There You Are (ROUGH CUT), Wherever You Go

ByJon Kabat-Zinn

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlotte crowley
Recommend it whole heartedly. The prose is exquisite, yet accessible. There are passages here that are worth reading and re-reading time and time again. I will return to this book certainly some times in the future, for reference and to dwell into it deeper until some of these ideas hopefully become living habits of my life. Thank you to the author for this gift!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read so many meditation books. This must rank as my personal favorite, one I shall give as gifts to friends. Every page has a gem-concept.

As an aside, I love the rough-cut texture of the pages. Reminds me of handmade books and a time when books were special. I love my Kindle, but the feel of a good book...yeah!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael thimsen
This spells out in detail what to expect from meditation and it's effects. It is a BIG help for those that were expecting to be struck by lightning or something equally dramatic. Great book for anyone interested in learning more about meditation!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ally fox
A very clear and simple to understand book illustrating the main concepts of mindfulness, what they mean and more importantly how to apply them in your own life. Sometimes in life the simplest things can seem complicated. This books cut through my layers of years of conditioned gobbledygook . Much appreciation to the author for his ability to write with such clarity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The timing of me discovering this book was perfect. I was (am) in a real transitional period in my life and I'm typically living it as an emergency. I'm not a meditator at least consciously, but the insights and wisdom in this book really set me on track to truly "being" in the moment. Puts things into perspective in a clear and effective way. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah zubarik
I had been going through tremendous stress and anxiety related to a variety of issues. I started this book and it has helped me "rethink" the way things are and should be. It has helped me put so many things in perspective. I now read a small portion each morning as sort of a daily affirmation before heading off to work. It's one of the best books I've bought in quite some time related to the subject of mindfulness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny garone
This wonderful book has taken me through the trials and tribulations of life! No matter what is running through my mind when I can't sleep evaporates within minutes after picking up this great read. Its not religion mind you, but he has a grasp of the vissitudes of life and how to make your way though it. I have been reading it for well over 14 years, and it is always there when I need it: in book form by my bedside table, on my kindle when I am traveling and on my smartphone in between.
Take it for a spin, you won't regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unlike Kabat-Zinn's previous book, Full Catastrophe Living, which is a somewhat dense tome about stress reduction, this book is more a collection of short, interrelated tidbits that will get you to sit and meditate. Kabat-Zinn has a non-denominational approach to meditation, mentioning its Buddhist origins, but not proning Buddhism. For those of use who are atheists/agnostics, this is refreshing. The book itself does not give many instructions on meditation, so if you are looking for a first book on meditation, this is not what you need. But reading its short chapters from time to time might just remind you why you started doing this strange practice that is meditation, and help keep you sitting a bit longer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige wakefield
This book is an excellent introduction to mindfulness meditation for anyone, including skeptics, agnostics, and people who are wary of anything that seems remotely flaky. I became interested in learning more about the practice because of the well substantiated scientific evidence showing the real physical and mental benefits of the practice. Jon Kabat-Zinn is an inspired and brilliant writer who makes a compelling case for the transforming power of mindfulness meditation. His practical advice and real life examples make the practice accessible to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jb rowland
Jon Kabat-Zinn presents a clear, calm, compelling case for why meditation and mindfulness are so beneficial, and also practical material for how to incorporate these ideas into one's daily, modern life without going to any extremes. Well-written, thoughtful, and thought-provoking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy forster
Best material I've ever read on meditation, and I've read quite a lot both in Chinese and in English. I'd heard the audio version of the book and then bought the hard copy so that I can underline the important parts for revisiting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renae sauter
This is an excellent, non-intimidating and useful guide to mindfulness meditation. Great for beginners. The author sticks to the basics and gives helpful, straightforward guidance. I have looked at a lot of these books but this is the first one that has really been helpful to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chet beebe
This book was my first big effort toward meditation. I have since moved on and given my first book away. The ideas in the book are timeless and worth reviewing(and I recommend to friends in turmoil) This is my second copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The guidance in the book is wonderfully expressed. The guidance was clear, and it helped me to get in touch with relaxing and calming my life down. This is a great book and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get in better touch inwardly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For those involved in meditation, this is a useful guide - particularly if you are new to it. Although I haven't been into meditation, I feel encouraged by reading this book. Maybe even I can do it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melvi yendra
Parts of this book are a bit “flowery” for me, but it’s underlying points and information are valuable. It offers a perspective that may not have occurred to many people. I found it to be a refreshing take.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paola arcia
I have read several "classic" books on meditation and buddhism, but this book is the one to read first. Kabat-Zinn is a wonderful writer and he speaks to a western audience in their own terms. The book is centered in Buddhist philosophy, but is sensitive to the fact that many readers are not familiar with Buddhism and are not necessarily actively interested in Buddhism or meditation as a religious practice. Other books written or translated from well-known Buddhist authors lack Kabat-Zinn's clarity, understanding of his audience and his not overtly religious presentation of mindfulness and meditation. Once I read Kabat-Zinn's book I was able to return to other books with a better understanding of mindfulness and meditation. A dear friend who has been a devotee of Buddhism for over twenty years found the book to be well written and enjoyed reading it, but she was already familiar with the information and concepts he presented. In general a very good introduction and a very good quality book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane nelson
Kabat-Zinn does a wonderful job of applying meditative living to one's moment-to-moment, reality accepting life. Your personal power and clarity for your best life are not in ruminations about the past, not in fear or expectations for the future. The Divine is in the NOW. This book provides a connection to the guidance available in you (from your highest self) to experience life with all of your senses and a knowing that it is about the JOURNEY; not what you did or didn't do; not about judgement or pressure for tasks undone. It is a teaching for living without judgement and with complete acceptance of the way things ARE, NOW. RIGHT NOW. It is about honouring all of the feelings and thoughts you have and knowing that they are only thoughts and feelings. They are not who you are or who you think you should be. It is about NO SHOULDS, OUGHTS, or SHOULD HAVES. Mindfulness is not easy, at least it is not for me, but you practice as best you can and come back to it if you let your thoughts and feelings live you, instead of you recogizing them and letting them pass as the temporary works of your ego and flight or fight reactions (autonomous work of your body) that they are. The book is particulary effective when combined with a daily practice of meditation. Kabat-Zinn has several books. I highly recommend them all. This way of living has supported me out of the effects of a brain injury and a major several year depression. Make this commitment to honouring yourself and your life just as it's bud opens, just as it is it's most fragrant and extant with infinite possibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel lynde
Not a Biblical end times "Revelations ," nor a concrete how-to-meditate Revelations book, but one that subtlety submerges you in ideas about the nature of mindfulness so that you understand the revelation that has happened--the awareness is just there . . . In you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kath masterson
This book by Kabat-Zinn is written in brief chapters, each with a complete thought and most of them with a recommended action. Ideal as a daily guide to a more mindful life.

This book would be perfect if it were available for the Kindle. Fortunately Hyperion, the publishers, have said it will be Kindle-ized in June.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dave roybal
Very straight forward and easy to read in most of the book. Jon gets " in my humble opinion" a little far out towards the end of the book. I have read several books on the same subject and rate this as one of the best.
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