The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
reading though life
This seems more like someone blogging about how they used NLP and very little about NLP itself. I'm sure that there are better books on NLP out there. He spends all his time talking about how successful he's been using it and even though I'm half way through the book, I've yet to find anything about how to use it myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With no offense meant to anyone, I must speak the truth of by opinion of NLP.

NLP in my opinion can be very helpful. However, I think that there is a snobbish snooty "insider-club mentality" that makes something that is not the complicated way too complicated.

I think I'm a reasonably intelligent man, however, I still do not have a full handle on NLP after studying it for many years.

I am waiting for somebody to stop with all the gibberish and just put it out as ABC-DEF-G. If somebody did that, not only would they enrich themselves, they would also help possibly lelgion out there, for, I believe this NLP system can really help people if they could ever learn how to use it, which is almost impossible, the way it is presented by these ultra-pretentious people IMO.

I really am not attacking anybody. I am merely trying to objectively observe and report what I see in most of these books which is that something that should be so simple is made way to complicated. It is been said by men much wiser than to just: simplify simplify simplify. I believe Thoreau said that. You may fact check me on that. Whomever said it was right. Less is more. At least in my humble opinion.

This book takes a step toward making it more user-friendly, but, it still gets way too caught up in too much of the intellectual side where he could've just cut to the chase and said just do this and that without that and this.

I am actually considering writing my own version of NLP wherein all techniques will be given in a totally straightforward fashion without any talk of the amorphous concepts of the mind which have nothing to do with the average person walking down the street who just wants to improve their mind and their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
braden fraser
Tom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz and Susan Sanders have a written a wonderfully easy to read and understand guide to relationships.
I know the title reads "NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programing", but really, this book is about relationships.
Your relationship with your family, your co-workers, your boss, and your self. You learn about how past events have shaped you into who you are right now .. and how you can change the way you think and react to those events in order to become who you really want to be.
It's about learning how to get along without giving in. It's about how to be who you are while allowing others to be who they are .. and finding a middle ground without losing any part of yourself. It's about learning how to deal with situations without feeling intimidated or helpless. It's about looking at something from a different angle just to gain a little perspective.
Tom Hoobyar was a friend and mentor. He loved to tell stories to illustrate his points .. and they were great stories. I'm happy to say this book speaks in his voice and with his language .. and lives on in his daughter Tracy.
As a bonus, the book also provides links to a comprehensive companion website.
Bottom line: "NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programing" is an incredibly easy to read guide on building and nurturing relationships as well as creating your life as you want it. Powerful stuff.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pau ruiz
On page 29 he asked two questions: To remember your happiest moments, or I can't find an experience. He gave examples for the first one and didn't mention again the second question. I wish he gave examples for the second question.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”
– George Bernard Shaw

The first time that NLP became known to me is when it was discussed by Navy Seal Michael Jaco in an interview that was conducted with him. Jaco also mentions it briefly in his book The Intuitive Warrior where he details many of the experiences in his life.

That lead me to research Neuro-linguistic programming in a cursory manner, and figured the information provided might do me some good.

Of all books available, NLP – The Essential Guide To Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Tom Hoobyar and Tom Dotz, was the one that appealed to me more than the others.

In any case, although this is my first book on the subject [and will continue to look into it in future books and such], it is quite comprehensive.

At its foundation, it basically consists of explaining the process of human thought. Thereafter, it gives the reader countless angles from which to be able to address any in a myriad of issues when it comes to how the mind creates/addresses experiences in our daily lives and how we as individuals can take charge of this process for the betterment of ourselves and others.

This particular book brings clarity to many emotional circumstances that take place between individuals, or even groups, and helps one be able to key in to certain factors. The author’s tempo is quite consistent throughout, and it doesn’t really go too fast, or too slow for the reader. The subject of NLP is analyzed from quite a few different angles.

In the beginning it covers the importance to understanding how one thinks. Therein we can learn how others manage their thoughts, whether they know it or not. From there on the book addresses thought patterns and couples that with belief filters that dictate how we view reality.

Belief filters are quite intriguing, because although an individual might be getting information, the information that his mind is viewing is being processed through a particular filter, which might or might not be beneficial. For instance, some beliefs, if positive, allow you to have a more positive outlook, thus you’re more likely to make positive choices due to that. However, the converse is also true.

Another notable point that is discussed is what emotional anchors are, as well as how to use them is touched upon. This is fascinating in that it can help people build upon the positive aspects of their life, rather than just ‘roll with the punches’ so to speak.

Triggers of emotion are also focused, being that they are so imperative in the construction of our emotional sphere.

The book also covers the notion of “Modalities” as well as “Sub-Modalities”. These are important because this is a reflection of how we feel based on certain qualities/distinctions.

One particular bit of the book that’s noteworthy is the fact that it mentions that any particular emotion, is just one option of many one can partake in. This is vital, as many people seem to be able ‘not to control’ their emotions and allow them to be automatic. By allowing themselves to be controlled by their emotions, and not be other way around, these individuals often find themselves in emotive-charged circumstances that are quite dense in stress.

Time and time again, this book covers the importance of ‘living in the moment’. This is tackled quite extensively as its monumentally beneficial, rather than living life on autopilot which most people unfortunately do.

Another prominent tenet that’s addressed that has various component are the Navy Seal’s “Big 4”. These are particular tools/habits that help Navy SEALs tackle countless intense instances where they need to forge ahead, regardless of circumstances.

Other ideas discussed are Meta-programs, the importance of physical signals such as personal space, body position, posture, gestures, touch & even eye movement, as well as being able to put yourself in other people’s mind to find out how they might be feeling.

The power of belief, some being good and some bad, are also mentioned in a quite remarkable manner.

This NLP Essential Guide makes it possible to abdicate many of the bad habits that plague individuals.

It would be erroneous however to think that once one is finished reading the book, the job is done. Those kind of limiting thoughts would placate any change that might be possible if one is not willing to put in the work.

In hindsight, there are so many different topics and ideas discussed that, at minimum, even with highlights and notes taken, it will take another reread of the most notable aspects to full anchor down all of the information. That, or by regularly studying the concepts will one be able to fully gain the benefits of the information.

Even with everything mentioned, there is still a lot more ideas, and examples that are addressed that would be highly beneficial to many people. There is just too many to mention.

As previously said, this book really is quite comprehensive. Applying the ideas/concepts every day is where your life will begin to change.

In the end, the choice is yours.

“It’s never too late to be the person you might have been.”
– George Eiliot

Kindest Regards,
Zy Marquiez
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
senta paler
I don't usually leave reviews for anything on here but felt very compelled to leave one for this. I spent a long time searching for the right answers to get actionable tools I could put to use to help better understand my mental processes. 5 years sober in recovery, doing 12 step work, working a program, almost 10 years of therapy including CBT work and I hit a wall where I felt like I was mowing the grass and not getting at the roots of the issue. I started researching self limiting beliefs and bookmarked a bunch of options. Ultimately, I decided on this book and it is incredible. One of the best books I have ever read on self development. Real and actionable items that you can put to use immediately. I didn't need another self help recovery book or something wrapped around Buddhism dogma or meditation. I have read and love a lot of books on those subjects. I would highly recommend Anthony De Melo 'Awareness' or Tara Brach's 'True Refuge' and 'Radical Acceptance'. What I needed was tools that I could use to get my hands dirty and really get down to the functionality of how my thoughts are formed, emotions attached, and break down the process so I can better understand myself and others. I blasted through this book in 5 days and felt a shift by the half way mark. If you were like me and looking for answers but couldn't find anything online but a bunch of self help coaches or poorly written / researched blog articles on the subjects of self limiting beliefs, and how our values shape our lives and decisions, the answers you are seeking are in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sreepati das
This book is a comprehensive guide to various tools and procedures used in NLP. If you familiarize yourself with only a few of them, you can enjoy a richer life -- particularly, richer elationships. Hoobyar and company give the reader a solid infrastructure upon which to build a more NLP-centric life. With all its strengths, however, I felt the book simply contained too much information to digest in one reading. Rather, I believe it would be more useful as a work of reference or a source book. A person starting out in his or her career would be well-served by embracing the practice of NLP and this book is a good place to start or to continue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim keith
I bought the audio version and listen to it while commuting. A very nice organized book. It’s like listening to an interesting story book and learning useful techniques.

I use these techniques to make my life more productive and more enjoyable. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie guhl
I love the way this author shares his personal history and the way he introduces and describes each technique. The book draws the reader in making one want to experimexplore each experience. I've shared exerpts from my copy with several people and each person was fascinated and excited. Personally I was hoping that the book might be brought out in audio form as well. I love to review books in that format too. PLEASE!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kaley thompson
For the content I would give 2 stars. Especially if you only read 1-2 pages of 'key ideas' at the end of each chapter.
I gave 1 star rating for the approach of authors. You, the reader, is just a part of their NLP practice. And relatively rude one.
"How this book will change and improve your life" is very well given, and fed into you for a long, long and accurate way.
Some personal stories - well if they are discussed in the book, I assume I can mention them in the review too. Never checked the claims of 'helped me to become an even more successful CEO" - but sounds like a cheap selling trick in anyway.

As for solving the psychological problems of the minor close family member - my question was rather "how it got to come to there in the first place?!" - it raised my suspect for safety of the advertised approaches.
It is not the QR code and advertisement of their website that "will help you to strength your skills even more" - but several points which teach to stop the internal doubts by ridiculing the voices etc. which made me concerned
about the state of mind this book will produce in the naive readers - whcih are obviously the target auditory of this "Power NLP Users".
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was a better read than another NLP topic read on. The material is still pretty dull and the books a slow progress. I tapped out halfway through the book, which is unusual for me as I will read almost anything.
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