Never Let You Go

ByMonica Murphy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah jones
received copy through Netgalley for honest review
First of all if you have not read Never Tear Us Apart. Stop and pick up a copy now. This continues where the first book leaves off. This does not disappoint. I did not want to put this book down. I had to take a breather here and there. This book continues the emotional rollercoaster of the first book. In reality a relationship between the two would seem a little strange, I found myself pulling for them to get their HEA. It is just as Katie says, no one understands what they experienced but the two of them. Their feelings are intense and the outside influences were non stop. I felt every emotion that they felt. It was a little exhausting. With everything going against them, you have to admire the tenacity the two of them had to have a life outside of the tragedy. Again this book takes you through a lot of emotions. I was mad, sad,tense, and happy sometimes all within the same chapter. I loved the way the story flowed and the ending. I love epilogues and HEAs after a emotional read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha luke
Absolutely outstanding! This story captured me right from the beginning of book #1 and I immediately started reading this one the instant I was done with the first. I love the uniqueness of the storyline, the so-called forbidden love story (no I don't agree that it was forbidden), how each character was as unique as the story and the H & h were both struggling to overcome their tragic pasts, how they're willing to do whatever it takes and fight for their love and right to be together. It's romantic, heartfelt, as well as heartbreaking, tragic, suspenseful, has violent situations, emotionally captivating, intriguing, and many twists that will shock and capture you long after the last word. It was truly a fantastic story! I suggest that you read book #1, Never Tear Us Apart, before reading this one, as they are not stand alone books. You definitely won't be disappointed.
I strongly recommend this book as well as book #1!

I received a copy of this from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series has been my first introduction to Monica Murphy's writing and it won't be my last. Never Let You Go starts right where we left off in Never Tear Us Apart - with heartbreak.

This second half of Ethan/Will and Katherine/Katie's story is much more angsty and tugs at your heart. I loved watching these two find each other over and over again - after some lies, more misunderstandings and internal struggles on both their parts. The pain and anguish these two have endured in both of their lives is just too much for anyone to survive. They are tested over and over again - by Katie's family, the media and even the one person that brought these two together in the first place - Will's father, but they fight and protect each other through it all.

Their story is something I've never read before. Even though there was a lot of hard content to take in I loved each part of their love story. Sometimes how you find love isn't ideal but once you find it you should make sure it Never Let(s) You Go.
The Legacy (The Darkness Within Trilogy Book 1) :: A Woman's Guide to Fighting Fear - and Overcoming Anxiety :: Elantris :: Steelheart (The Reckoners) :: Flawless: A Street Love Tale
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the conclusion to Never Tear Us Apart. They must be read in order. And what a fantastically beautiful conclusion it is. Monica Murphy pulls out all the stops in this second chance romance. You will go through quite a roller coaster ride with your emotions as well as some twists and turns you do not see coming your way. You will find yourself on the edge of your seat, not sure you want to know what is next as well as laughing and crying. This story grabs you by the throat and doesn't let you go until the end and you will love every last minute of it. Katie and Will/Evan are so meant for each other. Their souls are bound together from all the trauma they have suffered together. But their beautiful passion and love help them heal their wounds and they become stronger together. This is a powerful, passionate story that you won't want to miss. They will be forever with me. Highly recommended!

Received a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
murat demirci
Part 2 just keeps bringing on more emotion. I definitely do not recommend reading these books alone/nor out of order.
Katie and Ethan/Will are now on a journey to adjust to the news that keeps overshadowing their lives. Will's FATHER! They would like nothing but to be rid of the man but once Katie decided to open up, that also lefter her life open to all the people around her to give their opinions.
They struggled as friends, and had to fight as their friendship grew in order to be accepted by the people closest to them.
Will's father added such emotion to the story. I hated to hear his plans, but always hoped within the story that they would be able to catch him.
I don't like to give the story away in my reviews, so there are definitely no spoilers, but you surely won't be disappointed in this story if you can handle the issues of today's youth.
Great ending to the series. And perfect way to deal with the topic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Never Let You Go was a powerful and gut-wrenching conclusion to Katie and Ethan's story. Just like with the first in this series, this was not an easy book to read. My heart yearned for the pair to find a way to be together, but it was beyond complicated. There was no denying the incredible bond that they shared. They were both victimized by the same man, and they were the only people who could understand each other's pain. I truly believed that Katie and Ethan were meant for each other despite the horrible circumstances of how they met. Watching them work through their pain and confusion was thought-provoking and heartbreaking. Although parts of this book were painful, the story was also filled with beauty and hope. I believe this series is some of Monica Murphy's best work, and it definitely comes with my recommendation.

*An advance copy of this book was received in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Yes, Monica Murphy! Yes... That is how you write a sequel. This.. YES!

This was so intense. So good. So dramatic.. SO dramatic. And oh.. oh.. oh.. oh, so good.

I don't care what anyone says. After reading this book, I still don't like the sister. Like for real, I do not like this woman. I don't care if she's in her own therapy, she has serious issues.

This sequel was so good. Addictive. Intriguing. Sexy. Hot. Dramatic. There was so much going on. And to have that added point of view! GAH!

The first book had me a little nervous, I couldn't stay interested. I had to put it down and come back to it. Let me tell you, I did NOT have that problem with this book. Not . .At.. All.

If you've read Never Tear Us Apart, You HAVE to read Never Let You Go. You don't want to miss this exciting, dramatic, hot conclusion to Will and Katie's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
umang sharma
OMG exactly what I needed! The struggle from the past was difficult but now you get their struggle together on the here and now. It is so important to get those now as adults because for them nothing has been easy. First, for some of the characters I have to say karma really came to visit. And Will is so patient and mature. I see him as selfless and that is something really hard to find, even in a BBF. I really like how every chapter shows a little progress and I'm thankful for the chapters that gave me the criminal's POV. Not to understand it or sympathize but because it gives you a complete change in perspective. A break from what you know. It is very well written, like if a bad guy really wrote it. With everything that happened to Will and Katie, I'm glad they could manage to find breaks from all that torment and their story is just raw beauty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is Powerful & Emotional. It is also SUSPENSEFUL enough that it will keep you at the edge of your seat...wanting to read as quick as possible so you'll find out soon what will happen next with Will and Katie. What a roller coaster ride! yeah, that kind of experience. This ride will take you to the heights...the lows and everything in between.
This book is about two broken and damaged people who met in a very bad circumstance - which found trust, friendship, comfort, strength and love from each other that the rest of the world couldn't offer them. It's heartbreaking but comforting. I love everything about Will/Ethan and Katie.
Monica Murphy wrote this story so well and I'm giving it 5SuspensefulStars.
Received this as ARC in exchange for an honest review, thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Never Let You Go is a soul-searing, heartbreaking, but nonetheless a heartwarming story about second-chances, hope, love, and strength. The story is slow paced, well-written and the characters well-developed.

Following Ethan and Katie throughout their journey has been a real roller coaster of emotions. However, I cannot believe that on top of everything that Katie has gone through, she has to deal with her freaking sister jealousy, with reporters and all other bunch of people that in my honest opinion were too much to add to the story.

The plot was easy to believe to certain point, but I just had to read the book again to fairly rated it.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tomasz andraka
Achingly Beautiful....Two lost souls needing each other for years, completing each other when they can be together. Sadly circumstances, fear, and life keep them apart. It feels like home when they are finally able to come to each other, loving, needing and wanting. Katie and Will fight to stay together the second time around, letting nothing: his father, her family, his work, her fear, anything keep them from one another. They fight the obstacles, the circumstances and constant hounding from a particular media source. What a good cry - you feel each of their depth of emotion as it's told from each person's point of view. This is a fantastic ending to a great story with a happy ending for all. I can't wait to read more of Monica's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie goldberg
The unbelievably emotional conclusion to Katie and Will's story that was started in Never Tear Us Apart. This is part II and you really need to read both books in order for the whole story to make sense.

After discovering Ethan's true identity, Katie turns back to the comfort and stability of her mother and sister. It's not long though before she can no longer deny the facts. She needs Ethan/Will in her life. Moving through the mire of emotions as well as dealing with the media fascination and her family's disapproval makes rebuilding their relationship difficult but they are both determined to make it work.

This book is very well done and will have you reading late into the night. I highly recommend this two book series to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This Amazing book is the conclusion to Never Tear Us Apart. Will and Katie's story will feel
like is tearing you apart, but it will be oh so worth it!
The book picks up where Never Tear Us Apart left off.
Will is full of remorse and pain.
Katie is trying to stay strong while trying to not fall apart from the lies and pain Will cause.
"For once in my life I choose Me."
Now this two will have to learn to travel thru all the lies, secrets and pain, and see if they
can savage their love.

This was such an amazing ending to the story, you will be at the end of your sit and not being able to read fast enough!.

***Netgalley offered a copy for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Monica Murphy has outdone herself with Katie and Ethan's tragic, forbidden, but absolutely beautiful, heart-touching love story. This story is definitely different and darker than other Murphy novels, but boy, did she nail the dark romance genre. I’ve been reading a lot of dark romance lately, and this is the first book I’ve come across that starts with a child abduction. There's no doubt that the kidnapping and rape of children is sick and the most sadistic and perverted of all crimes, so I was in awe of the way Murphy didn’t keep my focus on that vile ugly part of the story. She took me to the beautiful side of this evil, and that is Katie and Ethan's forever love; a love that, as impossible as it may sound, would not have been if not for the awful wickedness hadn't happen. Well done, Murphy, for showing readers the beauty within the cruel atrociousness.

Let me start by strongly recommending that you read the first book, Never Tear Us Apart, in this two-book series first. It gives readers the background of Katie and Ethan's past, along with showing the present of where they find each other again. There is no way to get the full depth of Katie and Ethan's heartfelt story without reading the first book. Okay, with that said, let’s get to the romance of Katie and Ethan in Never Let You Go.

In Never Tear Us Apart (book 1) I was left hanging on one heck of cliffhanger with Katie just discovering Ethan's deceit. I gotta tell you, I was scared, wondering how Katie was going to act toward Ethan. But I'm so glad that Katie didn't fail me. She didn’t pull a heartless move, and could understand why Ethan would choose to do what he did.

I was swooning over Katie and Ethan once they got past the reason they shouldn't be together. Peace was something they both wanted—peace to live their lives and be together. But with their horrific past, there always seems to be those who can't allow them to have their happily ever after. And just when Katie and Ethan think they may have a chance, the past comes back to finish what was left unfinished eight years ago. Only this time, Katie’s no longer a child.

Katie and Ethan's never-should-have-been love story transformed into a beautiful, forever love that had me cheering them the whole way. They deserve their happy ending after all their struggles, regardless of whether or not their love was forbidden to some. I highly recommend Katie and Ethan's dark, steamy hot and forbidden love as an emotional must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy lavine
Even though overall NLYG didn't have the same heart pounding effect on me (except for the last few chapters) that NTUA did, it was still a great ending to Katie and Will's story. Both Katie and Will grow so much in the second installment. They both have to come to terms with their pasts in addition to her family's reluctance to accept their relationship. I really enjoy Monica Murphy's writing and look forward to discovering some of her other books.

- "... I'm not allowed to touch you, that I can't have you ever again. But I'll take whatever scraps you want to give me, though deep down, it'll never be enough."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manoj sharma
Riveting! This is the second and final installment in the story of Will/Ethan and Katherine/Katie. This book was intense, the characters were as in the first book well developed. If the first book hit home the second is hard hitting and keeps you on the edge of your seat in awe of wondering what's gonna happen next. This book was severely intense and definitely a worthy the 5 stars that I have it. I enjoyed it immensely. If you haven't read book one I suggest you read it first but don't stop there. You will wonder what is gonna happen too these people who have all been thru so much. Just grab it and buckle up for the bumpy ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! Absolutely loved this conclusion. That's all I am going to say, I don't want to spoil anything and I feel that if I say anything I will spoil it, and I HATE spoilers! So, with that being said, if you have not read this series I highly recommend it. I usually hate cliffhangers but I did not mind the one that happened in book one because this book was so perfect in bringing it all back together. Monica Murphy's writing is spot on. I loved the main characters. worth the wait for this book!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the conclusion to this two part series and picks up right where we were left at the end of the first book. After discovering Ethan's true identity, Katie runs back to her mother and sister. It is not long before she returns to Ethan/Will and they begin trying to cope with the emotions as well as dealing with the media fascination while building their relationship.

This series is something that should not be missed!

**Received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Will & Katie's story! They so deserved a happy ending! I wanted them to be together and live happily-ever-after after all of the things that they had been through.

The only part that I did not care for was Aaron having his own chapters. While it did not affect my rating, I did not like hearing how he thought. He was pure evil and so sinister and disgusting that I wanted to scream.

All-in-all, this was a truly touching and emotional story. I loved the ending!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW! What sn incredible ending to this series. Will/Ethan and Katie have to withstand everyone's speculation on their relationship. Because nobody approves, they feel like they are in a constant battle to be together. So when questions arise about Wills motives will Katie trust her gut or give into the fear? This series was a definite departure from Monica's usual light, easy writing, but I absolutely loved it and hope she writes more books with this feel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica gary
This is the continuation of Ethan and Katie's story. While I was hooked on book 1 until towards the end, I had a hard time with this book. I wanted to find out how they worked out their past together but all the added distractions and hurdles at times seemed to be there just for angst. I liked the story of the two but with all the other added conflicts, I felt like their overall reunion kind of got lost in the shuffle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow kudos to Ms Murphy on writing a thrilling conclusion to Katie and Will's story. I was glued to my kindle all day long! I had to find out how this traumatic love story was going to turn out. It was a very emotional read that takes you on a roller coaster of a journey. Great read, would highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great ending to this beautiful series! If you read Never Tear Us Apart, you know that you're already invested in Katie and Ethan's story. This book tugged at my heart the entire time I was reading it. Every emotion was evoked, and I couldn't put it down.

This series is absolutely amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claudia cano manuel
This story continues Katie and Will's emotional story from Never Tear Us Apart. As they navigate the past and the future, who they were, who they are, and who they would like to be the reader is sucked into the journey, rooting for them every step of the way.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

Usually I am a huge fan of this author but for me this book just fell flat. I just couldn't get into it. So for me this book was a bust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil park
The emotions have been a rollercoaster during the journey of this book , Rape ,Love/hate relationship , family issues , relationship difficulties ,This book got it all ! it's nearly perfect !

made me sad, angry, furious, happy all at the same time !
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