Just the Sexiest Man Alive (Berkley Sensation)

ByJulie James

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this book. From the very first paragraph. However the reason it didn't get 5 stars is I wish it didn't end where it did. I would have much preferred it to continue a little more or maybe for a sequel to be written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Has anyone noticed that the stand-alone contemporary romance genre is disappearing, being replaced with trilogies or the Paranormal genre? Gone are the books allowing for a weekend escape. Maybe I am just one who needs instant gratification, but for me, I want a book not a series, to take me away...without vampires...or werewolves.

I loved this story. Laughed my butt off at some of the situations with Jason expecting Taylor to swoon as he flashes his pearly whites, only to become confused when it doesn't work on her. Jason was so full of himself it was comical.

Thank you Julie James for providing a truly good weekend escape. Can't wait to read more from you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a nice surprise! She definitely is up there with Evanovich and Crusie. A solid, relatively new, author with sophistication and humor. The covers the publishers put on her books are embarrassing to carry around and I would have passed her over completely had it not been for her the store ratings. Her first book has a solid story, clever dialogue, and engaging characters that are not trite or boring. Amazingly, the story and the dialogue kept your attention without graphic sex scenes. The second book, was not as good. It did not have the spark and snappy dialogue of the first, but she definitely has what it takes to write engaging, well written "chick lit." Somebody please get her a good graphic designer!!
Perfect Boss :: and Snake Hill - (Middle School 4) - How I Survived Bullies :: A Conspiracy of Kings (Queen's Thief) :: The King of Attolia (Queen's Thief) :: A Lot Like Love (FBI/US Attorney Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sorry but are you seriously asking the above questions?? Prior to ordering all anyone has to do is look at the description of book. For that matter, read the first couple pages. No Offense at all to anyone, but if you find a book that says Erotica, then you know what you are going to get. Same as, Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, Paranormal etc etc. Don't think we need to hold someone's hand while they pick out a book. Neither should anyone have to apologize if an individual feels the book they purchased was too graphic or violent etc etc. Look under the column where you have located the book. Look at any reviews that are there. Check out the Author and types of books the Author writes. Please people, stop with all the Politically Correct stuff. I liked the book and so did the ladies I passed it on to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie hodgson
I loved the female lawyer Taylor and her charmingly sarcastic wit. She always had Jason second guessing her. Jason was so used to having women throw themselves at him, and Taylor was a big challenge for him. The chemistry was great between them. There were so many funny lines in the book. I had to stop reading just so I could control my laughing. I would definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jake goretzki
This was a wonderful story. I couldn't concentrate on anything until this story was finished. I didn't want the story to be over. The characters came to life for me and I just wanted Taylor and Jason to work out their problems and acknowledge they were in love. The background characters (her friends and his friend) were really great. I just loved this story. Very captivating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige hoffstein
Absolutely love it!
An amazing afternoon read that's not to deep or to emotional. If your looking for something light hearted and sweet then this is it!
I fell in love with the characters and their personalities. Defiantly a book not to miss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A workaholic lawyer is forced to make some time on top of her already overbearing work load to coach a famous actor. While she has to admit that she is a bit star struck she quickly overcomes any anxiety and gets quite annoyed by him, instead. One can guess the rest, it’s not exactly the most creative story-line, but then I didn’t expect that when I started to read.

This book hit me in the right time in the right mood; it could have just as easily been a “DidNotFinish” read any other day, because
- The beginning was tedious
- The protagonists did not act as you would expect from their characterization as workaholic lawyer / super famous actor
- The time line was off several times (things happening Monday/Tuesday/…. and then not or a week later or in three days or what)
- The characters refused to stay where the writer put them (one time she was sitting beside him, then grabbed him over the table)
- She refuses to go out on a date with one actor because she does not want to be one of his many dates, but she happily accepts a date with another actor, who I dare to assume is not any different
- She is working at a high profile case that does not seem to have any base
- She wants to avoid being photographed by paparazzi but then goes to a big film industry party
- And last but not least the existence of cell phones must have ceased in the last dramatic face-off

Horrible - but yet so sweet, I devoured every page. Besides a lot of eye rolling the writing was, in general, captivating. The protagonists were likeable and some dialogs funny, angst was kept to a minimum.

Narration: third person from both’ point of view
Sexual content: moderate (kissing, door closed when the clothes came off)
Swear language: moderate (use of the f-word seems be fashionable enough these days)
Setting: present time Los Angeles
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed by T’s Blogging

I stumbled upon Author Julie James' novel by accident. Or shall I say it was by fate? Almost immediately, I fell in love with the main character, Taylor Donovan. And could not put this book down. I found myself blushing, giggling, and yelling as Taylor, briefly relocates to L.A. to work on huge case, and finds herself in a mess of all sorts. So, what happened?

Without giving too much of the story away here's a quick recap. Taylor is forced to work with a cocky, gorgeous actor, by default I must add, by the name is Jason Andrews. With women practically losing their minds whenever Jason is seen, he'd developed the idea that he's this irresistible god sent man. And that all women desire to be with him, which includes the head strong Taylor Donovan. As the story unravels readers learn that an issue from Taylor's past, along with Jason's enormous ego and whorish tendencies, keeps her from entertaining the idea of dating a man like him. However, as many of us know, sometimes we ignore all the ringing alarms and find ourselves dating a guy that totally goes against our better judgement. And guess what readers? Taylor is no different.

Honestly, this was a really great read. For you book lovers that enjoy romance novels without the explicit scenes, this book is for you. This conservatively written novel is charming.

I give "Just the Sexiest Man Alive" 4 1/2 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julia b
I think, realistically, that this book SHOULD probably be rated at 4 stars, but SCREW ALL THE RATINGS. This was my first Julie James book and it WILL NOT be my last. And what a hell of a debut novel!

This book was SO MUCH FREAKING FUN. I was laughing and smiling through the whole book, all while rolling my eyes at the hilarity that was the banter of Taylor and Jason. I loved how awesome Taylor was. I expected her to be uptight and obsessed with her job, and while she WAS great at her job, she seemed so real. I loved that she could laugh along with her secretaries when they picked on her, and that she didn't spend every waking hour thinking about work.

And Jason. He was hilarious and so full of himself, but charming, and it was fun to watch him slowly realize that the world actually DOESN'T revolve around him. I'm usually pretty put-off by alpha males who are so self-centered, but he was so adorable.

It was fun watching Taylor practice law, and I enjoyed the scenes where she and Jason worked together on the scripts.

JJ's screen writing abilities transfer so well into this book. I felt like I was watching a movie, which was perfect given the setting, hehe. The story really came alive for me, and I could feel the energy of Hollywood.

Now, I'm off to buy every Julie James book I can find. :)

Also: off screen sex, moderate+ language
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tabby crouch
Hey, George Clooney got married! An Oscar-winning actor, Sexiest Man Alive, serial dater got married to a lawyer! Coincidentally I just listened to this audiobook about a fictional Oscar-winning, Sexiest Man serial dater who falls in love with a lawyer. Does this fictional man get married? If you don’t know the answer to that, then you fail at Romance Reading 101. This book was published in 2008, I wonder if George read it and had been searching for a lawyer to love ever since?

Jason Andrews is the celebrity of the title. He’s pretty much every woman’s fantasy, if that woman fantasizes about hot looks, wicked charm, celebrity status, buckets of money, and a man who won’t date you for more than a week.

Taylor Donovan is a lawyer from Chicago, temporarily transferred to her firm’s Los Angeles office to defend a company from a sexual harassment lawsuit. The million-dollar case is about to go to trial when her boss pulls her into his office for an extra assignment. It seems some actor wants to shadow a lawyer in preparation for his next part, and since Taylor is awesome (and a newbie) and competent (and a woman) and professional (and a workaholic), she gets to handle this matter as well.

Taylor “researches” Jason with a little help from the secretary pool at work, learning about his accomplishments and his reputation. When Jason blows off their first two appointments for a published-in-the-tabloids weekend in Vegas, Taylor is prepared to hate him. When he finally makes an appearance at court, where she’s arguing a motion, Taylor gives him a taste of cross-examination and then walks out on him. No woman has ever done that to him before, so of course Jason calls her boss and insists that she work with him.

Taylor was a fleshed-out character. She grew up with brothers in Chicago and learned how to act tough and fight back. She didn’t learn how to be a pretty girl until sometime in college when she met some best friends. Now she’s on her career path to partnership and she does not need or want an entitled actor messing with her work. She resents his attitude, and his infringement on her time, although she admits that he is nice to look at.

Jason didn’t make as much sense to me. He, of course, used to be a nobody, and he has a best friend from the Before Times who keeps him grounded, sort of. Otherwise, Jason has embraced the lifestyle. He has his people do all the busywork for him; he drives a flashy car; and he owns a plane so he can whisk people away to Vegas for a night. Every woman he meets offers to sleep with him, blow him in the car on the way to her place, or bring a friend for a threesome. And I don’t think he minded it very much until he spent time with a woman who rejected him.

I think my biggest problem with this book was Jason’s lack of a character arc. For most of the book, it seemed that his main goal was to sleep with Taylor. He wasn’t thinking long-term, or even day-after, he was just waiting to get into her business suit. I get that he liked her and liked spending time with her, but too many times he defaulted to that horny teenage boy mental state. Plus, he never apologizes for blowing off their first meetings, or lying to her a few times. It’s like Taylor just has to accept that as part of his personality, but I thought it showed immaturity on his part.

I was surprised that Taylor and Jason did not get it on until the end. There were lots of scenes of friends, and Hollywood parties, and glamorous people doing glamorous things, but there weren’t too many intimate moments for our main couple. Taylor kept things on a friends level for a long time, making Jason pretty desperate. And then she kept shooting him down. Those were times when I wondered if Jason was just in it for the chase.

This was pretty fun, though, especially for a glimpse into the Hollywood world of 2008. Some of the celebrity and media references were a bit old (like, who cares about Paris Hilton these days? And Whoopi Goldberg’s not on The View anymore), but they weren’t too intrusive. It worked on many levels, including a butt-kicking strong heroine, but the romance wasn’t as swoon-worthy as I would have liked.

Rating: B-
This review was originally posted on Red Hot Books at: http://redhotbooks.com/2014/10/review-just-the-sexiest-man-alive-by-julie-james.html
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli burgett
I read the first editorial review and "almost" clicked off to look at another book and I am glad I did not. If you are into vampires, murder or lots of sex..this is NOT the book for you. If you like contemporary romance books with a great story and lots of humor..THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU! Publishers Weekly missed this book by a mile on their review. I loved this book so much that from now on if Publishers Weekly gives a book a bad review...I'm probably going to buy the book.
This story is about Taylor Donovan, a lawyer that has moved to L.A. to cover a sexual harassment trial. Busy with the trial her boss asks her to also help Jason Andrews prepare for his upcoming film where he plays a lawyer. Jason blows off their first appointments and that gets him off on the wrong foot with her. Good looking and People's Sexiest Man, Jason is used to women falling over themselves for him not getting in the last word and walking away. It is a fun filled book from beginning to end.
Jason't long time friend, Jeremy is a hoot in the book (a book with him would be good). In my opinion this book compairs to Susan Elizabeth Phillips books. I love her humor.
I read where Julie's next book is also about lawyers. I was disappointed when I read the preview at the back of the book...I was thinking the new book would be lawyers from Taylor's law firm. Didn't want the story to end...(-:
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julia bowden hall
This one really threw me!

I liked the concept and thought it was a very nice read.

I loved how it wasn't overly extravagant being based on the Hollywood scene.

The lawyer scenes were a welcomed change and while I didn't feel a strong connection between Taylor and Jason, I still saw where it was possible for them to have one if more time was allowed to pass. (I personally think the time span was rather short for any real relationships and feelings to be built)

I was also surprised that throughout the novel, the female protagonist never once contacted her family that she mentioned she was close with, especially her parents who sacrificed so much to make her where she was.
So it was strange when she made her decision without thinking about the impact it would have on them and her two best friends.

The drama level in this book was minimal to non existent, but the witty banters and self control was welcomed on my part.
Most of the characters kept themselves on a tight leash that could have gotten boring, but instead add a different element.

I love that I could go through a book about two adults without overly steamy sex scenes, and still be interested and captured.

This book isn't overly dramatic nor romance filled, but it's a good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Taylor Donovan a lawyer has worked hard to get on at her law firm. Currently she has been temporarily transferred from Chicago to LA, to work on a sexual harassment case. When her boss calls her in to say that a famous Hollywood star will be shadowing her for his latest role as a lawyer.

Jason Andrews the box office number one star,is the actor who is going to be tutored by Taylor. Unfortunately he doesn't turn up for their scheduled appointment, and not just the first one, he misses a number of them without even calling. Taylor is furious she's trying to juggle accommodating him, as well as working on her big case. When he eventually turns up while she is in court, he is surprised at her animosity towards him. Women usually fall over themselves to do anything, for the sexiest man alive.

Loved this story, it's funny romantic with characters that the reader can really root for. I loved Taylor she was focused, sassy and beautiful. Having trusted one man her now ex-fiancé, who had a reputation with the ladies, but thinking she was the one for him. Only to discover that his attention had drifted elsewhere. She did not trust men very well, and Jason certainly had a less than stellar reputation where women were concerned. Jason was a pampered highly paid star, who had become too used to having his own way. Taylor's disdainful attitude intrigued him! Their scenes together were delicious. I liked that they did not jump straight into bed together, but the relationship followed a more realistic growth. The supporting characters were just as well developed as much as the two leads. Add in the snappy and witty dialogue this is a sure fire winner, highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jason Andrews the biggest name in Hollywood and three times in a row "Sexiest Man Alive" is filming a legal thriller and to make the film more accurate he needs to get an insight on a real life court room and so he contacts his Legal agency. The Head of the firm picks Taylor Donovan one of the best Lawyers to do the job. Taylor has just moved temporarily to LA from Chicago in order to work on a case about 'Sexual Harassment' not only working on a full time case a reason for her to dismiss the offer of helping Andrews, she's also going through the aftermath of the break-up with her ex-finacee and is determined on putting her job first and that does not include enlightening Spoiled, Condescending and I'm-So-Hot movie stars.Taylor who is probably the only one who isn't starry-eyed about the glamours actor wants to get out of this mess. Everytime she tries to explain to her boss that she doesn't want to do the job and that he can pick someone else, her Boss insists on making her do it. So finally she has no choice either work with the popular Movie star or... work with the popular movie star ? However behind all that glamour and fame there is someone else, someone 'real'.

Wow (!) I absolutely LOVED this book. I'm not really into movie stars and all that but this book was really good ! and knowing that its a debut novel makes it even the more better. There's much more to it than just 'light' reading. I really liked the part where Jason tells his friend that he can't stop thinking about Taylor and that he feels she's different 'Yeah I know corny but..' I also liked the part in the court when Taylor was defending her sexual harassment case where I quote "sexually harassing behavior that was about as sexual as a Hilary Duff movie" that made me Laugh-Out-Loud (!) and of curse there is the bad guy who is another actor trying to destroy Jason that puts a little spice up into the story. This book was both funny and sweet. Its really cute to see an arrogant, womanizer who can have any woman in the world falling for a simple Lawyer and falling hard core too.

You'll have to read the book to form an opinion. I personally enjoyed it and would very likely read another books by Julie James.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kenneth mays
Just the Sexiest Man Alive is all about the Hollywood scene where everyone is so money baby! Taylor Donovan is on loan from her Chicago law office to litigate a highly publicized class-action sexual harassment case dealing with a very upscale department store chain. Taylor is every inch a lawyer, and lives and breathes her job. She loves everything about being a lawyer, and by winning this case, there is a good chance she will make partner back home. Everything is going great for Taylor, that is, until one of the partners of the LA firm needs a big favor from her. One of their clients does taxes for a big name actor who is going to start filming a legal thriller. The actor wants to work with a real life lawyer so he will look convincing in the movie. Taylor is the lucky woman chosen for the job.

Taylor is beyond pissed that she will have to babysit a spoiled Hollywood party playboy when she has worked so hard, and toiled many years to get where she is. This is not just any spoiled playboy actor, but the biggest actor in Hollywood who every women dreams would show up naked in their bedroom. He is Jason Andrews who is People's Sexiest Man Alive, and goes through more women than Kleenex. Taylor assumes Jason is just like her ex-fiancé, who was also gorgeous, and had a thing for young twenty-some things and their skill at bending over an office desk. Taylor is pretty much biased about Jason from the start.

Things are not off to a good start between Taylor and Jason because he blows off all her meetings. So, Taylor decides to not give any more time to Mr. Andrews, because the last straw was when he flew off to Vegas for a little gambling and blew off another one of their meetings. When Jason decides to see Taylor, he goes to the courthouse and watches her in action. He thinks all he has to do is give her a little smile and his trademark charm and Taylor will fall for him and all will be forgive. He is after all, Jason Andrews, mega Hollywood actor where women fall at his feet to do whatever he wants. Jason has finally met the one woman who won't put up with his crap and walks away from him with her nose in the air. Since Jason is so used to getting what he wants, he uses his publicist to call Taylor's boos and because of that Taylor has no choice but to give in and do work with Jason.

Taylor does admit that Jason is quite the hunky male and a smooth charmer, but she is not in the mood to play games with a man who has a person to do everything for him. She tries to treat him as impersonally as she can by calling him Mr. Andrews and will only talk work. But Jason is able to break down those walls and soon these two are not just professional associates, but they form a nice friendship. Taylor treats him like a regular guy, but still won't take any crap from him. She is also not too knowledge or big on the whole Hollywood scene, and Jason feels he can be relaxed and himself around Taylor. He likes to hang out with her at her apartment, or she will go to Jason's dive bar he, and his screenwriting former roommate from college, Jeremy, go to.

Even though these two don't go pass that line into lovers... yet, Jason is finding that he wants Taylor to remain in his life on a more long term basis. Taylor enjoys Jason's company but she is not comfortable with his jet setting lifestyle, the constant looking over their shoulders because of the paparazzi or those jealous actors who want to make Jason's life horrible and will use Taylor to do it. A future between these two is nearly impossible, but when it comes to love, sacrifices are meant to be made. It just depends who is willing to sacrifice the most.

Just the Sexiest Man Alive is about the sexiest man alive and the run around he is given by the one woman who wouldn't give him the time of day if she chose to. Can I tell you all, how much I love these types of stories? It is such a pleasant read when the heroine doesn't slobber over the hero from the minute she hears his name or meets him. Taylor has a knee jerk reaction to Jason's looks, of course, but that quickly fades because she knows what type of man he is. And when you first meet Jason, you will feel the same way about him like Taylor does. Jason is such a class act jerk because he has everything handed to him. For him to make his own phone call is a big thing. But because Taylor takes him down from his pedestal, he begins to see that the world doesn't revolve around him. And because of that, we, along with Taylor, get to see that underneath it all, Jason is a good guy. He cares for his friends, such as his best friend Jeremy, and he comes to care for Taylor, and not just because he wants to get down her pants. Half-way through the story, Jason does something so wonderful for Taylor because she was in a car accident and he feels the need to be there for her. He gets up and leaves whatever he is doing. That is the moment Jason had me.

These two go through a courtship of sorts, and sorry, but if you are looking for some hot and heavy sex scenes, there is none of that in here. Even with the lack of sex, I enjoyed Just the Sexiest Man Alive more than most sex filled romance I have read this year. What made this story so enjoyable was the bantering back and forth between Taylor and Jason. These two became friends first, and then those real feelings of love evolved between them.

Julie James has written a near perfect read if not for two small things that irked me a bit, and they are more of a personal nature. The first was the fact that Taylor was a beautiful size 2. No wonder Jason wanted her at first before he got to know the woman Taylor was. I would have liked to see a "real" woman and not the type that would fit in so perfectly with the Hollywood types because of her body image. Why not make Taylor a size 8 or a 10 at least? Also the pessimist in me just can't see Hollywood's sexiest actor settle down and not have the urge to cheat. Jason has quite a past that is not brushed over and until he met Taylor, he was quite the male dog. Would he really stay faithful to Taylor? And would Taylor be able to handle the pressures of Jason's job? The ending was just a bit too pat, IMO.

Of course these small issues don't really matter and because this is a love story after all, and Julie James sure did deliver. Taylor and Jason get their happily ever after, and in a story like this, that is all that matters.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I usually don't like books about celebrities, they usually seem so shallow. But this was different.
I was sucked in from page 1, it was a total page turner.

Taylor is this incredibly strong woman. She is a lawyer, a feminist and takes crap from no one! She's lost hope in true love since she caught her fiance cheating on her. Until one day when she's assigned a job, by her firm, to teach a Hollywood actor all that goes down in a court room. Jason Andrews is the king of Hollywood. He's the most paid actor, the most desirable and was recently named the Sexiest man alive but People's magazine. He's sarcastic, think too highly of himself and a total womanizer. Taylor, being the feminist that she is, can't stand Jason. Until she discovers that beneath the whole Hollywood facade is a loving, caring and extremely fun man.

"Just the sexiest man alive" is light entertainer, recommended for anyone who loves chick lit! If you like Sophie Kinsella you will like this book. Julie James has a very nice style of writing. It's simple yet draws you in. I could not put this book down at all. I mean who does not like gilts and glamor of the Hollywood life?

I will be checking more books by James out, this author has won me over.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is a fun contemporary romantic comedy that I loved!
It is about Taylor Donovan who is a workaholic, rising star, lawyer. She is forced by her boss to work with Jason Andrews, an Actor who was voted the Sexiest Man Alive 3 times, to help him with his next role as a lawyer. Taylor is busy with a big court case and doesn't want to waste her time on an entitled womanizer and decides she hates him from the start. Jason is surprised that she doesn't fall all over him and finds Taylor a fun and exciting challenge. The courtroom scene during their first meeting is classic and is just the beginning of their amusing interactions. I loved the witty, sarcastic, and intelligent banter between the characters. This is one of the things that really makes it a good book to me. I also liked that Ms James was able to unfold both characters from the first impressions of serious, bitchy lawyer and self involved actor to eventually seeing fun, interesting, vulnerable and really overall good people. There are also some wonderful supporting characters that help drive the story.
This is a light Romantic comedy that moves at a good pace with little drama but still a fun, and very entertaining book. I realized many times while reading that I was actually smiling and sometimes even laughing out loud. I really liked this book and would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric tonjes
I read the first editorial review and "almost" clicked off to look at another book and I am glad I did not. If you are into vampires, murder or lots of sex..this is NOT the book for you. If you like contemporary romance books with a great story and lots of humor..THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU! Publishers Weekly missed this book by a mile on their review. I loved this book so much that from now on if Publishers Weekly gives a book a bad review...I'm probably going to buy the book.
This story is about Taylor Donovan, a lawyer that has moved to L.A. to cover a sexual harassment trial. Busy with the trial her boss asks her to also help Jason Andrews prepare for his upcoming film where he plays a lawyer. Jason blows off their first appointments and that gets him off on the wrong foot with her. Good looking and People's Sexiest Man, Jason is used to women falling over themselves for him not getting in the last word and walking away. It is a fun filled book from beginning to end.
Jason't long time friend, Jeremy is a hoot in the book (a book with him would be good). In my opinion this book compairs to Susan Elizabeth Phillips books. I love her humor.
I read where Julie's next book is also about lawyers. I was disappointed when I read the preview at the back of the book...I was thinking the new book would be lawyers from Taylor's law firm. Didn't want the story to end...(-:
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rose ann
This one really threw me!

I liked the concept and thought it was a very nice read.

I loved how it wasn't overly extravagant being based on the Hollywood scene.

The lawyer scenes were a welcomed change and while I didn't feel a strong connection between Taylor and Jason, I still saw where it was possible for them to have one if more time was allowed to pass. (I personally think the time span was rather short for any real relationships and feelings to be built)

I was also surprised that throughout the novel, the female protagonist never once contacted her family that she mentioned she was close with, especially her parents who sacrificed so much to make her where she was.
So it was strange when she made her decision without thinking about the impact it would have on them and her two best friends.

The drama level in this book was minimal to non existent, but the witty banters and self control was welcomed on my part.
Most of the characters kept themselves on a tight leash that could have gotten boring, but instead add a different element.

I love that I could go through a book about two adults without overly steamy sex scenes, and still be interested and captured.

This book isn't overly dramatic nor romance filled, but it's a good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie chickering
Taylor Donovan a lawyer has worked hard to get on at her law firm. Currently she has been temporarily transferred from Chicago to LA, to work on a sexual harassment case. When her boss calls her in to say that a famous Hollywood star will be shadowing her for his latest role as a lawyer.

Jason Andrews the box office number one star,is the actor who is going to be tutored by Taylor. Unfortunately he doesn't turn up for their scheduled appointment, and not just the first one, he misses a number of them without even calling. Taylor is furious she's trying to juggle accommodating him, as well as working on her big case. When he eventually turns up while she is in court, he is surprised at her animosity towards him. Women usually fall over themselves to do anything, for the sexiest man alive.

Loved this story, it's funny romantic with characters that the reader can really root for. I loved Taylor she was focused, sassy and beautiful. Having trusted one man her now ex-fiancé, who had a reputation with the ladies, but thinking she was the one for him. Only to discover that his attention had drifted elsewhere. She did not trust men very well, and Jason certainly had a less than stellar reputation where women were concerned. Jason was a pampered highly paid star, who had become too used to having his own way. Taylor's disdainful attitude intrigued him! Their scenes together were delicious. I liked that they did not jump straight into bed together, but the relationship followed a more realistic growth. The supporting characters were just as well developed as much as the two leads. Add in the snappy and witty dialogue this is a sure fire winner, highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jason Andrews the biggest name in Hollywood and three times in a row "Sexiest Man Alive" is filming a legal thriller and to make the film more accurate he needs to get an insight on a real life court room and so he contacts his Legal agency. The Head of the firm picks Taylor Donovan one of the best Lawyers to do the job. Taylor has just moved temporarily to LA from Chicago in order to work on a case about 'Sexual Harassment' not only working on a full time case a reason for her to dismiss the offer of helping Andrews, she's also going through the aftermath of the break-up with her ex-finacee and is determined on putting her job first and that does not include enlightening Spoiled, Condescending and I'm-So-Hot movie stars.Taylor who is probably the only one who isn't starry-eyed about the glamours actor wants to get out of this mess. Everytime she tries to explain to her boss that she doesn't want to do the job and that he can pick someone else, her Boss insists on making her do it. So finally she has no choice either work with the popular Movie star or... work with the popular movie star ? However behind all that glamour and fame there is someone else, someone 'real'.

Wow (!) I absolutely LOVED this book. I'm not really into movie stars and all that but this book was really good ! and knowing that its a debut novel makes it even the more better. There's much more to it than just 'light' reading. I really liked the part where Jason tells his friend that he can't stop thinking about Taylor and that he feels she's different 'Yeah I know corny but..' I also liked the part in the court when Taylor was defending her sexual harassment case where I quote "sexually harassing behavior that was about as sexual as a Hilary Duff movie" that made me Laugh-Out-Loud (!) and of curse there is the bad guy who is another actor trying to destroy Jason that puts a little spice up into the story. This book was both funny and sweet. Its really cute to see an arrogant, womanizer who can have any woman in the world falling for a simple Lawyer and falling hard core too.

You'll have to read the book to form an opinion. I personally enjoyed it and would very likely read another books by Julie James.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivy k
Just the Sexiest Man Alive is all about the Hollywood scene where everyone is so money baby! Taylor Donovan is on loan from her Chicago law office to litigate a highly publicized class-action sexual harassment case dealing with a very upscale department store chain. Taylor is every inch a lawyer, and lives and breathes her job. She loves everything about being a lawyer, and by winning this case, there is a good chance she will make partner back home. Everything is going great for Taylor, that is, until one of the partners of the LA firm needs a big favor from her. One of their clients does taxes for a big name actor who is going to start filming a legal thriller. The actor wants to work with a real life lawyer so he will look convincing in the movie. Taylor is the lucky woman chosen for the job.

Taylor is beyond pissed that she will have to babysit a spoiled Hollywood party playboy when she has worked so hard, and toiled many years to get where she is. This is not just any spoiled playboy actor, but the biggest actor in Hollywood who every women dreams would show up naked in their bedroom. He is Jason Andrews who is People's Sexiest Man Alive, and goes through more women than Kleenex. Taylor assumes Jason is just like her ex-fiancé, who was also gorgeous, and had a thing for young twenty-some things and their skill at bending over an office desk. Taylor is pretty much biased about Jason from the start.

Things are not off to a good start between Taylor and Jason because he blows off all her meetings. So, Taylor decides to not give any more time to Mr. Andrews, because the last straw was when he flew off to Vegas for a little gambling and blew off another one of their meetings. When Jason decides to see Taylor, he goes to the courthouse and watches her in action. He thinks all he has to do is give her a little smile and his trademark charm and Taylor will fall for him and all will be forgive. He is after all, Jason Andrews, mega Hollywood actor where women fall at his feet to do whatever he wants. Jason has finally met the one woman who won't put up with his crap and walks away from him with her nose in the air. Since Jason is so used to getting what he wants, he uses his publicist to call Taylor's boos and because of that Taylor has no choice but to give in and do work with Jason.

Taylor does admit that Jason is quite the hunky male and a smooth charmer, but she is not in the mood to play games with a man who has a person to do everything for him. She tries to treat him as impersonally as she can by calling him Mr. Andrews and will only talk work. But Jason is able to break down those walls and soon these two are not just professional associates, but they form a nice friendship. Taylor treats him like a regular guy, but still won't take any crap from him. She is also not too knowledge or big on the whole Hollywood scene, and Jason feels he can be relaxed and himself around Taylor. He likes to hang out with her at her apartment, or she will go to Jason's dive bar he, and his screenwriting former roommate from college, Jeremy, go to.

Even though these two don't go pass that line into lovers... yet, Jason is finding that he wants Taylor to remain in his life on a more long term basis. Taylor enjoys Jason's company but she is not comfortable with his jet setting lifestyle, the constant looking over their shoulders because of the paparazzi or those jealous actors who want to make Jason's life horrible and will use Taylor to do it. A future between these two is nearly impossible, but when it comes to love, sacrifices are meant to be made. It just depends who is willing to sacrifice the most.

Just the Sexiest Man Alive is about the sexiest man alive and the run around he is given by the one woman who wouldn't give him the time of day if she chose to. Can I tell you all, how much I love these types of stories? It is such a pleasant read when the heroine doesn't slobber over the hero from the minute she hears his name or meets him. Taylor has a knee jerk reaction to Jason's looks, of course, but that quickly fades because she knows what type of man he is. And when you first meet Jason, you will feel the same way about him like Taylor does. Jason is such a class act jerk because he has everything handed to him. For him to make his own phone call is a big thing. But because Taylor takes him down from his pedestal, he begins to see that the world doesn't revolve around him. And because of that, we, along with Taylor, get to see that underneath it all, Jason is a good guy. He cares for his friends, such as his best friend Jeremy, and he comes to care for Taylor, and not just because he wants to get down her pants. Half-way through the story, Jason does something so wonderful for Taylor because she was in a car accident and he feels the need to be there for her. He gets up and leaves whatever he is doing. That is the moment Jason had me.

These two go through a courtship of sorts, and sorry, but if you are looking for some hot and heavy sex scenes, there is none of that in here. Even with the lack of sex, I enjoyed Just the Sexiest Man Alive more than most sex filled romance I have read this year. What made this story so enjoyable was the bantering back and forth between Taylor and Jason. These two became friends first, and then those real feelings of love evolved between them.

Julie James has written a near perfect read if not for two small things that irked me a bit, and they are more of a personal nature. The first was the fact that Taylor was a beautiful size 2. No wonder Jason wanted her at first before he got to know the woman Taylor was. I would have liked to see a "real" woman and not the type that would fit in so perfectly with the Hollywood types because of her body image. Why not make Taylor a size 8 or a 10 at least? Also the pessimist in me just can't see Hollywood's sexiest actor settle down and not have the urge to cheat. Jason has quite a past that is not brushed over and until he met Taylor, he was quite the male dog. Would he really stay faithful to Taylor? And would Taylor be able to handle the pressures of Jason's job? The ending was just a bit too pat, IMO.

Of course these small issues don't really matter and because this is a love story after all, and Julie James sure did deliver. Taylor and Jason get their happily ever after, and in a story like this, that is all that matters.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane sumrall
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I usually don't like books about celebrities, they usually seem so shallow. But this was different.
I was sucked in from page 1, it was a total page turner.

Taylor is this incredibly strong woman. She is a lawyer, a feminist and takes crap from no one! She's lost hope in true love since she caught her fiance cheating on her. Until one day when she's assigned a job, by her firm, to teach a Hollywood actor all that goes down in a court room. Jason Andrews is the king of Hollywood. He's the most paid actor, the most desirable and was recently named the Sexiest man alive but People's magazine. He's sarcastic, think too highly of himself and a total womanizer. Taylor, being the feminist that she is, can't stand Jason. Until she discovers that beneath the whole Hollywood facade is a loving, caring and extremely fun man.

"Just the sexiest man alive" is light entertainer, recommended for anyone who loves chick lit! If you like Sophie Kinsella you will like this book. Julie James has a very nice style of writing. It's simple yet draws you in. I could not put this book down at all. I mean who does not like gilts and glamor of the Hollywood life?

I will be checking more books by James out, this author has won me over.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
christie brown
This felt like a cliché rom-com between a lawyer and People's "Sexiest Man Alive". It was enjoyable in that normal-person-meets-movie-star sense, if you don't take it too seriously. I had a few issues, namely how Jason goes from horrendously chauvinistic to super sweet in a couple months, and how Taylor's ambitions just fell to the wayside for a guy. I'm sorry, but if you put yourself through law school and slaved away at a law firm for 6 years in order to get a promotion, you are NOT going to quit your job for a womanizing man you haven't even started a relationship with. Or at least, I hope not. What a waste of time and money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber andrew
I've been a little leery of reading debut authors lately after one too many bad experiences, so I admit I did hesitate in picking up this book (even though I loved the cover and it kept drawing me back to it). Definitely a mistake on my part. Just the Sexiest Man Alive is one of the best debut novels I've read in a very long time! As a fan of virtually every sub-genre in romance, I found it surprisingly refreshing to have a light-hearted, sweet, romantic storyline without a vampire or serial killer in sight. Contemporary romance seems to be on a downward shift lately and authors are more frequently jumping onto the paranormal bandwagon (which I am a fan of, but every now and then you just want to pick up a nice boy-meets-girl story without a lot of subplots and angst involved).

This book follows a somewhat simple premise, but puts a unique spin on it. Yes, boy-meets-girl, boy-ticks-off-girl, hate at first sight ensues, but the difference being that girl is a very successful lawyer and boy is "The Sexiest Man Alive" (three times over) and the biggest name in Hollywood. An unbelievable plot told in a very believable way. When Taylor Donovan finds out she is supposed to "coach" Hollywood playboy Jason Andrews for his new upcoming legal thriller that he's scheduled to film, she's initially star struck. But after a no-show (twice) on his part, she's not impressed when he saunters into the courtroom two days late and a dollar short.

These two characters start their first scene off with a bang and the witty banter (especially during their first meeting) kept me turning the pages. There is sexual tension in nearly every scene - although actual consummation of said tension is very limited. I finished it in less than a day and actually found it hard to put down.

If you're looking for a light contemporary romance, this is definitely a book I would recommend. If her next book is as good as this one, I've found a new autobuy author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nancy cook senn
I had heard great things about Julie James and her books and turns out I agree with them! Of the few romance novels I've read in the contemporary genre I would say Just the Sexiest Man Alive is so close to the Chick Lit genre the line is blurred and I loved it. That said, I would say this is a great place for someone to start if they enjoy Chick Lit and are curious about the Romance genre but don't want to dive in head first.

I loved the character of Taylor, she's confident and good at what she does. She doesn't let her past problems with a cheating finance steal her confidence but it does make her guard her heart a bit. When she finds out she is being forced to (and I mean forced to- she tries to get out of it!) work with hot superstar Jason Andrews she doesn't make it easy for him and doesn't bow to his every whim like everyone else does. She treats him like an average joe and that sure catches his attention!

Maybe it's not completely believable that the sexiest man alive would only have eyes for Taylor but he does and it's a fun ride! I love that he tries to woo her and she won't have any of that, at first! This book doesn't have the naught bits of some other romances so it would make a great read for someone that isn't looking for that or maybe a younger reader as well.

This book I didn't want to put down and had a great time reading! I can't wait to check out Julie James other 2 releases!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andr wessels
Witty and fun contemporary romance. Taylor Donovan is a workaholic lawyer on the fast track to making partner. She lives in Chicago, but is assigned to a big case in L.A. While there, she gets railroaded in doing a favor for her firm - giving the hotshot actor Jason Andrews some courtroom lawyer lessons as research for his next film. I really liked Taylor, she was strong, sassy, and best of all, wicked smart. Jason was hard to like at first. He embodies "I'm sexy and I know it" - he's the number one actor in Hollywood and People's reigning Sexiest Man Alive. His ego matches the size of his paycheck, and his attitude doesn't fly with Taylor. The way she handles him was the best part of the story for me. Over time, she comes to realize the guy underneath the actor might actually be worth knowing. A little predictable, but still well written and engaging. There were a few subplots that didn't go anywhere. Lots of wit, fun, and romance. No sex scenes, this one is all buildup. Overall, an enjoyable read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is just wonderful: fast-paced, VERY witty, heartwarming, and loads of chemistry between the main characters, Taylor and Jason. Jason first comes across, to Taylor and the reader, as the sterotypical movie star -- handsome, charming, egotistical, and full of himself. Tayor, who's been burned by an ex-fiance, is intelligent, tough-as-nails, sarcastic, witty, and more than willing to take on a challenge. The sparts REALLY fly between these two! As the story develops, both Taylor and the reader begin to see more and more glimpses of the sensitive man buried beneath the Hollywood glitz. Taylor has to learn to trust again (very difficult for her!), but the ending is extremely satisfying. The erotic sex is missing, but you don't miss it, as the story moves so quickly. This marvelous book is a DEBUT novel; I predict great things for Ms. James ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
w sean
This story is a contemporary romance, there is no graphic sex. However there is intense foreplay, which comes in the form of verbal sparring between the heroine and hero, I have to say the erotic sex I've become accustomed to in the majority of my romance reading these days wasn't missed in the least. The narrative of this story is extremely fast paced and the dialogue, which drips sarcasm, had me hooting with laughter.

Just the Sexiest Man Alive

Chicago litigation lawyer Taylor Donovan has been sent to Los Angeles to defend a company being brought to trial on charges of workplace sexual harassment. It is a very important case for the firm. Taylor is brilliant, driven, a total professional who has never lost a case, and mapped out her career and climb to a partnership within two years. The other thing about Taylor Donovan is she loves her job, she thrives during the thrust and spar verbal dynamic of the courtroom. She also knows how to be diplomatic when the occasion warrants it, cool, calm and collected. The best way to describe Taylor? A weapon...

Taylor has a history of being jilted by her womanizing ex fiancée Daniel Lawry, who she finds in a, shall we say, compromising position with his 22 year old teaching assistant. She doesn't wallow in self-pity at finding Daniel cheating on her. She calls off the impending nuptials, has drinks with her best friends. And, because there is, "no crying in baseball", she picks herself up and moves on, her career being her total focus. When she comes home one evening to 2-dozen red roses from said ex fiancée I was worried that she would decide to call the jerk. However, Ms. James surprised me and when Taylor takes the flowers and does something very innovative with them, I LOVED her.

Jason Andrews is drop dead gorgeous and Hollywood's biggest superstar, as in huge! He is beyond rich, has the world at his feet and is a known womanizer. Jason also has an ego the size of Mount Rushmore to go along with his good looks and fame. No one says no to Jason Andrews and he has an entourage who take care of his career down to the smallest detail.

Jason has a staring role in a courtroom drama that is about to begin shooting. As part of the preparation for the role it is decided he needs to spend time with a lawyer who is experienced in litigation. The senior partner at the Los Angeles law firm where Taylor works is contacted. When Taylor is called into the office of her superior and given the assignment of coaching Jason Andrews for his movie, she is nearly driven to a state of apoplexy. However, she realizes regardless of the fact that this is a critical time in preparing for the sexual harassment case she is defending, she has no choice but to acquiesce to her boss' request. So an appointment is arranged and Taylor's calendar is cleared for an entire day so she can "coach" the "Sexiest Man Alive".

On the day that Jason Andrews is to attend the law office to meet with Taylor, the whole place is abuzz waiting his arrival, however he never shows. His assistant calls late in the day and states there was a mix up but he would be there the following day. Of course the following day he doesn't show up either. By late afternoon Taylor packs up and heads out of the office, more than annoyed. Monday morning comes and she watches the news while getting ready for work and the entertainment piece comes on. Low and behold, there is a beautiful smiling Jason Andrews caught on camera during a junket to Los Vegas when he was supposed to have met with her. To say Taylor is frothing at the mouth would be an understatement. She heads to court ready to crack heads.

Ms. James was a lawyer and it is evident she knows how they think and present in the courtroom. As Taylor Donovan argues the case to the judge to prohibit some parts of testimony a reader is given a wonderful opportunity to watch her in action. The courtroom dialogue (although my knowledge is extremely limited) seems authentic and Taylor is amazing. I felt like I knew this character by page 30.

Unknown to her, his highness, himself, Jason Andrews slips into the courtroom and sits in the back while she is arguing their position. When the arguments are completed and the judge dismisses the lawyers, Jason approaches her. After he attempts to charm her and gets nowhere, "Mr. Andrews", asks Taylor to show him something "lawerly"?

I along with Taylor had a great deal of difficulty liking Jason at the beginning of the book. While yes he was a drop dead gorgeous movie star, his arrogance was repugnant. However, our Taylor verbally annihilates Jason during their first meeting by putting him on the stand and through intense questioning has him admitting to his little foray to Vegas. It is brilliant!

When Taylor, turns on her heel and leaves Jason sitting on the stand by himself stunned he decides that she is a woman of interest, or at the very least a challenge. This is when things really get FUN!

Here is an example of the wonderful narrative and dialogue in, "Just the Sexiest Man Alive". After Taylor leaves Jason in the courtroom, he calls his connection to her law firm who speaks to her boss who summarily orders her to make amends and coach his highness. Needless to say, Taylor is fit to be tied, she is not impressed with his fame or wealth, but mind you he is nice to look at. lol

"And so here she was five hours later, sitting in her car parked on some random street in West Hollywood. Taylor peered through her windshield to get a better look at the bar, and wondered what kind of name Reilly's Tavern was for a hot celebrity hangout. She rechecked the address on the Post-it-note Linda had handed her to make sure she was at the right place.

Taylor tapped her fingers nervously on the steering wheel. The thought of crawling back to Jason Andrews was just so humiliating. It infuriated her that, due to his "status" (which she doubted was the product of little more than sheer looks and being in the right place at the right time), people automatically gave him such deference - that with one snap of his fingers, she was expected to smile politely and apologize to him.

Hopefully Jason Andrews knows the Heimlich, Taylor thought to herself. Because she most definitely was going to choke on her words.

Realizing she couldn't sit in front of the bar all night, she got out of her car and strode briskly in her heels to the front door of Reilly's tavern. A quick peek in the window told her that she'd been very wrong - the bar by no means was any sort of hot celebrity hangout.

As Taylor opened the door and stepped in, she felt as though she'd been transported back to the south side of Chicago, back to one of her father's off-duty cop hangouts. Decked out in aging mahogany wood, Reilly's Tavern was part sports bar, part Irish pub--complete with dartboards, pool tables, and two small televisions (both showing the same basketball game) mounted over the bar. The after-work crowd consisted almost entirely of middle-aged men, many still in their service or government uniforms.

Definitely the type of crowd who wouldn't notice a celebrity in their bar, Taylor thought, and probably wouldn't care even if they did. Maybe that was the point.

She stood hesitantly in the doorway, scanning the faces of the men seated at the bar, who in turn stared right back at her. Clearly, womenfolk didn't often frequent this particular establishment. And just when Taylor thought she couldn't possibly have felt more self-conscious, she heard a feigned loud gasp and a voice call out her name with delight.

"Ms. Donovan!"

She turned and saw Jason Andrews near a pool table in the back. He walked over to her, pretending to be shocked.

"Why, imagine seeing you here!"

At the sight of his smug, victorious look, Taylor staggered back a few steps and fell against the door. Oh god, she couldn't do it.

Feeling a little woozy at the thought of continuing, she closed her eyes and silently said a few oms from her yoga class for serenity.

With his arms folded expectantly across his chest - he did indeed know what was coming--Jason's grin grew wider as he watched Taylor's reaction to his greeting. This girl seriously cracked him up. At the nauseated look on her face, he half expected her to turn around and walk right out the door without one further word.

But instead, she took a deep breath. Jason watched as she pulled herself up to what he guessed had to be no more than her full five-feet-five height and strode efficiently over.

"Don't be coy, Mr. Andrews," she said in that all-business tone of hers. "I know your assistant told you I was coming."

Jason's eyes widened innocently. At the way she'd walked over all snappy-heels, he couldn't resist hamming it up.

"You were looking for me? Whatever can I do for you, Ms. Donovan?"

Taylor stood there, staring evilly at Jason as if she wanted nothing more right then than to grab him by his cashmere zip pullover and zip it right up to his eyebrows.

But then she took another deep breath.

"It seems I may have been a bit...hasty when I walked out of the courtroom the other day," she told him. "My firm would very much like to work with you on your...little project."

He ignored her not-so-subtle dig at his film. "And You?"

She responded matter-of-factly to this. "I'm willing to put my personal preferences on the matter aside."

Jason gazed down at her. She really wasn't affected by him at all."

"Just the Sexiest Man Alive" © Julie James

LOL! And the story is full of scenes like this. IMHO, it is wonderful however I have to admit I enjoyed Taylor's sarcastic wit and she ALWAYS gets the last word. And Jason, he cannot believe that this woman isn't falling into bed with him.

As the story progresses and Taylor is forced to spend more time with Jason both come to respect one another. Jason's character is laid bare with respect to the pressures of constantly being in the limelight and Taylor does take him down a few pegs. Jason is forced to take a look at his past relationships with women and realizes he doesn't have a lot to be proud of. When he commits some genuine acts of kindness and a reader learns more about him through his close friend Jeremy I grew to like Jason. However, Taylor is unable to trust him enough to enter into a relationship and I had to empathize with Jason. His sense of frustration and loss was quite heartbreaking.

Ms. James also wrote a wonderful group of supporting characters into the story and gives us a glimpse inside the mechanization's of Hollywood and how the next contender for the "Sexiest Man Alive", is in the wings waiting to make their move.

The subplot of courtroom drama surrounding the sexual harassment case is interesting and the final scene dynamic.

I want to say more about the scene where Taylor and Jason finally do get together, because it is simply awesome! However I don't want to spoil it for those of you who may choose to read this story. I will say when these two finally do make it to the bedroom it is a "fadeout" scene, but sexy nonetheless, and as with the rest of the story, fun and very well told!

As I was reading "Just the Sexiest Man Alive", I felt as if I was watching Taylor and Jason's story on a movie screen. It was that good.

Needless to say, this book has definitely found it's way to my keeper shelf and I will read it again. I am currently enjoying "Practice Makes Perfect", and hope to finish and review it soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam lunde
Lawyer Taylor Donovan is in Los Angeles working for her firm on a high profile sexual harassment case. On the floor of a courtroom she is unshakeable. Her personal life however, is non-existent since she caught her now ex-fiancé shagging another woman. With less than a week to go before her trial begins, she is given the duty of babysitting...uh...preparing an actor for his upcoming film and she is not happy. Taylor could care less that it's Jason Andrews, People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive." Her feelings escalate for the worst when she is stood up two days in a row only to see Mr. Sexy being interviewed on television live from Las Vegas. Then, to top it off, he has the audacity to show up while she is in court and demand her time at the end of the day. Taylor has four words for Jason - `so NOT gonna happen'.

Used to being catered to and having his publicist handle everything, Jason Andrews is completely stunned and baffled by Taylor Donovan. Not only did his charm and charisma not faze her but also she just had the balls to interrogate him for blowing her off for two days while he played in Vegas. THEN, she left him standing in an empty courtroom with no remorse whatsoever. Jason lets his bewilderment affect him but he has a plan. Picking up his phone, Jason sets his plan in motion because if there is one thing he knows it is women and how to get their attention. After all, he isn't Just the Sexiest Man Alive for nothing!

If Just the Sexiest Man Alive is any indication of Julie James' talent, then I know without a doubt she will be highly successful. In her debut novel, readers meet Taylor Donovan, a no-nonsense but extremely witty lawyer. Her one `liners' in court made me laugh out loud more than once. The hero to Taylor's heroine is movie star Jason Andrews. The typical Hollywood bad boy, Jason is used to being the center of attention and adored by any woman he wants. Evidently Taylor didn't get that memo because while she is attracted to Jason she does not trust him. Her lack of faith bothers Jason more than it should but he refuses to give in. Despite his attitude, despite his selfishness, and despite his fear of commitment, I loved Jason Andrews - much like Taylor loved him.

Just the Sexiest Man Alive is witty, romantic, and so realistic I could have been there witnessing Taylor and Jason's love story unfold. Julie James has a winning debut on her hands that is just an engaging delight to read. Congrats Ms. James on being Joyfully Recommended!

reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren osborn
The number one Hollywood star and literally the sexiest man alive (three years running), Jason Andrews, is about to meet his match. Because up and coming lawyer Taylor Donovan doesn't take crap from anybody, not even the drool worthy stud. And she is none to pleased to be forced by her boss to give this *actor* lessons for his next role. On top of that the egomaniac has the nerve to miss several of their appointments -like the world revolves around him! Argh! Well he better cut the bull and straighten out pronto or find himself another teacher.

But Jason doesn't want anybody other than the hostile hottie Taylor. Their must be something wrong with the woman. She doesn't fawn over him? She doesn't want to be seen with him? AND she doesn't want to sleep with him?!?!? But he can't seem to get enough of her, even going so far as the invent ways to see her. Jason can't help it. Taylor just *does things* to him. And he has a sneaky suspicion that the feeling is entirely mutual.

Great read. I just love it when the hero in a romance gets a major wake-up call, especially those arrogant, egotistical men whom money, fame and women come oh so easily. And for it to come from a woman who is nearly equally as arrogant and very successful just adds to the drama. So it doesn't come as a surprise that I really enjoyed this debut. Laugh-out-loud and tongue-and-cheek funny with crackling tension. It was very clever how the author made her characters dance around the relationship issue. They just kept circling each other and this reader was glued waiting for the first person to strike.

Another contemporary romance keeper for me. Other love/hate romances that I've enjoyed-
Catch A Mate (Hqn Romance)
Please RateJust the Sexiest Man Alive (Berkley Sensation)
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