A Hundred Summers

ByBeatriz Williams

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tom rust
Touted as the ultimate “beach read,” A Hundred Summers is told partially through flashbacks. I thought this was a really good technique on the author’s part to slowly reveal the characters’ secrets and with it, the real story. She also used these flashbacks to keep the reader turning pages because there were mini cliffhangers at the end of each chapter. As a result, I read this book in about a day. And I did like this book; however, I didn’t love this book as much as I could have. When I say that it was good, I mean that it had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, what could have been a great book was just a good book instead.

The author does an effective job early on in fleshing out the characters of Lily and Budgie. You immediately know them and understand the dynamic of their friendship. Even secondary characters like Graham and Aunt Julie are thoroughly sketched out for the reader to appreciate. Little Kiki is darling and really added a lot to the scenes she was in. However, vital characters like Nick Greenwald (the hero) and Lily’s parents are never really fully understood. I wanted to love Nick, but felt very little for him, and in fact, felt like I understood his best friend, Graham (Budgie’s ex-beau) much better. Even when Nick makes major declarations during the book, you rarely understand where they are coming from.

Bottom line: The good guys were just good, and the bad guys were just bad and nothing in between… I was hoping for more and expect much more from real people. That was the problem. While reminiscent of people we all know, none of these characters felt real. The dysfunctional characters felt the most human because of their… well, dysfunction. Their self-destructive patterns humanized them. The problem is that we’re not supposed to root for those characters, so I felt a bit lost reading this one, waiting for some lightbulb to turn on, some a-ha moment to occur, something to bond me to these characters.

I give credit to Williams for creating a unique setting during a unique time in our nation’s history for the reader to escape to. I enjoyed the fictional beachfront town of Seaview, Rhode Island and the historical context of the Great Depression/pre-World War II era. Moreover, this novel’s emotional climax was all the more nerve wracking because it took place during a hundred-year storm which the characters didn’t see coming, but in a dramatic irony, the reader does know is coming. The metaphor of a storm turning these people’s lives upside down, washing away, and even destroying a hundred years of shared history is not lost on the reader. These scenes were well written and brought the story to a devastating and necessary conclusion, albeit far-fetched. A hundred summers and nothing happened…until it did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic historical romance, one that was nearly impossible to put down. Beautiful pacing and characterization, as well as woven true events from the thirties. A HUNDRED SUMMERS is a book to share with friends. I look forward to reading more by Beatriz Williams. Highly recommend for those who enjoy historical and women's fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan parman
Interesting how secrets and jealousy kept lovers apart yet they ultimately never lost hope or love to come together again for true happiness. Wars are hard on families even with today's technology so this book taken from the 30s and 40s gave a real hard fact that life goes on even in hard times great read great love story
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey toiaivao
I was completely involved with the characters and the time period. Enjoyed every page until the *spoiler* big storm, when the story strained credibility. But I enjoyed the story so much up until then that I'm giving it a (5) star review. Just overlook too-incredible finale and enjoy being transported to an earlier era.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
james diegelmann
An interesting story but it didn't hold my interest. Maybe I have read too many similar novels. I wanted to like it. Books centered in the 30's and 40's are my favorite. However this one I was skipping pages and even a chapter or two. The author has good writing style maybe will try another one of hers sometime
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jacob edmond
I picked up this book after hearing an enthusiastic radio review from a credible source. I was expecting something more literary... this is definitely not that. This is romantic pulp suitable for beach reading and not much else. I was hoping to read and then share with my grandmother, who is contemporary to the heroine, but frankly I would be embarrassed to send this to her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
penny mest
Excellent reading. I fell in love with the characters and the author gave the story line enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. She did a wonderful job of developing the characters so you really felt like you knew them. I loved the main characters and there's nothing better than throwing a self-centered, devious woman into the mix that you despise. I'll be watching for more from this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cris klika
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I couldn't put it down and was sad when I finished it. It wanted more. I have recommended it to all my friends if they want a nice romantic and suspenseful book to read. I immediately looked for more books from this author and found "Overseas". Another great book by Beatrix Williams. Can't wait for her to put out another book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica glass
This is indeed a perfect summer read. I loved the characters and the subtle twists in the story. And the period in the story is so interesting. People lived a romantic time in the 1930's. Loved being thrust back to that time and it reminded me of The a Great Gatsby more than once. Definitely needs to head to the beach with your lounge chair and sunscreen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer waye
Great fun ! I love how the author switches from the college days to seven years later. The characters have rearranged themselves romantically and the reader is hooked to discover what has happened to them all. The ending of the book is incredibly dramatic and sooo well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt imrie
This was a first time for me reading this author. It was a great read. I loved the history she incorporated with the delightful descriptions of the surroundings. Characters were believable, story line was great. I know I will be a return reader of this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trena kelley
Spent some time getting to know and love these people. Rode the roller coaster of emotions to the final big hill at the end and just when i thought the ride was over one final breathless dip. I finish with a sigh and a tear for good measure. Great book. One-clicking her next book in 3-2-1...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I tend to buy my books totally by random choosing. I was so pleasantly surprised with A Hundred Summers! I couldn't put it down. I usually don't choose period pieces but I found this 1930's story so good, maybe because it was still a "chick flick" book! LOL! I just loved Nick and Lily!! It would be a great movie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bala kolluru
Transporting you back to 1938 on the East Coast (and the Hurricane of 1938), this was a well written book of friendship, deception and prejudice. It reminded me a bit of the "Gatsby era" and has all of the elements of a great read; the only reason I didn't give it 5 stars as it was fairly predictable and a bit repetitious in parts. I will look forward to Beatriz Williams next book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan petrozzi
This is the ultimate beach read. The characters were well drawn and the time period the story takes place in felt real. Adding the 1938 hurricane was brilliant. I would highly recommend this book and look forward to reading other books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kendall jones
I loved this book! It is everything you want from a pool side read. I loved the characters, I hated the characters, the story line was beautifully weaved, the scenery was perfectly described. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vern hyndman
I love a book that has twists and surprises...wanting me to get back to it. This book had all the undertones and clues woven through out to lifes little mysteries. Not knowing didn't mean you couldn't follow the story but, when all is brought together, its gives greater clarity to the characters.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tyler hayes
Got a messy life? Is your mother a lying adulteress who had a love child with your one time fiancé's father and said it was really yours? Is your one time fiancé now married to your oldest friend, is still in love with you but his wife will never let him divorce her? Do you desperately want to raise your half sister with her half brother as your husband? Well, good news! Just hire a hurricane! Yes, folks, you just need to hire a hurricane when things start to get impossibly complicated and those nuisances in your life will just drown in the storm surge. With the help of high winds and really big waves timed to perfection, everyone you hate will be conveniently located in one poorly built house and you can have everything you want! Goodbye, lying whore mother! Goodbye, conniving wife of the man you love! You and everyone you actually like will live while everyone standing in the way of your happiness dies horribly! Book your hurricane today for your happily ever after!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this novel. Williams did an excellent job of going back and forth between past and present.

The characters were well developed and the story line kept my interest. I'll be looking for other novels from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mae dahil
It was a great summer read. It reveals more than just the hurricane that decimated TO in the 30s, but also the prejudices in "Society"at that time. It was also a nice love story. Love conquers all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim mears
I loved the way Beatriz Williams switched between the present and the past in this book. You get to see how the characters met and then rejoin them 7 years later. May twists and turns. Beautifully written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie patrick
We have a house on the Connecticut shoreline and for years have heard stories about the 1938 hurricane. As a result i was drawn to this book.
I thought the author did a good job of recreating a period of time where much was happening in the world and how these changes were shaping the lives of many classes of people. It is well written, not sappy, but with an ending that still left you feeling good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. I like the setting and era. I thought the plot was intriguing; I couldn't put it down. It was also romantic, but not totally cheesy. It was a refreshing swim in a warm pool. Read before Labor Day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed reading this book very much, even though it was different from what I usually read. It held my attention and I found it difficult to put down. I found it interesting the way the author wove an actual occurrence into the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I wish this book was more historical fiction and less romance fiction. I ordered this because there were 144 holds at my public library! The over-the-top love story and sex lives of the characters are far from realistic for 1931/1938. I guessed the end pretty early on in the plot, very predictable. Wish there had been more description and history of "Seaview", being a Rhode Islander myself. I wanted to recommend this for my book club, but not club-worthy.
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