Book 4: Sands of Nezza, Adventurers Wanted

ByM. L. Forman

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a great beginning to a series and always rewarding as I read. Even with all that has been revealed in the story so much remains mysterious. The watchers, brotherhood, and the strange urges... can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Plot was intriguing, and I loved not worrying about what was in the book. It was nice to see the main character need help for a little bit from his companions, yet for most of the book, the companions were pushed to the side. I would still like to see the character fail and have to really depends on his companions. However, I trust this author's writing so much that I will continue to search for his books to read to my daughter. It is nice not to have to worry about inappropriate situations. She loves these types of books, and pays attention to them.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Having read, and enjoyed the series thus far, I am sad to say that this installment falls short. From the beginning the book has an air of being rushed. The author seems like he is struggling to align the direction the book needs to move to push the story, with the push of publishers to meet deadlines. Most of the action was two dimensional, the dialogue childish for the characters stated age, and overall a segment of the story I would have rather skipped. I can't help but wonder if a better sequel could repair the damage.
Adventurers Wanted, Book 3: Albrek's Tomb :: Adventurers Wanted, Book One: Slathbog's Gold :: The Axe of Sundering (Adventurers Wanted) :: Adventurer's Wanted, Book 2: The Horn of Moran :: The Invisible Wall
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Yes, two stars for this latest Adventurers book. I really like the concept of a group of adventurers being called to a task, and I like the fact that we meet new characters as part of the group, yet have the consistency of Alex, the wizard, and, of course Whalen, the Master wizard. This latest adventure, however, dragged on and on and whatever happened to the dialogue? So stilted. And the telling of the story far exceeded any showing. This has been a good series, and, of course there will be future books, but the writing, the craft, the magic of inviting in and making the reader believe, has to improve.
Hope we meet the raven again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS BOOK!!!! Seriously though since the last one came out I was worried that there wouldn't be another one and I was extremely happy when it did. This book is just as amazing as the last, I hope others enjoy as much as I do
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
christina lieffring
I choose this book because the first three were awesome but I was very disappointed with the sands of Nezza. Because it was soooo slow and Alex was much too powerful for instance: Alex can make a huge storm for weeks and can destroy a city and not feel drained. (Yes these are from the book).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
renee tanner
as a huge adventurers wanted fan I was very disappointed in this book. Alex was in no serious danger at anytime in this book and the only advancement in the series is Alex's new control of his dragon power, theorder of malgors new curopness the organized danger bane talks aboutdbook 3.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rose keeler
I loved the other books in this series and couldn't wait to read this one and I must say I was disappointed while the story is good there are many problems one being that Alex has matured too quickly.
There are many places in the book where Alex is fretting about being in time to stop events but early on in the book he turns into a bird to speedily reach where he needs to be so all through the book you find yourself asking why don't you just do that, or turn into that.In fact Alex is so powerful now the book could have been finished in the first chapter and it seems the author has chosen to forget the powers Alex has to pad the story out.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Alex was too powerful
He was a person
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kathryn shumaker
The series continues to improve as we find Alex off on another adventure. With the fate of a known land hanging in the balance, and the lives of his friends, Alex must figure out the destiny of a kingdom and defeat a evil wizard.
I enjoy this series quite a lot. Many of the issues I've had with the series have been dealt with and each book gets better and better.
I think this one felt a little flat because there was just too much going on. I understand that Alex is growing and things are ramping up, but it feels a bit over stuffed. One reason for this is the new cast of characters we are introduced to. Of the cast of the book only Whalen and Skeld previously introduced characters. There are so many people we meet from previous books but don't get to see anything more of them.
I did enjoy that the author too the adventure serious given what happened to Cam, Thorson, and Dain.
I hope you've been enjoying the series. I look forward to book 5.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I understand why some people may not like this book. Alex is far too perfect and powerful. It however, does not take away from the book for me. The book is a page turner! It is a little fast pace so there is not full character development for many of the characters. However, Alex is the main character and we all know that he was special since Book 1. I believe that this book will be even more enjoyable if readers reread Book 1 before they read this one since there are many connections.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie porusta
Alex travels to Nezza in his latest adventure. As he seeks to free his friends, Alex stumbles across a captive price who could be the next king – one who could unite the fractured land. Their journey takes them through harsh land, meeting unique characters, and exciting adventures. Meanwhile, a dark wizard has his own agenda. And Alex learns that someone even stronger is behind the scenes.

Sands of Nezza is the fourth novel in the Adventurers Wanted series. While this installment was fun, with the feel of an epic fantasy adventure – it seemed to be missing the sense of wonder and humor the first novels had. It was still a solid story, but the series seems to be changing along with Alex. Unlike previous installments, Alex seems to be sure of himself and more of an adult. As with other high fantasy tales, it’s more about the journey than the destination. And this is no exception. Fantasy fans of all ages should be sure to check out this evolving series.

*Review previously posted at SciFiChick.
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