuous wrong doings. For generations to come, Red Thread bourbon led the industry in quality and taste and the Maddox family become among the most respected and wealthy in Kentucky society. While most believe the family to be the honest and upstanding citizens they appear to be, there is a dark truth behind the façade.

It isn’t for several generations that the dark truth of the Maddox family comes to light and topples what has become a state institution. What shocks Cooper perhaps more than any other part of the story is that the toppling comes at the hands of a teenage girl, Tamara Maddox. For the second half of the night, Paris tells Cooper all there is to know about young Tamara Maddox including her sordid history with her mother, her love affair with a ranch hand, the suicide of her father, and the truth behind her grandfather’s death. As the story unfolds and unfolds, and further unfolds Cooper is astounded at the horror perpetrated by a single family. He is shocked by the treachery, the betrayal, and the truly horrifying events that have marked the Maddox family. By the end of the night Cooper is left wanting more, more of Paris and more of the fascinating tale she has spent most of the night weaving. Alas, Cooper finds he may have to be satisfied only with what he has already been given, a tale of trials and tragedies shot through with only brief moments of happiness.

The Bottom Line: Yet again, Tiffany Reisz has made me her bitch! Page after page of awful, wretched, and truly terrible behavior didn’t stop me from flying through this read. In fact, the only reason I stopped reading at 3 a.m. was because I had to, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. This isn’t just a tale but a saga, a long and tragic tale of a family build on blood, slavery, lies, and sexual misconduct. As unlikely as it seems, there is a hero and heroine in this story and from a very early stage of the read, it was easy to root for them and totally condone each and every act each commits. While I don’t normally condone criminal activity, some acts are completely justified and I found myself hoping for a bit more eye for an eye. On the technical side, Resiz has put together a tightly woven and beautifully written read that has few if any flaws. This is a dark read that doesn’t have many moments of bright and/or happy but don’t let that stop you from diving into this terribly tremendous read.
House of Shadows (Ghosts and Shadows Book 1) :: Dark Desires (Dark Gothic) (Volume 1) :: The Grand Masquerade (Bold Women of the 19th Century Series) :: A Novel of Victorian Romantic Suspense - Sea of Secrets :: A.I. Destroyer (The A.I. Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
honorable patches
If ever there was any doubt that with The Bourbon Thief Tiffany Reisz could create the same magic, the same pleasure, and the same obsession as with The Original Sinners series we need to put it to rest right now. The Bourbon Thief is every bit as smart, sexy, scandalous, surprising and completely consuming as each of her previous books. Tiffany Reisz can do no wrong as far and I am concerned and The Bourbon Thief is another shining example of all the artistry, the awe, and the sheer brilliance of this author and the masterpieces she produces.

Not knowing much about the bourbon industry myself, I was soon schooled on the true meaning of a bourbon thief, but when the apparent theft in question occurs within the very first chapter, I couldn't help but wonder where this story could go from that point, where the story would take us, and what more there is to it. In typical Tiffany Reisz fashion, The Bourbon Thief is anything but predictable, transparent, or as it seems. Instead we are taken on a wild and scintillating ride of lies, murder, manipulation, bribery, and all sorts of wicked and vile things. The perfect tangled, twisted web of secrets, betrayal, deceit, and vengeance, be prepared to be sucked in and devoured by this teenage distillery heiress's sordid tale. A snare you couldn't escape from if you tried and, quite honestly, one you don't even want to.

From the moment you meet Paris and Mr. McQueen you will be hooked, but once Tamara and Levi are introduced there is absolutely no chance of putting this book down or even taking a breather. You will be flipping pages so compulsively, so absorbed by this shocking tale, the real world doesn't even stand a chance of seeping in or luring you away until the very last word. Then comes the fun part. Try moving on any time soon. No matter how hard I try, I still find my mind wandering back to this story, recounting events, and getting caught up in all of the emotions time and again.

A story about all the evil and greed, power and lust that comes with great wealth, but also a potent story regarding race and equality, righting wrongs and love. A disturbing glimpse into the underbelly of the South's rich and powerful as well as a frank look at the history of the South and the progress or lack thereof that has been made over the years.

So scandalous and suspicious, conspiracy theories abound and even those characters closest to one another could never be sure of the others' true intentions. With closets full of skeletons and no one to set the record straight, we set off on an intriguing journey to piece together events of the past, formulate theories, and condemn suspects. But just when you think there can't possibly be any more secrets, the mother of them all is revealed leaving your head spinning and your gut churning.

The Bourbon Thief is overwhelmingly compelling, fantastically thrilling, exceptionally mesmerizing, and deliciously breathtaking. A favorite of the year and a plain and simple favorite, The Bourbon Thief is a must read for fans of the Original Sinners or merely lovers of clever, captivating, and electrifying reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori goldman
Cooper McQueen is a 45-year-old Kentucky Billionaire.
He's been married, divorced, has kids.
But now he's enjoying life and everything it has to offer.

And when this gorgeous dark girl in a red dress shows up in his bar, he just can't resist.
But it's not really him she wants.
She wants his treasured 1-million-dollar bottle of RED THREAD bourbon.
The first ever distilled bottle of the famous bourbon company. A company that died in a fire in 1980.

And what does the mysterious Paris have to do with it?
She's the new owner of the property - the new owner of the distillery.
And she wants that bottle. She says she's the rightful owner because she's part of the Maddox family.

And then she starts to tell Cooper a story.
A story that begins with 16-year-old Tamara Maddox and the Maddox stable-hand Levi in 1978.
A story that Paris promises will make Cooper give her the bottle of his own free will once she told him everything...

What will happen with Cooper & Paris & their Bourbon??
Will everybody survive the book??
What happened to Tamara & Levi in 1978?

I just had to read it - I wanted to read it before I even read the blurb.
Tiffany's Sinner series is one of my all-time favorite series ever and ever ever ever ever!!!

And even though this is so completely different, I still loved it.

It's not your typical New Adult quickie romance.
It's a grown-up kind of romance.
It's full of history and love and hate and betrayal and hope and hopelessness and revenge...
Even though once we go back in time with Tamara - it kind of gets to be a young/new adult romance too ☺

Most of book we're with Tamara and we're so hoping that she'll find her happily ever after.
But we also want Cooper to end up with Paris - even though he kind of hates her, after she almost stole his bottle! But the focus of the story is definitely Tamara.

I just loved the story.
Tiffany tells such a beautiful tale of this young, brave girl and all she had to go through.
And not only are the characters described beautifully - the places Tiffany takes us to are beautiful too. Kentuck and South Carolina. I don't like the heat all that much, but even I would love to live on that beautiful island with Levi for a while ☺☺☺

I could complain and say that I missed the sexiness between Cooper and Paris, but the main focus is on Tamara and Levi anyway ... and this story is sooo interesting, that you don't have time to miss anything! Also, I kind of hope that Tiffany will go back to Paris & Cooper one day - there's lots of story left to tell!

►►► THE BOURBON THIEF was such a beautiful & interesting & moving & hopeful romance! We learn so much about Bourbon & its history & its people ... and it feels like we're right there with Tamara & Levi & Paris & Cooper - wishing for them all to get their Happy End! Run to your nearest the store and BUY THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan blair
A story within a story with a possibility of another story. The masterful mind of Tiffany Reisz does it like no other. The Bourbon Thief is told as a story from the past, a past intertwined with the present. The past is needed in order to obtain the first bottle ever made of Red Thread Bourbon. A bottle significant to rectifying past sins. But in order for a mysterious black woman named Paris to get that bottle, she must tell the owner of the bottle, Cooper McQueen, the story of the downfall of Red Thread Bourbon. And so the tale begins......

The Maddoxes have bourbon in their blood—and blood in their bourbon.

Two events change the course of Tamara Maddox's life. She is only heir to Red Thread. Levi Shelby is the the stable hand at her farm. Their age difference of 16 and 29 is not significant to me. It's just the way it is and it works. The author weaves their story as one of convenience but it develops into something rich and captivating. Their development, their situation, their lives in Kentucky and South Caroline is full of determination and strength to rectify the past and make amends. Their relationship transitions into something more, something deep and emotional. But the journey they embark on is not easy, it's shroud in secrets and lies. It is all fascinating, scintillating, eerie and it's just a Wonderfully Exquisitely Well Written Book!!!

You really must experience this story in its pure version. I'm saying that not knowing much and letting the story unfold before your eyes is the best way to experience and absorb the sheer genius of this story. Sorry but there is no way to tell you more about the story without spoiling.

In closing, this story is Tiffany Reisz at her finest. She tells a story that completely holds you captive. It's an unveiling of layers, slowly, deliberately, keeping you by page, chapter by chapter. The sins of the past lurking at every corner. Secrets and lies create twists and turns that leave you breathless. The telling of a story within a story done ever so BRILLIANTLY as only Tiffany Reisz can.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny karlsson
The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz
Source: Netgalley
My Rating: 5/5 stars
My Review:

This is the second Tiffany Reisz book I have read and I’m getting a little tired of her breaking my brain with the awful and awesome . . . . seriously!! Little. Tired. Of course, that tired bit could have something to do with the fact I was up until 3 a.m. reading, took a 3 and half hour nap and then finished the read a couple of hours later. . . . . Yeah, it’s that kind of good.

From the moment Paris, the seductive and sultry woman not the city, walks into Cooper McQueen’s life, he knows his night is on the upswing. When the morning comes, Cooper McQueen knows his life is never going to be the same. There are some stories a man just can’t unknow and Paris certainly knows how to tell a story.

From the very moment Paris begins her long and winding tale, Cooper is taken in. Paris begins her tale with generations back with a white slave owner raping and impregnating one of his slave girls. As the tale goes, the man’s wife ripped the red ribbon from the young girl’s hair as she and her unborn baby were sold. From this tragedy was born the Red Thread bourbon company and a family cursed because of their evil beginnings and continuous wrong doings. For generations to come, Red Thread bourbon led the industry in quality and taste and the Maddox family become among the most respected and wealthy in Kentucky society. While most believe the family to be the honest and upstanding citizens they appear to be, there is a dark truth behind the façade.

It isn’t for several generations that the dark truth of the Maddox family comes to light and topples what has become a state institution. What shocks Cooper perhaps more than any other part of the story is that the toppling comes at the hands of a teenage girl, Tamara Maddox. For the second half of the night, Paris tells Cooper all there is to know about young Tamara Maddox including her sordid history with her mother, her love affair with a ranch hand, the suicide of her father, and the truth behind her grandfather’s death. As the story unfolds and unfolds, and further unfolds Cooper is astounded at the horror perpetrated by a single family. He is shocked by the treachery, the betrayal, and the truly horrifying events that have marked the Maddox family. By the end of the night Cooper is left wanting more, more of Paris and more of the fascinating tale she has spent most of the night weaving. Alas, Cooper finds he may have to be satisfied only with what he has already been given, a tale of trials and tragedies shot through with only brief moments of happiness.

The Bottom Line: Yet again, Tiffany Reisz has made me her bitch! Page after page of awful, wretched, and truly terrible behavior didn’t stop me from flying through this read. In fact, the only reason I stopped reading at 3 a.m. was because I had to, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. This isn’t just a tale but a saga, a long and tragic tale of a family build on blood, slavery, lies, and sexual misconduct. As unlikely as it seems, there is a hero and heroine in this story and from a very early stage of the read, it was easy to root for them and totally condone each and every act each commits. While I don’t normally condone criminal activity, some acts are completely justified and I found myself hoping for a bit more eye for an eye. On the technical side, Resiz has put together a tightly woven and beautifully written read that has few if any flaws. This is a dark read that doesn’t have many moments of bright and/or happy but don’t let that stop you from diving into this terribly tremendous read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki page
If ever there was any doubt that with The Bourbon Thief Tiffany Reisz could create the same magic, the same pleasure, and the same obsession as with The Original Sinners series we need to put it to rest right now. The Bourbon Thief is every bit as smart, sexy, scandalous, surprising and completely consuming as each of her previous books. Tiffany Reisz can do no wrong as far and I am concerned and The Bourbon Thief is another shining example of all the artistry, the awe, and the sheer brilliance of this author and the masterpieces she produces.

Not knowing much about the bourbon industry myself, I was soon schooled on the true meaning of a bourbon thief, but when the apparent theft in question occurs within the very first chapter, I couldn't help but wonder where this story could go from that point, where the story would take us, and what more there is to it. In typical Tiffany Reisz fashion, The Bourbon Thief is anything but predictable, transparent, or as it seems. Instead we are taken on a wild and scintillating ride of lies, murder, manipulation, bribery, and all sorts of wicked and vile things. The perfect tangled, twisted web of secrets, betrayal, deceit, and vengeance, be prepared to be sucked in and devoured by this teenage distillery heiress's sordid tale. A snare you couldn't escape from if you tried and, quite honestly, one you don't even want to.

From the moment you meet Paris and Mr. McQueen you will be hooked, but once Tamara and Levi are introduced there is absolutely no chance of putting this book down or even taking a breather. You will be flipping pages so compulsively, so absorbed by this shocking tale, the real world doesn't even stand a chance of seeping in or luring you away until the very last word. Then comes the fun part. Try moving on any time soon. No matter how hard I try, I still find my mind wandering back to this story, recounting events, and getting caught up in all of the emotions time and again.

A story about all the evil and greed, power and lust that comes with great wealth, but also a potent story regarding race and equality, righting wrongs and love. A disturbing glimpse into the underbelly of the South's rich and powerful as well as a frank look at the history of the South and the progress or lack thereof that has been made over the years.

So scandalous and suspicious, conspiracy theories abound and even those characters closest to one another could never be sure of the others' true intentions. With closets full of skeletons and no one to set the record straight, we set off on an intriguing journey to piece together events of the past, formulate theories, and condemn suspects. But just when you think there can't possibly be any more secrets, the mother of them all is revealed leaving your head spinning and your gut churning.

The Bourbon Thief is overwhelmingly compelling, fantastically thrilling, exceptionally mesmerizing, and deliciously breathtaking. A favorite of the year and a plain and simple favorite, The Bourbon Thief is a must read for fans of the Original Sinners or merely lovers of clever, captivating, and electrifying reads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie gavitt
Cooper McQueen is a 45-year-old Kentucky Billionaire.
He's been married, divorced, has kids.
But now he's enjoying life and everything it has to offer.

And when this gorgeous dark girl in a red dress shows up in his bar, he just can't resist.
But it's not really him she wants.
She wants his treasured 1-million-dollar bottle of RED THREAD bourbon.
The first ever distilled bottle of the famous bourbon company. A company that died in a fire in 1980.

And what does the mysterious Paris have to do with it?
She's the new owner of the property - the new owner of the distillery.
And she wants that bottle. She says she's the rightful owner because she's part of the Maddox family.

And then she starts to tell Cooper a story.
A story that begins with 16-year-old Tamara Maddox and the Maddox stable-hand Levi in 1978.
A story that Paris promises will make Cooper give her the bottle of his own free will once she told him everything...

What will happen with Cooper & Paris & their Bourbon??
Will everybody survive the book??
What happened to Tamara & Levi in 1978?

I just had to read it - I wanted to read it before I even read the blurb.
Tiffany's Sinner series is one of my all-time favorite series ever and ever ever ever ever!!!

And even though this is so completely different, I still loved it.

It's not your typical New Adult quickie romance.
It's a grown-up kind of romance.
It's full of history and love and hate and betrayal and hope and hopelessness and revenge...
Even though once we go back in time with Tamara - it kind of gets to be a young/new adult romance too ☺

Most of book we're with Tamara and we're so hoping that she'll find her happily ever after.
But we also want Cooper to end up with Paris - even though he kind of hates her, after she almost stole his bottle! But the focus of the story is definitely Tamara.

I just loved the story.
Tiffany tells such a beautiful tale of this young, brave girl and all she had to go through.
And not only are the characters described beautifully - the places Tiffany takes us to are beautiful too. Kentuck and South Carolina. I don't like the heat all that much, but even I would love to live on that beautiful island with Levi for a while ☺☺☺

I could complain and say that I missed the sexiness between Cooper and Paris, but the main focus is on Tamara and Levi anyway ... and this story is sooo interesting, that you don't have time to miss anything! Also, I kind of hope that Tiffany will go back to Paris & Cooper one day - there's lots of story left to tell!

►►► THE BOURBON THIEF was such a beautiful & interesting & moving & hopeful romance! We learn so much about Bourbon & its history & its people ... and it feels like we're right there with Tamara & Levi & Paris & Cooper - wishing for them all to get their Happy End! Run to your nearest the store and BUY THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael weissman
A story within a story with a possibility of another story. The masterful mind of Tiffany Reisz does it like no other. The Bourbon Thief is told as a story from the past, a past intertwined with the present. The past is needed in order to obtain the first bottle ever made of Red Thread Bourbon. A bottle significant to rectifying past sins. But in order for a mysterious black woman named Paris to get that bottle, she must tell the owner of the bottle, Cooper McQueen, the story of the downfall of Red Thread Bourbon. And so the tale begins......

The Maddoxes have bourbon in their blood—and blood in their bourbon.

Two events change the course of Tamara Maddox's life. She is only heir to Red Thread. Levi Shelby is the the stable hand at her farm. Their age difference of 16 and 29 is not significant to me. It's just the way it is and it works. The author weaves their story as one of convenience but it develops into something rich and captivating. Their development, their situation, their lives in Kentucky and South Caroline is full of determination and strength to rectify the past and make amends. Their relationship transitions into something more, something deep and emotional. But the journey they embark on is not easy, it's shroud in secrets and lies. It is all fascinating, scintillating, eerie and it's just a Wonderfully Exquisitely Well Written Book!!!

You really must experience this story in its pure version. I'm saying that not knowing much and letting the story unfold before your eyes is the best way to experience and absorb the sheer genius of this story. Sorry but there is no way to tell you more about the story without spoiling.

In closing, this story is Tiffany Reisz at her finest. She tells a story that completely holds you captive. It's an unveiling of layers, slowly, deliberately, keeping you by page, chapter by chapter. The sins of the past lurking at every corner. Secrets and lies create twists and turns that leave you breathless. The telling of a story within a story done ever so BRILLIANTLY as only Tiffany Reisz can.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ale teleleu
The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz
5 stars!!

“The Maddoxes have bourbon in their blood—and blood in their bourbon.”

Tiffany Reisz is one of my favourite authors, her Original Sinners series is one of my staple favourites and a series that will have a permanent place in my heart. So when it was announced that she was releasing something totally different I was hesitant, would I love it? Well, the answer is a resounding YES! This story was perfection.

“Love is simply the name of the desire and the pursuit of the whole.”

Through Tiffany Reisz’s trademark literary prose I was transported to the South into the lives of whiskey barons with no scruples and where racism was rife. Where love was never a foundation of a marriage, only blood lines and inheritances mattered. Totally captivating, intriguing and suspenseful, Tiffany Reisz delivers a story of how whiskey was deemed liquid gold, it was the be all and end all. Battles were won and lost over a glass as were lives, but this book centres around one family in particular, the Maddoxes that had whiskey running through their veins, a bourbon that once made them millions before ultimately becoming their demise…now only one bottle remains…worth millions…one bottle of Red Thread.

“Eff your father. Eff your grandfather. Eff his father. Eff you, Jacob effing Maddox. If y’all hadn’t effed so much, you wouldn’t be so effing effed.”

Tiffany Reisz delivers a heartfelt love story that was told in an incredibly clever way that embraces both past and present. Where true stories are shared over glasses of the same whiskey that caused nothing but death and heartache in the past. Where that one remaining bottle becomes the hottest property and becomes the sole objective of The Bourbon Thief.

“I curse you all from the branches to the roots. Veritas will rule your house.”

Cooper McQueen owns said bottle, Paris wants said bottle but when caught in the act Paris spills the tale of its heritage and transports us back to 1978 with a totally unforgettable and heart wrenching story that spans generations. Tamara and Levi’s story is truly unforgettable, there will be many tears but a lot of laughs too and many a swoon. A story of how these two created something beautiful from tragedy and a love story that will hold you captive from the very beginning.

“Tell the truth. That shouldn’t be too hard.”
“The truth is the hardest thing to say.”

I am being deliberately vague because this is a story that needs to experienced first-hand, you need to feel and experience every single emotion that Tiffany Reisz has bled onto the pages. Tiffany Reisz entices you word by word and will have you eating out of the palm of her hand in no time at all. This was one of those books where you find yourself holding your breath while you turn the pages frantically awaiting the next word. Exquisite perfection.

“Shakespeare is boring. Read something better, like Jackie Collins.”

This was one addictive read from start to finish and one that I couldn’t put down. With twists aplenty that will only leave you wishing the story was longer, I didn’t want to leave these characters behind. Tiffany Reisz has once again left her indelible mark on my heart and soul. I lived and breathed these characters, their life story is one that I will never forget and never will I be able to look at a bottle of bourbon the same again.

“Love what they destroyed.
Destroy what they loved.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An enchanting tale of betrayal, secrets, lies, revenge, mystery, and scandal. Tiffany Reisz once again captured my imagination, engaging me in the world of THE BOURBON THIEF and a 150 year old mystery. The scandalous tale of Tamara Maddox, heiress to the bourbon empire, is at the heart of this tale and unravels at the hands of Paris as she slowly reveals the story details to Cooper McQueen. And so, the story within the story is told. The present day showcasing a unique tale of the past all crafted with incredible atmosphere, hope, vengeance and love. There are times I didn't know where the story would take me, it kept me on the edge of my seat ensuring my high engagement with the happenings as I contemplated the future of the characters within both the past and present.

The third person narrative is executed to perfection allowing me to understand the viewpoints of the main characters depicted within the prose. I learned all about their history and status in the story as pieces of the puzzle took their amazing shape and made my mind work overtime as I attempted to pre-empt what may happen. I felt the frustration at the race inequality that is eloquently illustrated within the tale and also ran riot in our society in recent history. The bourbon legacy and all entwined with it, the good, the bad and the downright ugly is shown to the reader as the writing canvas is painted with words that create the most brilliant, fascinating story.

Love is a beautiful feature within the prose; I felt it and basked in the relationship that showed me this love. Equally, the dynamic of Paris the story teller and Cooper the listener is utterly electric and I would love to experience even more from these two characters.

Tiffany Reisz once again proves herself as a master story teller with THE BOURBON THEIF. It has a historical, timeless feel to the narrative, yet much of it is set in the 80’s. A story that has provenance and one that vitally needs to unfold naturally and be discovered organically by the reader. I have so many thoughts and feeling that I’d love to share but alas, if I do I will spoil so much of the discovery and sheer wonder of this story. THE BOURBON THIEF is a story I highly recommend to all readers who enjoy perfectly crafted stories of LOVE, HOPE and VENGEANCE.

NOTE: THE BOURBAN THIEF is a STANDALONE but I'd love a follow up of certain characters, I feel there's certainly scope for Tiffany Reisz to tell us more about their lives and loves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bourbon Thief is a departure from Reisz’s erotic fiction giving us a gothic tale that begins in the wee hours of the morning as a women dressed in red known only as Paris shares the tale of Tamara Maddox, heiress to the distillery that became an empire. Cooper McQueen wakes after a night of heated sex with a beautiful stranger only to discover she has attempted to steal a million dollar bottle of Red Thread Bourbon. The woman named Paris claims the bottle is rightfully hers. Before he has her arrested, he agrees to hear her story; one she claims will have him handing the bottle to her willingly.

I absolutely loved the method in which Reisz delivered this captivating, dark, tale about the Maddox family. It is said the Maddox family has bourbon in their blood, but we soon learn that there is also blood in their bourbon. McQueen falls under Paris’s spell as she share this captivating tale. I too fell under her spell and was unable to set this story down. The reader will soon find themselves snuggling down with a glass of spirits and losing time as this tale of power, wealth, forbidden love, dark secrets and horrific deeds pulls them back to the beginning where Red Thread began.

Tamara Maddox’s story completely held me captive as Reisz shared this dark tale. In doing so she shed light on slavery, sins, quests for power, and the ruthless drive of a man who would sell his soul to the devil to see his dynasty continue. She brought the south to life painting the plush landscape and revealing what took place behind closed doors. In the midst of this, a forbidden romance forms . It is one that will grab your heart and blur lines of right and wrong. I found myself weeping for characters, and cringing in horror as the story slowly reveals the Maddox family’s darkest secrets.

Bourbon Thief unraveled slowly with its beautiful and seductive writing. Reisz is a masterful storyteller, brings their story of loss, betrayal, revenge and darkness to life. The story is based on real events in Kentucky’s history lending the story an authentic feel. Fans of family sagas, dark secrets, and history involving rich southern families who made their money off the labor of others will devour the tale.Copy provided by publisher, full review at caffeinated book reviewer
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tiffany Reisz is already in my heart forever and my TOP author since TOS series. She always create kick-ass feisty heroine paired up with alpha smart-ass hero. As always, Ms. Reisz gave us something thrilling and engaging in her story.

Divided by past and present from 3rd POV, The Bourbon Thief gave us tell-a-tell kind of story. Present day, Cooper McQueen was wealthy man who enjoys his bourbon collection especially Red Thread. A beautiful stranger managed to captivate his attention and robbed him blindly. Paris only wants the phenomenal bourbon Red Thread from McQueen but she's gonna give him the story behind it. A hell of a story that Cooper McQueen couldn't forget.

It begins in 1978 and Tamara Maddox (16) has a 'perfect' life as the heir of the most famous bourbon distillery. It is only amazing from outside, but everything is rotten inside. Tamara didn't realize her wish to be kissed by Levi will bring chaos to the family. Levi Shelby (30) is the most handsome man and her first love. He's also work for Maddox family; but not for a long time. After the great flood that night, Tamara discovered the dark secrets within Maddox family and she start to plan everything.

Tamara and Levi destined for each other. In their era, some white people still despise black people because they used to be a slave. I really enjoyed this book so much despite some cringed-worthy moments. With secrets, lies and deceits Maddox family has really fucked-up history since their ancestor and it is still running until Tamara's. Money and power tainted by blood also the truth behind Red Thread.

Two years later, finally Tamara married Levi with the plan for Maddox. Levi still has clear conscience with his action because the age problem despite he really like her. The bumpy road of communication became the main problem when Levi realize Tamara's real intention for him. But it didn't take long for them to admit their own mistakes. When you're really in love, you will do anything for her/him right? Yeah, that's what Levi did all this time until the end. He always be there for Tamara and vice versa. Tamara was quite mature on her age. Her plan for Maddox was brilliant but again, the lies behind secrets couldn't be trusted. Every perfect plan has it flaws, they said.

Maybe I kinda confused with some events that happened with Tamara. I almost thought it mix with something paranormal. But it isn't. Overall, everything is really fascinated me. Unpredictable with twist after twist. How talented Ms. Reisz describe as history fiction based on something I'm not familiar. I never know anything about Bourbon but this book really gave me a great image.

I also happened to know about the racial and slavery issue in those era and yeah, that was very horrible. I'm amazed with Tamara and Levi's change after their marriage and so much happened in their 'honeymoon'. They fought, survived and live happily ever after, leaving Maddox's name and Red Thread behind with sacrifices.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate neuhaus
The Bourbon Thief is a very interesting book. At first I didn't know what to think but as the story progressed I found myself spellbound by the tale Paris tells Cooper about her family's history and the rare bottle of bourbon that drove her to his bed.

This book is rich with Kentucky history, where the author took real life events and carefully crafted an adventure that although fictitious in nature, felt very real. I enjoyed hearing about Tamara Maddox and her tangled bloodlines and the true love of her life in the lowly stablehand, Levi.

As this was my first book by Tiffany Reisz I did not know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised at how gripping a story this turned out to be. I will say I felt like something was missing overall for me and perhaps it's the author's style of writing that put me off a bit. At times I didn't know who was speaking and that confused me and often.

However, I do enjoy a book that combines some history with a great love story and The Bourbon Thief does deliver in that capacity. For fans of the author, I'm sure they will devour it. For me I'm glad I was able to have a chance to read it and I certainly will give the Original Sinners series a try.

4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Okay. Wow. Wow. Wow. Tiffany Reisz has officially, well and truly, blown my freaking mind! So, I don't know if anyone else can relate but sometimes I love a book so much I can write out a review within five minutes. Then sometimes I love a book so much that I feel as though I've been swept away to a whole new dimension, and it takes me a while to remember how to use my words. THIS is one those times. My brain and my emotions are completely scrambled.

So anyway, we meet Paris when she walks into Cooper McQueen's bar one night. McQueen sets his sights on her as soon as she does, but little does he know that Paris is on a mission. One that involves him and his million dollar bottle of Red Thread Bourbon. After a night together and Paris's plan to steal McQueen's bourbon fails, she tries another tactic. She tells him the story of the birth and demise of Red Thread Bourbon and Tamara and Levi.

“My story. I inherited it.”
“I think I’d rather inherit money than a story.”
“I have that, too, not entirely by my choice.”
“You don’t want to be rich?”
“God favors the poor. But don’t tell rich people that. It’ll hurt their little feelings.”

Tamara and Levi's story is one that had me on the edge of my seat for most of the book. Waiting, wondering, nail biting in anxious anticipation of what will happen to these characters, of how their story ends. Because you just know, once Paris sets out to tell Cooper this tale, it isn't going to be all butterflies and unicorns. Their story is almost haunting in its delivery. There were moments when I had legit shivers, not the good kind either. Yet I didn't care, I was totally enraptured. There's no other way to describe it, really.

“Fate was a train that didn't stop until it reached its final destination.”

This is a story about family legacy, secrets, lies, love, revenge, mystery, betrayal and fate. The author's prose measuring up to some of the best I've read. It's poetic, demanding and makes damn sure to leave its mark well before you've even finished the last page. The feelings evoked from this intricately twisted plot were intense. One second I think I've got some of it figured out, only to be sucker punched in the gut and have the breath stolen from my lungs in the next. It was almost as if I was in a perpetual state of shock and intrigue. The Bourbon Thief is story telling at its best. And I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who has yet to read it.

“Love what they destroyed. Destroy what they loved.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ine simpson
The Bourbon Thief was about Red Thread Bourbon that was a distillery owned and operated by the Maddox family. The Maddox family dated back to the 1880s beginning with Jacob Maddox. The Maddox family was blessed with wealth and a good bourbon. Secrets and lies dating back to the Civil War held the mystery behind the curse. Generations of Maddox men to pass along the wealth and business.

The story was told by Paris. Paris inherited the story of secrets that held the cursed Maddox name. Paris seduced Cooper McQueen, the world-class whiskey and bourbon collector. Paris shared the secrets about the Red Thread bourbon that was produced by the Maddox family with McQueen.
The story was primarily about the love interest between Levi and Tamara. They lived in the 1980s even though some parts of the states continued to live in the past. Levi and Tamara had an interesting connection of love/hate in the beginning. These two characters were quite entertaining with their expressions of love and fighting. The dialogue between these two was witty.

“All I’m saying is if you’re gonna have a cracker for a daddy, might as well be a Ritz cracker, right"? Greatest quote I ever read.

For me the key to the story was unlocking the secrets. There were many secrets and some lies. Tiffany orchestrated a wonderful tale of characters. I enjoyed the journey. Tiffany entertained me all the way to the end. It was bittersweet and a little anti climatic learning the truth. I found the lies were more scandalous than some truths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s rina
My first Historical Romance in a very long time, how exciting.
I was pretty excited and nervous about reading this novel (I’m always nervous reading books I’m excited about; I’m afraid of being let down).
However, since this novel was written by one of my favourite authors of all time I was sure it was going to be fantastic. And sure enough it was!
The Bourbon Thief has mystery, suspense, and romance all rolled up into one historical story that was nothing short of captivating. I never wanted to put it down and was sure I’d have read it in one sitting if I could.

The Red Thread Bourbon Company has been shut down for years and only one bottle still exists and that bottle belongs to Cooper McQueen. One day, a woman in a red dress named Paris starts inquiring about it and it peaks his interest.
He catches her trying to steal the bottle and instead of calling the police she decides to tell him a story – a story that will change the way he looks at that company and the sacredness of that bottle.
Red Thread Bourbon has quite the history, and young Tamara Maddox, the next in line to inherit the company only knows part of the story.
Fate has unknowing brought her and stable hand, Levi Shelby together, and together they will bring down the company that cause them so much grief, heartbreak, and pain.

I was blown away. I am always blown away by the simplicity and the incredible ability that author, Tiffany Reisz has at storytelling.
SHE IS JUST ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. I cannot give this woman enough praise.
She is listed up there with some of my top favourite writers of all time. (Like I will read almost anything she writes – keyword being almost).
Her stories are absolutely captivating and told in such a simple manner that you just don’t want to put it down or stop reading. There’s just something magical about her books.
What I noticed a lot was that she uses a lot of dialogue in her books – that a lot of the book takes place within the dialogue and the rest is left to the imagination of the reader. The dialogue is simple, the book is very well paced and it just makes you want to keep reading.

“We tell ourselves lies to survive when we know the truth will kill us.”

The story takes place in the present, but Tamara and Levi’s story takes place in the 70s I believe (don’t quote me on this, I’m bad with history). And for the life of me I couldn’t picture the story taking place in that time. Maybe because I was born in the 90s and don’t know much about the world twenty years before I was born…but I couldn’t help but picture a much…simpler time…not the pioneer age but not the 70s. You just get this feeling that this story was being told so long ago and not forty years in the past.

The characters are great, simple, and easy to relate to. It is very easy to like/dislike certain people and there is no shortage of surprises throughout the story.
I absolutely recommend this read if you want something short, quick, and are into mystery a bit of suspense and a bit of romance.
Tiffany Reisz has done it again, and it almost makes me wonder if I should pick up her Harlequin books…

5/5 Hearts of Love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The truth is like bourbon - it'll burn going down."

Tiffany Reisz couldn’t have picked a more perfect time to release her newest novel The Bourbon Thief. In a time of racial stress and a struggle for human empathy and understanding in America, this book of fiction contributes much needed perspective in my opinion. It shows examples of white privilege, the frustrations of persons of color who live a never-ending history of being viewed/treated differently, and it offers a necessary perspective of how slavery continues to impact an entire race. It’s present in family trees, in the memories of precious elders, in coffee table photo albums, and at the core roots of some successful businesses that continue to thrive today. Slavery may already have found a place in the history books but it lingers still.

The Bourbon Thief is quality entertainment; it’s complex as all get out with family, cultural, and historical dynamics, it has an engaging romance with one hell of a jaw-dropping revelation (just wait for it!), and the storytelling is superb as a present-day narrator takes us into the past. I hope every reader also gains some additional insight though. I loved this book and absolutely adore Ms. Reisz for writing it...whether she meant for it to have such an impact or not. Read it!

My favorite quote:
“How are you going to get revenge against dead people? Dig ’em up and stake ’em through the heart?” “I asked myself that same question, and I think I know the answer. You destroy what they loved, and you love what they destroyed.”

Note: For readers who follow Ms. Reisz, it's important to note that The Bourbon Thief is more historical fiction with a touch of mystery and less of the erotica you may be accustomed to from her. I wouldn't want your expectations to be too disappointed, wink wink. However, she wouldn't be our fabulous Tiffany Reisz if she didn't push the envelope in some way. Just read it, you'll see what I mean ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz is pure perfection. This jaw-dropping, juicy novel will keep surprising you from start to finish. I didn’t know what to expect from The Bourbon Thief. To be honest, I probably wouldn’t have read it if it weren’t for the fact that I was just in Kentucky a few weeks ago. I’m so glad the Maker’s Mark tour sparked an interest in bourbon for me (not the taste, just the history and process). If it weren’t for that tour, I wouldn’t have given this book a second thought. With all that aside, I’m so glad I gave this book a chance. Bourbon lovers (and haters) will enjoy this piece of literary fiction.

Tamara Maddox is a spoiled, rich girl who is set to inherit Red Thread, a multi- million dollar bourbon distillery, once her grandfather dies. Since her own father, and uncle, have died, she is next in line to continue on the Maddox tradition of making and selling top notch bourbon in Lexington, Kentucky, and all around the world. Tamara likes to ride her horse Kermit, and flirt with Levi, the hired help that tends to the horses. Levi happens to be quite a bit older than Tamara and is off limits, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to get a Birthday kiss from him.

It is said that the Maddox family is cursed. Paris, who just “happens” to stumble into Cooper McQueen’s bar, was born and raised in Kentucky. After seducing him and going home to his large estate, Paris finds herself in the presence of the last bottle of Red Thread. Paris tells Cooper a tale that not many people know. All the lies, secrets, and love between the Maddox family pulls Cooper into a story that he will never forget.

The tale of Tamara Maddox is so shocking that you won’t be able to put it down. Just when I thought there couldn’t possibly be any more surprises, Tiffany Reisz threw another insane twist into the mix. I can’t describe my feelings of horror throughout this entire book. I just can’t imagine one family having so many deep, dark secrets, it is unbelievable. I kept telling my husband, “This book is really starting to get good!” I probably said that to him ten times because it just kept getting better and better. I’ll warn you, there are some steamy parts in the novel. At first, I thought it was going to be a dirty romance novel, but there are only a few portions that get hot and heavy.

You really will learn a lot about Bourbon from this novel. After reading it, I wish I could enjoy the taste, but alas, I’m still not a fan. I’m am, however, a fan on Tiffany Reisz. Check out her newest novel, The Bourbon Thief, it is a summer must-read. Right off the bat, you will be consumed by a narrative that will hopefully makes your own family history seem a little less crazy.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bourbon Thief by Tiffany Reisz is a 2016 MIRA publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have not read any books by this author, was totally unfamiliar with her work, having chosen this book based solely on the synopsis. Since this book is SO good, I decided to see what other novels, this author may have written….

Okay, I can’t really see myself reading any of Tiffany’s previous titles, but if she writes anymore books like this one…

Kentucky, outrageous wealth, horses and bourbon make a powerful blend, but spike the punch with a little scandal, dark and dirty family secrets, and the most potent ingredient of all- REVENGE- then you got yourself one toxic concoction, one sure to leave you very intoxicated, and maybe even a little hung over. But, if anyone were to ask me if would ever drink from this deadly potion again, the answer would be a resounding – YES!

For Cooper McQueen, very few women can compete with his love for good bourbon. But, when Paris walks into his establishment, she commands his undivided attention in a way no woman ever has before and the night is just getting started.

Cooper can’t get enough of Paris and she is more than happy to oblige, leaving him spent and exhausted. But, the spell is broken when he wakes up to find she has stolen a million- dollar bottle of rare bourbon. But, before she can make a clean getaway, she finds herself detained, with Cooper demanding an explanation.

Thus begins the spellbinding tale of Tamara Maddox, the sole heir to the Red Ribbon Bourbon dynasty, which built its foundation way back in the last days of the Civil War with money tainted by wicked deeds and spite.

The family’s success comes at a high price, and by the time Tamara is sixteen years old, any hope of a male heir is fading rapidly. The desperation to bring a male child into the family will set off a series of unfathomable events that will blow the doors wide open exposing years of lurid secrets, lies and cover-ups, prompting Tamara to exact the ultimate revenge.

Whoa! This is one wild tale and no, it’s not always pretty, but as twisted as this sounds, it’s my kind of story. I really liked this novel, which is deeply steeped in southern history, with just a little bit of a Southern Gothic slant, which is kind of rare these days.

“A family with bourbon in its blood, and blood on its hands”

This story blends history, mystery, suspense and romance together to create an unusual love story, told with a deft skill, which created a fireside atmosphere, while throwing explosive twists and turns at you, which had me sitting bug eyed, and slack jawed, with my heart in my throat, wondering what could possibly happen next. Trust me, Paris really knows how to weave a tale.

This story is unconventional, the characters vastly different from any you have ever encountered before, something which I really need right now, in order to keep my attention and avoid burn out on the same old, same old.

I loved Tamara, who set a course for new generations that will go a long way towards eradicating her tainted heritage. She was funny, smart, and tough, full of determination and grit.

Likewise, her beloved Levi, was the cool ointment in her life that healed her troubled soul, gave her hope, stability, peace and happiness.

Controversial… yes, very. But, did they do the right thing? Definitely. Do I want more like stories like this one?

PLEASE! Please, bring Paris and Cooper back for more great fireside tales. I’ll have my bourbon in hand, ready to lose myself in another one of Paris’ riveting stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"A Family With bourbon in its blood,
and blood on its hands"

"The Bourbon Thief" was released July 28th and it was really hard not to read this book before my holiday.

I'm usually readig books on my Kindle, but I won't bring my pressious Kindle to the Beach

so each summer before going on holiday I buy some new paperbacks to bring With me.

And this year "The Bourbon Thief" was one of them!

I wasn't sure what to expect from Tiffany Reisz and her latest book. She put the bar way up high With "The Original Sinners" series. (I can't praise Tiffany enough for those books.AMAZING!)

So what about "The Bourbon Thief"? Cold it measure up to one of my all time favourite book series?

Well, the answer is; OH YES it does!!

I spent long time Reading the first Chapters beacause I knew I would LOVE this book and I knew I didn't want it to end, and boy was I right about that ;)

I read on Tiffany Reisz facebook page that there won't be a sequel to "The Bourbon Thief" but I refuse to give up hope! Fingers crossed that Tiffany will change her mind some day..

Some People might be offended by Tamaras young age, but think back on your youth, when did you start to think about sex? When did you start having sex?If you can't handle it,this might not be the book for you.

I was married at 18..

There's so much I could tell you about this book, but I just finished Reading it and I need to let my thoughts "simmer" for a bit. I might continue on this review a bit later.

So for now, READ "The Bourbon Thief"! you won't regret it!

5/5 stars

"... You can't sell People!
Oh, but you can buy them."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah agar
"Who could they love after loving each other? Who could they touch if not each other? They had ruined each other for anyone else. The curse was on them and in them and they must stay together lest they spread the curse to others."

I have to admit, I went in sort of blind. This is the first book I read by this author, I wasn't familiar with her style; I didn't know how I would feel. But curiosity won out - especially with that blurb - and I read it.

I regret nothing.

You see, this is a story within a story. We have two sets of main characters. This reminded me of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, when Nelly Dean would sit down and tell the story of the past, of what actually happened at Wuthering Heights. In this case, it was about a bourbon distillery, a legacy.

It's not easy to write a review to a book that wowed you because you don't want to spoil it to others; you don't want to give away too many details. Just enough to make one curious.

I can and will tell you this: the story will pull you in. You'll keep on reading, no matter what happens - a lot of messed up things happen, believe me - and you will be left thinking WTF many times, but by the end of it, you'll be left wanting more. And that ending! Brilliant! Genius! The saying 'what goes around, comes around' applies to this story, even though it takes time for karma to strike. But strike, it does. I actually hope we get more because I feel there would be more to the story, to the present.

But if the author shall leave it to this one book, I'm fine with that as well. I loved it, I'm giving it 5 stars and it's a book I shall reread in the future. I want to thank the publishers for the copy given in exchange for my honest review. It was my pleasure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Bourbon Thief starts with a seduction, a theft and a story that plays out like an 80’s soap opera. Cooper takes home a beautiful woman, looking only for a good time, and wakes up to his lady love attempting to make off with his prized bottle of Red Thread bourbon. Much like Scheherazade, in exchange for him not immediately calling the police and having her arrested, Paris tells him a story. The story of how the Red Thread empire came to be.

The story Paris tells is filled with young love, racism, cheating, bastards, attempted rape, and sins of all shape and form. The Maddox family, which founded Red Thread Bourbon, a company that grew into one of the top bourbon companies in the world. It’s the American Dream embodied…except for all those skeletons they have hiding in their many closets.

It’s a tale that enraptures Cooper…and readers alike. Reisz can truly spin a good yarn, that’s for sure. While I didn’t love everything about it (there were a couple of parts that really squicked me out), the story as a whole kept me turning the pages as I watched the darkness that pervaded the Maddox family tear them apart and helped young Tamara emerge triumphant.

Here’s a bit of a spoiler: It’s not what I would call a romance — I believe a true romance novel has a HEA or HFN (happily for now) and this one did not have that. However, Tamara has her own kind of HEA…as does Paris. (Cooper, on the other hand, gets a good bout of sex and a good story and sometimes that’s good enough.)

Definitely worth your time, especially if you like soapy family dramas with a Southern flair.

4.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
p antle
The Bourbon Thief is the story of the Maddox families rise and fall. This was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. A crazy crazy ride of every emotion you could possible have. There is so much that happens in this book that I didn’t expect or was prepared for. There is so much that I could tell you but I don’t want to give away anything. I will give you just a little.
The Bourbon Thief starts with a woman in a fancy red dress looking for a man to share a nice glass of bourbon with. Lucky for Cooper McQueen this woman just walked into his bar and is about to change his life.
Such a great story! This is also my first Tiffany Reisz book and I really enjoyed reading/listening to this book.
I did listen to this book on audio. This was also my first book listening to Kim Staunton. Ms. Staunton did a fabulous job of bring these characters to life. Even though I was listening to this book in the Pacific Northwest I felt like I was in the south. Ms. Staunton did a wonderful job with the voices and accents. I will be adding her to my list of narrators I enjoy and will be watching for more of her work in the future.

I purchased this audiobook from and this review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly w
The Bourbon Thief is a standalone southern gothic tale from Tiffany Reisz. Now I loved her very successful Original Sinners series, and The Headmaster, another gothic tale that reminded me of books I read when I was much younger.

The Bourbon Thief starts out about bourbon -- the theft of one very expensive bottle kicks off the action, but what follows in this "story within a story" is a tale of forbidden attraction, deceit and revenge. The romance elements, while present, take a back seat to a story that is more about love and fate.

Paris Christie tells a story to Cooper McQueen regarding the Maddox family, and the young heiress Tamara Maddox who just happens to be in love with the older stable boy. It doesn't end well. I'm purposely keeping it vague so that you can enjoy every last detail on your own.

When I read Tiffany Reisz, I know I'm going to get some complicated characters and some awesome writing. But what I love the most about her writing is the way she reveals the story and how she presents the events by weaving little bits together until you see the whole picture. The Bourbon Thief does just that and its awesome.

This book is very different from the Original Sinners series in content and it was great to read Ms. Reisz weave her magic with new characters. I'm eager for more standalone stories from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
belinda gullatt
Cooper McQueen gets more than he bargained for when he takes home the lovely and seductive Paris. After a night of passion, he wakes up to find she has stolen his million dollar bottle of bourbon. But, she doesn't get far and in exchange for not calling the police, Paris tells Cooper the intriguing tale about that bottle of bourbon!

This is a thrilling story about love, betrayal, greed, and bourbon! It follows the tumultuous story of the Maddox family who owned the Red Thread Bourbon Distillery and what lead to it's eventual demise. Fast paced and exciting this is a must read for anyone who loves a well written story. This is a work of fiction, but reads like a true story. I can't recommend it enough, I absolutely loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dark, gritty, and impressively compelling!

This novel takes you into the lives of, the multi-generational bourbon maker family, the Maddoxes. They are rich. They are southern. And they are ruthless. And like most families with privilege, money, and power, they have a lot of skeletons in their closets, and hidden behind those closed doors you will find an intricate web of abuse, lies, adultery, secrets, and murder.

The characters are complex, avaricious, vindictive, and self-destructive. And the plot is well written, rich in detail, and highly suspenseful.

This really is a truly engaging and captivating story and I only hope that I will get to enjoy more of the Cooper and Paris saga in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia spigle
4.5 Stars

Dark, gritty, twisted, disturbing, and wholly entertaining are just a few words that can be used to describe the experience of reading The Bourbon Thief.

It was mesmerizing and hard to put down, with a tale that was both as chilling as it was satisfying to see how it all ended and came together. A tale like no other I have ever experienced nor read.

A tale that leaves you wondering what it wrong with you because you both liked it and hated it. Were repulsed by it and yet weirdly drawn to it as well.

Reisz did an amazing job weaving a story of deception, lies, mystery, horrors, sorrow, heartache, and so much more. One that will stick with you long after the pages have been read and the mystery unveiled and laid open for all the world to see.

This truly was exactly what I was hoping it would be and definitely worth the hype.

*ARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shirley mckinnon
The Bourbon Thief is a visual, emotional train ride - one that often had me feeling like the girl tied to the tracks with a runaway train racing toward her. I couldn't escape. I couldn't stop reading. I couldn't avoid the shockers that left me reeling page after page, chapter after chapter. There was only one way out for me - read through until the end. The enormity of this story overwhelmed me, and yet, I'm so glad I read it. It's beautiful, yet scandalous - a story filled with despair, loss, vengeance, but one also filled with hope, trust, and pure love. Totally intriguing! Totally all-consuming! Totally outrageous! Totally shocking! Totally one of the sweetest, yet most heartbreaking love stories I've ever read. An absolute Must Read! A Page Burner!
*Many thanks to the publisher & Netgally for an ARC of this book for review.
Full review @ Cross My Heart Writings & Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn weaver
"The Bourbon Thief" is a story about a bloodline that will send shivers down your spine over and over again throught the entire novel. Many ugly secrests will be revealed affecting the lives of Tamara and Levi who were destined to be together by fate... but according to mythology the Fates were the villains as in this story! Not your run of the mill romance... No... when the truth starts unravelling you will be holding onto your stomach asking "WHY?". A blood curdling story about two people who should never be together but are unable to stay apart. Tiffany Reisz's book "The Bourbon Thief" is unlike her other novels... but it's a standalone thriller you mustn't miss out on! 5 Dramatic Stars for this unstoppable train wreck of a story!
Please RateThe Bourbon Thief: A southern gothic novel
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