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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate cares
As the title states, "wherein is explained everything worth knowing about anything." The goddess is within your forehead and your pineal gland wreaks havok on all that shall oppose it. You are Pope. You fnord are Religion itself... We are all Eris's vicars on fnord Earth. Go ye and read this Tome of higher thinking... all is for not.
You will not go from gourder to gourdee, you will go from goiter to fnord goatee.
There is no god before the goddess, it is part of the word itself.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The original had a great deal of graphic design element, including pictures, tables, and various fonts. These contributed to the message and humor, and editions which faithfully reproduce them are available for free as PDFs on the internet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although not written by R.A. Wilson, it fits that this title should come up when doing a search on said writer, as it is mentioned in nearly every novel he's put out. Read this book. Learn this book. Know this book. Then, perhaps, you too will find the Goddess, and share in the Malaclyptic experience. Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted. Hail Eris - All Hail Discordia - KALLISTI
Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls (1992-02-01) :: The Changeling: A Novel :: The Ballad of Reading Gaol :: The Devil in Silver: A Novel :: The Eye in the Pyramid - The Golden Apple
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simultaneously operating as a religion and a parody of religion, the Principia Discordia has acquired a cult following which I was surprised to discover is well-deserved.

The Principia's juxtaposition of seemingly incompatible elements encourages confusion on the part of the reader. For instance, religious anecdotes and revelations are absurd to the point of idiocy; the constant didacticism intentionally contradicts itself; serious concepts are riddled with toilet humor. As a whole, the text seems like a cleverly constructed joke, yet it does contain moments of compelling insight.

In short, I'm still not sure whether to take any of the Principia seriously. Even if it is possible to take seriously, it is impossible to decode.

Regardless of its intentions, the Principia comes across as an ingenious text without so much as a hint of pretentiousness. The text meaningfully addresses complicated ideas while undercutting them with humor and paradox - it's all painfully clever AND a fun read. In this age of shallow post-modern tricks, that alone is a noteworthy achievement.

NOTE: The entire text is available online. If, however, you intend to purchase a copy, buy the black-cover edition published by Steve Jackson Games - it is the most recent and contains additional content not found in the yellow-cover or purple-cover editions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tancz r
The 5th edition, from Illuminet,(i.e. the one with the purple cover) has an extended introduction that more than makes up for the $2.00 price difference. (evidently there is also a Steve Jackson Games edition, but I've never seen it so I can't comment) Kerry Thornley, AKA Lord Omar Ravenhurst, one of the co-authors, died in Atlanta last year. He was every bit as mellow and cool as you might have thought, and his untimely passing is mourned by everyone who knew him.
The crux of the book's phliosophy -- to the extent that Kerry and Greg set aside their satire and humor long enough to propound a philosophy -- is that creativity is the fundamental good; order v. chaos and statism v. anarchy are only secondary concerns. Reading the Principia changed my thinking forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie borgenicht
Principia Discordia is the greatest book ever printed, for it is the only holy document that balances all other holly texts.

If you buy this book:
You will become a completely confused believer of the non-faith "Discordia", you will act as the antithesis to all organization. You do not need to open this book or read it, because you cannot use this text as a guide for living life. Additionally, you must become fully dedicated to not understanding or interpreting this holy manuscript. You will not be able to live by the tenets of Discordia, nor should you listen to the guidance of other non-spiritual leaders of Discordia.

Discordianism is the great superpositioned, negatively charged, non-religion. As such, it completes the synthesis of polarity. A black hole has formed and a center is created. This is the event horizon, from which there is no return, yourself and all things will be pulled into gravitational singularity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An inevitable manifestation of time and space. This manuscript is available on-line for free as it was ordinarily published to share but, this is a fantastic book to own and I was happy to pay five tons of flax for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is for those who walk around malls looking for skitzos just to see what they say to there invisible friends. People who find buying a dead bird and placing it in a cage because birds make to much noise some what funny...or best yet in the words of mark twain, when a dog is barking you state "I wish I owned half that dog" when people ask you why only half you respond with the obvious answer "Because I would kill my half."
Yes, this book as that rare sence of confusion, insanity, and just plain silliness that everyone needs in life. Personaly, I find it to be a pretty funny book and recommend it if you like that sorta thing. In conclusion, I met a wise man, and he told me the secret of the universe. Upon hearing the secret I quickly bought a chocolate bar and said yum! While eating the chocolately goodness I fell in a ditch a died.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom newman
It remains unclear just how serious the author was in putting this together, but it really doesn't matter. The book is hilarious, fun, and frighteningly thought-provoking in parts. Without this landmark book, one wonders if the Church of the Subgenius or the works of Robert Anton Wilson would be quite as good as they are.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aidah bakri
This was a silly little book. Does it contain profound truths which will forever alter the way you perceive the world? Didn't seem to. A lot of clip art and ditties pasted together by a couple of very stoned hippies with a unique sense of humor. Robert Anton Wilson would have us believe that this thin paperback is the secret key to illumination -- but after having read, and enjoyed, all of Wilson's books, I eventually came to the sad conclusion that he seems to have his head up his a$$ -- and would like all of us to do likewise (the "Cult of the Stinky Ostrich"???). When this book was first circulated, it was a true revolutionary act, and it remains an interesting Historical document -- immature as the contents may well be. If you liked this, be sure to check out the "Book of the SubGenius", which expands upon the topics covered with more intelligence and depth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa nims
to the punks whos mowhawks long been shaved, to the hippes who work in the offices, to the class clown who never grew up, to the thinkers who never stop wondouring i give you your new religion.
this great book introduces the religion of discordianism to the world. acting as both a hilariouse parody and a genuinly thought provoking religion discordianism forges the two together making you wonder if it your supposed to laught or think. from the curse of the gray face to the sacred chao this book has storys that make you laught and change your outlook on life .and with 100 pages you can finish it in a day.
best 15 bucks iv ever speant
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one of the most thought-provoking books I've ever read. If you need a new lens to view the world, you'll find it here. I would particularly recommend contemplation of 'The Curse of Greyface' and 'Starbuck's Pebbles'; this book is not to be missed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david hackman
this reasonably priced book is the most holy text in a religion based on the rejection of all precepts of order, and as such should be read and understood by anyone who is not a cabbage or some other sort of vegitable (cabbages need not heed this writing for they already posess a wisdom far superior to that of any other class of matter). we can only giber about enlightenment like the meat sacks we are, but here it is for you to attempt to see. go ahead jump, you'll land on your feet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert anton wilson's illuminatus trilogies changed the way i view the world. if you can't read a few thousand pages of fnord-free prose pricipia discordia is the short course. i loved it especially the Original Snub!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Merely touching this sacred writ will imbue you with an aura of magic. Reading the words will give you special powers over people of the same sex. Comprehension will make you a goddess (doesn't matter if you are male). My life changed. My teeth straightened, my hair acquired luster, and I began to glow in the dark. What strange magic will it work upon you?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
restya astari
Deep insights, profound new thoughts, and something that will completely revolutionize your world fnord and your way of thinking...

This is not the book for you.

But if you're only out for quite a few giggles and smirks and maybe a "hmm, that's right" here and fnord there, then take a closer look.

Read the Principia, believe in Eris, and perhaps take the world less seriously, and then stop believing what you read fnord.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the greatest books of all time, it belongs in the library of any left-wing individual. Though it is freely distributable and can be found on the internet ([...] and [...] are the best sites), it's best to have the actual book version, because you get all of the pictures and whatnot.
If you don't much know what this book is about, you can probably find out from other people's reviews. After reading this book, you will never look at life the same ever again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny reading envy
For starters, this irreligious tome is not a joke or parody of any kind. If you thought it was read it again.
This book is the Bible of Discordians. It provides everything you need to know to be a contributing member to the Erisian Movement. Don't be caught up in Aneristic Illusion, for further information consult your pineal gland.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I give this book 5 stars, naturally. Export license not required. Do not bend. A not for prophet disorganization. When in doubt, twirl.

To all Aluminum Bavariati: spread your seeds!

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Looking to expand your mind? Looking to shrink your perceptions? Hate life? Love it? If you do, buy this book. If not, steal it; you'll learn how to do all these things later. This is my favorite book, and I've read everything. It's short. It's simple to read. It often flies off on tangents and makes no sense. Wonderful.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
adam dietlein
Delayed our order to print the book, days after order. When it arrived, it was noteworthy that most the content (image based) available in original versions was removed. Text was constantly formatted incorrectly throughout book making some areas nigh impossible to read. Buy from someone else. Spine and paper itself seem fine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan robert
I have been mildly discordain for months when I finaly ordered Principia Discordia and my world began to come into a strange focus and the fun thing is I am spreading it around. Whenever I leave the book visable people must borrow it from me. Remember king kong died for your sins.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Delayed our order to print the book, days after order. When it arrived, it was noteworthy that most the content (image based) available in original versions was removed. Text was constantly formatted incorrectly throughout book making some areas nigh impossible to read. Buy from someone else. Spine and paper itself seem fine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been mildly discordain for months when I finaly ordered Principia Discordia and my world began to come into a strange focus and the fun thing is I am spreading it around. Whenever I leave the book visable people must borrow it from me. Remember king kong died for your sins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We are all attracted to (or attracted by) the appropriate elements at the appropriate time. If you're considering buying this, then you're in rarified air; you might as well make the leap and...
You can thank me later
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby turner
Essential reading. Learn about Saint Gulik and his true purpose on this world. Find out how to see the Fnords. Revel in the purity of chaos. Become a neophyte Discordian and enjoy a hot dog with bun in only days.
-----><----- Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! -----><-----
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book. everything is true. everything is a lie. consult your penial gland. all and nothing will be revealed. THIS holy book will not leave you ignorant like some others (or does it?). THIS one won't condemn you (or will it?). Read it to find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jace ferguson
They weren't really holy socks. Just really orange. To find Eris, I'd suggest looking under your bed. It's really sweet to find a goddess hiding under your bed. Perhaps playing with some dust bunnies, or maybe an orange sock.

"Lo unto the duste bunnies sayd he: frequente thy naybor the oranje sowckes that they might be appealing to her that lieth beneath the bed on coushions of hot dog buns."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Those who know, know Eris and her followers have been around a very LONG time. One can truly learn EVERYTHING necessary about truth and magick here. Just read -- and take the time to understand this excellent book. Have FUN.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r j kessler
The unification and accord of the Discordian POEE Cabal, the Entire Erisian Church, the Illuminati, the Masons, the SubGenus, the last 5 American Presidents, The CIA, The UCB, and all chaos not mentioned. Hail Eris.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hail Eris, full of grace! If anyone out there ever dreamt a Discordian would re-write the history of the Greyface world, look no further than "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko (ISBN 2913921023), mark the final digits if you need more proof that the text in question was received from the hands of Our Lady of Golden Apples herself!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought this would be entertaining, interesting atleast, but is it? Of course not! This is the stupidest book I have ever read and I hate it. There was nothing helpful, nothing on Chaos Magick, it's a bunch of inane chatter with about twenty words on each page with rediculous pictures. I HATE THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anusha lalitha
Hail Eris, full of grace! If anyone out there ever dreamt a Discordian would re-write the history of the Greyface world, look no further than "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko (ISBN 2913921023), mark the final digits if you need more proof that the text in question was received from the hands of Our Lady of Golden Apples herself!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If sarcastic blasphemy makes you giggle you'll like this book. The author's goal seems to be to mock God and all religions. He begins by firing God for "gross incompotence" and then sets forth his own faith, based on nihilism w/ a sarcastic sense of humor. The one star is for originality, otherwise no stars. Some of the more impressionable types won't get the joke and undoubtedly become devotees. Sadness. Better to read Galations 6:6-7 and Psalm 53:1-2, instead.
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