King of Sword and Sky (Tairen Soul)

ByC. L. Wilson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story is around the Tairen creatures with the unborn young dying and the Fey are getting really leery of Mage-marked Ellie while the baddies plot their evil. It's kind of turning into a fantasy version of a soap-opera but in a good way. The plot keeps going and you can't help but hate evil baddie Vadim -- wishing Ellie would eventually thwart him for good. In some ways, I felt like I was in the mix of the old tv show 'Legend of the Keeper' and Lord of the Rings movies -- routing for the underdog, Ellie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
C. L. Wilson
Fantasy Romance

Rating: 5 Enchantments

Ellysetta Baristani is a Tairen Soul and is now married to Rainier vel'En Daris. She is also the Feyreisa. This position and power holds many requirements and duties but a few stand higher priority than the others. First on her list is to find what is killing the Tairen while still in the eggs, second stop the impending war, third complete the bond with Rain.

Rain wants nothing more than to have Ellysetta behind the faering mists where she would be safe in his home. He knows that to her, her family is more important then her safety so he grants her a few more precious days with them. The time is cut short however when it seems that the primage is again at her soul. Rain will do anything to protect his truemate and cure those of his pride of the evil that is killing them

KING OF SWORD AND SKY picks up only 7 days after the end of `Lady of Light and Shadows', Ellysetta is assorting her family to the safety of Teleon. It is there that Sol and the twins can hide from any of the Eld's allies. What she does not expect is the sudden attack that is just like so many others that she has experienced in the past. The fey think that it is the work of the Vadim Maur, the primage, and it is, however it is just not an attack on her. She is feeling the torture that her real father is feeling. Rain whisks her away to the Faering mists where life seems to become even more complicated. Neither Rain nor Ellysetta can figure out what is killing the Tairen babies. The Tairen's eye crystal has prophesied that Ellysetta will be the death of all that is light. Half of the Fey either love her and the other have are wary of her and her mage marks. The only good thing that she has going is the fact that she can heal all the Rasa by restoring their souls. On top of everything that happens a huge family secret is revealed that could change everything.

I am at a loss for words. I can not think of the proper way to describe my love of KING OF SWORD AND SKY! If I could give this book more than 5 Enchantments I would. C. L. Wilson has a way of making her stories come alive. Each page I read was as if it was taking place in front of me. I did not see the words on the page I saw what was happening in the story. I could see the colors of the sky, I could smell everything, and most of all I could feel the pain and love. This is the kind of story that sticks with you and makes you think of it for days to come. I cried with the way the book left off but I understand why it ended as it did. I have faith that the fourth book, Queen of song and souls will be just as good as the first three were. With that said the books does not stand very well by itself and the first two should be read before KING OF SWORD AND SKY. The character relations are very confusing and the first two explain it all. I highly recommend this series to anyone who wants a page turning, never ending action, keeping you on the end of your seat, story.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean blezard
With her debut novel LORD OF THE FADING LANDS, C. L. Wilson instantly established herself as a "must read" author. With each successive book in this series the reader is drawn deeper into Rain and Ellysetta's world. One cannot help but immediately yearn for the next installment. The third and latest, KING OF SWORD AND SKY is a suspenseful and mesmerizing read to be savored slowly and carefully as its complex plot unfolds.

Rain is taking Ellysetta home to Fading Lands, where they hope she can find the answer to save the tairen from extinction. Ellysetta's father Sol and her younger sisters, the twins Lillis and Lorelle travel with them, although they will remain in Teleon at the edge of the Fading Lands as Sol had promised his wife Lauriana before she died.

Upon leaving her family behind to the protection of Kieran and Kiel, Ellie, Rain and their companywhich includes the former dahl'reisen, Gaelen vel Serranis, enter the Faering Mists which admit only the worthy into the Fey kingdom. To everyone's surprise Galen passes through quickly while Ellie and Rain take so long that everyone begins to worry. Ellysetta bears two mage marks, signs of domination by the High Mage Vadim Maur, High Mage of the Eld. Ellie and Rain finally emerge but doubts have sprung up among some of the more influential members of the Fey including several members of the Massan (governing body) as to their fitness to rule the Fading Lands. The Tairen, however, have no doubts and soon Ellie finds herself in Fey'Bahren where she attempts to discover what is ailing the unborn Tairen within the five remaining eggs. Should they die, it would mean the end of both the Tairen and Fey races. In this dire situation some hope and joy is taken from the fact that for the first time in centuries a Fey woman, the Shei'dalin Marissya. is with child due to Ellysetta's wine and keflee induced carnal weave, woven at the state dinner in Celieria. Ellie also heals a huge number of rasa (Fey warriors on the brink of losing their souls) who immediately swear allegiance to her.

In the meantime Rain must prepare the Fey for war against the Eld and as Gaelen had spent his years in exile fighting on the Eld borders, Rain appoints him as chatok at the academy to teach the warriors how to effectively fight against the Eld. This further divides the loyalty of the Fey, as many believe that honor once lost cannot be restored.

Ellysetta soon discovers that the unborn Tairen are physically healthy but are dying nonetheless. They are being attacked but she does not know why or by whom. All of her research in the Fey library and each attempt to heal them have proved futile. Another egg is taken. Her last hope is to obtain the information she needs from the Tairen Eye, the great Oracle that had sent Rain vel'En Daris, Tairen Soul and Feyreisen of the Fading Lands on a quest to Celieria to find her, their supposed savior. But the vision shown by the Eye only serves to divide Rain's people further as a mage-claimed Ellie is shown as the destructive force which destroys them all.
There are those among the doubters who believe the Marissya's conception had fulfilled Ellysetta's part in the Eye's initial prophesy, but Ellie perseveres and when she finally discovers what is ailing the unborn kitlings, shock sends her back haring to the Eye.

But the answer it provides will test the loyalty of their people even further. The Eld are on the borders, war is inevitable, Rain's kingdom is divided - Who will prevail?

Vadim Maur's scheme is beyond horrifying, however Ellysetta is simply amazing! Although she has, as yet, been unable to find her inner tairen or to bond wholly with Rain she is strong and loyal and will stop at nothing to save the pride and their fey kin whether she risks her own soul or breaks every law in the land to do so, and she will stand be her truemate's side come hell or high water. Will she be able to fight the growing darkness inside her or will the Eye's prophesy come to pass? Tune in as the saga continues with QUEEN OF SONGS AND SOULS in June of 2009. ~ Reviewed for PNR Reviews
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vampire lk
This third installment of the Fading Lands does not disappoint. I can not say enough about the writing in these books. Although the world of Rain and Ellysetta is complex, I did not have trouble understanding it nor did I have trouble picturing in my mind all the amazing sights and characters. You don't want to skim - let every wonderful word sink in. Not only are the two main characters beautifully brought to life, but there are more compelling side characters than I think I have ever encountered in a book.

Rain brings Ellysetta back to the Fading Lands in this book and they face numerous challenges: The Mages of Eld are planning another war, Ellie still doesn't understand her vast powers nor how she will help save the Tairen. Worst of all the High Mage is trying to claim her soul and she carries his mark of darkness. The fey distrust Rain, their king, for bringing a Mage marked truemate into the lands and for his bringing Gaelen who was a dahl'reisen until Ellie saved him from darkness. How are the Fey going to react when they see Gaelen, the former dahl'reisen Dark Lord returning home? Dahl'reisen are considered 'lost souls'...those who have strayed from the Fey path of honor due to killing so many others in battle that when the weight of those souls becomes too much for them to bear. Now Ellysetta is bringing one of them, the most notorious, into their midst and Rain believes he should help train the Fey in methods he has learned over a thousand years of battling the evil of the Mages.

The Tairen are counting on her to save them. The ferocious huge winged felines are the source of the Feys' magic, and are connected somehow to the life force of the Fading Lands. The kitlings are dying in the eggs and no one can figure out why. Only Ellysetta has the power to save them, but she has to figure out how to do it and whether or not she will dare to risk another Mage mark by using ancient forbidden magic that Gaelen has taught her.

If you like Fantasy stories with strong female characters (as well as compelling male ones), stories that bring the Fey out of legend, the creation of fascinating creatures like the Tairen, Good vs Evil on an epic scale, and a true love that endures no matter what, then you will love this series. I do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave lucas
I love this series. True, I wouldn't suggest reading them out of order. They just don't work well on their own. And these are also books that are best read one right after the other. I was fortunate in that I had all of the first three books before I started to read the series. I do sort of wish it wasn't going to be so long before the fourth book comes out, (October 27th as of this writing). But I really look forward to the next book. I love C.L. Wilson's writing. It is beautifully descriptive. I was completely pulled in from the start. I flew through the first three books in record time. I love love love these books. I think this writer is enormously talented and look forward to seeing what she will produce in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an incredible novel, and is in keeping with the more-than-impressive series. I just want the next novel as soon as possible. The characters are complex, and their personalities are revealed to us and developed throughout this series. The reader believes in these characters and wants them to succeed (or suffer!) with intensity. I spent an entire weekend reading this book, and I'm already going back to reread my favorite sections.
There is alot of suspense and heart-breaking emotion; the world-building that Wilson has accomplished is impressive and masterful. I fell in love with Ellie and Rain from the beginning; Ellie's parents were a surprise to me, and my concern for their well being now surpasses my interest in Ellie and Rain. When an author can bring supporting characters to life with such intensity, you know that you are reading an incredible book.
I hope that you enjoy, and that you get your hands on this book quickly. Just be prepared to lose hours of sleep and to suffer along with these remarkable characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda shettleton
This is the third installment of Ms. Wilson's Tairen series featuring Rain and Ellie, king and queen of the fey, and Tairen souls (a large flying cat like creature) the last of their kind. They are leaving Ellie's city with her family in preparation for the fight with the Eld and trying to save the fey and their allies from the evil High Mage.

If you enjoy Christeen Fehan's Dark series this is for you. Wonderful powerful characters breathtaking out of this world landscapes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
medha darshan
****No Spoilers****
This is by far my favorite series!!! Everyone should at least try the first book, I promise you will be hooked! I have read tons of romance novels from Kresley Cole to J.R. Ward(which have great series as well) but none of the characters have touched my heart as much as as Ellysetta and Rain do.

The author did a fantastic job of creating a fantasy world, perhaps similar to Lord of the rings, but her focus is always on the main characters and her development of the hero and heroine is beautiful. Ellysetta and Rain are not perfect but together they become perfect( That sounds really cheesy)Their love will blow you away. Their devotion to one another, their support of each other, and their protection of one another is so richly drawn out by the author.Especially when the author uses the fey language of Rain's people, Its as if she has written a new language filled with love...

Ok Ok I know this has really turned into a cheese fest but if you want a description of the book read the other reviews, for me the book was all about the strong emotions that the characters evoked in me. I was on cloud nine the whole time I read this series ( It will seriously put you in such a great happy mood)

The author makes a note that she wrote this series as one book rather than 4 separate books, so although each ending is great and leaves you wanting more, you do get a strong sense of - this could have been great as just one 1000 page book-. I loved all the twists and turns and surprises in this book and I really loved how all the characters really came together. I cant wait for the next one!

This is a great new author with an amazing storytelling voice, I cannot wait to see what else she comes up with( I hope she stays within the fantasy realm) I will be really sad when this series is over. 5 Stars from me all the way!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mike pietrosante
I pre-ordered this book, because I have enjoyed this series so much. Pre-ordering was a first for me. I was hooked! If the truth be told, I never knowingly read unfinished stories. I have been sorry that I did it this time, only because I was enthralled with this story and Ms. Wilson severely delayed her remaining publication dates.

I am not a romance fan, or even a true fantasy fan, but C. L. Wilson's books are fabulous fantasy. C. L. Wilson's character development, story line, and descriptive passages are all terrific.

Part three assumes previous knowledge of the story's beginning. Certainly, no problem for me, but be warned--you will need the first two to come up to speed. In the way of enhancing what you learned in the first two books, this book brings you a full view of the Tairen that have been a common theme in the series. It is certainly nice to really have an opportunity to meet them.

I was very disappointed at being left hanging in all of the story lines originating in the first two books. There is precious little progress, and NO closure in this 460 plus page volume for any of the multiple components already in play.

As you can see, this book did not progress the story sufficiently to satisfy me. Add to that the delays in publishing this volume and the newly announced extended wait we now face for book four. Book four is now scheduled for release in June of next year, after an original publication scheduled in July and an initial delay to October 08.

I give it three stars only as an important component in the series. As a stand-alone book, it does not even reach that level. She neglected so many characters and began too many new political and character threads. Given Wilson's propensity to forward a story slowly, I am not hopeful that the one remaining volume will adequately complete this story without cutting corners.

I waited impatiently for book three, but I am not so anxious for the fourth. All in all, I would have preferred less detail and more advancement in the story and better insight into the fate of existing characters.

NEW READERS: If you have not yet started the series, I STRONGLY recommend you wait until all four books are published. There is nothing to "hang your hat on" at this stage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
C.L. Wilson has created a story that so engrosses the reader that these charaters in the book matter. I loved this book and cannot wait until the next and I believe final book in Rain and Elly saga coms out. If you have not read any of the previous books in the series, buy them because they will be on the keeper shelf that I know everyone has in their home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia franks
"King of Sword and Sky", book three of four, takes you on a magic ride with Rain and Elly. Share their love as Elly is introduced to her past and future. Feel the warmth and fear Elly experiences as she is introduced to a new way of life, her destiny.

C.L. Wilson has grown as an author. The development of story and character is amazing. This is one book you'll not be able to put down.
King of Sword and Sky (Tairen Soul)
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