Not the Few by Robert B. Reich (2016-05-03) - For the Many
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone needs to know how government really works. If people don't take the time to read about it, they will forever make bad decisions. What corporations do is not against the law, because they right the laws. Thank you Robert Reich for trying to educate us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison gettler
Great food for thought, nonpartisan, and well researched.
Although I didn’t agree with everything, I thought this presented a fair statement about the economy today and sentiment felt by the public on both the left and right. Additionally, he proposes solutions to the problems he points out, which is a refreshing change of pace.
Although I didn’t agree with everything, I thought this presented a fair statement about the economy today and sentiment felt by the public on both the left and right. Additionally, he proposes solutions to the problems he points out, which is a refreshing change of pace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Describes the rise of crony capitalism, and places it in historical context. Explains why we are either on the cusp of a national rebirth, or service to Wall Street. This is a call for us to stand together and take our country back for our children.
Rooms :: Just Grandma and Me (Little Critter) (Pictureback(R)) :: Just Me and My Mom (A Little Critter Book) :: and Ridiculous Riddles - Tricky Tongue Twisters :: What has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fariha tasneem
- what are the fundamental components of markets
- how do citizens, unions, corporations attempt to influence each component
- what works well in U.S. and other countries
- interpretation of current political climate (the story of the gradual dominance of corporations' influence on markets)
- a multi-faceted response to re-establish a healthy balance between the different market actors
- positive and hopeful in tone
- how do citizens, unions, corporations attempt to influence each component
- what works well in U.S. and other countries
- interpretation of current political climate (the story of the gradual dominance of corporations' influence on markets)
- a multi-faceted response to re-establish a healthy balance between the different market actors
- positive and hopeful in tone
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seana blanchard
The author is speaking from an academic standpoint as well as an experienced Washington insider. Any American who is a member of the current middle class should read this book and learn how much their portion of the technological boom has been given over to the super wealthy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding! And timely, as we witness continued economic inequality and increased capacity for money to corrupt our democracy. This is a critical missing piece in understanding the varied forms capitalism may take.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justine gomes
Americans are totally unaware how the process really works. They are unknowingly supporting positions that transfer money out of their pocket (they become poorer) and to the pocket of the already rich. This in effect gives them and our economy less money to create consumer demand. We are transferring money money from poorer people (high propensity to spend) to people who already have money (low propensity to spend more). The result is we have an economy with a lack of demand. The economy can not really grow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maegen tabor
Robert Reich's book " Saving Capitalism for the many not the few" is a very insightful examination of our current political and economic system, and describes in great detail what is wrong and what we can do to fix it. I highly recommend this book to every American. It's time for us to wake up stand up before we lose the democracy and the middle class which makes it strong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An exceptional book on the increasing wealth inequality in American and the impact of that factor on the lives of millions of individuals and on our political system. Professor Reich thoughtfully explores the factors contributing to these issues, and he discusses changes that must be made if we are to advance the economic interests of average workers and diminish the control of the top 1 percent over government leaders.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Our Senior reading group discussed the book and found that the information was excellent AND APPROPRIATE FOR SOLVING THE NATION'S SERIOUS PROBLEMS. The only criticism from our senior citizens was that Dr. Reich was a bit repetitious with his ideas.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It gives a very good understanding of how the system actually works. The examples illustrate well how the rules of the game have changed in the last few decades and the author gives a few ideas how to restore them to make it fair for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book for anyone that wants to learn about Capitalism. This book teaches economic history of the U.S. Easy to read and understand with plenty of facts and graphs to show how Capitalism works and how laws and regulations have changed over time. I'm by no means an expert on capitalism or economics but I see it in self-destruct mode. Saving Capitalism explains how to save it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tess n
An indispensable book for anyone wanting to understand the interplay between "market economy", politics, and the ongoing metamorphosis of our social systems. It includes the best argument I've read about minimum assured income mechanisms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve mossberg
Excellent breakdown of the modern American capitalism, widening income inequality, the politics behind inequality, how we got here, and proposals to fix the system. Reich provides detailed examples for all his major points.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kari anton
In depth analysis of the economic situation in the USA and the political and financial forces that have shaped the current as-is. While reading, I was thinking how fantastic it would be to have such a knowledgable person as Robert Reich as President.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
per bressendorff
This is a modern classic. Re-introduces with a vengence Political Economy. Well done Robert. I would say for clarity he is now unsurpassed. Doesn't make him right on every point but clarity is a virtue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book makes for excellent reading during this political campaign season, as it convincingly predicts the reasons for voter frustration with the status quo regarding the economy. Mr. Reich's impeccable research regarding manipulation of property rights, contracts, monopolization, bankruptcy regulations, and lax law enforcement, uncannily exposes the excesses of Wall Street and the political donor class.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan palmer
A recommend to either political reader, left or right. The reading carves away the political bantering of the stereotypical econ delivery and lays out how we are to survive a capitalist system that benefits all the ,populace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly orr
A phenomenally written book about major themes and trends in the American economy. Most all aspects of the economy are analyzed. The laws and policies that are the causes of certain economic conditions are thoroughly detailed. Ends with very plausible solutions that inspire and motivate the mind. A must read!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raj barath
I could appreciate the research that went into a thought provoking book. It was laid out in an easy to understand formate. I could only wish that what is presented in this book could be implemented with out the scream of socialism coming from it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara van dishoeck
While many excellent books have been written by economists (Joseph Stiglitz being the most prominent) about the state of our economy and how the super wealthy have captured the control of our country, Robert Reich takes a slightly different approach. He shows how "political economics", beginning with Ronald Reagan, has shifted our economy from one of general prosperity to extreme inequality benefiting the wealthy at the expense of the middle and lower classes. He points out that this has primarily come about as a result of our increasingly corrupt system of campaign funding, with the "Citizens United" decision by the extremely partisan Roberts Court entrenching and expanding the corruption to intolerable lengths. But Reich doesn't just point out the effects of this corruption, he presents solutions to the problem. This is a book that should be widely read, especially by our politicians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ash friend
Regardless of your political leaning, Reich's book helps us understand how our economy really works. He debunks the notion that there is a free market independent of government, and shows how our system today is heavily skewed to the benefit of the wealthy and big corporations. I urge you to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grant barrett
Excellent reading. Written so that the average person who is not a professional economist can understand. It is written in three parts, giving historical and current day examples of events in our economy that demonstrate his arguments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Robert Reich describes in detail why and how Capitalism is a rule based system, and the notion there exists a "free market" whose "natural forces" stand in contrast to government regulation, is a myth at best and a colossal lie otherwise.
Please RateNot the Few by Robert B. Reich (2016-05-03) - For the Many