Easily Amused

ByKaren McQuestion

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly carr
Interesting to look back and to realize that the love she was looking for was always just a breath away. She thought that the stranger was the answer to her feelings until her sister made a life changing mistake.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I felt this was very predictable and boring. I can't believe I actually read the entire book. It was very drawn out and no depth to the main characters. The neighbors as the minor characters were more interesting. But I bought it as an ebook for $1.99 so I was not expecting much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Easy,breezy reading. Lots of laughs. Many career oriented women should be able to identify with the main character, single or those who put off marriage to further their careers. I will seek out more of Karen McQuestion's novels. I like her style.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So glad to find a new author. Interest was peaked with an exerpt from the book. Purchased it to read and was very glad I did - Ms. McQuestion now has a new fan~ Her characters are vivid and entertaining. I think you'll like it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Thought it had promise with the free preview, so I bought the rest of the book and wish I hadn't. Maybe if I was a sherlock holmes fan I would have appreciated it more. Not sure if it's the writers first book, but it came across that way. Seemed more appropriate for pre-teens.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
angie kinghorn
This story started out with so much potential but fell flat at the end. The entire story leads up to a quick and lack luster ending. I felt as if the author herself got bored writing the book, and gave up. Needless to say I was disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Lola is almost thirty. About four months ago she inherited a house following the death of her Great Aunt. The reason she inherited and not another member of her family is still a mystery, as they weren't close. She loves the house, but she's beleaguered by neighbors with a too-active interest into hers' and everyone else's life. Loves living alone and having her own space (she's been stuck with more than her share of bad roommates)...until her best friend Hubert is quite forcibly removed from his now ex-girlfriend's pad and has no place else to go. She loves her job, but isn't crazy about her co-workers. Loves her other best friend, Piper, but can't really be bothered to care overmuch for Piper's child or her husband, whom she thinks doesn't have nearly enough of an active roll in raising said child. In short...and unfortunately in total, Lola is just not that nice of a person. And that's a big problem because Easily Amused, what I believe is supposed to be a light romantic comedy but in truth is anything but, is told in first person POV. Lola's POV.

Giving credit where it's due, I have to admit, once I started Easily Amused, I couldn't seem to put it down. The narrative is oddly compelling and the story told in smooth prose that flows quickly and is rather easy on the mind, if not the conscience. It's populated by some rather adorable and quirky secondary characters. Personally, I wish they'd rubbed off a little more on the self absorbed, critical, judgmental, and immature Lola. I think they were supposed to...or by the end we were supposed to believe they had...but I can't say that part of the plot - or any part, really - really worked for me in any realistic way. The plot was not as well developed or interesting as one would hope, and mostly revolved around the rather idiotic idea that to get her sister Mindy back for mentioning Lola's birthday at the wedding Mindy was having on that day, she would bring a studly piece of arm candy to the event and announce her own "engagement," thus stealing Mindy's thunder and ruining her attempts to humiliate Lola by pointing out in front of family and friends that Lola is thirty, unmarried with no prospects, whereas Mindy herself is getting hitched to her high school sweetheart.

Seriously. What are they...twelve?

Lola is a woman who criticizes everything and everyone in her life, even her best friends. She's hypocritical - leaving a blistering voicemail for Hubert for some imagined thoughtlessness, then being utterly thoughtless herself more than once. She's utterly self important - when she needs to vent to her best friend Piper she's annoyed at the obligations of the new mother for her child. She's hideously judgmental - raking each of her neighbors over the coals in her mind, neighbors that come to her aid at the drop of a hat again and again just out of a sense of neighborliness. She's spiteful and utterly childish in relation to her sister - whose character, admittedly, makes Lola look almost saintly, but that doesn't excuse the behaviors.

I didn't like Lola. I loved Hubert, that sweet and caring man, and I loved the colorful neighbors with their good intentions and their kind souls. I even liked Mrs. Kinkaid, a member of Lola's staff. Ryan - the dashing love interest, and Lola's sister Mindy were developed more like caricatures than characters, her sister in particular as a stereotypical venomous, vicious little bitch and had she been my sister I would have long ago disowned her. That Lola hadn't given the list of shenanigans Mindy pulled off throughout her life made Lola seem sort of pathetic on top of all the other issues there were.

It's a shame that this book hadn't been written from a third person perspective, because Lola's questionable character and unappealing personality could have been muted with some broader strokes given to Hubert and the neighbors. It's also a shame that the plot hadn't had more thought and care given to it, or evidenced more of a change in Lola's personality as it progressed. A less subtle epiphany would have been enough to pull my rating up because it really does all depend on Lola's character development. As it's written, however, I found nothing much to recommend it and sadly, was not amused. 2.5 Stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dusty evely
First, thanks to novelist Joe Konrath, who introduced me to Ms. McQuestion on the pages of his blog. This is the first of her novels that I've read, and as I'm easily amused myself, I liked it.

Anchored firmly in chick lit territory, Easily Amused is the story of Lola Watson. About to turn 30, Lola's reasonably content with her life. She's got a great job, good friends, and has recently inherited a fantastic Victorian house from her maiden great-aunt. There are only two areas of discontent. First, the newly acquired neighbors are awfully intrusive. Lola's a bit on the stand-offish side. And that may be part of the reason for issue number two: There's no man in her life, and hasn't been for quite some time.

She isn't the typical neurotic chick lit heroine. However, matters come to a head when her pushy younger sister decides to move her wedding forward to Lola's 30th birthday. I think we can all agree that that's just dirty pool. She and her best friend Piper begin plotting fantasy schemes of dream dates to take to the wedding, but suddenly the perfect dream man shows up and shows lots of interest.

Unfortunately, at virtually the same time, some else shows up. Hubert Holmes, one of Lola's oldest and dearest friends, is on the outs with his girlfriend. He needs a place to crash, and Lola has this huge house...

That's the set-up of this fluffy but enjoyable diversion. I found myself quite engaged with the story and characters, though Lola skirted with unlikability as she strove to keep everyone at arm's length. Still, I found myself reading deep into the night. I was in a blue space, and the novel's humor buoyed me. Ultimately, I'm not really sure I was fully satisfied with the novel's conclusion, but the process of getting there was so enjoyable that I'd certainly be open to reading future novels.

Biggest disappointment: Not one Watson/Holmes joke. Unforgivable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary ellen
This book is like sitting in your grandma's house, drinking iced tea, waiting on the cookies to finish baking. It's just... nice. The lead character is a little cynical and has some insecurities. Her sister is a selfish witch. Her best friends are a suburban mom and a nerdy male grade-school teacher. The romantic interest is an obvious liar and jerk. The nosy neighbors are well-intentioned. You can see the ending from a mile away, but will still enjoy the read. Could have been a little longer. Not really funny, not really spectacular, just comfortable.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Contains spoilers...although it's not like it's not a very predictable book anyways. Lots more just like it in the young adult section.

Brain cells died while reading this book. I found the characters childish and shallow. I've finished the book, and while I love to read just about anything, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. It feels like it's written by a teenager. The characters are so petty and childish and the ending was predictable. Also, it started really slow, and then all of a sudden was in super fast mode at the end. Feels like it skipped a lot, and the plot wasn't substantial. Looking forward to a different book.

Lola is immature for being 29. She's constantly reviling her sister and then thinking things like 'oh, they see right through her' and such. It's annoying, and most of the book. The book is about sibling rivalry, but instead of putting believable ages, like 13 and 11, they are 29 and however old her younger sister is..

The 'great' guy is obviously going to have something wrong with him from the beginning, especially since the friend/roommate starts hitting on her, and she starts contemplating it. Uh, now we definitely know how this book is going to turn out.

I only gave it one star because I HAD to.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The main character in this (in my opinion) puerile novel immediately comes across as sullen and entitled, and doesn't improve as the book continues. The author adds to this mix a street full of quirky neighbors who miraculously don't take offense at the heroine's ill-tempered behavior, but instead are eager to embrace her and include her in their lives. And then there's the implausible mystery man, and the too-good-to-be-true childhood friend. There was nothing genuine about the characters or the actions in this novel. Fortunately it read at about a seventh grade level, so it didn't take me long to make it through this awful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is a nice easy read. The characters and overall plot are not complex, but enjoyable. The characters are easy to love, and hate (Mindy) , and you are rooting for Lola the whole time. Very sweet love story and good read. Would recommend reading while traveling, or sitting on the beach. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik melissa salyer
This light comedy has everything going for it: interesting, distinct and well-drawn characters, plot twists and turns that will keep you guessing, and overall a fun and well-written story. Entertaining from start to finish.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was terrible. I am surprised it was re-released because I have read better novels from this author. I had a major dislike for the main character and most of the characters in the book. Not only were they unlikable, they were extremely boring, from the anti-social 'heroine', to the extremely distasteful sister, to the handsome hunk with no personality, to the asexual 'love interest'. I couldn't wait to finish it, and I didn't need to since I knew what was going to happen once all of the characters were introduced. It wasn't even slightly funny and you don't feel sorry for a hermit who refuses to try. Give me Bridget Jones any day. It's laugh out loud funny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
humberto elias
Although the reading was quick, the story was earthly and wholesome. I read it longing for more. Lola is an inspiration for any single woman who is plagued by family to hurry up and marry. Her freedom is engaging. Her expectations and tolerance of others is admirable. The levels of her character casts a longing for the reader to want to know more about her through each word that is written. The neighborbood harkens to the times lost in America where everyone one in the neighborhood knew each other. Lola became the heroine and she wasn't even planning on it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sam janesch
I really enjoyed this story until the end. The characterization was good. The plot was entertaining. All of her neighbors added to the story. It was kind of predictable but it was still a sweet story. I enjoy stories where friends become something more.

I had to give it only 2 stars because in the last few chapters there were some graphic details that were not needed for the story. I found it odd because I don't remember much if any profanity being used but then to describe what was going on ruined the story for me. I probably will not read more by this author.

If details like this don't bother you the story is sweet. If they do steer clear, as I will do with this author in the future.
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