Rumor Has It (An Animal Magnetism Novel)

ByJill Shalvis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Service background is enlightning. Back and forth i e tit for tat is humorous and appropriately done in context. It included just enough previous characters from other books to be interesting. Looking forward to next in series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie endres
While I enjoyed the premise of this story, the "forbidden" element got pretty tiring. Shalvis is an excellent writer, and I definitely plan to read more of her books. However, this one seemed forced and I left the characters feeling sort of 'meh' about the whole thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
snehil singh
Jill Shalvis is a wonderful storyteller and this book did not disappoint me! I was immediately engaged on the first page, and she piqued my interest in how the main characters would reach their destiny as a couple.
What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People :: Girls on Fire: A Novel :: City on Fire :: Friendship on Fire (Love in Bloom - Josh Braden (Volume 6) :: It's in His Kiss (Lucky Harbor)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Attending you Bff's wedding should always have this kind of outcome

Kate was doing it all for her leftover family. Her mother died in a car accident and her father checked out mentally leaving her to raise her sister, brother and her dad, while trying to maintain a full time teaching job and maybe a life. The life part always come last, there was just too much to do. When she faced her girlhood crush at her Bff's wedding she decided she needed a little happiness even if it was only for the night
Griffen was back from his military duty, back to the town he ran from asap. Back but not whole, he was the victim of a IED. His head suffered some trauma leaving him with severe migraines. When he suffers and intense one he finds relief from his sisters BFF Kate. One of the women who is off his menu per his sister. He struggles to stay away but her gentleness and comfort bring him slowly back to the small town he may not hate as much as he remembered.

They have their one night and then another but something is coming to throw some ugly shadows on these two. Truth, lies, fear and love.
Don't worry there is a HEA
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristine lacivita
Kate has spent her whole life putting everyone else first, she may live on her own but she is constantly round at her Dad's house taking care of him and her younger siblings and even though she has been offered a scholarship to the graduate training course of her dreams for several years in a row she's never felt able to go and leave her family behind to take care of themselves. For once she wants to do something just for herself and the return of her best friend's sexy older brother Griffin gives her the perfect opportunity. Kate has had a crush on Griffin for as long as she can remember but he's never looked at her in that way. It's about time she figured out a way to change his mind, he may not be looking for a happily ever after but Kate is willing to settle for a hot fling before he leaves her and the town behind him once again. Griffin has no idea what's about to hit him but once he's had a taste of Kate he may not find it easy to let her go.

Jill Shalvis never fails to deliver a humorous story with a sweet romance, plenty of laughs along the way and Rumour Has It was no exception. I think it was actually my favourite story in the Animal Magnetism series so far! Kate and Griffin are a great couple, they have a lot of fun together but they also care deeply about each other and encourage each other to follow their dreams. Griffin had no intention of returning to Sunshine permanently, he's been retired from the military due to injuries though so he's come home to lick his wounds and decide what he wants to do with his life. It's also time for him to start building bridges with his father, they've always had a difficult relationship but they need to put the past behind them and find a way to reconnect with each other.

Kate is a really down to earth girl, she's willing to do anything for anyone and she always puts her own dreams at the bottom of the list. She's a bit of a geek and she has a tendency to blurt out random facts when she's nervous which was hilarious. I just loved her character, she's so easy to relate to and the kind of girl I can easily imagine being friends with. I loved seeing Griffin encourage her to put herself first for a change though, he is the one who pushes her into thinking about what she really wants from her future and I enjoyed seeing her spread her wings a little and learn to let her family stand on their own two feet. The couple both have their issues but over all their relationship is fairly drama free and runs quite smoothly which makes it a really fun and light hearted story. I read the whole book with smile on my face and enjoyed every minute of it. I can't get enough of this series, or anything that Jill Shalivs writes really, she is the queen of small town contemporary romances and will always be a go to author for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashton brammer
“Duct tape and a Trojan,” he said. “Big plans for the day?”

RUMOR HAS IT by Jill Shalvis was an enjoyable contemporary romance. I've been reading the series out-of-order. All of the books work well as standalones even though there are interconnected characters.

All the others I've read in this series have featured animals in strong supporting character roles. This one did not, and, because I was expecting animals to play a major role - and actually looking forward to it - I was disappointed. The hero and heroine were very likeable and I did find their story entertaining.

I learned a few interesting things I didn't know while reading this book.

“There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.”

Following please find a couple more of my favorite quotes from this read:
To say that he looked good was like saying the sun might be a tad bit warm on its surface.
There were two men in her freezer who wouldn’t ever turn her down. Ben and Jerry.

Jills's books are always treats. This was not one of my favorites, but it's still a delightful read. Fans of Jill's Animal Magnetism series, should consider this book to be a must read. I would recommend RUMOR HAS IT to anyone who enjoy fun contemporary romances.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria perez de arrilucea
Kate may very well be my favorite heroine of this series. She is just such a good person, but not a pushover or too sickly sweet. She had a backbone and used it when needed.

I mentioned in my review of the previous book that I was bit leary of the hero of this book being named Griffin aka Grif as that is my youngest son's name and nickname. It did throw me out of the story a few times, but because Kate usually called him by his full name it's like my brain tricked me into thinking she called him by his last name since I see Griffin as a last name more than a first name. I'm so glad I was able to do that since I adored his character. He may have been stubborn about some things, but he was so kind and gentle with Kate. I felt Jill Shalvis had a bit of a misstep when it came to writing the chemistry in the last book, but it was back in full force for this duo!

I especially liked Kate's interactions with the kids...her students and siblings. Those scenes were so well written and made me love her even more. There's just something to be said for a great teacher. Plus, Griffin's interactions with Tommy were adorable and helped show the reader his soft side.

The only thing I didn't like about this story, although I'm sure it is something that could happen in real life, is how Griffin seemed to have to constantly remind Holly and his dad that he is not a teenager anymore and not the same as he was back then. Of course he's different! It bothered me that his family, even Holly who adores him, doubted his intentions in any way. Like I said though, this is realistic as a lot of families do this exact thing.

All and all, wonderful book that gave me my favorite warm-fuzzies.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
paul deblois
I wanted so badly to like these two together, and I think they could have worked. But there was just too much sex. That was their only answer to everything. I just couldn't buy Katie thinking one night would be enough, and then when he obviously wants her more again, she rejects him? What the flip was she thinking? So then they just continue to have sex, because they have a "chemistry problem," which only means they're physically attracted to each other. I could understand Grif's attraction to Katie, but she just acted stupid and said stupid things and really wasn't as smart as she was written to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fourth in the Animal Magnetism romance series based in Sunshine, Idaho and revolving around the doctors at Belle Haven, a local animal center, their families, and friends. The couple focus is on Kate Evans and Grif Reid.

My Take
It’s definitely a Jill Shalvis --- sweet and cozy with a nice twist with the nerdy, fact-spouting science teacher, lol. I did love Kate. She sounds like a fabulous teacher and very inspiring for her kids. She’s also shyly forward about going after what she wants; it’s a nice growth period for her. The twist that Shalvis gives this is with Kate really holding to her promise of just one night is beautiful. It sets up some fun confusion for Grif.

As for her “take advantage of me” stance, oh, boy. I cannot believe that someone as smart as she is allows her family to use her like this, that she doesn’t see how she is not helping them. A weekly stack of casserole dishes? I can’t believe her brilliant dad can’t figure out how to make Kate take her life back. Yes, that’s sarcasm…

I do, however, love Kate’s tolerance and acceptance of people’s foibles. There’s no real reason to prevent Tommy from indulging himself in the Green Arrow. She tries to help that nasty bullying little boy. She simply accepts everyone. But she doesn’t accept excuses as Dustin’s daddy finds out! I love that she holds her ground with him. What is with that guy that he’s so selfish-minded?

I do adore Tommy; he’s got some lovely responses to Dustin’s taunts.

Talk about holding a grudge! His dad has got the biggest chip --- heck, tree trunk --- on his shoulder and never resists the chance to pound on Grif. And we find out one of the whys. Oh. Boy. I can understand Grif’s confusion and pain, and I love how mature Kate is in all this.

They’re building a gazebo on the day of the wedding? What is with Holly that she cannot wait until the end of the school day?? I wanna bitch-slap her.

Oh, damn, this one is so funny…that Tommy is such a cutie. I sure hope Shalvis keeps this series going long enough for Tommy’s story. I mean, how can you resist:
”’Your shoes are on the wrong feet,’ she said.

Tommy looked down at himself.

Kate waited.

But Tommy just scratched his head. ‘But I don’t have any other feet.’”

Then there’s Grif. Hot, bad-ass, and a man-‘ho. You’ll crack up with his memories of high school, lol. When career day comes around at the school, well, let’s just say that Grif makes a great impression and delivers some good lessons

What can I say? I love this one, it’s a buy.

The Story
It’s Holly’s wedding --- and insistence --- that brings Grif home for his sister’s wedding, one in which Kate is Holly’s best friend and maid of honor. A distraction that both appeals and repels Kate, especially when she has the added distraction of that scholarship for the science education program in San Diego.

She does want it, but who would care for everyone while she was gone?

As for Grif, he begins to feel the appeal of Sunshine, so different from how he felt when he was younger when his father was expecting him to take over his ranching operations. There’s also the appeal of the sexy and smart Kate…

The Characters
Sweet, warm, loving Kate Evans is a second-grade teacher and descends into a babble of fact-spouting when nervous. She’s also an enabler and uses caring for her family to avoid her own issues. Tommy is her sweet and nerdy little brother. Ashley is the Evil Teen, a teenager in all the worst senses. Eddie is her dad. Her hopeless, helpless biologist dad too absorbed in his own grief and his addiction to deal with his family. Channing-Tatum is the bedraggled kitten Ashley adopted.

Discharged on a medical and recovering from his wounds, Grif Reid, an army demolitions expert in Special Ops, has been the object of Kate’s fantasies since she was young. Holly is his sister and getting married (see Rescue My Heart , 3) to Dr. Adam Connelly. Donald Reid is his gruff, undemonstrative father running Reid Ranching. He thinks. Thing One and Thing Two are his dad’s golden retrievers. Deanna is his dad’s girlfriend. Woodrow is a horse with a sense of propriety, well maybe just needin' attention.

Ryan Stafford is Kate’s second-best friend, an ex-boyfriend, and the principal at her school. He’s also her morning chauffeur since Kate gives Ashley her car to drive to school. The bullying Dustin is one of the students in Kate’s classroom along with Tasha, Nina, Tucker, Gwendolyn, Jessica, Meggie, and Mikey. Glenna is the school lunch lady.

Trevan Anders is Dustin’s bullying jerk of a dad; Emily is his angry mother. Meg is the clerk at the convenience store. Miranda Brown is Holly’s cousin and a bridesmaid. She’s also a major bitch and sends Mr. Nevins to Kate. Olivia, Jade (she’s since married Dr. Dell Connelly after Animal Attraction , 2), and Lila (she married Brady Miller after Animal Magnetism , 1) are more friends of Kate’s. Joe Rodriguez (he’s with ATF) is a friend of Grif’s, inviting him to D.C. Larry is a homeless guy Kate sometimes helps. Kel is the local sheriff. Dr. Wyatt is also with Belle Haven.

The Cover
The cover is dark in color, but fun with Grif and Kate tummy-to-tummy and holding hands from chin to feet as, I'm guessing, Things One and Two look on. I almost expected to see Tommy in a dog suit...

I’m not sure where the title comes from. It could be that Rumor Has It pertains to Kate actually doing some off-line dating. Who knew?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jamie vanhoesen
Rumor Has It, Animal Magnetism #4, by Jill Shalvis
Grade: B-

“You’re armed and....naked”
“Don’t mistake restraint for disinterest, Kate.”

Griffin Reid is back in Sunshine, Idaho nursing his wounds from the army and trying to find where he belongs now that he is a civilian. Griffin is back in Sunshine for his sister’s wedding and she has one rule: stay away from her best friend and maid-of-honor Kate Evans. Griffin has no interest in Kate until he spies her all grown up and ready for some fun. No matter how much griffin tries Kate won’t let him hide from her and she slowly gets him to open up and find his way back into life in Sunshine. Griffin never thought Sunshine would be home again and he is determined to heal, make amends and hopefully fall in love.

Kate Evans has spent the last few years putting off her own dreams in order to help her recovering addict father raise her two young siblings. Kate knows she needs to live her own life but she is used to being needed but a chance at a full ride graduate program in San Diego has her thinking of putting herself first for once. With her long time crush Griffin Reid back in Sunshine Kate is ready to let loose and have some fun for once but with Griffin things aren’t just fun they’re perfect. Soon these two have to decide if they are going to hide forever or finally follow their dreams.

I am a big fan of this series and was looking forward to Kate and Griffin’s story for a really long time. It took me a while to get into this book, mostly due to Kate and her awkwardness, but after a few chapters I fell in love again with this series. This series should be read in order or else it can be a bit confusing.

Lets talk about Kate since she was the main reason I liked this book. Kate is a second grade science teacher, she’s awkward and sprouts off science facts when she’s nervous. Kate provides a lot of humor and as well as some interesting science facts that I never knew about. I wasn’t sure if I would like her at first but Kate surprised me and ended up being a lot stronger than I expected and was the star of the show.

Griffin on the other hand I didn’t love Griffin as much as I expected and was shocked by that. Griffin is the tortured soldier who is healing from his war wound and comes home to try and find himself. He’s moody, grumpy and in a lot of pain both emotionally and physically. I think I’m tired of the grumpy soldier or maybe the alpha male who thinks he knows what the heroine needs but Griffin is both and it bothered me. If Griffin said one more time that Kate needed better than him I was going to throw the kindle at the wall. Luckily Griffin pulls his head out of his butt and gets it together in the end.

Rumor Has It is a great addition to a great series. I have no idea whose book is coming out next but I can’t wait to read it and head back to Sunshine, Idaho.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the latest entry in the Animal Magnetism series even though it was fairly light on when it came to animals. Kate Evans, primary school science teacher, has had a crush on her best friend’s brother, Griffin Reid, for a long time. She’s been used to lusting after him from afar but now he’s hung up his special forces boots and is back in town.

Kate is simply a delight even though she had the tendency to mother everyone from her siblings, students, father and ex-boyfriend. Most of the humour comes from her sprouting random scientific facts whenever she gets flustered. She expends so much energy helping other people it is exhausting to read about and means she is constantly sacrificing her own happiness for the greater good. Case in point – she had the opportunity to attend a camp of sorts for years which would improve her skills but something always stops her from submitting the application. Now Griffin is back, she has a choice – she can get busy living or get busy dying.

Griffin is also at metaphorical crossroads. He couldn’t wait to get out of Dodge (aka Sunshine) and the army provided a perfect outlet. He spent years working as part of a tight team but an IED however meant the end of his career in Special Ops. Now he is not only on his own, he has debilitating headaches that he stubbornly refuses to deal with. At times he is confined to bed in so much pain he can’t move.

The chemistry between the two is palpable and heightened by Griffin’s sister warning him to stay away from Kate. The more everyone tells Griffin that Kate is too good for him and too sweet, the more he decides he wants her. Kate on the other hand has no intention of steering clear of Griffin and often propositions him. Griffin is very protective of Kate and with some support, she gradually realises that it is okay to enjoy herself.

The plot was fairly conventional with a geeky girl getting the great guy she’s always wanted. Shalvis took the opportunity to deal with two significant issues however which stuck with me for a while after I finished the last page. She portrayed the effect of a death in the family sensitively and although we might wish Kate’s father could get it together for the sake of his children, depression isn’t always that easy to overcome. His gradual improvement (with the support of his family) was handled nicely. Shalvis also explored the dynamics between Griffin and his father in a way that felt realistic. Both were uncomfortable sharing their feelings but had to renegotiate their relationship given Griffin’s return.

"Rumor Has It" was lots of fun and I particularly enjoyed Tommy, Kate’s seven year old brother who stole just about every scene he was in. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Title: Rumor Has It

Series: Animal Magnetism Book #4

Author: Jill Shalvis

Genre: Romance

Blurb: He’ll help unleash the new woman in her...Special Ops soldier Griffin Reid doesn’t exactly have happy memories of growing up in Sunshine, Idaho. He’s only come back to recover from a war injury, and while he refuses to admit he’s in a weakened state, he finds comfort in the last person he’d expect. Kate Evans teaches fourth grade science in Sunshine, the place she’s always called home. Dreaming of graduate school and a happily-ever-after, she’s desperate to break out of the monotony of Sunshine. Luckily, a certain sexy man has just come back into her life. To Griffin, Kate as always been his little sister’s friend, but now he’s finding her to be so much more. As both attempt to forge their paths, they must decide if their passionate connection can turn into something lasting…

Thoughts: When I told Heather I was given the opportunity to read the ARC for Rumor Has It, her advice was 'Definitely take's an awesome book!' Enough said...:) With no hesitation at all, I requested the copy. Of course, I have been familiar with Jill Shalvis since the 90's....I first read her books when she was writing for Loveswept, and I have read some of the Harlequin titles as well - but this is the first of her more recent books that I have read. And I must say, I was not disappointed!

Kate, while not an overtly strong character, surprised me. I admired her devotion and loyalty to her family, her strength of character, and her ability to go after what she wanted. Especially when it came to Griffin. For the most part, she was the aggressor in their relationship. She threw herself out there, and wasn't ashamed to be vulnerable. I really admired that about her, and it's part of what made her such a likeable character for me.

Griffin was your typical tall, dark, and handsome male - who has come home to heal after an injury he received in the military. And perhaps to heal old family rifts. I enjoyed his character, but I would have liked to see a little more initiative from him when it came to his relationship with Kate. I also wondered what his reaction would have been like to her if his sister hadn't been warning him off of her from the very beginning. While it was an admirable trait for a friend, I wonder how it would have changed the relationship between Kate and Griffin overall.

Regardless, this book was another sweet, small town romance by Jill Shalvis. Not only does she bring the main characters to life within the pages of her book, but also the families within the town. Kate's whole family was so interesting and real, as well as all the cute little kids from Kate's elementary school class! It really reminded me of why I always like Jill Shavlis in the first place - and why I need to go back and read more from her...:)

Rate: B
Review by: Sarah
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
manu kapoor
My Thoughts:

Rumor Has It, by Jill Shalvis, was such a fast-paced, fun, cozy and warm story. I absolutely loved it! Throughout the whole story, I found myself smiling, laughing, and swooning over the sexy, hot, and very serious Griffin Reid. I adored Kate Evans. She was a sweetheart (she'd be upset to be called that), who had a beautiful heart filled with caring, compassion, and selflessness. The secondary cast of characters were so much fun and each had their own distinct personalities. I loved the beautiful, outdoorsy, setting of Sunshine Idaho. As I read, I could picture the beautiful majestic mountains, the warm close knit community, and the raw beauty of a place where many felt lucky to call home.

Kate Evans is a second grade teacher who takes care of everyone, but doesn't have any time for herself. Her mother died a little while back, so she cooks, cleans, does laundry, and manages the lives of her recovering alcoholic father, her sweet but awkward 7 year old little brother, Tommy, and her hormonal and feisty teenage sister, Ashley. She hasn't been on a date in years, her whole life is her family, and the second graders in her classroom, that she treats with great love, patience, compassion, and care. Kate is best of friends with Ryan, the school principal, and even though they previously had a short term relationship, they both agreed that they were better off as friends. Kate has been given the, "teacher of the year" award several years in a row, and has been offered a full scholarship, to U.C.S.D in their master's program, combining science and education. This is a dream opportunity for Kate, but she has turned it down every year, because she knows that her family needs her.

Griffin (Griff) Reid was a demolitions expert for the army, until he got injured and almost killed when an IED went off at ground zero. Now, he has returned to Sunshine Idaho to attend his sister, Holly and best friend, Adam's wedding. On his first day back, her runs in to Kate Evans, his sister's best friend and a beautiful woman that he once viewed as a little girl. Kate has had a crush on Griff since she was a young girl, and when she see's him, her nerves get the best of her. She starts spouting scientific facts. Kate was a hilarious character. I couldn't help but laugh throughout the whole story every time she spewed her random scientific facts. She also had a habit of saying whatever was on her mind, and had a tendency to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, when she spoke. I felt many moments of embarrassment for Kate, and found myself blushing for her. At the same time, I loved how real her character was. Kate would be the type of person I'd love to have as a friend. She sets out with a one track mind, and the determination to seduce Griff. What follows is an adventure filled with humor, laughter, fun but awkward moments, a steamy hot romance, and a beautiful love affair!

My Rating:

I give Rumor Has It, by Jill Shalvis, 4 delightful, heartfelt, and fun loving Stars! I think this story would make a great movie. It warmed my heat and was what I would classify as a "feel good" read! The characters came to life for me, the setting was beautiful, and the pacing of the story was perfect! If you love sweet, contemporary romances, with a side of humor, a huge dollop of sexy, and a topping of heart felt, Rumor Has It, is the perfect choice for a bookish escape!

My Favorite Quote:

"He hadn't been smart enough to pick her. She'd picked him. He'd gotten lucky is all. She'd picked him, and then she'd added color to the black and white that was his world. She'd added dimension. She'd" (eARC, Loc. 3170)


*To Read more book reviews, visit A Bookish Escape
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rumor Has It is another HOMERUN from Jill Shalvis!

It's the fourth book in the Animal Magnetism series, however don't let that stop you from one clicking. This is my second book by Jill as well as my first read in this particular series, and although it has cross over characters, Rumor Has It can definitely be read as a standalone. I never once felt lost; in fact, I devoured it in less than two hours. It seems each book I read by this author becomes a new favorite of mine. Her stories are quickly moving up the charts to becoming a go to author of mine, and it looks like I have a lot of back reading to do, as I need to catch up on all of Ms. Shalvis' fabulousness.

Kate's a fun sassy heroine who spouts scientific facts whenever she's sharing space with Griffin. She's the girl next door with a heart of gold. The heroine every girl can relate with. I adored her so much, I am adding Kate straight to my girls that kick ass shelf! Griffin's a scarred soldier home for his sister's wedding; the last thing he's looking for is a relationship with his little sister's best friend. Ugh, sometimes, I wanted to shake this man, but he caught on quick enough, I'll give him that. Stubbornness and all, he has to be one of my favorite alpha males to date. Griffin's so dang sexy and broody, I just wanted to wrap him up in a big ole' hug and snuggle him (among some other racy things). In my opinion, Kate and Griffin's characters and personalities were so well developed they fit each other to the "T," balancing each other out perfectly. These two hooked me from their first scene together; I just adored their sweet captivating and flirty relationship so much that it kept me enthralled all the way through.

One of my favorite types of reads is love stories revolving around childhood friendship/crushes. I think it's the back-stories that come with the individuals, along with that fact that there is nothing instant about the couple; this type of relationship also comes with a different set of obstacles and struggles. It never feels replayed to me. Jill does an amazing job of building an intriguing past and present relationship between Kate and Griffin; it offered enough angst, but not so much you wanted to throw your ereader against the wall, or walked away from the book feeling mentally and emotionally drained. Kate and Griffin are seriously a lot of fun with their brilliant and entertaining banter, not to mention their seriously hot and delicious chemistry.

Can you have a new favorite by an author when you have only read two books by them? Rumor Has It did not come anywhere close to disappointing; if you love sexy as hell broody alpha men and awkward yet lovable heroine's than I recommend you snag Rumor Has It and settle in for a fun ride.

Thank you, PENGUIN GROUP Berkley, NAL / Signet Romance, DAW, for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of Rumor Has It in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill eger

I have been waiting for Griffin and Kate's story since their fantastically awkward Skype moment in RESCUE MY HEART (Book 3). Some of you will remember that was my first Jill Shalvis read, and besides the insane crush I developed over the hero, Adam Connolly, it also triggered a 3-day, 7-book reading extravaganza in which I devoured everything Shalvis I could get my hands on. I loved all the Lucky Harbor series books, and eventually got to meet Adam's brothers, Dell and Brady, in the earlier Animal Magnetism books. Despite loving all these other books (and all the other super hot alpha males), Adam retained my top spot for super sexy alpha. Not just the top alpha of Jill Shalvis books, mind you, but of all romance books. Of all time. Ever.

That is, until now.

RUMOR HAS IT's Griffin Reid is my new, absolute favorite hero. He is a silent, stoic, wounded hero that is back in town for his sister and best friend's, Holly and Adam's, wedding. We get to be inside Griffin's head while he navigates a rocky relationship with his dad and tries to find where he belongs and what he wants to do next after an injury ends his military career.

What is even better than finding a new favorite alpha male to drool over? When he is BFFs with your second favorite one. The friendship and interactions between Adam and Griffin are one of my favorite aspects of this book. They manage to harass, tease, and taunt each other in one scene, and then totally look after each other in the next.

It is not all boys' club in RUMOR HAS IT. We get the hilarious, competent, and tenacious heroine, Kate Evans. Kate is über responsible and takes care of everyone. She takes care of her widowed father, her angst-filled teenage sister, Ashley, and her 8-year-old brother, Tommy, who dresses as a different superhero each day; she makes her ex-boyfriend (and boss) Ryan coffee each day; and she genuinely seems to love all the kids in her second grade class. Kate is the glue holding her family together after it has been through a lot, and she tends to give up her own opportunities in order to help them whenever she can. Despite this, the Evans' family dynamics are absolutely hilarious.

I had quite a few snort-out-loud moments while reading RUMOR HAS IT. The writing overall is funny, real, and honest. It feels like you are reading about people you know and can completely relate to. I found myself thinking more than once "I'm not the only one who thinks crazy thoughts like that" while reading Kate's thoughts. It both alarmed and relieved me to know I'm not alone.

Kate and Griffin have to both deal with their own issues before they can make something work between them. I found myself rooting for them to do what they each needed to do individually, but then sadly realized that this seemed to wedge them farther apart. Shalvis paced their relationship perfectly so that instead of frustration over this, you feel empathy and understanding. Oh, and you might feel a little warm 'cause there are some HOT scenes as well. Griffin alone is pretty steamy, but he and Kate have a little "chemistry problem" on their hands that they need to deal with together. I loved that their hot, sexy scenes also have laughter and talking intermixed in them.

Have I mentioned that I totally heart Griffin?? You gotta read this book!

RUMOR HAS IT is an absolutely fantastic read! If you are already on the Jill Shalvis bandwagon, I guarantee it will definitely not disappoint! If you haven't read her yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUMOR HAS IT is an excellent place to start, so get to it now! And I promise I won't judge if you decide to spend the next few days in the same jammies, eating peanut butter with a spoon, reading everything Shalvis you can find.

Rating: A

Review copy courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
At eighteen, Griffin Reid wanted nothing more than to enlist in the army and get out of Sunshine, Idaho. Now, having gotten far too close to an IED, he’s back in his hometown to recuperate and figure out what he wants to do next. Despite its name, Sunshine is filled with plenty less-than-sunny memories for Griffin, but the now ex-solider does manage to find something to smile about: Kate Evans. His sister’s best friend is all grown up and as sexy as they come. She’s also off-limits, by decree of his sister. Yet there’s no denying the sexual tension between Griffin and Kate, and before long he finds himself falling for the brainy beauty. But Kate’s at a crossroads in her life as well, and love might not be enough for the two of them to build a relationship that lasts.

Jill Shalvis has the magic touch when it comes to blending humor and heart! Rumor Has It has everything I’ve come to expect from a Jill Shalvis novel: a sexy alpha hero, a heroine I’d love to be friends with, sparkling dialogue, sensual love scenes, endearing secondary characters, and a story I simply couldn't put down.

Kate is one of my favorite heroines of Ms. Shalvis’s. She’s giving, caring, smart, and quite funny. Her propensity for spouting off science facts when she’s nervous made me smile and often laugh out loud. Kate always puts others before herself and one of the great joys in reading Rumor Has It was watching her overcome her doubts and go for what she truly wanted. Griffin, in turn, is a delicious hero whose wounds are more than skin-deep. His tempestuous relationship with his father has a bigger impact on him than he lets on and I was rooting for him to work things out with his dad. As a couple, Griffin and Kate have chemistry to spare. They complement one another perfectly and it’s easy to become engrossed in their romance.

Rumor Has It has some truly compelling scenes, but a lot of them are in the last third of the book. This made the story a bit of a slow burn read for me, but nevertheless I thoroughly enjoyed Griffin and Kate’s book. I haven’t (yet) read the first three Animal Magnetism books, but that didn’t hinder my reading experience any. I am, however, extremely excited to read Animal Magnetism, Animal Attraction, and Rescue My Heart. All the past heroes and heroines appear in Rumor Has It, and if I didn’t already own their books I’d be rushing out to get them (Adam, of Rescue My Heart, was to-die-for).

Jill Shalvis never disappoints and Rumor Has It is a wonderful addition to any contemporary romance fan’s collection. I absolutely adored Kate, Griffin, and their loved ones (Kate’s brother, Tommy, stole the show for me), and I cannot wait to read more Animal Magnetism books!

Review courtesy of Wit and Sin
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gar sydnor
I just loved Rumor Has It. I found it absolutely delightful, memorable, and just loved everything about it. This is the first novel I have read by Jill Shalvis and I can honestly tell you it won't be my last. In fact, I can't wait to read the rest of the companion novels in the Animal Magnetism Series. I also love that each novel can be read as a stand alone easily, while at the same time you see some of the same characters that are in the previous books. The story takes place in the town of Sunshine Idaho where Kate Evans is a science teacher. Her best friend, Holly Reid, is getting married and she is the maid of honor. Holly's brother is Griffin Reid, and it just so happens that Kate has had a crush on him for what seems like forever. He has been away from Sunshine for a number of years, serving as a Special Ops solider in Afghanistan. Griffin is back in Sunshine for the wedding, but what he hasn't shared yet is that he has been medically discharged because of a injury he suffered from an IED device. He is a total alpha male and silently exudes all that hotness and power just by walking in a room. His presence definitely affects Kate making her a nervous wreck, which causes her to spit out scientific facts about anything and everything, something that Griffin secretly finds adorable. Griffin also happens to notice how beautiful Kate is, but because he isn't one to stick around, he has resolved to stay away from Kate, not to mention his sister has threatened him if he doesn't. This turns out to be harder than he anticipated, especially when Kate lets him know that little Katie Evans is not so little anymore.

Kate is one of those people who does everything for everyone, placing herself and her own needs last. She takes care of her dad, little brother, and sister, and she is also wonderful with her students. The chemistry and sexual tension between Griffin and Kate is almost palpable. Determined to make Griffin see that she is not expecting anything more than a tryst, she clearly lets him know what she wants from him and is determined not to take no for an answer. They both find themselves having the most memorable night of both of their lives, but it is harder to stop at one night than they thought, which proves to be quite entertaining. In addition to being physically attracted to each other, as events unfold both Kate and Griffin begin to see and understand things about each other on a much deeper level, connecting in a way that neither intended. When it seems like things are taking a serious turn in their relationship, something is discovered that causes Griffin to second guess everything, including his newly found relationship with Kate.

Rumor Has It is a lighthearted, romantic, fun, and sexy novel that will make you smile, swoon, and at time laugh out loud, all the while enjoying this entertaining story that keeps you turning the pages as you watch the story unfold for these most memorable characters in pursuit of their happily ever after. I totally enjoyed it and most definitely would recommend it to all contemporary romance fans.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is the 4th entry in the Animal Magnetism series, following Rescue My Heart. However, unlike most novels in a series, this book can be read as a stand-alone. While references are made to the characters who starred in the first three books, their backstories are not integral to the one presented in this book.

In many ways this story follows a traditional romantic theme: boy and girl have known each other since childhood but boy has been gone for years, boy returns, girl seduces boy, boy and girl fall in love, boy breaks up with girl, boy comes back to girl – HEA achieved.

However, it’s the reason the boy has been gone, the reason he comes back, the reason he breaks away and the reason he comes back again that makes the story. But, again, each of these types of scenarios have been explored countless times in countless novels before this.

So what makes this story stand out, push out past the formula? Two things – dialog and consistency.

First, the dialog, both spoken and internal, feels spontaneous and natural. The internal monologues, in particular, are hilarious. But when it’s time for seriousness, the dialog is still natural, flowing when the scene needs it, halting along when the characters are emotionally overwhelmed, hard as steel when anger spills forth.

Secondly, all the characters, main and secondary, are portrayed consistently throughout the book. No character’s personality does an abrupt change. Each protagonist grows emotionally, becoming more aware of the fears and the motivations that are driving his or her life. Therefore, as the novel progresses, it seems believable that things could happen in the manner in which they transpire. In fact, the initial breakup scene, the scene where the split is finalized and the scene where our couple re-unite are stunning in their simplicity, directness and maturity.

This book will probably not bring you to tears at any point, even during the most emotional scenes. But it will bring you an incredible number of smiles and laughs. It will have you shaking your head and worrying about brain trauma, caretaking and bullying. And you will be exposed to some of the most amazing scientific and bio-medical trivia.

Thank you, Jill Shalvis. This was a most excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joyce daniels
Another delightful and captivating story from Jill Shalvis! A must-read! Kate Evans has always a thing for her best friend’s brother, Griffin Reid, but he’s never noticed her. However, things are about to change. When he returns home to recover from a war injury Griffin discovers just how sexy his little sister’s best friend has become. As the two of them begin to spend time together, they realize that their feelings for each other may become something more. The problem? Kate has been offered a prestigious scholarship for grad school that she’s secretly dying to accept, only it’s in California. Griffin feels as if he’s being guided back home to try to reconnect with his father. As Kate’s life seems to be leading her away from Sunshine, Idaho and Griffin’s seems to be bringing him back, is there any chance for them to make it work despite the obstacles life throws their way?

I absolutely loved this novel by Jill Shalvis. The characters are amazing with deep, rich, background stories and the storyline is absolutely wonderful. The romance and connection shared by Griffin and Kate made this novel one that I would read over and over again. I loved the way that Kate felt the need to take care of everyone around her, from her family, the students in her class, Griffin, and even her exboyfriend. She is such a loving and amazing person, it’s impossible not to like her. Griffin is equally as lovable with his protective, caring nature and the need to reconnect with his father, despite all their differences. The vulnerability of his character makes him seem real, not just a character on a page, but someone you can relate too. An incredible read by Jill Shalvis! Make sure to pick up your copy today!

Rating: 4.5

Heat Rating: Mild

Reviewed by AprilP

Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mandy beckner
Jill Shalvis is an author who's been recommended to me often as I've become more focused on Contemporary Romance. I've begun buying her books, hoping to get started soon but Rumor Has It is my first read. And now I can see why Shalvis is so popular.

Rumor Has It is a the fourth book in the Animal Magnetism series, but can absolutely be read as a standalone, as I did. Without recapping or becoming an "info dump", Shalvis quickly and discreetly fills in the relationships and details from the previous stories, without my even realizing it. Better yet, with such great characters, relationships and history, I am now super anxious to read the first three books.

Rumor Has It is led by Griffin and Kate. Kate is selfless, smart, funny and sweet (even though she hates to be called sweet!) heroine. She's a teacher, a great daughter, sister, and friend. Kate was wonderfully awkward and hilarious, especially when she gets nervous with Griffin and spouts off random sex facts.

Griffin Reid is a returned soldier, wounded, though he's not willing to share his pain. He's home for his sister's wedding, and to maybe face his troubled past with his father. Griffin wants Kate, but would never want to hurt her. Too bad he can't seem to stay away from her, or resist her beauty and quirky charm.

Rumor Has It has several different elements that are favorites of mine. For starters, the returning warrior. Soldiers are sexy, brave, and honorable. That's a sure-fire way to automatically get me on the hero's side. Another favorite is the little sister's best friend trope. It's not exactly forbidden, but causes enough angst to be interesting. And lastly, the funny/quirky small town romance. I personally don't want nosy townsfolk in my business, but I love it in my books.

So what's not to love about Rumor Has It? Absolutely nothing. This is a story that had me smiling from beginning to end, with more than a fair amount of swooning throughout. I would label it a comfort read, but also a really good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claire mcmillan
Rumor Has It has all the typical characteristics of Ms Shalvis's novels - small town romance with strong characters, some drama, some witty banter and some steamy love scenes.

Kate is an adorable fourth-grade teacher with too many family responsibilities and a crush on her best friend's brother. Griffin is a wounded hero, trying to find his roots. Things between them are complicated, yet they feel just right.

Kate's knack of sprouting scientific facts when nervous makes her stand out as a unique romance heroine, reminding me in a way of Janie from Penny Reid's Neanderthal Seeks Human.

The love between Griffin and Kate develops slowly surrounded by noisy and interfering siblings, a wedding, some fourth-grade students' antics and some family drama. It is a journey of self-discovery for both Kate and Griffin as they are faced which decisions which will shape their future.

There is great chemistry between Kate and Griffin which I greatly appreciated but I very much enjoyed their interaction with the rest of the characters - their slightly dysfunctional, yet loving families and friends, the school kids and their parents. It is yet another feature of Ms Shalvis's novels that I love - the interactions between her male characters - witty and so typically alpha-male :)

I loved the supporting characters in this book just as much as the main one. All except, Ryan, Kate's ex-boyfriend and school director. He is both protective and supportive of Kate, but he felt like a best friend and not at all as an ex-boyfriend.

It is a heart-warming and steamy love story which gives you butterflies in the stomach and puts a smile on your face while reading it. It is the right story to keep you warm and happy on a cold winter day. True love and happiness are possible, you just need to be brave enough to go for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a wonderful continuation of the Animal Magnetism series by Jill Shalvis. She writes with humor, emotion and wit about life and the amazing characters that inhabit her world.
Sunshine, Idaho is your typical small town, a place that Griffin Reid could not wait to leave as he headed out when he turned eighteen. Now he is back in town for his sister Holly’s wedding and is at a turning point in his life. He has not told anyone, but he has received a medical discharge from the army for being too close to an IED when it exploded. He has a few options to consider however is interested in mending his relationship with his father so is home for more than one reason.
Kate Evans is Holly’s best friend and is excited for the wedding and is pleasantly surprised when she sees Grif back in town, she has always had a crush on him but as the bad boy in his teen years, she has steered clear, this time she is ready to see what happens when she pushes the relationship.
I have to say that Ms. Shalvis writes amazing contemporary romances and Rumor Has It is one of my favorites of this series. The relationship between Grif and Kate is romantic as they dance around their attraction. He tries to stay away knowing that he is not sure of where he will end up, but she is ready to make this work. I love the dynamics of the secondary characters and enjoy that many from previous books are featured. Although this is the fourth in the series, this can be read very easily as a standalone. I highly recommend this feel good romance that is well written with humor and hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew swihart
Rumor Has It by Jill Shalvis is another wonderful story in the Animal Magnetism series.

Griffin Reid comes home to Sunshine Idaho to recover from a war injury. He never had good memories of his hometown and is not sure this is where he really needs to be. Griffin’s sister begs him to come home to witness her upcoming marriage. Griff is surprised to find his views of Holly’s best friend have changed.

Kate Evans loves her life in Sunshine. Her job as a second grade teacher is very fulfilling. She had always dreamed of more but when her mother dying several years ago, she was the glue that held the family together. But sexy and driving Griffin Reid is putting other thoughts in her head.

Griffin realizes Kate is all grown up with a strong will and ideas of her own. Spending time together makes them both realize that life has a lot to offer them both. But Kate has a life changing decision to make will Griff be willing to go along with Kate for the ride?

Rumor Has It is just a delight from beginning to end. Is jammed packed with fun, laughter and emotions. Griff and Kate both had challenges to overcome and watching them come together is a treat. Another gem is revisiting with previous characters in Sunshine, Idaho. Jill Shalvis is an auto buy for me. Her books just make my day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian tanabe
Jill Shalvis is known for giving us a heartwarming feel good story most of the time, this story fits that bill plus so much more. We get a love story that will make your heart melt, some heavy angst and recovery and a little suspense.

Kate has stayed in Sunshine her whole life, being the girl who gives up everything to always help others. She compromises her life and her happiness so that others can also be happy. She loves her family and friends fiercely. She is now sitting on a letter she needs to accept in order to move forward and out of the day to day rut.

Griffin is returning from a special ops assignment that has led him to be honorably discharged from his special ops group, one that is causing him great stress on what to do with life. He is only here to watch is baby sister get married. All of this changes when Kate his sisters best friend and the girl he knew had a crush on him his whole life is a real life grown sexy woman. This is the woman he can't shake and not sure if he wants to. With an uncertain future and many circumstances this relationship goes from full throttle to pure heartbreak to truly heartwarming. Jill Shalvis gives us a happy ending and one that you will most definitely be pleased with. Again never disappointed in the story she delivers. Truly exceptional.

4 Wonderful Stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan pinson
**I received an Advanced Reader Copy of 'Rumor Has It' in exchange for an honest review - copied this review from my GoodReads account**

I am a fan of Jill Shalvis and I may be the exception but I enjoy her "Animal Magnetism" series even more than her "Lucky Harbor" series if that's even possible. That said, I was anxiously awaiting Kate and Griffin's story based on the intro of these characters from the previous book. My favorite tropes are friends-to-lovers and long-time, unrequited crushes, so my expectations are a good deal higher with these stories, even moreso when they are found later in a series.

Rumor Has It did not disappoint! I admit I was surprised by the heroine. I was expecting a somewhat shy, repressed, prim schoolteacher (incidentally, so was our hero). While Kate may have been nervous around Griffin, that did not stop her from her pursuit. We were also treated to some great secondary characters in the way of Kate's family and her students - the kids weren't too cutesy and her family issues were real. Griffin is the typical alpha male that Shalvis loves to write (not that I mind reading about them at all) but he's not one dimensional. His return home wasn't necessarily by choice and he has some family drama he needs to get sorted out as well. Kate wasn't in his plans but these two characters have undeniable chemisty. Of course, Shalvis always brings the heat and when Kate and Griffin finally manage to get it together...yes indeed.

Absolutely looking forward to the next installment in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keaton mowery
Griffin Reid is home again.  Not because he wants to be, but because he has no place else to go just yet.  Plus his baby sister is getting married and you don’t get on Holly’s bad side.  Griffin wants to make it through the wedding and get the heck out of dodge.  But fate has other plans for him. 
Kate Evans has always put everyones needs before her own needs.   She takes care of her dad, her sister and little brother on a daily basis.  Not to mention all the things she does for the town, her classroom and her friends.  But when her childhood crush runs into her, Kate finally decides that there is something that she wants for herself. 
Another awesome book by Jill.  Seriously can this girl write a bad story??  I don’t think so and I have not found one yet.    If you have not picked up any of Jill’s books never fear they all can pretty much be read as stand alones, but I would suggest reading them in order.  Just so you get a better idea of who everyone is. 
I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.  Review will be posted at [...]
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This made for a pretty good light romance read. It was a predictable plot and the characters made for a pretty average book hero and heroine. While not much happened in the storyline, it still managed to be sweet and made for a simple, easy read. One think I did find bothersome was the heroines "crush" on the hero. It had gone on all her life, and he knew about it. I guess I just wanted her to be somewhat of a challenge or at least not so overly accommodating. I do feel its HIGHLY over priced at its current listing price of $5.99. It just was not worth all that. It was just a very basic romance, not one that I think I will remember that far down the road. This won't be a series I personally continue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ana trofin
Griffin Reid wanted nothing more than to escape Sunshine. At the age of eighteen, he enlists in the army and has been gone ever since. He’s recently been medically discharged after an IED exploded by him and scarred him badly. He’s back in his hometown for Holly (his sister) and Adam’s wedding and to also recuperate and regroup; trying to figure out what he wants to do next. He’s never truly noticed Kate, but when she literally falls at his feet, he notices that his little sister’s best friend is no longer little Katie but sexy-as-hell Kate. This beauty with brains intrigues him right from the start.

Kate Evan’s has lived in Sunshine her whole life. She’s a second grade teacher and the town sweetheart. After her mother died, she put her own happiness on hold to take on the responsibility of making sure her dad, teenage sister, and little brother are taken care of. Which is why she was rushing to get to her father’s house to help the kids get ready for school when she literally falls at Griffin’s feet. With his rugged good looks and hard body, this man makes Kate nervous. And when Kate gets nervous she blurts out random scientific facts. This awkward reunion was ridiculously funny and loaded with sexual tension.

Kate has always had a crush on Griffin but has never had the guts to do anything about it... until now. She wants to have some fun and be free. She’s does everything for everyone except for herself. Griffin is the man she's always wanted and she's ready to take what she wants, even if it is for just one night. Griffin wants Kate - oh, does he ever. But he is trying to do the right thing by staying away from Kate, per his sister’s requests. Suddenly thrown into a compromising position at the wedding, Griffin fails miserably at keeping his distance when Kate makes her move to seduce him. The irresistible brainy bombshell won this battle of the wills and Griffin waves the white... condom. (lol)

Griffin, our very sexy, gruff, and broken alpha hero is struggling with his injury and his strained relationship with his father. His issues with his father go skin deep and has impacted his life. Mending fences with his father proves to be difficult and seeing just how much he wants a relationship with his father had me choked up. Sunshine has never been place he could call home before but, the older, more mature Griffin, feels like he could put down roots in the place he once hated. Then there is the unexpectedly saucy and sexy brainiac who managed to burrow her way into his heart and changed everything for him. She brought sunshine and smiles into his life when he had felt empty for so long.

I adore our delightful and sassy heroine, Kate. From the very first science fact she spouted, she had my heart. She’s absolutely adorable, witty, generous, smart, and very stubborn. Kate is at a crossroads in her life. She is her own person but continues to sacrifice herself for her family. She does some soul-searching and with a little bit of pampering and encouragement from Griffin, she starts to slowly realize she doesn’t have to fix everything and take care of everyone. She can move on with her life and follow her dreams.

“The first contraceptive was crocodile dung,” she whispered. “The Egyptians used it in 2000 BC.” [Kate]
“You say the sexiest things,” he said, and gently sank his teeth into her earlobe. [Griffin]

These two together are as molten hot as they are entertaining. I absolutely loved the flirty banter, the endearing talks, the kissing, the thoughtfulness between them, the smoldering looks, the hot touches, and, oh man, did I love the sexy times. It was delectable. Griffin and Kate really complemented each other perfectly, which made it effortless to love them.

Jill Shalvis is no doubt my go-to author when I want to read a sexy and sassy contemporary romance. Rumor Has it might be one of funniest books she's written to date. I laughed and snorted so many times while reading I received some odd looks from the hubby. I do have to mention one of the awesome secondary characters, Tommy, Kate’s little brother. He nearly stole the show with his random science facts (just like his sister) and oddness. I loved that kid. With its sparkling characters, snarky humor, yummy sexy times, and sigh-worthy romance, I had a good time reading Rumor Has it and can honestly say this book should not be missed.

Rating: B+
Heat: Hot

-- A Romantic Book Affairs Review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bexy ross
Griffin Reid was a problem child with a bad attitude and major conflicts with his dad. So the day he turned 18, he joined the military and left Sunshine, ID far behind. He did a lot of growing up in the following years, but didn't come home often. His relationship with his father still sucked.

Kate is his sister's best friend. He knows she's always had a crush on him, so he's always kept his distance, not wanting to hurt her or give her false hope. His sister is getting married and he's the best man; Kate's the maid of honor, of course. Kate is determined to seduce him and won't take no for an answer. Share this crazy ride with them!
Please RateRumor Has It (An Animal Magnetism Novel)
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