The Science of Changing Your Mind - Evolve Your Brain

ByJoe Dispenza

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very interesting to learn how the brain works and to know that we really can change ourselves, even if you're a senior. It's not that hard, but you have to want a different life and you need to do the work. It truly is life changing on so many life is fun again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barb novak
Dr. Joe Dispenza has opened paths that belief systems inherited through our parents had blocked with negative emotions. His work includes a scientific description of our brain cells as well as a very clear exposé regarding the effect of our negative thoughts. It has been a joy to read!
I regard Evolve Your Brain a must to read and to keep on your night table forever! Sending new instructions to our cells in order to replace old, useless behaviours is an easy, happy formulae that every human being can apply in order to regain health and live with joy, freedom and self confidence. Congratulations Dr. Dispenza. I'm forever grateful. Martha Sánchez Llambí - Mexico City.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading several books of quantum physic, I new that we are responsible for our own reality. This book reenforce the concept through a different perspective, how the brain work, how the mind and matter are linked.
From now on, it will be one of my favorite books, I fully recommend it.

I only hope next time, Dr. Joe Dispenza writes a new book linking more the mind and the matter topic.
The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth - The Honeymoon Effect :: You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter :: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality :: A Program for Living Deliberately and Creating Consciously :: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants - Goliath Must Fall
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey brooke
This sound science based information of how our brain operates,provides the reader with the necessary knowledge to make important positive changes in our life. The cutting edge content is explained in a simple language that is accessible to anyone and provides tools for change from the inside out. With this book I learned to understand that the way we use our brains is the quantum key to life changes in our bodies our lives and our relationships. Dr. Joe's conclusions which are well rounded in neuroscience, challenge our ideas of who we think we are and what
we think is even possible. I have been waiting for a book like this for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reham al wafi
I just love the research that is coming out on the muscular brain. I take this book and a couple of other of the authors book on long vision quest runs into the Olympic Mountains. I have been following my feet and allowing the earth to teach for many years, living as a barefoot ascetic in the Hoh Rain Forest. I find the Doc's work very useful in integrating the science into reality.
Nat Geo
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yolanda denise
I am a Social Work Workshop educator to those who must learn to manage living with a mental or physical disability.
This book has helped me with clear concepts of brain function and even better it has given me exercises and examples that I can pass on to my attendees. It was recommended to me by a friend, also a social worker. At first I though I did not need another book on brain function. I was convinced in the first fifty pages that it would help me learn and teach better. Thank you Dr. Dispenza, for changing my mind. Pamela Inanna, MSW
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara dwyer
Having struggled for many years with trying to 'think' greater than my problems, past or situations, I didn't get anywhere. Dr. Joe explained to me why that didn't work and why simply thinking good thoughts didn't change anything at all. This information led me down a completely different path and I am finally seeing dramatic changes in how I think, feel and behave. To me, this is a must read for anyone looking to improve their life dramatically.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline shay
I am a Social Work Workshop educator to those who must learn to manage living with a mental or physical disability.
This book has helped me with clear concepts of brain function and even better it has given me exercises and examples that I can pass on to my attendees. It was recommended to me by a friend, also a social worker. At first I though I did not need another book on brain function. I was convinced in the first fifty pages that it would help me learn and teach better. Thank you Dr. Dispenza, for changing my mind. Pamela Inanna, MSW
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having struggled for many years with trying to 'think' greater than my problems, past or situations, I didn't get anywhere. Dr. Joe explained to me why that didn't work and why simply thinking good thoughts didn't change anything at all. This information led me down a completely different path and I am finally seeing dramatic changes in how I think, feel and behave. To me, this is a must read for anyone looking to improve their life dramatically.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alisha shrestha
Easy to ready and understand. Personal in nature. Deep and powerful applications to my way of thinking which are bringing about miraculous results in both body and mind. Straight to the point about the meat of my interests in this book and well organized.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
narjes shabani
While this book is well-written and packed with technical information about the brain, it is not at all about "evolving your brain". A better title for this book would be "How the Brain Works". I was on page 320 when I realized this book wasn't going in the direction I hoped it would. Detail after detail about the way a brain works. Quite the opposite of what I hoped.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This work provides the reader with breakthrough information on how to change your brain and change your life. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. The work on how the brain works with thoughts and feelings which create attitudes, beliefs, and your perception towards the world can all be changed which is great news for those who want to connect and re-create your life. I highly recommend this book for it's message and inspiration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather anne
If you're anything less than PERFECTLY happy with your life you MUST buy this book! (and then read it!)

A tip:
Start reading on page 317! That's the hook. Back-up for all the details (which are fascinating too!).
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dishan rajapaksha
While I think Dr Dispenza had nothing but good intentions......I found that 2/3rds of the book dove deep into the science of neuroscience and neurons and synapses that were way over my head. The technical details bored me that I had to flip past them. The rest of the book was really redundant in almost a patronizing way......that you had to change yourself, your thinking, your thought patterns to change your outcome. I think there were easier ways to get the message across in less words and less chapters. Although he supposedly is a big advocate on meditation....he barely touches on meditation in the book. This important concept on changing thought patterns was not covered in this book.....which is disappointing. I think there are other mind-over-body self help books that cover this topic better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind
This is an insightful and very helpful book regarding our ability to change our minds and physical state. Dr. Dispenza's own remarkable recovery and the stories of others who have also recovered from serious illnesses is inspiring and useful in terms of what is necessary to alter our own lives. His work is quite detailed about the brain and our body workings and it takes some serious attention to understand the complexities of our systems. A great book. A very useful guide for changing our own lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
howard olsen
I really admire Dr. Joe Dispenza. He found the way to explain how thoughts matter and thoughts become matter! Now for me it's fun to be aware of the fact that each time I am thinking and feeling my brain is producing chemicals and my body is monitoring those chemicals to produce more similar thoughts. Now it's fun to play with it and break the cycle and get out of the genetics code or survival and start creating! [...].
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brett turner
This book is beautifully written and I learned so much reading it. Unlike many other books on the topic which are espousing philosophy or theory, this one delivers truth and empowers you to make real change.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
annalise haggar
If you have any tendancy toward mysticism DON'T try to read this book. I imagine that the author is a brilliant guy, but he has totally bought into the idea that a body is mechanical and controlled by a complex brain. He doesn't seem to have a clue about consciousness being independent from the body and seems never to have heard of out-of-the body or near death experiences. That approach will preserve his good name with his blindered academic colleagues but leaves him clueless about how people really work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book opens up a new level of understanding on how our every thought sends a cocktail of chemicals into our bodies. With this understanding Dr Joe then provides directions on how you can change, find freedom from damaging emotions and unlock your potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
very through documentation of the research. Joe can explain the science in a way that makes the function important. He also brings the "why do I need to know about this?" part into the reader's room.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this book very enlightening and encouraging. It described very clearly the intricacies of the brain in language that this layperson could understand. What I found exciting was the real possibility of true human growth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bianca cujba
I found this book very enlightening and encouraging. It described very clearly the intricacies of the brain in language that this layperson could understand. What I found exciting was the real possibility of true human growth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
非常棒。 看得我入迷了。 总算知道禅修里面对于观想的重视来自何方了


This is a great book and explains the thoughts training in meditation. The thoughts do change the world.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
m r sethi
I went into this blindly, not realizing I was listening to a DC speak as an authority on neuroscience. He advocates for "making up your mind" to combat disease rather than allopathic treatments... I wonder if this was written before or after Steve Jobs died of cancer after declining traditional treatments.

Anyhow, it's not all bad- if you ignore that portion and focus more on leveraging your brain's neuroplasticity to improve your thought patterns, reduce negative thoughts, and "mentally practice" being the person you want to be- it can be sufficiently motivating.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you already have basic knowledge of the nervous system, this book is elementary and tiresome. The story is intriguing, but is wrapped up in the first couple of chapters, followed by long winded explanations of very basic concepts. I feel like it may be beneficial to those who have no previous knowledge of the brain, its function and anatomy, and are interested in learning about it in a little more detail than the average person. Definately not for those who have taken even a basic neurophysiology course, though.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this book on promising advertising and hoped for more...

It's not a bad book, but I am already well into personal development, and am I healthcare professional, so the depth of the information was really not satisfactory for me.

Can be of interest for people willing to know the mechanics of the brain and thinking process, as well as an introduction to personal development, but little more; professional, don't waist your time reading it!
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