No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline

ByBrian Tracy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
letitia ness
Brian Tracy persuades us to decide what we really want before trying to solve pressing problems or set goals. His practical instruction and inspiring examples from his own life are useful for personal or professional development. In this book, Tracy exposes the lie behind false shortcuts to success and a meaningful life. He makes self-discipline the first step, not the last step, to success. Buy this book to learn why the easy way out is actually the long, hard road.

Surprisingly, one recent reviewer attacks Tracy as an advocate of wishful thinking and shallow values: "Fantastical beliefs of New Thought" "Venal materialism" "false religion." Tracy himself points out the limitations of The Secret. It's true Tracy shows how to develop both the conscious and unconscious part of your brain. Modern science has shown the power of unconcious thought in human behavior, so that's no fantasy.

Tracy does help us develop innate talents and encourage mutual success at work or home. Money is just one resource to help accomplish that goal on a larger scale. Equating Tracy's success habits with "venal materialism" seems counterproductive if you seek meaning beyond your own four walls.

My career requires helping people improve their lives despite difficult challenges. Helping anyone--especially ourselves--to change for the better requires the best persuasive skills and self-discipline available. I don't agree with everything Brian Tracy says. Still, he's been my best guide in thinking for myself and living with more purpose and joy than regret. Highly recommended!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elyse schwieterman
This book, like all other by Tracy or anyone under the Nightingale Conant publishing group, is very surreptitious, as these are all based on New Thought religion, but this isn't explicitly spelled out in the description (for an overview [...]). Therefor, there is no way to decide what advice is applicable in the real world based on facts, and which are based on the fantastical beliefs of New Thought. Some of these insane thoughts include the idea that your subconscious mind is god, there is a network of human minds called the superconscious mind, and it will magically solve your problems if you know how to ask and command. This is basically The Secret. Furthermore, Tracy has been selling the same bill of goods he took from Jim Rohn, Vincent Peale, and other authors of similar subject matter for thirty years. I have listened to his work from the early eighties, and very little has changed. The worst part is that this New Thought is just a veneer for a way of life based in venal materialism. If your looking for a way to get your life on track, don't get sucked into this false religion, think for yourself instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather brown
Truly remarkable book. Many different applications of self-discipline from professional to personal which offer a "no excuses" result. Excellent read for high school and college aged kids on up through those adults who want to continue to better themselves. From personal relationships, to personal goals to office relationships and career goals, you'll find the no -excuses discipline actions and mindset needed to achieve anything!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cuatro nelson
This is a very good book overall. I have followed Brian Tracy for over one year now and I definitely enjoyed his work. The book definitely does help you get your self-discipline on track. the only thing that I didn't like about this book is that in the very beginning it kind of goes off topic. although, those topics are very important found myself asking what I was reading at times. if you could push through those topics you who still be able to get to the heart of the book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pooja shetty
You can stop looking for answers to your self-discipline problems! This book is everything you need to get on track and stay there. Tracy has a way of teaching that is equal to none on this subject. If your passionate on getting the things in life that you want then get this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book in many aspects. It's surprising how much it would help you if you really discipline yourself.
My only complain is that Brian Tracy try to reach all and everything, and in doing that becomes shallow in some of them. Food choices are sometimes based in outdated concepts (I'm an MD and this is my line of work everyday) and it disappointed me a lot the chapter around health and food. Nevertheless, the concept about self-discipline in health and food is great at the core.
I'm sure that you would enrich reading the book so go get it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam tedder
Another great book from Brian Tracy. Some of the content is similar to things I've read in other BT books. But its because they work and they are some pretty universal truths. The secret to these books is you really need to keep "exercising" the brain continuously. And that's hard. As soon as I finish a book I move on to other things - another book, building my business, daily life, etc. But I notice when I incorporate these principles, my life is a whole lot better. My attitude is more grateful, my thoughts are more positive and things start to fall into place.

I hope I can keep working at these principles until they become my daily habit. But if I find myself in a slump, I know how to fix it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I like this book for the clear concise issues that were addressed. It was clear cut and very understandable. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone to read to improve their personal development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael margolis
This book is Outstanding! This book is very inspirational and it keeps me going. By reading this book everyday it helped me to think clearly and stay positive. I Love it and I would recommend this book to anyone who is willing to change their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great mostly because it simply reminds you about you already know you should be doing and does it in such a compelling way that you will be prompted to actually DO some of the things you have only been thinking about.

Maybe if you are the sort of person who has never missed a deadline or never been dissapointed in yourself or never failed at anything, then maybe you don't need this book; but for the rest of us humans its a great and fast read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What's the big deal about self-discipline? JUST DO IT, right? Easier said than done! What this book explains is WHY we need to do it, and the amazing results that are not only possible, but inevitable: results that are impossible otherwise, no matter how badly we want them. With very simple exercises to flex one's discipline muscles, Brian shows how to transform one's attitude and ability. My favorite part of the writing, however, is how meticulously he details the rewards of self-discipline, in such a logical and straightforward way. It is incredibly motivating and inspiring, and you are able to visualize in your own life what is possible, and actually believe it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"No Excuses" is a challenge to move beyond making excuses and blaming to the higher ground of taking personal responsibility for your life and charting your destiny. Much like the premise, the book is simple, straightforward and practical. If you have read or listened to Tracy's former material, there isn't much new here. The book is essentially a repackaging of his persistent themes. This "guide to living" is comprehensive but lacks much depth on any of the subjects covered.

Personally, I love to read Tracy's material. It is motivating and helpful. I also realize it is based on a syncretistic and simplistic worldview. The common theme is that failures and the unsuccessful are experiencing their current plight due to their own lack of discipline, unwillingness to delay gratification and general laziness. As a student of the Bible, it's like reading selected bits of wisdom from Proverbs but not the whole book or the whole Bible. You get one side of the truth. If you're looking for developing empathy for the downtrodden or encouragement in your struggles, this is not the book for you. If you are looking for a kick in the pants to have a success mindset, delay gratification and live a disciplined life - this is the book you've been looking for. Applying the principles of this book personally certainly could alter someone's life in a positive way. If you've not read much of Brian Tracy and need motivation and practical tools to a more productive life - I highly recommend "No Excuses."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth evans
"The Power of Self-Discipline - No Excuses" by Brian Tracy offers up 21 different ways to achieve happiness and success not only in your personal life, but your career as well. While one would think that the book deals solely with financial success, it does not.

The book is divided into three major sections that can require self discipline including personal, business sales and finances and finally the good life. What is included in the "good life" and how does this differentiate with the self disciplines discussed in the section regarding sales and finance? The section on sales and finance focuses on self disciplines in the areas of work, leadership, time management and problem solving. The good life focuses on physical fitness, marriage, friendship and peace of mind.

For example, Chapter 20 focuses on self discipline and friendship. According to Tracy, 85 percent of your happiness is from your relationship with others. The author offers 7 suggestions on how to make people feel important. This includes accepting people as they are and showing appreciation. The end of each chapter includes action exercises to help solidify the lessons presented in the chapter.

While the entire book is a great read, you may not need help in every area. The layout of the book also allows you to focus on the areas you want to concentrate on. Plan to spend time with each discipline as you work to achieve happiness and success.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
vijay s paul
This is overall an okay book - It is basically liquid motivation to go and do the work you need to do to improve, but it is not the end-all be-all of improving your life. There are moments in the book where Tracy essentially makes the argument that only really good people are successful in business, and if you are poor, it's probably all your fault for just not trying harder. He even seems to say that those people are inherently better -people- than you-- so if you are prone to depression or have extremely low self esteem, don't read this book, or at least read it with an objective eye. A comparable book that discusses a lot of these same issues without the same pretentious language is The Obstacle Is The Way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book for living a wholesome life.
Elaborates thoroughly on the most important qualities that lead to overall success in life.
Discipline is one of the most important because it allows you to choose how fast you reach your desired goal. For Example: An extremely disciplined person can set a goal weight and reach that weight within the month or earlier, while another person in the same position might choose to procrastinate and make excuses for not proceeding with the weight-lose plan.. eventually just giving up.

How to develop discipline in each field of life is the focus of this book. It is extremely practical and easy to put into play in your personal life. Brian Tracy sets the standard that we should all be aiming for by taking example from the sages of history and applying them to our everyday life. Very focused and direct book, which is what I like!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
prahallad badami
I've been reading Brian Tracy's material for some time now, and for the most part, i enjoy his work.

When I saw this book, I bought it right away.
The sleeve and back splash led me to believe that this was some new, and super-charged material.

Unfortunately, this book was a re-hashing of some of the information Brian has shared over the last 10 years.
Sure, some of it was modernized/re-worded and there WAS a little new material in it.
But very little.

If you have NOT read Brian Tracy's work before, you will like this book very much.
And if you take his advice, you WILL be more productive and perhaps wealthier.

But if you HAVE read his work before, there is really nothing new here.
Just-review the books of his you already have.

As a paying customer, I was disappointed.
But I plan to give this book to someone who is NEW to Brian Tracy, and therefore my Kharma will be good again. ;0
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wes morgan
The 21 most important things to know & have in order to be the person you should be. This book will give the insight into being everything that you ever wanted to be and having the success in life that will enable you to live the life you deserve.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tami losoncy
This is an excellent, inspiring writing. It contains so much valuable wisdom on every page. The Introduction section alone was more than worth my time and money. The knowledge provided by Brian Tracy truly goes deeply into my personal introspection, but leads into the needful action for my life. It is exactly what I needed to step into the numerous personal action plans that I have been unable to get moving.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corry seibert
Thee best book for staying focused on your goals and steering clear of distractions. I read this each night before bed and at one point started reading bits to my 9-year-old daughter. She loved it! SHe said it really helps her understand things better. She has ADHD and she was catching good lessons from this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book in many aspects. It's surprising how much it would help you if you really discipline yourself.
My only complain is that Brian Tracy try to reach all and everything, and in doing that becomes shallow in some of them. Food choices are sometimes based in outdated concepts (I'm an MD and this is my line of work everyday) and it disappointed me a lot the chapter around health and food. Nevertheless, the concept about self-discipline in health and food is great at the core.
I'm sure that you would enrich reading the book so go get it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yumi learner
This is an fantastic book. If personal excellence is your goal you should consider its suggestions. I mostly listen to the Audible unabridged version, but also read through it on the Kindle. Mr. Tracy examines the various facets in life and what we can do to pursue personal excellence. Only a couple of times did I find the suggestions too granular. I am sure that it echoes other works on personal excellence, like John Maxwell's Today Matters. But that did not put me off. I still think it is a five-star work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesy elshiekh
Great books with a number of very practical takeaways. One thing I have done as a result of reading this book is to write out my 10 yearly goals everyday. This has really helped me stay focused on what is important and steps I am going to take each day to accomplish those goals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an OUTSTANDING book! Many have asked about the "secret to success." Brian reminds us that the REAL secret is "SELF-DISCIPLINE." I bought this book last August and it inspired me to finally finish my own book. I did! And the success of my own book, Dining With The Ancestors has been incredible. Peep it at

If you need a boost to FINALLY do what you've been ordained in this life to do, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book! And if you apply it immediately, the sky is not even the limit, for it's too low. I keep this book with me at all times in case I have time standing in line or waiting for someone. I refer back to it often and it reminds me that nobody can hold us back except us! No excuses!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like the wide ranging applications of self discipline that Brian Tracy encourages in this book. Each chapter is rather brief but there is always discussion on principle, and some tips and application actions. There are certain aspects on his points that I think needs to be balanced, eg his point about work really hard from the morning (arrive earlier), over lunch and in the evening (go home later) will also need to consider the need for break and rest to avoid burn out.
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