Nora Webster: A Novel

ByColm Toibin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asma alsharif arafat
toibin has done it again. a tale essentially irish- read that as quirky somewhat exasperating and gentle. sometimes a bit distanced from her children nora is trying to work it out and reinvent herself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rokaya mohamad
The beautifully written book about the trials of parenting, work, loss and financial independence is very moving. Nora is a woman rediscovering herself within a time when women - particularly women within a Catholic culture - were seeking more financial independence. Nora's relationships with her children, her siblings, workplace and friends are acutely and sympathetically examined. I really enjoyed reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is stark, blunt, and intriguing writing. His language is simple but formal; achieved by eschewing contractions and any descriptions of character or place. It's as if Toibin is allowing the reader to supply the detail: a lonely unmarried aunt looks like your lonely unmarried aunt; a television lounge in a hotel looks like the one you remember from your childhood. The grieving widow, Nora, reinvents herself, more through the manipulation of her mind and how she thinks of herself than through any external action: she re-decorates, gets a pastime job, and takes up singing; that's the external plot. All the drama is internal. She is selfish, snobby, and aloof but you love her for her courage and her eventual belief in herself; you admire her for realizing that the death of her beloved husband, Maurice, has changed her for the better. She blossoms without dishonouring the love of her life or his memory. This is grief, good grief, and although this is fiction, Toibin has taught us something true. This is a great book; a book that may finally give him the Man-Booker; a prize he so richly deserves and has been so close to, three times.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aarti yadav
The story unfolds slowly, quietly.The second half reveals a true awakening both intectually and emotionally for the main character, but it is so subtle you hardly realize it's happening.I liked the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The backdrop is a turbulent Ireland of th 60s-70s for prematurely widowed Nora as she struggles for balance, supports her children's coming of age and recognition of personal strengths that will afford purpose and meaning to survive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
this is a novel about an Irish widow who rediscovers herself, including her love of music and talent for singing, after her husband has died. I enjoyed taking her journey with her but was somewhat perplexed by unanswered questions as the book ended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A wonderful read. Reminded me of Jon Hassler's novels set in rural Minnesota towns. Toibin brings one close to the lives of an Irish family, especially the widow, Nora Webster. She faced numerous adversities by showing the reader her mettle. I like the way Toibin develops his characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cansu g rler
I became immersed in the Ireland of the Sixties and the lives of Nora's family. The story is of ordinary lives upon which tragedy has been visited and in particular Nora's path to healing. I didn't want to put it down and I appreciated the entire well crafted beautifully written tale.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I kept waiting for something to happen. It was one of those books I read because it got good reviews. However, was disappointed that it was so ordinary. My life is more interesting than these people's....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shannon britton jones
I liked the book very much. Beautiful. Well written, well told. Unusual to write a book about a widow. Very movng and wise. I also liked Brooklyn, which I read a couple of yeras ago. Go ahead and read them both
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent book. The development of the main character was stunning in its detail. It could have been the story of millions of young women who came to America over the years looking for a better life. Even though she was reluctant to leave her family and her village in Ireland, she adapted to the life well over time. Her struggle to find the right answer to matters of the heart was also so true to life for many people. She felt that she had been pressured too much by Tony to make a commitment to him, so she was vulnerable to Jim when she returned to Ireland for a visit. Since Tony was the only one she had ever dated seriously, the time away from him proved to be beneficial in the long run. She wasn't really madly in love with either of them, but she realized that she should honor her commitment to Tony and in the end, felt that life in America would make her happier than staying in Ireland. The other characters in the book complemented the story and filled it out to a very good and readable book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharon davis
Very nice read but incredibly depressing. Do people actually treat each other this way *all the time*?

I must say there were times I wanted to stop reading it because I found it bled into my real life. So, I guess that's a sign of a great novel, it follows you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
celia christensen
I read this book because a friend recommended it as "the best book" she ever read. While I truly enjoyed this book and Toibin does a marvelous job of character development, I wouldn't say it's the best I've ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cold Toibin is the successor to to Anthony Trollope and William Trevor. I can think of no higher praise. "Nora Webster" is a brilliant novel that ever so quietly provides us with access to the heart and soul of humanity.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Perceptive,sensitive,in Tobin`s customary brilliant economical prose style. For once I found it almost too spare ,it had the sound of a childrens` book and I found that distracting and irritating . Still--one of the great writers of our times. And here`s the thing--I am remembering Nora,she will be with me for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Norah Webster will always be my friend! I can think of no higher praise to give a novel than to say that for me the main character was alive. And, having finished the book I miss sharing her experiences. In truth, it took me a little while to "get into"the book, but once I was into it, I couldn't put it down.

Norah and her environment were totally a new experience for me. I have never been to Ireland. But Colm Toibin has a facility for making new people and places vivid, in a low key but masterful style. I heartily recommend this book to anyone who appreciates
good literature and a wonderful 'read'.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
davina economou
My real problem with ‘Nora Webster’, I think, was that I wasn’t sure of the point of it. I liked it more to begin with than I did by the end. In all honesty I can’t quite remember how it ended, and I finished it a week ago. That’s a bad sign for any book. It sort of faded away, with Nora’s character becoming less plausible by the minute. I got her internal world, I believed in it completely, but I couldn’t understand her interactions with reality. They didn’t mesh for me. It was like there were two Noras. And as I say, I wasn’t sure what Toibin wanted me to get from it. It’s a book that has stirred up mixed opinions, and I’m sad that it was my first Toibin. It won’t be my last as his talent was obvious, but this wasn’t the book for me.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david li
I was.completely immersed in Nora,s inner life and how she was changing.after her husbands death. The writing is amazing so subtle and yet it was hard to pit down. I really want to read more of his books. It's also so interesting to see a mans understanding and insight into a woman be so on target.
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