Tom Clancy's Net Force: Gameprey (Net Force YA)

ByMel Odom

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
garrett calcaterra
Everybody likes to cry over how this isn't writen by Tom Clancy and blah blah blah. Right at the bottom of the title it says:

"Created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieezenik, writen by Steve Perry"!

If you can read the book, at least read the credits before you whine so much. After that being said, this is an excellent series and I highly suggest. 4 stars, could have been 5 but a couple chapters were really really bad and kind of confusing. It's one of those rare books that even if you're dead tired you want to get to the next chapter to see what happened next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tom Clancy is an amazing author. We have begun to expect thrilling novels from him. Net Force is just a step above the rest.
The book begins with the assassination of Michael Day, the head of Net Force. Net Force is the governments computer control agency, believed by some to be ore powerful than the FBI and CIA. The assassination is the spider in the web of events leading to the exciting conclusion. There are five main characters in this novel: The Selkie, who is an assassin trying to take out the replacement head of Net Force, Plekhanov, who is trying to take over Ukraine, Alex Michaels, who is the new head of Net Force, and Toni Fiorella, the martial arts master.
This book has some very thrilling moments like "Ruzhyo placed the wavering crosshairs on the mans chest" and "He turned and saw the old lady with her cane held over her shoulder like a baseball bat, ready to belt his head into the bleachers." are just some of them.
I suggest you read this literary masterpiece, it will keep you on the edge of your seat.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lindsay pingel
Tom Clancy should fire his ghostwriter before he puts him out of business. I found this book almost impossible to read. The characters were bad and the plot was terrible. I hope he starts taking his writing career a little more serious. I pray that Bear and the Dragon were written by the old Tom Clancy.
Ghost Recon (Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, Book 1) :: Executive Orders (A Jack Ryan Novel) :: Tom Clancy's Net Force: Night Moves :: Debt of Honor (A Jack Ryan Novel) :: Tom Clancy SSN
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Full of predicable quasi stereotypes, PC silliness and overblown internet wet dreams. Beyond this it's just plain old bad writing. I suspect that this is a lot more the work of Mr. Piecznik than it is of Tom Clancy. I have enjoyed Clancy's work for some time and I found this to be a huge disappointment. No real insight into the technology just pure fantasy on every level. When the 2nd degree black belt man meets the small "well trained" women, can you guess who gets beaten thoroughly? It's not predictable it's downright boring. Don't waste your money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl leslie
Tom Clancy is a genius at research on any topic - and he excels in the futuristic world of the virtual world computer. If you enjoy the science of computers, the possibilities of virtual world then this is a must read. It will be a scary prospect when considering RW (real world vs. VR (virtual reality) - but brace yourselves because Clancy has hit the nail on the head. If you are a fan of his writing - don't miss this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie hoiland
Tom Clancey is a master of putting suspense, reality, action, futuristic worlds, and thrill all into one novel. The book gets of to pretty quick start, set in the year 2010, when a middle eastern assassin kills the director of the Net Force, FBI's new system for crimefighting. This killing causes Alex Michaels, the new director of the Net Force, to track down the assassin who had killed the director. On his way to seeking out the assassin he finds that he, himself will soon be
the next target. And while all this is going on there are Internet terrorist and hackers who's intent is to destroy and create chaos throughout the system. This is the kind of book that will make you not want to put it down and will have you asking for more.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tracy rizzo
This book is devoid of Clancy. There is no hero. The villian is vanquished by another villian, who is vanquished by ANOTHER villian. The depiction of cyberspace patrol, even in a VR world is totally unrealistic. The Net Force team gets absolutely nowhere with their case.
The reading is slow, the action boring, and the supposed good guy loses out in the end.
There's even a totally unrelated side plot consisting of a petty teen relationship.
Definately NOT Clancy's team's best. Clancy is know for being realistic and having done his homework. This book is not worthy of that name.
If there were a zero star rating, this book would get it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I work in the field of technology and computers. True the Net Force Book is FICTION (some reviewers may need a dictionary to understand that word) But it is not far fetched. I have seen similar technology being used today. Look what 10 years of refinement has done for computer storage media. That kind of a jump can happen in VR netware in there is an external influence which drives it.
The book itself was excellent...the relationships between Toni and Alex as well as Tyrone and Bella were right on the money. Sgt. Frenendez and Col. Howard gave it the guts or glory energy it needed.
And when you finish with this book read the second in the trilogy 'Net Force - Hidden Adendas' It deserves 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had everything, a good storyline, a mystery type format, with tons of tech stuff about VR and assassains. Lots of action. It hooked me in the 1st chapter when Steve Day got killed (Net Force Leader) and This guy Alex gets appointed leader. And he wants revenge on his death. It seems like it COULD happen. It's a little Sci-Fi with the VR, but it's not like way off, it uses current weapons, and is really good. I'm 12 years old, and I ONLY buy Tom Clancy's books. After I read "The Hunt for the Red October", i was a true Clancy fan.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amanda winkworth
This book keep lagging on about stories that did not even include the main plot of the story. Many of them about some pretty dumb relationships. The ending was not as exciting as other Clancy books so to get to my point..Don't waste your time on this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
catherine theis
Appearently Tom Clancy HAS been reading William Gibson. This reads like a Gibson novel, but not quite with all the pizazz. The rest of the book is classic Tom Clancy, but he could have left out his version of William Gibson's version of the future. Nothing new here. Seems like Mr. Clancy is reaching for new material and is falling short. Just like he did with Rainbow Six.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tom Clancey's Net Force is a breathlessly exciting novel. Undoubtedly Clancey's best that I have read. Starting strong then it built me up to a shocking climax. I couldn't belive it this is a really good book. In the ending, when the Cyber-Terrorists betrayed each other; that was great. I never saw it coming. If you like sci-fi suspence then I reconmend this book to you. It's really good.I give it FOUR STARS
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
frank white
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Coming from the author who wrote Hunt for the red october, this book is down right pathetic. Dont waste your time reading this book.
Also, there are horrible inaccuracies in this book. One example:"Moksha" is translated as "enlightenment". Moksha actually means "release from the cycle of life and death".
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
In NF clancy uses too many acyromens and leaves too much to the reader to figure out on there own. NF doesn't tell you how the VR works, or give you a good concrete villian that you really like to hate like in past Clancy books. Maybe the new childrens versions will be worth a peek, but if its anything like this book, count me out
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli n
I read this for a reading assignment and was immediately hooked. I'm not sure if it's part of the Op-Center series, but if it is you'd never know it. Mr. Clancy does a great job tying in the characters. Net Force is a book anyone who likes computers would like, and the lingo isn't too hard to understand for those who aren't into computers. Enjoy! This is a great book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
shelly thorup
It is hard to believe that Clancy had anything to do with writing this book. I have read all of his other works at least once. The descriptions of technology and the plot were incredibly weak. This book is just not worth a reader's time. If you want to read some good Tom Clancy, start with his pre-Op Center materials.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
catherine cheney
There was a great deal of jumping around which broke up the flow of the story. No one character was fully developed; even the main and obstacle characters were flat. The teen theme was very shallow and without significant message. There was a significant number of loose ends (perhaps a sequel): I hope not!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamed mostafavi
After I saw the commercial on ABC for the miniseries ( which I still haven't watched yet. If someone could tell me how to get a copy please email me.) I just had to read the book. I thought it was such a great book that I read it twice. Another one of my favorites from Tom Clancy is Rainbow Six.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chassy cleland
This was one of Clancy's difficult books to read. I had a hard time keeping up. His characters were so mixed. I enjoyed parts, but got lost in many. I think maybe I should try reading it again when I have absolutely nothing else to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book's actually not written by Tom Clancy, but mostly Dr. Pieczenik. And that's the point. Just ignore the name of Tom Clancy written on it and you've got a perfect book. And be sure to read Hidden Agendas right after this one. Without HA it seems to be rather incomplete.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Mr. Clancy would do well to carefully consider to whom he lends his name. This has got to be one of the worst efforts yet. I had trouble staying awake during the tv mini-series which resembled the novel in name only. The book was much worse. I would not recommend this book to anyone.
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