ByEllen Hopkins
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
So i was referred by a friend who absolutely loved this book and I have got say I was more than a little unimpressed. First of the character development is horribly lacking and it seemed to me she described every one in this book by hair color and 'startling eyes'. besides that there was no in depth plot it just stumbled along, and then it was like it had been two months in Aspen Springs, and i was like were the hell did all the time go? The love was a bit tacky but it deserves 2 and half stars because i like the message she was awkwardly trying to convey. I think it was mostly the horrible formatting that got to me. I probably would say read it if it was free, but other than that you're on your own killing 666 pages worth of trees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book for my daughter. She loves this book! She is still in the process of reading it, after she read the first few pages she told me she couldn't stop reading it! Now she is wanting me to get her more books by this author.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I liked this book okay, but had some problems with it, it makes me wonder the beliefs of the author, does she believe if a gay man meets the right girl then maybe they won’t be gay anymore? I’m not buying this idea. The characters all seemed to be stereotypes without any real character development
Burned :: The Vampire Lestat (Vampire Chronicles - Book II) by Anne Rice (1986-09-12) :: Blackwood Farm :: The Vampire Lestat[VAMPIRE LESTAT][Paperback] :: Crank: Crank + Glass (Crank Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marjakrishotmail com
I've always had great admiration for Ellen Hopkins writing style and her wonderous legacy has worked its affect on this novel. I felt very touched by the characters point of views and how there love for each other built up over the course of there time in rehab. Though there is one thing that bothered me towards the ending is when Conner killed himself- it sort of gives you no hope for yourself when he's the charcter you related to the most.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A book told with fantastic insight. Besides emotionaly connecting you with the chatacters, you are also introduced into the much debated world of mental illness and the debate over pharmaceuticals. Great read!
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