Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations box set Book 1)

ByMichael J. Sullivan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis nelson
Having been introduced into this world through Age of Myth, I was intrigued and excited to delve deeper. I was not disappointed at all. Hadrien and Royce are two dynamic protagonists that both complement each other but are also capable of working alone. They work together seemlessly and with delightful mockery and humor. I seriously enjoyed this book <actually two book in one omnibus.>
I am about to go buy the next book so I can travel even deeper into this fantastical world.

Thank you goodreads for introducing me to the wonderful author Michael J Sullivan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanne ligte
I purchased Theft of Swords on the recommendation of the author himself, whose path I clumsily stumbled across on the strange highway that is the internet. I didn't have the highest expectations (I haven't had much luck with self-published authors, Hugh Howey's Silo Saga notwithstanding), but I can appreciate the effort, so I went ahead and purchased it.

Months passed before I actually got around to reading it (the amount of time it took me to finish plowing through everything I could find from Tad Williams, if you're curious). I found myself immediately invested in the fate of the two main characters, whose archetypes I was more familiar with as the Tank and Rogue of video games, than the typical warrior and assassin you find in fantasy novels. I quickly found myself swept along into the fast-moving storyline, and am now completely hooked.

I've just finished up Rise of Empire as well and am raring to dive into the third (and I believe final) volume of the series. These books are a joy to read and a refreshing change from the usual fantasy fare. While I typically prefer the depth and slow pace formula most fantasy authors follow, the Riyria Revelations series achieves great things at high speeds, and each volume is 2 books, so the price is a huge score. These are page-turning, sleep-stealing, heart-racing adventure books, set in a fantasy world anyone familiar with the genre will feel comfortable exploring. Since the author took the time to recommend it to me, I figure I should pay it forward and do the same for you (my first review!).

If fantasy is your thing, you're in for a truly pleasant surprise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
didi chanoch
Enjoyed the more 'traditional' fantasy story that centers around two thieves that are framed for a crime they didn't commit. They then set out to clear their names and help save the kingdom. Along the way there's a wizard, a princess, sword fights, dwarves and even some elves. There has been criticism over the somewhat slow and dry story line but the author asks for patience. Mr. Sullivan stated on a recent Sword & Laser podcast that his story line gradually builds momentum as the story progresses. So if you enjoy this type of story, commit to the entire story line - just my humble opinion.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily shirley
One of my favourite new writers. Love the characters, especially Hadrian. His and Royce's working relationship is a fun read and I really wouldn't want to meet Royce in a dark alley...though I think Hadrian would save me. ;)

Follows the adventures of two thieves who take the wrong job and are framed for a murder they didn't commit and end up with a fairly useless prince in tow while they try to get to the bottom of who framed them, why and save the kingdom in their space time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Splendid book, splending trilogy! It is extremely rare finding a fantasy author who creates such a vivid world with complex caracthers and breathtaking action. I have enjoyed every word. Congratulations to the author for giving his readers such beautiful gifts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These books were great! I can't say enough about Mr. Sullivan. Two of the best characters ever written in the fantasy realm. Finally characters with a sense of humor. I've now read 6 of his books and they have all be fantastic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah jenkins
Loved this first book. The characters are funny and refreshing. Interesting start to what I am sure will be a great series. Just what I needed after months of reading great but intense books. Sullivan's style is easy to read, but not at the sacrifice of plot and detail.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen lovely
Delightful read. Some of the best character development I've read in years. You quickly come to love Royce and Hadrian and the bad guys are easy to despise. While those caught in circumstances were ... well ... interesting people and played their parts in character.
I liked that you could sometimes surmise what lay beyond the next corner. Sometimes, and then only just before turning the corner.
I like books that make me smile or that make me say, "Oooh". Royce and Hadrian kept me doing the former while the plot development increased the latter.
All in all, a wonderful adventure. Absolutely Wonderful!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon cuthbertson
The author takes about 20 pages to find himself, and then it's off to the races! While not on a level with Game of Thrones or Name of the Wind, this is a light enjoyable escape (with 4-5 brutal bloody moments) with an author that can still slip a few surprises past even the most attentive reader. I sometimes think that if the author had the luxury a professional editor (he was initially self-published-hence the rough beginning), then theft of swords might very be a contender among the juggernauts of the genre. Alas, here's hoping his next books take the grand leap forward.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raymond robert
Really enjoyed this book. The format was a bit unique...I felt that it could've been two books in one, but the plot was interesting, the characters were engaging, and it was just generally enjoyable. I would recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series took me by surprise. I picked up "The Crown Conspiracy" because I have exhausted all the big names in the genre and saw it one day on an the store search for another book. I expected it to be in the third tier of fantasy fiction, however I was completely wrong. I was mesmerized by Hadrian and Royce from the first chapter until the last of the series. I can offer no real criticisms besides a few typos in my kindle version. The character development was a breath of fresh air. After reading authors who spend page upon page describing scenery and trying for intricate character development the witty dialogue and intricate plot gripped me. The story is filled with amazing characters both good and bad. I would suggest these books for anyone who loves fantasy fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leah wohl pollack
Straight forward fantasy. Nice "unknown" back stories which lead you guessing and wanting more.

I read Chronicles before Revelations, so I have met Royce and Hadrian before. I prefer chronological to "published" order when at all possible.

B+ to A-
Terry Green would enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachael eggebeen
Theft of Swords was a really good read!!!! I enjoyed the pace, the characters and the humor of this book.... which was really 2 shorter stories of Mr. Sullivan's series. Having read SF&F for 30+ years, I thought this selection was kind of a throwback to earlier times in the genre. I did not have to trudge through hundreds and hundreds of pages of world-building and background..... at the same time I never had to sit back wondering what the heck was going on in the world for an inordinate amount of time. Basically.... as parts of the story come up that you may need a a little more info on...... that info is provided. I guess the best way to describe it is that the world is fleshed out at a similar pace to the story/action of the characters.

Also, while I wouldn't necessarily call this YA fantasy, There isn't a ton of gratuitous sex/violence in this book and have no problems with purchasing this item for either of my teenage kids.

Bottom line is that this is a really good story written by a really good author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I decided to purchase this book based on the reviews and am now on Rise of Empire, the second in this series. The books are good and well worth a read, but fall just short of my favorites. Books like Raven's Shadow The Blood Song, the Mageborn series, the dresden files, and codex alera were all stellar books that kept me on my seat and dying for more by the end. These don't quiet have that same appeal to me and seem to drag at times, but overall I have enjoyed this series so far. Def. a recommend buy for the price.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly sanders
While it starts out feeling very familiar like many books in the genre, it settles in and turns into an interesting read. The primary characters are likable which helps. A lot of foreshadowing, so you can figure things out fairly easily. But all in all an enjoyable read. I'm glad they combined 2 shorter books into 1 (at least another reviewer stated this) as just the first story would have been too short and annoying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was entirely new to this series without any preconceptions/even word of mouth if it was good or not. It is. Its a fairly fresh story, - there are the classic elves and dwarves but there is only a light borrowing from Tolkien and the story bends tropes rather than blindly following them. The characters feel like they have a good amount of depth. There is some decent humour in there too - I like the "odd couple" act that the main characters do. If you've ever worked with someone long enough to love them like family but also find their habits irritating - then Royce and Hadrian will feel real to you. My main criticism is that there are very few female characters - though the one viewpoint female we do get is interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather goodman
Great read! A modern take on classic style fantasy. The rich backstory and world is gradually introduced without the need to constantly look up stuff in the back. The plot focuses on the very interesting main characters without any pointless subplots. It had an engaging story that was hard to put down.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
achraj singh
This read like two books. Based on the first half, I wouldn't have elected to read any more by this author. The dialog is wooden, the narrative often amateurish, and it's got structural issues. The second half, though, improved significantly. I could better "hear" the characters as fully formed people, the narration solidified, the author's voice fell into the background (as it should), and I was able to enjoy what was a better structured and pretty rollicking story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed the pace, characters, blending of Age of Myths. I like not being bogged down by reading details not necessary to the stories. I would and do recommend this book and the others in this series to anyone aching for a good book to devour.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j t glover
An absolutely thrilling start to a series I look forward to devouring. When I first heard of Michael J. Sullivan on reddit I had high expectations, thinking the books would be in the vein of Sanderson's or George R.R. Martins epics, but I was delighted to be reading a book that brought me right back to my childhood. This is a good old fashioned adventure story where two companions are unwittingly set on a journey, meet interesting characters, and save the day. It's like reading Drizzt novels from my teens, or playing final fantasy VII again. I can't recommend these books highly enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa criswell
Yes, buy this!! This author's prose is killer. He doesn't load you down with nit picking descriptions (where you skim paragraphs until you get to some dialogue!) or blither blather about feelings until you want to scream. No, this is fast paced and light, entertaining and nail biting, with twists and turns all over the place. This edition contains two books in one as does the next two volumes. The books are also available individually so read the descriptions of what you're buying carefully. I like the doubles myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Theft of Swords has it all. Comedy. Drama. Suspense. With swordfights, heroism, magic, monster. The characters are totally lovable,
and developed well. The good guys and the bad guys aren't always clearly defined, so there's mystery, too. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and have started reading the next one and will keep reading.
Whenever I rate a book, it will get no less than 4 stars because I read for enjoyment. If it doesn't rate this high, I'll likely never bother to finish it. I have to care what happens to want to know what happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great fantasy series that is perfect for beginners. It is light, refreshing and not weighed down by over complicated magic or world building. This book is fantastical and alot of fun to read! I cannot wait to continue with the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle n
Michael J Sullivan has carefully created a time and place that could have easily existed.
Hadrian and Royce are the type of people who get things done for those who don't want to get their hands dirty. This book is the beginning of a trilogy and seems to start off in the middle of the story, however the reason for this soon becomes clear and the pace of story picks up speed very quickly. Those looking for neat tidy plots and conclusions wont find it here, instead there is deception and sword fights with a classical good verses evil underlying theme.
Michael is not afraid to put his main characters in danger and at risk of being killed and goes on to 'kill-off' many of them throughout the trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff kamin
This whole series of books are wonderful. I would call it a real page turner only I listened to the book on Audible. The narrator is so good that it kept me interested until the end of book. Highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great story on two levels--a rollicking romp that follows the adventures of two thieves, Hadrian and Royce, and a deeper story that centers of themes of loyalty, betrayal, and honor. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jaymi egerstaffer
I have always loved Leiber's Fafhrd and the Great Mouser stories. The stories were driven by the two lead characters, who were always in over their heads and yet always managed to swing the outcome in their favor. Or escape. Or both.

This reminded me of that, right down to the heroes working to escape the adventure or it's outcome rather than engage with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather therison
I sometimes look for the quantity of book before considering quality and this series has both. I fell in love with the characters and world Sullivan creates and was sad to see the trilogy end. I would recommend this series and other works by Sullivan to friends and relations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noemi mendez
I read sci-fi and fantasy because I love adventure stories, and "Theft of Swords" is one of the best adventure stories I've read. Sullivan does a great job of moving the adventure along, and has plenty of twists so you don't get bored :) The Riyria Revelations series was written for his dyslexic teenage daughter, so can be considered appropriate reading for young adults. I highly recommend the entire series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stumbled upon this book thinking it would be a "filler" as I waited for me to discover my next "must read." Little did I know that I would be introduced to a book that I simply could not put down! As I am writing this review, I have finished the trilogy. I will say that, without doubt, this trilogy is the best I have read. Period, end of discussion.

Buy this book. Read this book. You wont be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This rating and review refers generally to the entire series (and has no spoilers), which is broad and sweeping, building over three books and based on the experiences of two central characters. The author does a great job of building a series of seemingly unrelated experiences into a world changing culmination that is believable, and complete. The world created is based on a complex and complete mythology, lending added believability and creatively re-envisions the traditional relationship of races (human, elves, dwarves) found in most fantasy books. Appropriate for all ages, the central characters are adults, making this enjoyable for adult readers as well as YA audiences.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alper aky z
I enjoyed this book and series. It was light and entertaining with characters that are fun and interesting. Some small plot holes along the way and inconsistencies in character development, but you barely notice them. My biggest one is of Thrace and how she evolves as a character. I am really rating the series as I have this tendency to finish series and view them as a whole and not the individual. Worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma martine
Love the story, was easy to read, not overly complicated, just a great story written without dragging things out... It's one of the those books you pick up and just finish before you realized it's over, like eating comfort food, the simplicity, yet action packed pages were great.. I as well enjoyed the positive humor and lack of doom so many books have, I closed the book and smiled, for it was a good read.... I'll read the rest of the series for sure
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading this book! Sullivan weaves a good story that reminds me of many fantasies I have read in the past. As soon as I am done with this review I will be getting the next book. If you like an adventure entwined with a mystery wrapped around a diverse set of characters this is the book for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A smart, very well written trilogy that has two lead characters that you are compelled to root for. The author does a fantastic job of conveying the great friendship between the two leads, putting them in one harrowing situation after another. Sharp dialogue and a very competent writing style make this a must read for the genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I discovered the author after backing a kickstarter project for his latest book (not yet on general release) after reading 'Hollow World' and enjoying it immensely, I decided to try the author's other work. I was not disappointed, the plot is well paced, well written and very well edited.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of Michael J. Sullivan's creations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ron price
I really enjoyed this book. At the end they pulled a fast one and included an interview with the author that really opened my mind to why the book was written the way it was. This is a fast paced fun action oriented romp! Not epic not drawn out and very little character development. I complained to my brother that I knew very little about the main characters even after being a 3/4 through the book. They were mysterious thieves that were very good fighters but above that not a lot is shared...A little bit of their pasts come out during the story but it is not the focus. The author said he wrote the book for his daughter who is dsylexic and approached the book as if it were a movie...he said if he spent to much time setting things up he would lose his daughter so he emphasized action. He even said yes he used elves and dwarves and kings and kingdoms because he said he didnt have to explain any of it just heres the world, here we go!! So I am not being critical of the fact its not is what it is...An Action packed fun book that you can read very episodically if you wish as the first book is actually a combination of two smaller books combined.

Author Follow up: Michael J. Sullivan wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed the book. You are correct I wrote it in an unconventional way (mainly because I had no intention to publish. I wanted to build the characters ACROSS the whole series so yeah I didn't do much "front loading" as most books are (otherwise they don't get publihsed). I think that this 'slow reveal like the layers of an onion' pays off in the long run.

Will some people quit early? Yeah...but as I said I wasn't planning on publishing so my only "initial audience" was friends and family that I was pretty sure wouldn't be "quitting early." When I started publishing I thought of moving stuff up front but in the end I decided I liked the style that I did originally.

I'm not writing this because I feel defensive or anything...just trying to give a little "behind the scenes - similar to the interview at the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave ince
This series was a much-needed breath of fresh air for me. I've read a lot of fantasy and this is the first new author in many years to truly sweep me off my feet. The individual tales are extremely fun and engaging. The overall storyline is strong and gives you the double pleasure of 1) sometimes being able to figure out what's really happening before the characters do but also 2) still managing to surprise you with some delightful twists when the characters catch up to you.

He also manages to actually complete the whole storyline in only 6 short books (which I bought as the 3 long books of 2 each). These days, in fantasy, that nearly takes a miracle. He does it by not filling the books with fluff and repetition just to drag it out into more books as so many seem to do. He just lets the story tell itself, seemingly effortlessly.

But the real genius in these books is the characters. Sometimes you read a book/series and come away liking a few characters, or really, really liking one. In this series, I came away truly loving more than a handful of them! In "Theft of Swords", because it's the first in a series, you don't see the full arc of character development, or the resolution of larger themes. But you do have a lot of fun, get drawn to these characters, and see some distinct growth in some of them. You may not get a tremendous amount of insight into the central 2 characters, Royce and Hadrian, but that is because the author is spreading their development over the whole series, keeping them mysterious in some ways I found enjoyable. If you continue the series to the conclusion, you WILL be satisfied with the character growth, the depth of the themes, and the story resolution. You will shed tears of sadness, happiness, and amazement. And you will fall in love with at least a few of the characters. What more could you ask of a book?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark barna
Unlike most fantasy type novels where the protagonist is a king, warrior and/or magician, the main characters are a bunch of thieves. It's a very interesting perspective that is not usually well-written. It's interesting to see how the characters deal with getting around plots, traps and obstacles from such a roguish approach. On the flip-side, writings on wars tend to be very simple and short, instead of a grand detailed tactical maneuvers.

Quite a few laugh-out-loud moments while reading the book. Tasteful and sardonic humour, with little need for slapstick or banal jokes. Very nice blend of tension and comic relief.

Definitely a worth-while read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian d
The fantasy genre has had very few bright notes lately. Patrick Rothfuss's "The Wise Man's Fear" was one, but it was promptly snuffed out by its plodding sequel. There's Game of Thrones, of course, and the early Shannara books. But most of the rest of the fantasy world is derivative and boring, filled with caricatures of characters and recycled, overly familiar quests.

Theft of Swords is a breath of fresh air in a relatively stagnant fantasy swamp.

The book follows Royce and Hadrian on their adventures as high-end thieves for hire. When their first job lands them in royal company, the two friends get pulled into an overarching conflict that involves their entire world. Good, classic, fantasy setup.

Sullivan isn't pretending to be creating something new and different. Instead he's taking some comfortable and familiar old tropes--inns, quests, dragons--and giving them a nice little twist. These books have good, evil, racism, love, politics, royalty, duels, thieves and heroes, but none of it is overdone and none of it is repetitive. The writing is basic enough that you just get into the story and stay there. While it's not life-changing, it's certainly interesting, and definitely a pleasant way to pass a few hours of time.

What I especially liked about Sullivan is that he doesn't include drama for drama's sake. It happens naturally, as a result of the story. Also,unlike most fantasy authors, he does humor pretty well. There are a few instances of bad writing, or overkill, but the story is good enough for those to slip past rather quietly. Sullivan has a couple of great, multidimensional female characters. The best part of this book is that after setting it down, I didn't just want to know what happened next, I wanted to know more about this whole world. That, to me, is the ultimate sign of a solid fantasy novel.

I highly recommend this book to all fantasy lovers. If you, like me, are disappointed with the genre, this might just renew your faith.
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