The Wounded Land (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

ByStephen R. Donaldson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas inwood
This book is incredibly good, though as yet it doesn't make the sheer magic of the first series by devaluing Covenant's relationship with the Land to the point of a mere footnote. I also take issue with a previous reviewer's asinine declaration that this book is disappointing because of the end of the last book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A continuing story of the age old fight between good and evil. Will placed in a land where you have to first learn the language and the lay of the land, to be able to follow the story. Captivating read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarani rangarajan
This is one of only two books that I've ever really tried to read, and found myself unable to complete. The other was "The Talisman" by Stephen King.
I think the most difficult thing for me to swallow were the names. "Thomas Covenant the UNBELIEVER," for one. But I almost threw it out the car window when I read about "Lord Foul the DESPISER." I am sorry, but my youngest cousin (five) would be able to come up with more creative names. I resisted the temptation, however, when I remembered that it belongs to my library.
When I have more time, and more patience, I may try to read this again. But now I will go back to reading a series that is definitely worth while, "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan
The Last Dark (Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant) :: Lord Foul's Bane (Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever :: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Fatal Revenant :: Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Book One - Runes of the Earth :: 'Illearth War' and 'Power That Preserves - Lord Foul's Bane'
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tammy compton
I picked up this book, after having read the 1st trilogy about 8 years ago, and thought it might be fun to revisit this world. However, I put it down with only 50 pages to go, because I plain didn't care what happened. I remember the 1st trilogy fondly, but was sorely disappointed by this. Here's why: 1. Thomas Covenent spends most of the book either unconscious, too weak to barely function, or wracked with guilt to be an effective hero. He becomes whiney, TOO human and a drain to read. 2. I felt that Donaldson was very uncreative in names, etc: "the Land," "Lord Foul" (he's bad) the "Sunbane" and its creatures- Clamor, Din, etc. 3. Many, many anticlimactic moments, re: the "grim that will rend our very souls" which turned out to be nothing more than black snowflakes that burst into small flames and that the characters easily dodged.
Do yourself a favor: skip this and reread Tolkien.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4000 years later, Covenant and Dr Linden Avery returns to the Land, a place of former health and magic. Stephen R Donaldson proves his genius once more as he paints a darker, more grim need. White gold and the power of Wild Magic is rendered ineffectual and Thomas Covenant finds his magic and rage is not enough to heal the Land. The return of Despite and the danger of the Ritual of Desecration proves Covenant's past victory over Lord Foul shallow and ultimately self defeating because Covenant himself caused the destruction of the Staff of Law and led High Lord Elena to break the Law of Death. In a fundamental sense, Covenant is responsible for the current state of the Land. The war against Despite and Desecration rages on and Covenant must find the wisdom to overcome Lord Foul's venom. This book is a stunning return for the Reader because the Land is so fundamentally changed. An excellent book. Donaldson is a genius.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah case lackner
These books are nothing more than an ego exercise by Donaldson to prove to his readers how clever and cerebral he can be. I want to read a tale that is fluid and concise, not alot of unessesary big and obscure words that is not germaine to the story itself, which by the way Donaldson loves to use gratuitously. This is supposed to be a fantasy story, not Descartes "meditations on first philosophy". I wouldn't recommend anyone read this pseudo-esoteric crap.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hido heydaroff
Even if you liked the first trilogy, this one is nearly impossible to get through. It's quite obvious that he makes it up as he goes, and that's fine, but he didn't go back and smooth it out afterwards. It's almost as if he published his first draft. And he cheats, too. If you do read it, watch out for the chapter "blood speed" and you'll know what I mean. And his vocabulary is absolutely ridiculous. And it's long and boooring. Don't read it. I think Donaldson had let his success get to his head when he wrote these.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Set more than 4,000 years after Thomas reigned victory over Lord Foul the despiser, Lord Foul has risen to power again. This time he is more powerful than ever. Having lost their lore and earth power the people of the land are seemingly powerless against Foul's minions the clave.

So begins Thomas's tale. However, this time he is joined by a woman from his world named Linden Avery. Lord Foul summons Thomas to his world with the hope of obtaining the white gold with which to rule both worlds.

Then inexplicably, Lord Foul let's Convenant go. What the hell? The whole 1,500 page series should have been over at page 50. Foul is all powerful. All he has to do is squash Convenant and take the ring.

But in Donaldson's world, Thomas is set free to wander the land.. in frustration. Foul has eliminated all earth power and replaced with Sunbane, which controls the weather and make life hell for the inhabitants. It's either way too hot; way to raining; or way too many insects. Everybody hates the Sunbane.

Even though Foul has let Convenant go, he finds it necessary to launch wave after of attacks using insects, rats, or whatever creatures he can find. Would it have been that hard for Foul to send out a few soldiers to fetch him? He already knows where is. This is so stupid.

So page after page is about the latest attack. Than there are the emotional problems of Avery and Convenant. Conventant can't figure out the paradox of power. Too much he breaks the arch of time. Too little Foul squashes him like a bug. Apparently, the white gold doesn't come with a throttle. Or Convenant lost the instruction manual and doesn't know how to use it.

For Avery the issue is her parents. She feels responsible for their deaths and can't get over it, asking herself over and over again. Am I evil? Am I evil?

Along their way, Avery and Convenant pick up misfits, with strange abilities, but nowhere in the land could they find a dam SHRINK!

However, as bad as this book is, it might actually be the best in the 2nd Chronicles. The 2nd book should have negative stars. It's so bad, I would only recommend that you keep it on your book shelf if you are one of those people who like to brag to guests about having a lot of books.

The 3rd book does mercifully bring the series to an end, but is so bad I was left wondering if the editor ever bothered to read the dam thing or if they just nodded off in mid-sentence like I kept doing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have enjoyed his other works, but this is one of the most miserable books I have ever attempted to read. It just plods along without ever being interesting. I tried reading it three times over five years and I never got more than half-way through it before shoving it under my bed. Needless to say, it was the last in this series I attempted to read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah mullins
This book was horrible and depressing. While it might have had its redeming points, I couldn't get past the his raping of the woman in the beginning of the book. I don't care if he's a leper and can now feel his lower region. This story was horrible and should be avoided at all costs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave d aguanno
Thomas has returned to the Land with a doctor. his Landsight has failed him but to his horror, Lord Foul has cursed her with it. and Foul has cursed the Land with great evil in the 3500 years since Covenant was last there. a journey of truth and pain is the only way he will start the healing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex k rup
Having read the First Chronicles so long ago, I was glad to see a second series. It does not disappoint. One thing I have noticed is that Mr. Donaldson has a great vocabulary, so keep dictionary close by; you'll need it. It is highly rewarding to read such a fine story by such a fine writer, not just a great read, but I have learned several dozen new words!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I agree with many of the positive things people say about this book, except for the quality of the writing. It's about as subtle and finely crafted as chain saw sculpture. The shape and content are there but Donaldson just hammers his characters into rough shapes that don't remind me of real people.
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