Emily's Quest (Emily Novels)

ByL. M. Montgomery

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa dils
"Emily's Quest" may be Montgomery's darkest book. Emily finds and loses love, becomes deathly ill, agrees to marry a man she doesn't love, and grows older both in years and in emotions. It's hard to believe that this is considered a children's book! Though when I was a young teen this was my least favorite of the series, as an adult I re-read the book and identified much more with Emily's troubles. There is no doubt that Montgomery knew and understood the anguish and pain in life because she perfectly describes it. However, the heartache in the book is well worth it's beautiful writing, facinating characters, and at last seeing what happens to little Emily.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicole withrow
Personally, perhaps because I loved the imaginative and spunky Emily of the first two books, I was fairly disapointed with how dry and boring this was. Of course it had many life lessons about patience, loneliness, and that things don't always go your way, but it lost lots of its flavor that Lucy Maud Montgomery had in the first two. I love her books, all except this one. The ending, I must say, was certainly worth the disapointment found, yet I cannot give more than three and a half for a book I dreaded reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna alford
I began reading LM Montgomery at age 10, with Anne of Green Gables, as most girls do. But when I moved on to Emily, I truly fell in love. In fact, I spent my entire 10 year old savings on LM Montgomery books after reading Emily of New Moon.

Emily's school years are a difficult time, just as they are for any teenager. She has to constantly choose whether to be herself, or be who her family wants her to be. Even though the struggles may be different than those of modern girls, the theme is the same.

It breaks my heart that LM Montgomery books periodically go out of print. I encourage anyone who wants to own her books to get them when they see them, or they may have to wait a long time for them to come back into print.
Emily of New Moon (The Emily Books, Book 1) :: Puffin Classics Anne of Green Gables #4 Anne of Windy Willows :: Puffin Classics Anne of Green Gables #5 Annes House of Dreams :: Anne of Ingleside (Anne of Green Gables Series) :: Emily Climbs (Emily Novels)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara arrigoni
The second book of the Emily of New Moon trilogy, Emily Climbs continues the story of Emily Byrd Starr. All of L.M. Montgomery's books contain beautiful imagery, whimsical characters, and lovely subplots that bring hints of romance into an otherwise frank story free of modern sex and gore. In contrast to the Anne series, Emily of New Moon is more realistic and a touch darker, viewing the hardships of life in a much more straightforward manner. Emily is just as imaginative and earnest as Anne, but she has a deeper yearning for the chance to write, and seems to suffer much more than Anne ever did. This tale of childhood and womanhood is characterized by Montgomery's flowery writing and brilliant backdrops, but heightened by the sadness and cutting hypocrisy that is finally allowed to shine through, making the Emily series all the more beautiful during the almost painfully happy moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was my favorite book in the Emily triology. My favorite part was when the mad mr. morrison was chasing her through the church, and Teddy comes to her. The favorite part in the whole trilogy is when Mr. Carpenter dies in the third novel, "Emily's Quest." (I was kind of dissapointed he had to die so early though, because I would have liked to see what he had to say about her novel.)
Aunt Ruth is awful, however Emily grows a lot from having to deal with her. And it's kind of cool and eerie how she dreams about where that poor starving boy is hidden and then they find him. That's my most favorite thing about Emily that sets her apart from Anne and the others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I began reading LM Montgomery at age 10, with Anne of Green Gables, as most girls do. But when I moved on to Emily, I truly fell in love. In fact, I spent my entire 10 year old savings on LM Montgomery books after reading Emily of New Moon.

Emily's school years are a difficult time, just as they are for any teenager. She has to constantly choose whether to be herself, or be who her family wants her to be. Even though the struggles may be different than those of modern girls, the theme is the same.

It breaks my heart that LM Montgomery books periodically go out of print. I encourage anyone who wants to own her books to get them when they see them, or they may have to wait a long time for them to come back into print.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laci morgan
Wonderful. As with all the Montgomery books, the beauty of the world captures you. Emily's Quest is a brilliant end to a most charming series of books. Its sadder - had to be, for Emily is no longer a child of 14. She is now 24, with unfulfilled dreams. Hence, there had to be mor etears. But the book statisfied all expectations, except to some extent the final chapter. Rarely has a romance been built up so beautifully and so truthfully as here - and it deserved a much better final chapter. My favourite chapter here is the one where the 24 year old Emily reads the letter written to her by the 14 year old Emily. I cried a long while as I read and reread the lines. I have read nothing as beautiful. In conclusion, this is a must-read. A romance for all ages - to live in a world that is beautiful and captivating, but which alas, no longer exists in this dark world of today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
L.M. Mpntgomery's style of writing in this novel, is a little different than that of the first two in the Emily series. It's descriptive as usual, but more concentrated on her love life. Emily's relationship with Dean is presented in a darker tone than Teddy's. I think that this novel is the saddest out of all them, but it is still a sweet book.I don't want to give away the ending or too much of the plot, but basically it is a great book and you'll enjoy it. I think the main reason why many say that this is not as good as the first two Emily books is because it is kind of sad to see Emily become an adult. It is similar to how a parent wants his child to stay young forever. The older Emily is more mature, but still full of spirit like the young and charming Emily B. Starr.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
If you really love Lucy Maude Montgomery novels, you will love her Emily series as well but I found it to be really boring and I tried to get into it. First, there is just too much information in details which doesn't help visualize the time period. Second, a map might be useful in helping readers become more familiar with Prince Edward Island. Third, the writing is so much at times. There are times when she writes like it's a diary or journal or there is a narrator. There doesn't seem to be a focused, concise, and clear storyline as Emily progresses as an adult from a child. She dreams to be a writer but yet I find the writing here boring and tedious overall. There is a lot of repetition and lack of clarity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was a terrific ending to the Emily series. It really brought out all the depth of her character and painted a better portrait of her than before. I think it is a testimony to her nature that she decided to stay where she was instead of go to New York, I felt sure that moving would have corrupted her and not been in sync with all we already knew about her. I was dissapointed by the end chapter because it seemed a bit unrealistic. Teddy just shows up out of the blue one day? I mean c'mon...and I wished there had been more love episodes with them. I wish there was a fourth book with how Emily's married life would be. All I can say is, whenever I read any book in this series, it makes me feel as if Emily is a real person that I know. I love this series! Read it in order however if you want to get it right.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jacky faber
I thought 'Emily of New Moon' was good and 'Emily Climbs' was absolutely great, so I was really hyped up about this. Maybe too hyped up, because it just wasn't any good. It seemed as if Montgomery was going through a bad period in her life (well maybe she was) and just thought she'd finish the series and be done with it. (Spoilers ahead) So Emily gets involved with Dean like we knew she would, she finds the Lost Diamond (surprise), and spends the rest of her time being unbelievably depressed thinking her life is going down the drain. This goes on for so long I started to believe it too. I mean, OK, a book doesn't have to be all sweetness and light, but a bit more would be very very welcome.

There is just one chapter (more spoilers) where she reads differing reviews of her book. That IS funny, though a bit of a rip-off from Little Women series where the same thing happens to Jo (I forget which book).

When she FINALLY gets together with Teddy it hardly seems adequate recompense for all the misery we (not to mention Emily) have had to go through.

All in all, I know you'll want to read it if you've read the first two, but I'm warning you it's not enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
taryn imwalle
I have always loved Anne of Green Gables, but was unaware until recently of Lucy Maud Montgomery's other books, including Emily of New Moon, which the author portrayed as closer to her own experience than Anne of Green Gables. A delightful book with great insight into the characters that is as fresh and relevant today as it was a century ago.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I feel that, after reading the previous reviews on the Emily Series, the people who wrote their views don't actually understand her. She has never lost her childlikeness and the ability to see beauty in things, despite that the rest of the world has. I think that this is the most important thing of all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ali karbasi
I have always loved Anne of Green Gables, but was unaware until recently of Lucy Maud Montgomery's other books, including Emily of New Moon, which the author portrayed as closer to her own experience than Anne of Green Gables. A delightful book with great insight into the characters that is as fresh and relevant today as it was a century ago.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claude cahn
I feel that, after reading the previous reviews on the Emily Series, the people who wrote their views don't actually understand her. She has never lost her childlikeness and the ability to see beauty in things, despite that the rest of the world has. I think that this is the most important thing of all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While this book was good, and I enjoyed reading about Emily growing up, and falling in Love with Teddy... But I though the book was not as interesting as the first one in the series, but probably because the writer was bound with that certain set of characters whom she couldn't reinvent completely!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina minks
Emily me ayudó a profundizar en mi misma, leerlo fue como conocer a una amiga llena de vida y me hizo feliz el compartir con ella todos los buenos y malos momentos. Este libro es cierto que es mas denso que los anteriores ( deja pensar que, L . M . M. debe de haber estado pasano por un difícil momento), pero por esto mismo es mas profundo, deja que pensar, hace ver la vida de un punto de vista totalmente distinto. Definitivamente me gustó y como escritora que soy, tengo como meta llegar a escribir algun día un libro así.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lin fiorentin
this was the best, most beautifully written, most real and imaginative book i have read! Montgomery is a genius and adds real life and also maximum imagination! It was even better than the first one and I couldn't put either down untill I finished it! Read it! You'll love it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tuhu nugraha dewanto
This story certainly follows the increasing drama in the Emily series! I'd say they are tons better than the Anne series. These books truly are a delight to read. All of the characters are extremely interesting. Each one has a special personality. The characters go through many conflicts and adventures which are truly exciting. Amusing real life situations occur. It has a very creative plot with incredible events! Keeps the pages turning!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rodrigo novaes
I do not whatsoever recommend this book to you. It has no action in it whatsoever, and I find it very uninteresting and apathetic. However, if you enjoy the Anne of Green Gables series, you might possibly enjoy the Emily series. I do not recommend the Anne of Green Gables series either. If you enjoy books that are slow and move at a slow pace, read Emily Climbs
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