We Were the Lucky Ones: A Novel

ByGeorgia Hunter

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie ann
I am almost finished with this book. I'm reading it slow because I don't want it to end. I love books that incorporate family history into world history. I've never read anything by this author before but I wouldn't hesitate to read any other book she ever writes. Ms. Hunter is exceptional at bringing all of the characters to life. The reader can tell that Ms. Hunter put her heart and soul into pulling together her family's history. It is by far one of the very best books that I have ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maziar attarieh
This was an inspiring work, and one could sense the author's passion for this story. I couldn't put it down as I held my breath and held back tears. Beautifully written, suspenseful, and heartwarming, you could really feel the pain of a family separated. It seems we will never lose our fascination with the events of World War II, especially as stories like this continue to emerge. I would highly recommend this book because it has it all: love and loss, war and absolution, and the unrelenting strength of the human condition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm stunned to learn the truth behind this amazing page-turner! Fascinating and fantastic story of amazing survival and survivors. A must read for anyone interested in the Holocaust and survivors stories. Now, if this wondrous story could only be translated to the screen!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren sie
This is an amazing historical novel about a Jewish family that is broken up during the holocaust in WW2 and how they managed to survive.
There is nothing I can add that hasn't already been said.

I can't fathom all the time, energy and heartache Ms. Hunter put into researching this masterpiece. It should be mandatory reading in all colleges and learning institutions.
This is a classic. Thank you Georgia Hunter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael downer
The Nazi occupations of neighboring countries and subsequent slaughter of millions of Jews is a huge topic. This book explains exactly how it rolled out for one Polish family, step by agonizing step. As we watch world events eerily resemble early steps of this shameful time in our collective history, everyone should read this book. Pay attention those who did not act as carefully as those who did. We must not let these atrocities of history repeat themselves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story is at times a painful awful testimony to the horrors of WWII for the Jewish people as well as the Polish people. These earlier parts of despair, unimaginable treatment and fear—awful to read, yet important to remember the horror so we might be kinder, wiser,and learn from that awful time in the past. And then , too, it is ultimately a display of hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holocaust stories are usually not happy endings but this one does have a "happy" ending. The saga of the family is frightening, sorrowful, brave and beautiful. I am so glad I read this and now have passed it on to my daughter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig cermak
Yes, this novel deserves a five star rating. I am of the generation the book is written about. Although I am not Jewish I think it is important to realize how difficult life has been for many people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy gibson
This family, historical drama developed into a fascinating story about tightly bound relatives in Poland during an eight-year endurance of German battering, distruction, and murder. Their determination to survive and stay in touch is a gargantuan effort. I found it a bit difficult to keep all of the characters in their proper relationships, but their stories are gripping.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
calum scott
Although there are, of necessity, some very sad moments in this book, it is a message of hope and endurance. What a great reminder of what can happen when hate rules the world. I recommend this book highly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So well written! A profound story of tragedy, suffering, loss, and ultimately one of perseverance, redemption and love. I was moved to tears at several points in the story. The characters are so well developed and the story is so richly told. A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhilda miller
Hunter follows one family through ordeals of the Holocaust that encompassed historic events that occurred across that world. From Poland, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia to South America and finally America, this family endured many of the worst tragedies of the Holocaust.Through cunning, determination and luck the family survived and lived to tell their story. Hunter's book is beautifully written, carefully researched and holds you in rapt attention until the end.,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a wonderful story if you enjoy this type of historical information. I was really surprised at the ending to find the story was really based on true events. I was well written and flowed easily.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dylan shearer
This was a great read, which immediately captured my attention. Truly couldn't put this one down. A story of a Jewish family from Poland who lived through unimaginable circumstances during the war. Separated, each with unique horrific experiences during the war and their story of survival and finding one another again. It's hard to imagine what they went through but the author did a great job creating a picture and retelling their stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
enjoyed reading "We Were The Lucky Ones"... Well not in the beginning. It was a hard read
For me. I was on edge most of the time. Truly a humbling read considering how we take a lot of
Things for granted and whine over the simple things. The Krucs were truly inspiring and how
The human spirit when compelled to survive moves into action. There is no time to think or
Be indecisive. Courageous is truly a heroic word for each and everyone of them. My heart broke
For Felicia. I cried a lot with her scenes. This read transcended me to emotions of intense
Heartfelt sobs. I had to stop reading so I could reflect and touch, feel, smell, get grounded again and return
To my self. I loved it hated it! This book reminds me of how humans can be so gruel, yet so
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alleyn and howard cole
This was an inspiring and touching book. It is the true story of a Polish family caught in the vice of Nazi invasion. Partly due to their ingenuity, strength, and love of family -- and partly due to luck. They never gave up hope of reuniting after the devastation of war tore them apart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
seonaid lewis
Interesting family saga during Second World War .Good book , warm decent portrayals of characters , high family values and importance of tradition. The historical facts are pretty accurate,we learn about the brave people helping others , saving many lives but also we are told of terrible crimes against humanity .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When reading this story I wondered about the title of the book. How did they survive such ghastly conditions and the cruel nature of the Germans at the time. An unbelievable story based on fact. Highly recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devi laskar
An important & wonderful book I laughed cried & became angry. this family survived because of their courage & love. books like this should be written so we don’t forget & never forgive
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meg gregory
Wonderful book. Definitely a page turner...
If you're looking for a good read, especially in times like today, pick it up and just read it. If it doesn't pull at the heart strings, not sure what will. <33
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kylee arbogast
Fantastic book. What an inspiring read. Such strength and courage against unbelievable odds. These stories need to be told over and over and over until humanity wakes up and realize we are all the same on the inside -- we are all souls having a human experience. Unthinkable that these atrocities really happened. Thank you for sharing this amazing story of triumph & love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read many stories and seen many movies about life during world war two. This story somehow makes it more real and personal. What seems like fiction and then finding that this was real astounds the mind and begs the question, how did they possibly survive. May we all remember and learn the lessons of living under fascist rule.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Meticulously researched historical novel that follows the stories of Polish Jews, parents and 5 grown children through the chaos and immense cruelties of WWII. This is not about battles or armies. This is about what happened to talented, educated people and what they went through to survive. It is riveting. It is based on an actual family. I recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book describes describes what life was like inside the ghetto and pre World war . It answers why people couldn't leave and also how some did leave and how dangerous it was to do so. The book also lets us know how people found each other after the war. So interesting!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What the Nazis did to people still enrages and shocks me to this very day. Ms. Hunter creates the best way to tell her family's story, how they survived against the greatest odds. A must-read story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joy hopper
This book is at times extremely difficult to read in hearing the devastating circumstances and atrocities that occurred during WW II and people endured. This story is a testimony to those who survived.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zoey voss
I enjoyed this Book very much, very moving, almost too depressing, but very historical and much needed as a reminder of what the War was really like and what people in Europe went through, it was so horrible the destruction of Radon and the Polish people and the Jewish people. So sad!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a Coastal California baby-boomer with a patently Protestant ancestry and a personal universalist sense of spirituality, I am deeply thankful that Ms. Hunter shared her family's experience, and shared it so eloquently. It is a gift to the rest of us. A witnessing. And a cautionary tale that we must all heed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing and well written account of one large Jewish family’s experience during World WarII from the original home in Poland to relocation after the War. The story was hard to read at times but important to understand the effect of the Holocaust on this one family while knowing that such horrors ended the lives of so many others. The sharing of the war experience from so many different geographic locations as the grown children (and spouses/children) struggled to survive was especially significant to the reader.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob stallings
Beautifully written story that I couldn't stop thinking about. The characters were so real to me. On days when I'm faced with challenges, I think of the Kurcs and how much they ensured. My problems are simply solved in comparison. This is an inspiring story about strength and love and sacrifice. I'm not sure how deliberate the author was, but it's also a story about extraordinary and courageous women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This family’s story is a true miracle and brought the horror of the holocaust to light from a completely different perspective than I’ve experienced before. The heartbreak and triumph are both so incredibly hard to believe. Read this to honor all who were lost!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawks bell
A beautiful tribute to this family who withstood unforgivable atrocities. Very well written and a pleasure to read.
The brave perseverance of each family member made this story an inspiring story of triumph. As well, it will serve generations to come as a timeless reminder of what can happen when evil is allowed to prevail.
Thank you for the blessings of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy perkins
The telling of this story was riveting. I am pleased that the author was so intrigued about the story of her family history that was not shared with her until most were already gone, and turned it i into a book for all to share. There are not too many Jewish families that survived intact, especially one where nearly each person took different paths during the war.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laren frueh
Engrossing. The stories of these family members are incredible made more so because they are true. Seeing the inhumanity exhibited by so many toward so many is impossible to understand. The characters become people that the reader starts cheering on, worrying about and almost praying for as their various horrors and hardships are narrated. I do wish the writer had explained better why the Seder meal is important, what many of the Polish and/or Jewish words mean and described the various articles used to save the reader from having to Google the names and terms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Survival is the theme in this book along with the politics of the era. I loved this book. I really was connected to each character and felt their frustration, their love, their sadness, their confusion and the will to survive against all odds. Beautiful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We Were the Lucky Ones is a well-written chronicle of the Kurc family’s struggle to survive WWII. It was difficult to put the book down, and I found myself cheering them on and holding my breath when they were in danger. I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Read for enjoyment, This family was blessed and survived a terrible war and a genocide against them. It was interesting to see where and how they came through it all. They reconnected with each other and forged ahead to make new lives for themselves, their children and generations to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Beautiful story based on the author's family history--at times too repetitive by restating situations and events. Still a very good read....you get very invested in the well being of all the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the historical basis for this book, and the varied stories of all the characters. I did have a little trouble keeping track of the main characters because of the number of them, their close relationships, and geographical movement. A family tree might have helped (beginning of the book).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katelyn smith
I liked how the personal stories of each family member were tied into the chronological order of the German and Soviet invasions and inhuman treatment of all who could not escape.
There was nothing about the book that I disliked.
As serious anti Semitic crimes increase in France, Germany, Poland and other countries, it is more important than ever that Israel remain a strong and safe haven for Jews. It is clear that many Arab and Iranian leaders would like to continue the genocide Hitler and Stalin started.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read several books, detailing life, through fictitious characters, during WWII and the holocaust. This is an account of how life in Poland really was for families. Fortunately, for this family, the children were very resourceful and extremely bravery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt cegielka
The book is based on an actual family history and is large in scope. At first the people were a bit difficult to keep straight and several that were never really made real and tangible. Their survival and desperate measures during the war were incredible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well written, but gut wrenching. I had to put the book down several times before I could read on. I knew from the title that someone survived this sickening time in world history, but I couldn't tell who did and who didn't before finishing the book. The title is perfect. I can't think of any other reason that anyone survived the holocaust except pure luck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terrie hazard
This book is an absolute feat of human nature. You wonder how on earth Georgia Hunter could have had the strength and will and grace to dive this deep into her family's horrifying years of survival...and then you meet those family members and you know: She got her spirit from them.
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