The Movement of the Earth's Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light
ByDrunvalo Melchizedek
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dani meehan
this is really another pearl from drunvalo. he delivers things in a way so you can understand whats REALLY going on. this book is a real master piece. Recommend this to anyone who is interested in the 2012 etc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
radu borsaru
This is a great book, very connected.
The 7th Chakra the Sahashara was opened for Planet Earth and Humanity on May 5th, 1970 by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970 and now it is in over 100 countries. It is the Ultimate meditation, 'Thoughtless Awareness' where you drop into Theta brainwave and teaches you always for free how to become your own spiritual master. Every class has you experience a Kundalini Awakening in 20 minutes safely raising the Divine Kundalini energy through all your 7 chakras of your subtle system and connecting to the Divine.
goggle Sahaja Yoga free classes for a location near you or do it on-line. It is always free and no religion, lets you become your own spiritual master. It is amazing and you will feel the Chi, Prana, Life Force, Kundalini, Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit, move through you and some Miracles do happen when you clear and balance the energy blockages of your subtle system. The Founder Shri Mataji has also explained which countries around the world represent which chakra on the subtle system of planet Earth.
Sahaja Yoga will quickly and safely give you a Kundalini Awakening and Divine Enlightenment no matter what your religion or beliefs and when you balance your subtle system the Power of the Divine balances your life in every way.
Since it is for free and asks you for nothing, you have everything to gain, and it works on all ages from 2 to 100 and many ailments will go away as you practice it. Your 7 Chakras are the energy vortexes of your nervous system or your spine. You will learn to read your Chakra imbalances by feeling them on your fingertips. Millions practice it, love it, and are being balanced and healed by it. The Divine is ready to balance and heal you in everyway all you have to do is ask and do a simple process. It is wonderful. After beginning my spiritual quest in 1972 in college, I finally found Sahaja Yoga in 2009 and have been loving it ever since and began teaching it 4 years ago. I get divine healing as I assist others to do the same and when in Thoughtless Awareness which you are taught to access, your brain waves drop into Theta and you are in the 'Present' and 'One' with the Divine and filled with peace, bliss and love.
The 7th Chakra the Sahashara was opened for Planet Earth and Humanity on May 5th, 1970 by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970 and now it is in over 100 countries. It is the Ultimate meditation, 'Thoughtless Awareness' where you drop into Theta brainwave and teaches you always for free how to become your own spiritual master. Every class has you experience a Kundalini Awakening in 20 minutes safely raising the Divine Kundalini energy through all your 7 chakras of your subtle system and connecting to the Divine.
goggle Sahaja Yoga free classes for a location near you or do it on-line. It is always free and no religion, lets you become your own spiritual master. It is amazing and you will feel the Chi, Prana, Life Force, Kundalini, Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit, move through you and some Miracles do happen when you clear and balance the energy blockages of your subtle system. The Founder Shri Mataji has also explained which countries around the world represent which chakra on the subtle system of planet Earth.
Sahaja Yoga will quickly and safely give you a Kundalini Awakening and Divine Enlightenment no matter what your religion or beliefs and when you balance your subtle system the Power of the Divine balances your life in every way.
Since it is for free and asks you for nothing, you have everything to gain, and it works on all ages from 2 to 100 and many ailments will go away as you practice it. Your 7 Chakras are the energy vortexes of your nervous system or your spine. You will learn to read your Chakra imbalances by feeling them on your fingertips. Millions practice it, love it, and are being balanced and healed by it. The Divine is ready to balance and heal you in everyway all you have to do is ask and do a simple process. It is wonderful. After beginning my spiritual quest in 1972 in college, I finally found Sahaja Yoga in 2009 and have been loving it ever since and began teaching it 4 years ago. I get divine healing as I assist others to do the same and when in Thoughtless Awareness which you are taught to access, your brain waves drop into Theta and you are in the 'Present' and 'One' with the Divine and filled with peace, bliss and love.
How to Enter into the Sacred Space within the Heart (with CD) :: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean :: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2 :: Sweeter with You (Fool's Gold Series) :: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 1
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bruce rose
Generally speaking, I'm more than willing to believe six impossible things before breakfast, but even I found this book hard to swallow. Chockfull of every bad New Age cliché imaginable from pyramids, crystals, angels, and Atlantis, to something called the Unity Consciousness Grid, this is the tale of a guy traveling all around the globe to take part in various ancient indigenous ceremonies and, by so doing, saving our dear planet from Certain Doom. Of course, he can't quite figure out just who he is supposed to be besides the savior of us all, because one moment he is the reincarnation of a pueblo medicine woman from the 1800's and the next an "advanced spirit" walk-in from somewhere beyond the Crab Nebula and Orion's Belt.
Either way, his self-effacing tone just barely hides an ego the size of the planet because, as it turns out, he and only he could save the Anasazi people who managed to get themselves trapped in some alternative dimension and he and only he could travel to some tropical paradise of an island with his then girlfriend and help readjust the female energy of the whole planet in preparation for the New Age, leaving his girlfriend "limp on the ground, every muscle in her body spent. She had just had the most amazing and unusual orgasm of her life, and by doing so, had saved humanity." After which, we tune in for his adventures with the Maori of New Zealand (a people he credits with being the descendents of the original people of Lemuria) where he takes part in a ceremony that is performed only once every 13,000 years, the lucky dog. Oh, and he exorcised some evil Mayan energy out of some poor woman, too, let's not forget that.
The book is a mishmash of the believable (such as talk about the Procession of the Equinoxes and kundalini energy) and sheer nonsense. Such as the idea that the temple of Kaba in Mexico used to actually be called Kabala "since the Maya came from Atlantis where the Jews first entered into human consciousness." It would be funny, except that the poor quality of writing of this book leads one to wonder if English is, in fact, his second language. Let alone how many exclamation points you can use in a single book! As it also leaves you wondering if he actually believes in any of this or is just tossing it all together in order to turn a buck. Perhaps a bit clue lies in one of his previous works, where he talks about a special young woman in Peru who had the honor of discovering an ancient spaceship hidden away beneath the Sphinx.
No doubt, there will be yet more books in this guy's future, ones full of even more wonders waiting to be revealed and stories of how he is working so hard to lead humankind into the New Light, because so long as someone will buy what he is dishing out someone else will be willing to publish it. I still don't know if he actually believes in any of this or is simple chortling up his sleeve all the way to the bank, but it puts one in mind of the old adage that a sucker is born every minute. Or should that be reborn?
Either way, his self-effacing tone just barely hides an ego the size of the planet because, as it turns out, he and only he could save the Anasazi people who managed to get themselves trapped in some alternative dimension and he and only he could travel to some tropical paradise of an island with his then girlfriend and help readjust the female energy of the whole planet in preparation for the New Age, leaving his girlfriend "limp on the ground, every muscle in her body spent. She had just had the most amazing and unusual orgasm of her life, and by doing so, had saved humanity." After which, we tune in for his adventures with the Maori of New Zealand (a people he credits with being the descendents of the original people of Lemuria) where he takes part in a ceremony that is performed only once every 13,000 years, the lucky dog. Oh, and he exorcised some evil Mayan energy out of some poor woman, too, let's not forget that.
The book is a mishmash of the believable (such as talk about the Procession of the Equinoxes and kundalini energy) and sheer nonsense. Such as the idea that the temple of Kaba in Mexico used to actually be called Kabala "since the Maya came from Atlantis where the Jews first entered into human consciousness." It would be funny, except that the poor quality of writing of this book leads one to wonder if English is, in fact, his second language. Let alone how many exclamation points you can use in a single book! As it also leaves you wondering if he actually believes in any of this or is just tossing it all together in order to turn a buck. Perhaps a bit clue lies in one of his previous works, where he talks about a special young woman in Peru who had the honor of discovering an ancient spaceship hidden away beneath the Sphinx.
No doubt, there will be yet more books in this guy's future, ones full of even more wonders waiting to be revealed and stories of how he is working so hard to lead humankind into the New Light, because so long as someone will buy what he is dishing out someone else will be willing to publish it. I still don't know if he actually believes in any of this or is simple chortling up his sleeve all the way to the bank, but it puts one in mind of the old adage that a sucker is born every minute. Or should that be reborn?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maureen rice
I have known about Drunvalo for more than 20 years and expected more from him! He says in the book that he has studied with more than 90 spiritual teachers and has studied all the spiritual practices on the planet. Evidently he did not do his homework for this one. He did not reference gnostic teachings which clearly tell how the kundalini is raised in humans, and as above so below. He is so egotistical, so vague in this book, I simply could not finish it. I just had read the Idiot's Guide to 2012 and was really looking forward to hearing what Drunvalo had to say. I say he evidently still has egos to work on, and as well, the $19.95 cover price is absurd. What I find more absurd is wasting your time reading this piddle. You can learn more from the internet than you can this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Serpent of Light is an enlightening adventure story which takes us on a journey around the planet to important sacred sites.
Drunvalo with clear honesty, innocence, and sage like wisdom weaves his way through the sacred sites of the Yukatan revealing to us their esoteric origins and purpose. Drunvalo visits each site planting sacred crystals coded with positive intentions for the evolution of our living planet and all life here as well.
A few years ago I was saying to my friends the poles of the planet are going to shift, there will be great changes upon the planet. They laughed, until the earth quakes which shifted the poles in Chile and now in Japan happened. Now they look at me and ask how did you know that? I told them I have been listening to a man named Drunvalo Melchezadek. He is a scientist, artist, visionary and special voice for our planet at this time. These friends are all big business people, super sports athletes, very successful people. When I share my comments of things I have learned from observing Druvalo now they listen
quietly, though I do not say much.
I highly recommend this book Serpent of Light for those of you who are ready to understand what is going on behind the scenes in our Global reality.
Drunvalo with clear honesty, innocence, and sage like wisdom weaves his way through the sacred sites of the Yukatan revealing to us their esoteric origins and purpose. Drunvalo visits each site planting sacred crystals coded with positive intentions for the evolution of our living planet and all life here as well.
A few years ago I was saying to my friends the poles of the planet are going to shift, there will be great changes upon the planet. They laughed, until the earth quakes which shifted the poles in Chile and now in Japan happened. Now they look at me and ask how did you know that? I told them I have been listening to a man named Drunvalo Melchezadek. He is a scientist, artist, visionary and special voice for our planet at this time. These friends are all big business people, super sports athletes, very successful people. When I share my comments of things I have learned from observing Druvalo now they listen
quietly, though I do not say much.
I highly recommend this book Serpent of Light for those of you who are ready to understand what is going on behind the scenes in our Global reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel ashwood
This is an awesome, exciting and adventuresome true story of a quest to save Mother Earth and her inhabitants prior to 2012. It is about raising the vibration of the planet in this 3rd dimensional reality, and atuning the Earth's Sacred Power Spots to the Divine Feminine. This will in turn, bring about a timely Evolution and Consciousness not experienced since Lemuria and Atlantis in the heighth of their evolution on this planet. This adventure was inspired and directed by Thoth, through Drunvalo Melchizedek, and is a balancing of the Yin/Yang principal or Male/Female Energies of the Planet. Sylvia Casillas
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
naomi searl
This book was quite a disappointment. After reading the Flower of Life books, I thought this book would be filled with important information for these changing times. Instead, its a long-winded tale filled with egoic experiences that might make some look up to Drunvalo and say "ah...". It feels as though Drunvalo has lost "something" since Flower of Life, and instead of sharing information, he is now leading us on to the next book or workshop and more money in his pocket. Sad...
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As a Truth Seeker, especially with Native American Wisdom, I was disappointed. I expected to be better convinced, but felt I was on more of a hippie tour of Sacred areas. I am convinced the author has found a way of financing expensive trips around the world... I guess I have joined the financiers. I expected much more, than just male to female conversion provided by dropping crystals down holes, while experiencing sexual erotics. I did not find anything, that I would seriously consider incorporating into my belief system. I continue to have a open mind, but not to the point of infection! My conclusion is, that this is another attempt to capitalize on the 2012 gravy train interest. I do think there is great truth in the author's claim of being an ardent hippie in the 60's. It appears the 60's were very good to him. However, I still refuse to use recreational drugs!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
greg perowne
Some of the material in this book has been covered in past books, on the website, or in books by others (Ken Page). I was disappointed at first because it seemed like a review. But after reading for awhile, the impact of the book hit mne full on. Some of the paragraphs were so powerful or so reverent, it took my breath away. I found I had to stop reading and close the book to allow the impact of what I had just recieved to sink in. Read this book. It's an experience!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeri konskier
'In Serpent of Light, Drunvalo tells stories of his 35 years spent in service to Mother Earth. Travel around the world as he follows his guidance and his own inner growing knowledge. His story is a living string of ceremonies to help heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances-in short, to increase our awareness, of the invisibility of life in the universe.' - It really is a great time to be alive, if your 1 that has read Drunvalos other books and couldn't put them down until you were done this is the same type of amazing work. I hope he keeps releasing more books before 2012-13! Don't waste time get this & read asap!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Drunvalo takes you with him on his quest all around the world to help the planet and it's people. I gained a better understanding of what "2012" is all about and this adventure filled my heart with love. I only wish I could have been there!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy gibbs
I couldn't put this book down and completed reading it in two days. It confirmed a lot of other facts that I have read regarding the coming of the new era of global consciousness and integration, that will accompany the rise of the feminine energy, as it engulfs our planet and society with new and more nurturing values. South America will become the hot pilgrimage destination as was India and Tibet to date. The predicted rise of the earth's kundalini and the consequent rise in consciousness it will bring, should be a reminder that within our own bodies this is also possible. This is the type of book you can't wait to pass on to friends who are also on the path in search of truth and light.
Geraldine van Lint - Melbourne, Australia
Geraldine van Lint - Melbourne, Australia
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is the first completely negative review I've written on any book purchased through the
I felt that this book was too outrageous in its claims to be regarded non-fiction. This is a work of fiction; bad fiction at that. The long snail trail of unbelievable claims range from communication with a spirit called Thoth who has conveniently picked him (and nobody else for that matter) to save the world to switching bodies during accidents to plots that in my experience of the world thus far unravel too conveniently tobe true. Trying to market past and works-in-progress in one of your books is also a big no no - it screams charlatan.
If you're looking for in depth information or scholarly work based on the Mayan phenomenon of 2012 please don't waste your money on this popcorn novel - look elsewhere.
2012: Predictions, prophecies and possibilities is a good read.
I felt that this book was too outrageous in its claims to be regarded non-fiction. This is a work of fiction; bad fiction at that. The long snail trail of unbelievable claims range from communication with a spirit called Thoth who has conveniently picked him (and nobody else for that matter) to save the world to switching bodies during accidents to plots that in my experience of the world thus far unravel too conveniently tobe true. Trying to market past and works-in-progress in one of your books is also a big no no - it screams charlatan.
If you're looking for in depth information or scholarly work based on the Mayan phenomenon of 2012 please don't waste your money on this popcorn novel - look elsewhere.
2012: Predictions, prophecies and possibilities is a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul solorzano
Drunvalo is a great storyteller and we are very lucky to have him share his journey with us. It is truly a wonderful book that will keep you turning the pages and not be able to put the book down. I also found the information on triple digit numerology to be something I have not seen elsewhere. Since reading this I have been spotting this all over and it really has guided my life in mysterious ways. Thank you Drunvalo for being the great spiritual guide you are. Get this book, you won't be sorry.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda callaghan
If you are searching for in-depth information regarding Maya predictions, this is not your book. If you want to learn about the earth's Kundalini, this is not your book. If you want to know what will happen beyond 2012, this is not your book. But if you want a book about the 'psychic' trips of an egocentric, self-proclaimed guru, then buy the book. But let me add just as a warning: this book is a 'Castaneda Gone Bad' type of book. Ancient spirits not only communicate telepathically with Mr. Melchizedek but they even leave written 'thank you' notes! I didn't have the stomach to finish the whole thing. I'm sorry I wasted my precious time in such an irrelevant book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael ansaldo
I could not put this book down. The synchronicity that happens in Drunvalo's life is incredibly amazing. This book is more of a diary then a teaching book, although I learned so much from it. Don't get this book if you think you are going to get information on what's going to happen on the big day. It's more about what needs to be in balance and healed in order for the shift to occur. Thanks Drunvalo for you tireless work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a riveting story that resonates with various levels of energetic spiritual teachings. This book has ignited my curiosity and longing for deeper connection with the source of all creation. Drunvalo's writing style is casual and experiential. Easy to go along with him on the journey and yearn for more. I am reading his other books now with as much enthusiasm as this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Drunvalo's best book so far. He answered many questions I had for years.
It is easy reading and profound at the same time. I was on the trip to Yucatan with him and I enjoyed reading some pages I was not aware of, as so much work accomplished was below the surface. And I remember vividly that pouring rain we had at the end for several hours with thunder etc.
It is the first time I understand why 2012 is only a turning point, not at all the end. Maybe the end of the world as we know it, but especially the beginning of a brand new one. I cant wait to experience it!
Once you start, you wont be able to put it down.
I bought several copies to give away.
It is easy reading and profound at the same time. I was on the trip to Yucatan with him and I enjoyed reading some pages I was not aware of, as so much work accomplished was below the surface. And I remember vividly that pouring rain we had at the end for several hours with thunder etc.
It is the first time I understand why 2012 is only a turning point, not at all the end. Maybe the end of the world as we know it, but especially the beginning of a brand new one. I cant wait to experience it!
Once you start, you wont be able to put it down.
I bought several copies to give away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read all four of Drunvalo Melchiezedek's books and this one is a terrific summary of what he has been doing for Mother Earth and all of us. This book is for those of us who are awakening and those who are already awake. Others will view this as pure fiction . . . which it is not.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda baker
Thank you Drunvalo for expanding my awareness, to the Beings who guide you, thank you for your presence and restoration of that which I used to believe in, but gave up for a while because of doubt. I look forward to my life now
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa marcoux
Serpent of Light, a very valuable and amazing book for the shared knowledge of ancient and recent happenings in the Energy field of Hearth and the spiritual planes of Humanity...and a pleasant reading too!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda coppedge
I was disturbed by many aspects of this book. For example, Melchizedek says on page one: "St Thomas in his Gospel of the Christ". But St Thomas the apostle never wrote a gospel. The so-called Gospel of Thomas was actually written by Gnostics about 200 years after the death of Christ. Gnostics were anti-woman (one of the lines in the Gospel of Thomas is "Women do not deserve to live") anti-flesh and anti-world. I am puzzled that the author esteems them.
He also claims the outer priesthood from Atlantis "went to the shores of what is now the Yucatan in Mexico and today are known as the Maya" (p 17). As any history books will tell you, the Mayan priesthood used to cut the still-beating hearts from their vast numbers of victims. They sliced people to death, stoned them, skinned and buried them alive. Children were frequent victims of these cheery rites. Then the Mayans would cook and eat the bodies. Archaeologists have found mounds of gnawed-upon bones. This is your enlightened people? Are you kidding?
In addition to not knowing anything about the history of the Gnostics and the Mayans, the author needs to look up the history of the Sufi Assassins. Also, Arica is not "an ancient form of knowledge, based upon something that was not understood at the time, sacred geometry" (p 23). It is just a later version of numerology. And, like astrology and reading the bumps on people's heads and studying the lines in their hands, there is not the smallest shred of evidence that any of these things reveal anything.
Some years ago, a psychologist gave every student in his classroom a detailed astrological chart based on their birth dates. Without exception, all the students claimed to be amazed at how accurate the charts were.
Then the psychologist pointed out they had all been given the same chart.
He also claims the outer priesthood from Atlantis "went to the shores of what is now the Yucatan in Mexico and today are known as the Maya" (p 17). As any history books will tell you, the Mayan priesthood used to cut the still-beating hearts from their vast numbers of victims. They sliced people to death, stoned them, skinned and buried them alive. Children were frequent victims of these cheery rites. Then the Mayans would cook and eat the bodies. Archaeologists have found mounds of gnawed-upon bones. This is your enlightened people? Are you kidding?
In addition to not knowing anything about the history of the Gnostics and the Mayans, the author needs to look up the history of the Sufi Assassins. Also, Arica is not "an ancient form of knowledge, based upon something that was not understood at the time, sacred geometry" (p 23). It is just a later version of numerology. And, like astrology and reading the bumps on people's heads and studying the lines in their hands, there is not the smallest shred of evidence that any of these things reveal anything.
Some years ago, a psychologist gave every student in his classroom a detailed astrological chart based on their birth dates. Without exception, all the students claimed to be amazed at how accurate the charts were.
Then the psychologist pointed out they had all been given the same chart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily puerner
This book changed my life, opened my heart and brought me back to the real definition of reality. This book is magical and reading it changes you. Thank you Drunvalo for writing it. You've brought me back home to our Mother.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
venu mittal
This book might better have been titled "Serpent of Crap: Beyond Unintentionally Funny!" I will never forget my fellow reviewer, R9's, comment: 'There is a pile of poop in Indiana that connects to a pyramid in a different dimension.' Just as BERNIE PERONA or as he likes to call himself: 'drunvalo melchizedek' has stolen from many New Age Crapsters while compiling this load in his quest to help destroy North America's forests which real Native Americans would find wholly offensive, as they would his ridiculous claim that he is a Native American in a white body! He and the rest of the 'Cardiac Indians' have probably never even been to a pow-wow, let alone visit a reservation, let alone waived 'hi' to a Native American in a crowd, much less an elder!
Bernie 'drunvalo melchizedek' Perona is a stupid person and so are you if you spend money on his books. This moron has never bothered to check a fact or vet his "channeling". In his 'flower of life' books he talks about astronomy, but is clear that he doesn't know a quasar from a galaxy from a solar system. All of which any idiot (except this one) could have looked up for free on the internet. Wikipedia has very accessible articles where you can check all of his mistakes. Although his own self-written article about himself is as equally putrid as his books and could use with some updating! This book (as are all his books) is for dumb, vapid new agers who want to be told that they are perfect, will stay young forever, and will be rich as long as they buy Bernie's books, attend his workshops, say his affirmations and never question anything he has to say. This is really a zero star review as I regretfully have to give this con-artist at least one star just to publish my it. (And guess what? You can read it for free!)
To sum up: Don't contribute to global deforestation of the earth by buying this idiot's books.
Bernie 'drunvalo melchizedek' Perona is a stupid person and so are you if you spend money on his books. This moron has never bothered to check a fact or vet his "channeling". In his 'flower of life' books he talks about astronomy, but is clear that he doesn't know a quasar from a galaxy from a solar system. All of which any idiot (except this one) could have looked up for free on the internet. Wikipedia has very accessible articles where you can check all of his mistakes. Although his own self-written article about himself is as equally putrid as his books and could use with some updating! This book (as are all his books) is for dumb, vapid new agers who want to be told that they are perfect, will stay young forever, and will be rich as long as they buy Bernie's books, attend his workshops, say his affirmations and never question anything he has to say. This is really a zero star review as I regretfully have to give this con-artist at least one star just to publish my it. (And guess what? You can read it for free!)
To sum up: Don't contribute to global deforestation of the earth by buying this idiot's books.
Please RateThe Movement of the Earth's Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light
That we have depleted and vandalized the Earth's resources in over a few decennia is a well known fact, as we grapple with issues like greenhouse gases and global warming. However, there are other facets of our lovely planet that we haven't yet been made aware of, at a global level. The 'Serpent of Light' is one such. Simply put, it is the Spirit of the Earth. Legend has it that it moves every 13,000 years from its resting place to another. The area that the Serpent rests in, gives birth to great schoars and thinkers because of the heightened energies. The movement of the Serpent, according to this book, appears to have taken place recently, (in accordance with the dawning of the Aquarian Age) as it moved from its latest home, high up in the Himalayas to its present resting place, somewhere between Peru and Chile. This shift in the Earth's energy was predicted by the Mayans about 13,000 years ago. Anchoring this energy properly in its present home has involved a concerted effort worldwide at different levels of consciousness. In this book, Drunvalo Melchizedek talks of the work in which he himself has played a major part.
For the first time in my reading, I find a spiritual action story. Coincidences take place so often that one is surprised that one can be surprised at all, that one has not got hardened to the rapid turn of events. Where, for instance, people whom you don't know at all, but are supposed to meet, turn up out of the blue, where you happen to be, to participate in a complex ceremony that required their presence. Where a group of people, drawn from all over the globe, come together to perform intricate rites, and the joy and exhilaration they generate together, as these ancient rituals are conducted, as the consciousness of native American tribes who have been wiped out, are resurrected from the Nether Worlds. The sense of an unceasing party, full of wonderful surprises comes through very vividly in this book.
Drunvalo mentions, also in some detail, his role in awakening and balancing the Goddess Consciousness in the late 1980's. In this, as in all his other ventures, he is mentored by Thoth and the angels. The book concludes with the story of his ongoing interaction with the Maori from New Zealand.
The author attributes his success in getting across to the ancient tribes of the world, to his own heart based perception, heightened after years of doing the Mer Ka Ba meditation. He mentions a time during one of the ceremonies which focused on healing the heart chakra, with a globally drawn group of participants, when one of them said that she sensed (at the end of the ceremony) that 'the Tower of Babel was shattered to splinters'.
This book has moved me as very few have. It contains many nuggets of badly needed esoteric wisdom within its 270 odd pages, pages that bear testimony to a way of life, devoted to living in the eternal Now with total trust of being provided for. It is not meant to be analyzed or understood, for it speaks directly to the part of us that knows all things and holds its wisdom in silence, the human heart. For those of us who are acquainted with Drunvalo, this book is some sort of an extension and elaboration of his earlier books, 'Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life' (Vol. I and II) and 'Living in the Heart'., and written in his characteristically humorous, self effacing style. All in all: Advanced Wisdom, very readable, and highly recommended for all, especially during these times of uncertainty, confusion aand doubt.