Not Buddy: Novel-Ties Study Guide, Bud

ByChristopher Paul Curtis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth wylder
I really enjoyed reading Bud not Buddy. It has a great plot and fun to read. It's about a young black boy whos mother died years ago and is looking for his father. He has his own rule book that he follows threw out the story "Bud Cawdwell's Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself." He has to face a bunch of problems in the book that he eventually finds a way to solve them. This book draws in young readers because they can relate to the story in ways and the book is written in a first person point of view. I highly recomend this book for young readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gio clairval
I think this book was a great book because christopher paul curtis gave lots of details to help you visialize whats happening to this little boy in the story. this story is about a little boy who had no parents. he lived in an organe then got let out to a home. the home he was in didn't like bud so they made him sleep in the shed.but since he live in the shed he ran a way from that family. at the end of the story was a big surpise . read the book to see how it was a surpise.i thought this book should get 5 stars because it was really good in all ways!!!! this is one book i think should get 5 stars!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book because the cover was interesting and it seemed like it would be a good book and when I got it didn't want to
put it down. I enjoyed the main charater Bud,cause he was a funny,
and responsible boy. He was brave,and not a dumb child but was smart. The best part in the book was when Bud didn't give the rocks to Mr.Callaway,then everything made sense.
I really didn't enjoy the ending because the main character finds
out about his family and it's sad.
The ending of the book was disappointing, and you'll have to read
the book to find out about the ending.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
enrique ramirez
This book is absolutely fantastic because it packs so many life lessons in a story that you start to have a new outlook on life. Also, this story is a tremendous page-turner because you never know what Bud is going to do next. I really enjoyed reading this because I could really relate to Bud in so many ways I lost count. For example we both have a family member who it is really hard to get along with even though we try our hardest to get along with them. So if you are person who really enjoys reading between the lines in books then I would highly recommend this amazing story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
paul eiting
I liked this book because it kept you guessing to see if he would ever find his dad.Bud,not Buddy had alot of courage. Bud's mom had died and his dad left them when he was young.
Bud had been living in an orpahnage and he was adopted to a family with a spoiled son. He ran away to go find his father. My favorite charater was Bud.I liked the way he had his own rules for life. He never gave up looking for his dad. My favorite part of the book is when Bud runs away from his adopted family. The ending of the book was a surprise to me. He finds someone related to him but is it his dad?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blair south
Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paual Curtis is a great book for all ages based in the 1963. Bud is a orphan at the age of ten who wants to find his father. During the book Bud gets puts in another home with some mean people. Bud fights their son and gets put in their shed. While in there,he thinks a bee hive is a vapire bat so he hits it. Then in another part of the book he steals a car owned by Lefty Louis because he thinks Lefty is a vampire. Bud doesn't get far. Lefty drives bud back to Grand Rapids where he finds Herman E.Calloway which he thinks is his father. But it isn't.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sachin ravikumar
I didn't finish the book because I lost interest, but I was in a pretty good spot when I quit reading. The beginning is kind of choppy at first, but then it gets kind of better throughout the book. Maybe if another kid read it, he would probably say better stuff than I am right now. Bud does not like to be called Buddy, at all.

He pretends to be with a different family, and it actually works, but their family is kind of mean because they make them stop doing what the parents don't want in a harsh way. -Jim, 10 years old
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christi madden
I enjoyed this book because I like books with action and books that make you feel like you're in the book. I just couldn't wait to read it again. I liked the main character Bud, because he was very brave. He was brave enough to travel with strangers who he didn't know but the guy he was looking for did. The best part about the book was when he finds out who his family really is and who he really is too. I liked the ending because he knows who is who in his family. But it was disappointing because I wanted to find out how Bud and his grandpa's relationhsip turn out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Carrying the Suitcase" Blues

The story begins with a boy named Bud not Buddy. His parents are gone, and he lives in "The Home." This is like an orphanage. He also carries a suitcase with all his belongings, which include a picture of a man named Herman E. Calloway. He looks just like himself, so he does some research do go find his supposed dad. On the way he meets Lefty Lewis. He give him a ride to where the mystery man is. Is he his father, friend, enemy or some guy he doesn't even know? Read t e book and find out. Overall, this book was very good. There were some slow parts, but hey, every book has them. So read the book it is great.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
... Although the story was entertaining in an unusual sort of way, I would have enjoyed it were I two years younger. (I just turned twelve.) Bud (not Buddy)'s story is definitely interesting...but I think it could've been a little longer. I'll admit I got into the story as it went along, and even started to care what happened to Bud-which only happens when I'm either very deeply into a story, which I was not, or when an author is very good-but the ending left me deeply disappointed. Still, I think it was an, as Bud would say, "awful good try."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
orsi nagy
Bud, Not Buddy is written by Christopher Paul Curtis.

This book teaches you many lesons.The book is about a ten year old boy named Bud Caldwell who goes to many places so,that he can find a man that he thinks is his dad. He lives in an orphanage because his mother is dead.Bud starts out in the orphange then he gets sent to the Amoses.The Amoses make him stay in their shed.Then, Bud runs away from the Amoses, and he goes on the lamb. He goes to many more places.This book is great!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ismael valencia
This was and excelent book. It was very interesting to read and see how Bud made his way across the state to meet his father, who he would lter find out is his grandfather instead. This little boy lived in a Home and ran away from his foster parents, who treated him badly, and were very mean to him. He then stayed outside the library for a few days until he decided to go meet his father. It was just very exciting to see how he made his journey, and how he delt with different obstacles that stood in his way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
k luke
I liked this book because it was about him settin out to find his dad. He has a poster of his dad band. It was sad when his mom died and he got tookin out of his house in to foster care.
I liked the main character Bud because he never gave up he would go to the library to find thing bout his dad.He was not sacred of anything.
The best part of the book was when Bud told Mr.Calliway his mom name.and Bud was Mr.Calliway grandson.Bud got a recorder and learned how to play and they let him in the band.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie johnson
Shucks you guys picked the right book! My name is Bud (not Buddy). This is my story. I started out living with my mom but when I was six she kicked the bucket. I was sent to the local orphanage called "the Home". It was getting crowded and I really didn't like it there. I was sent to many different foster homes but I was always treated cruelly. So finally, I had had enough of foster care. And I can guarentee you that if you pick up this book then...woop, zoop,'ll be finished `cause it's so good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren blake
Bud, Not Buddy book report

The book Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis is awesome!

The story is about a ten year old boy whose mother died then Bud goes on an adventure to find his father. He encounters situations where he must lie.

Through out the book, Bud brings up some Rules from his own book called Bud Caldwell's Rules and things to have a funner life and making a better liar out of your self. This book teaches to never give up no matter how hard things seem.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked this book because it seemed liked the best book I ever read.I also liked the book becuase it was very interesting.My favorite character was Bud because he set aside his own rules to abide by and most of them were funny.I also liked the thug becuase he likes to pick on people like Bud.My favorite part of the book was when Bud takes Lefty Lewis's car because Bud thought that lewis was a vampire.During the book, bud thinks that he had a father .At the ending, finds out that he has a grandfather.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this book was really great. I liked the character of Bugs a lot. The character of Bud was well created. This book was set in the Great Depresion. Even though Bud was homeless, he still had a great outlook on life. My favorite character was Lefty Lois because he was a mystery until he finally admitted who he really was. In the end, Cadwell turned out to be his Grandpa, not his Dad. Later on, Bud got a horn. The book was pretty good at the begining, but it was really good at the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne clair
Bud is a boy who already goes through big adventures and . . . his first kiss! After living in an orphanage,in a house where every one hated him and . . . on the street,he still keeps his courage. The name of this FANTASTIC book is . . . BUD, NOT BUDDY and the name of the author is Cristopher Paul Curtis.
"I scooshed my lips on Deza's Malone's." Isn't this beautiful?! Like I said in the beginning it was his first kiss . . . that's so romantic . . . ahh. I love the book. It is so fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda callaghan
I just finished a book by Christopher Paul Curtis called Bud, Not Buddy and it was excellent. I liked it because it was about a black, ten year old boy who was on the run during the Great Depression. In the beginning, Bud is living in a foster home. He is sent to live with a family but they are mean to him so he runs away and sleeps in the library. Then he and his friend try to jump a train. If you want a great and also an interesting book, than Bud, Not Buddy is the right book for you.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
March2, 2007 Shane Mills

The main character, Bud, in the book Bud Not, Buddy is a kid who likes to run away a lot to find his father. Bud is an orphan and his mom died when he only 6 years old and now he is in an orphaning Bud has gone to 6 different homes when he was 9 and he never really like them and he would always run away from them. When Bud was 10 he went to a new home and he would always get beat up a by a 12 year boy and when bud was on the ground the boy would kick him a lot and then he would lie about it. Once one bud would go to sleep then would dip his hand in hot water and he would always pee his pants. One day when bud was getting ready the boy walk into the room and through a punch at bud and bud duke under the punch and bud started to fight back and that night bud got in to trouble and he had to sleep in the shed and then bud ran away form that home. Bud is going to go look for his dad who is in Chicago. Bud will try to walk to Chicago but when he was to Chicago a man in a car stop Bud and said where are u going Bud did not want to talk to the man so he kept walking the man stop his car and made bud stop. Bud was really hunger and the man offered food to bud and bud did take it and the man is going to give Bud a ride to Chicago. Once when Bud got to Chicago he was looking for his dad. Bud found his dad he is doing really good and then bud died 2 weeks later.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel macdonald
When I was in fourth grade everyone had already read this book. I was stuck aloneand i didn't want to read it. Finnally in 5th grade I decided to read it. I completely regrete it that I didn't read it in fourth grade! It is a great book to learn from I thought the rules were funny that bud followed. The time in that part of history was horrible. If you read this book be sure that you knoww what time period it's from! it's just a great book that show how Budd survived back then.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this outstanding book because it was humerous the way Bud,the main character,did his thinking.I like him because he din't think or act like normal people.The book is about a 10 year old orphan kid looking for a man he thought was his father.So he set out on the road to the town his father was suppose to be. The best part of the book is when he walks up to the man and says "You're my dad". The ending of the book was very good because it tied everything together!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
will green
In the book Bud, Not Buddy, many sad things ocurred, but good things overcomed the emotional parts.I enjoyed reading this book. I liked reading the sstory becuase it gave me some future lying tips. I found that Bud (the main character in the book), was very brave and perserverent because even though some bad things occured during his adventure, he still stuck to it and kept going on. I would recamend this book alot, for someone who likes sad and funny books. Reading this Book makes me want to read more of Christopher Paul Curtis' books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
greg fanoe
Bud, Not Buddy By: Christopher Paul Curtis

This book is about a ten year old boy named Bud. He lives in an orphanage he calls the home. He gets moved to different places in his life.

My favorite part is when Bud tells the story of Bugs. Bud's best friend gets a cockroach stuck in his ear.

I thought the story was a little long at times.

Remember, always tell the truth.

This book report is by:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bud, Not Buddy story takes place in Flint, Michigan 1936. The story is about a motherless boy who is searching for his father. Bud gos through lots of stuff. He gets a pencil shoved up his nose all the way to the R. He also gets his first kiss. He also meets someone he thinks is a vampire. He finally gets to Grand Rapids where who he thinks is his father should be at. He meets The Dusky Devastators Of The Great Depression and that's where I will end my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron bruns
I thought this book was an excellent book.
This book is about a boy named Bud who is an orfan. He has been at the orfanage since he was 6, because of the death of his mother. He is determined to find his farther so he runs away from a family who gets him.
My favorite character is Bud because when he is determined to do something he does it.
My favorite part was when he ran away from the family.
I would encourage everyone to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
BUD, NOT BUDDY IS SUCH A GOOD BOOK!!!!!!!!! It is a hilarious book with plenty of details and adventure. If I could give it 5 1/2 stars I would! Bud is such a character as he deals with Todd, Deza, and vampires while on the lam. His rules make you laugh out loud! If you don't read this book, you must be crazy! With a surprising twist in the end, you have to read it!

P.S. Don't read this book in the library, you'll laugh too loud!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is awesome! One thing I loved about this book is,it really makes you think about life in middle school and what you go through. This book is about two girls running for president. One is a pop which in this book means popular. The other is just a normal 6th grader.If you like books with 6th grade drama, you will love this book. I would not recommend this book, if you like romance or mystery. I loved this book and I hope you will to!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recommend this book because it's touching and adventurous and it's a comedy. It was a page-turner because every page kept you reading ahead. It was easy to concentrate on the story. I didn't relate in any way. I enjoy this because genre because you never know what's going to happen next. I like this style because it's like Holes. Not all of them ended with a cliff hangar. My mind did not wander during this book. I enjoy Bud Not Buddy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hosein vahdani
If you like adventure stories then this is the book for you. this book is about a boy named Bud who's trying to find his father after his mother died. On the way to find his father Bud meets up with his friend and goes through a cardboard village. He meets new people and gets a ride to Grand Rapids. This book was good because it had a lot of detail and interesting parts. If you read this book you'd wish they'd made a second one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked this book because it was about him settin out to find his dad. He has a poster of his dad band. It was sad when his mom died and he got tookin out of his house in to foster care.
I liked the main character Bud because he never gave up he would go to the library to find thing bout his dad.He was not sacred of anything.
The best part of the book was when Bud told Mr.Calliway his mom name.and Bud was Mr.Calliway grandson.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tiffany gillig
This book was hard to put down! I would recommend this book for those who like a story filled with adventure and a heart-warming ending. This story is very easy to follow along and the message is clear. Every chapter ends with a cliff- hanger! Curtis' adaptation of life during the depression was believable. If you enjoy a fast read, and can enjoy a child's view of what life is like at that age, you'll love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bud, Not Buddy is a fantastic book, filled with suspense and unexpected twists. Bud tells the story in first person so everything is Bud's thoughts and opinions. Bud sets out on a journey for his long lost father. Beware of dangerous vampire bats that can sting! Anyone can love this book because it is an all around great book, so it isn't just a one type of person book. I 100% recommend that you read this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mockingbird girl x
"Bud, Not Buddy" is about an orphan. Before she died, his mother told Bud not to allow anyone to call him Buddy. Buddy, according to her, was a dog's name. Bud is adopted, but quickly escapes. He decides to walk to Grand Rapids from Flint where he lives. Bud carried around an old, beat-up suitcase which contained all his memories from his mothers. Along the road Bud meets Lefty Lewis who takes him to Grand Rapids in his car. Bud wants to go to Grand Rapids because that is where he thinks his father is according to some fliers his mom had saved which bear his name. Is Herman Bud's father? Read the book to find out. This book is for readers who think living perilously is fun.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Bud, Not Buddy has very little action, although the language was good. I think the best highlight of the book was how Bud was made. I liked the way he talked and what he thought. The plot was very good and the ending was kind of unexpected. I recomend this book to people who don't like action. The story takes place in the 30's during the Depression. I didn't like this book very much. It was boring and not cool.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy linden
I enjoyed reading Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis. I thought the book had a good plot and theme. The author made this a good adventure story by detailing everything and explaining it all. He made good characters for a book like this one and used a good time period for this type of plot. In this time period he described exactly what happened at that time but made a character that fits in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vijay nathan
Bud Not Buddy was an interesting book, though if I would be able to choose another book to read, I would not read the book again. I think it is really surprising in some parts, so I think that if I did read it again, it would not be a cliffhanger. This book was great for a project because it was historical fiction. DON'T read this book today! Just kidding, this book was pretty good, just don't read it twice!
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