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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story is about 3 generations of the Del Pino family. It tells about each members' relationships with each other and the world. I love how the novel comes full circle in the 2nd half of the novel where you can't help but love each and every character as their own sides of the stories (story) unfold. It totally makes you love, hate and realize truths of your own family all at once. I heart this novel very, very much.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is one of the most disappointing reads in years. The author may have had a good idea, examining the tensions between expatriate Cubans and those who remained behind, but it's lost amid the cardboard cut-out characters and the formulaic "magical realism". There are occasional glimmers of interesting imagery, but the "story" wanders aimlessly over the years and the members of the family appear to be pathetic (e.g., Felicia) and/or hateful (e.g., Lourdes). The author's attitude towards her characters comes across as arbitrary and random. The vignettes from Pilar's "life" were particularly unsatisfactory. The question arises: If the author cares so little about her characters, why should the reader care at all?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea westphal
This book tells the story of three women's lives, from each of their perspectives. Although each of the women had different loyalties and made very different decisions regarding the direction of their lives based on those loyalties, you never felt that one character was more "right" than the others. In all it was a great story about a mother and her two daughters and their relationships with each other, the men in their lives, and their countries (Cuba and the United States).
(Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) - The Stone Diaries :: Did You Ever Have a Family by Bill Clegg (2015-08-25) :: A novel (Vintage International) - A Horse Walks Into a Bar :: Parrot and Olivier in America :: Revolution and Terror in America's Colony - War Against All Puerto Ricans
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is just in response to the person that wrote "snoring in
Cuba". This is one of the BEST books I have ever read, and believe me I have read thousands. I highly recommend this book not just to someone who expresses an interest in learning more
about the Cuban Revolution but to anyone who enjoys reading
fantastic fiction novels. Unless you're a heartless robot this
book will move you. I couldn't put it down until the last page,
and when it was over I was left longing for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
franc woods
I really loved the book, I understood exactly where Garcia was coming from. I would reccomend it to anyone in the mood for a little cultural healing, (there really are other cultures out there folks!) I just wish one day I can sit down and talk to this author face to face because her work was moving. I was turned on to her by my mom and now I talk about her even more than she does. Overall it shows "very" realisticlly how things are when a family breaks up due to domestic breakdown. (In this case fleeing Castro's regime)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I found Dreaming in Cuban to be a cumbersome effort to read. Almost from the start I was beginning to lose track of the characters and I was beginning to think that I would need a score card to keep track of who was who. In this novel the author did create interesting scenes that centers around the Cuban family, and culture but there were so many loose ends when I finished reading the book that the overall story just didn't connect with me. It's not a terrible read, maybe just an entertaining story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracie hicks
This novel is about Cuba, the author's native country, and 3 generations of del Pino women. They have different personalities and different philosophy for life. It is fullof memories of the four women, both past and present. I think that this book is intresting to read because the story of the novel keeps you reading it and you willh ave to understand the character and personalities by reading narratives, love letters and monologs to potray them as they move back and fourth through time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book really gave excellent insight to some of the issues facing Cuban families and how they have sometimes been torn apart as some family mamber stay in Cuba and others move to the United States. In many ways it is very heart wrenching.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
megan mcgrath
When you mix soft core porn and culturly confused Cubans, you get this PIECE OF CRAP LITERATURE. I think their must have been at least 30 different sex or sex related scenes and oh so many other odd things. One example is when one of the characters (a girl) masturbates to her mother's old boyfriend's picture, imagining him going down on her...uck! The plot is so badly intwined and mixed together you want to question ever reading again! FOR THE SAKE OF LITERATURE DON'T READ THIS!
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