Once a Runner: A Novel

ByJohn L. Parker Jr.

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah culver
I have never read a book about running the encapsulates the spirit of training, intensity competition and the mindset of distance running that Parker writes about in this book. It is a fantastic book that I get more out of every time I read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandy y
The protagonist is an elite collegiate runner. I was a pretty good high school runner many years ago. Despite the clear difference in my ability and training compared to that of the protagonist, I felt I could relate to and connect with the story. There is much more to the story than just a runner doing workouts. There are descriptions of workouts and the effort that goes into being a competitive runner, but the character is so much deeper than that. I do think that people who have never run competitively might not really "get it" with this book. But I think competitive runners of any ability level will relate to and enjoy this novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is definitely one of those "right-of-passage" books in the running world. My only wish was that I read it sooner! I read this my senior year of college which my last year of competitive running and it got me so pumped and motivated to wake up at 6AM and crank out those 9 milers. Seriously anyone who loves running or runs/ran competitively will benefit from this book because its so relatable. Take my advice and read this book.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
david wraith
Too often "tedious" sprung to mind. Not sure what the author set out to achieve. Sure, beating the world's best is everyone's aim but did it need so long to tell the story? As a Kiwi and one who knows the New Zealanders mentioned in the book including the real John Walton, I was disappointed in the roundabout way the story was told. There are few books that actually delve into the real story behind champions and, sadly, this one fell short which was disappointing from a runner's, and journalist's, point of view. Still it told a story but I am sure left many people none the wiser.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elissa newcomer
As many people have noted in earlier comments, if you're not an athlete or somewhat dedicated runner, you won't get this book. You simply won't. It would be equal to explaining color to someone that was born blind.

As someone that had been averaging over half a marathon a day in mileage, I can relate to the stories and inner monologue of Quentin.

I'll be honest, of this entire incredible book, two scenes do it for me; Quentin's drunk demon speech at the bar and Quentin's run in the rain to see his ex-gf.

The drunken demon speech still gives me shivers even though I've read the book a dozen times. The speech provided a glimpse into the mind and driving factors as to why some people take the plunge into elite fitness. The simple idea that the elite have been forced to make a choice between a common happy life and a life on the edge of human ability. Specifically, the idea that you can't have both.

Quentin's run in the rain to see his ex-gf is powerful on a whole different level. Every elite-level athlete has had a moment when they've stated a simple athletic feat and the common person can't even begin to parallel that feat. For Quentin, running an absurd distance in the rain to see his ex-gf didn't even cross his mind as being an achievement, but his ex-gf is immediately taken back by the distance surrounding such a trip. The scene makes me remember all of the times when people have responded with "You ran where?!" when asked about that day's run.

In summary, this is the single greatest running novel ever made and should be a staple in the library of any athlete.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann peachman stewart
Once a runner is a time proven classic for anyone who loves running. Funny, sad, exciting, all at once. If you've ever laced up a pair and hit the road, or run cross-country, this is a book you should read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashish khandelwal
Enjoyed the book because I run.
The story would not flow unless you feel the emotion of the character. The ending was good, even if it was predictable. Sets up perfectly for a next book.
I give four stars because I do not care for the casual cursing ... Otherwise it was captivating and a joy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john mcmullen
As an old distance runner and miler, Mr. Parker's novel brought back memories aplenty. If you are any kind of runner, this is a book for you. If you are an elite runner, the read will be even sweeter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For a small group, that would be runners who like to run fast, this book is one of the best at capturing what it is like to run competitively. I've read parts of this book many times. It is a great book to read before a big race. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has used Quenton Cassidy to prep for an upcoming race.

John's second book Again to Carthage is likewise a great read. The fact that we had to wait 30 years almost - almost made it all the better.

My brother who's a runner turned me on to this book. Since then I've given this book to several other runners and they have all liked it alot. This purchase was just that, another gift to a runner.

If you like to run fast, if you like the thrill of a close race be it a mile, a 5K or a marathon this book is a must read. Its one that you will add to your library and very likely read over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth dillman
Gave this book to our daughter for Christmas, knowing nothing about it. But, she's a runner, so we thought she'd like it. She was thrilled to get it and told us that it's legendary in running circles, and had been out of print for some time. She spent the next several days reading it and plans to pass it along to her teammates.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber wilkie
I bought this book because it is considered a classic for a runner. You may like it if you are a runner because it is easy to associate yourself to the book. You do not have to be an elite runner to enjoy this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! Great running adventure story along with very creative ways to improve my level of fitness. I looked forward to reading every night and felt sad when I finished. I was left wanting more!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela irvine
This book describes exactly the feeling I have as runner. There are really no flaws in the book. I would highly recommend it to any serious runner or anyone who has ever wondered why serious runners do what they do.
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