The Business of the 21st Century

ByRobert T. Kiyosaki

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hubert o hearn
Robert Kiyosaki explains in easy words advantages and challenges of Network Marketing Business and the necessity to take control of ourself financial lives. Any network marketers should read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
audrey mckenzie
Kiyosaki breaks from his traditional business background and embraces a new model. His years as an entrepreneur with success in real estate and a variety of business ventures gives him strong credentials for analyzing a business model that has been frowned upon for years by purists. Now, with many traditional wealth building vehicles not performing due to the myriad of economic woes around the world, the business model of Network Marketing is getting new found respect for all the right reasons.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber beasley
I first purchased the rich dad poor dad book from a book store in Australia back in 2003 and as a result I bought the second book cashflow quadrant and the cashflow 101 game I then purchased the Book Business School for people who like helping people.
The Business of the 21st Century is mind boggling I intent to purchase another copy.
I am slowly purchasing more of each copies as I only have the first book Rich dad poor dad owing to lending them out including the cashflow 101 game and not having them returned.In my mind everyone needs to get a copy for themselves of all Roberts books.
I need to leave of here so I can have something to comment on my other purchases.
A Memoir of the Obama White House - The World as It Is :: Bradley and the Partnership that Drove the Allied Conquest in Europe :: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties - Get a Financial Life :: The Underdog's Guide to Building Your Business - Your Move :: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again Robert Kiyosaki has delivered. Delivered a balanced well researched view on an industry that has been much maligned over the years, adding the comments of both his wife Kim, and successful Network Marketer John FLeming to give even more credibility to the subjsect.
As a network marketer, I am often called upon to answer the "Pyramid" objection. Fortunately, after many years I have been able to answer that objection more than adequately and, this book just adds more weight to the legitimacy to the multi-named Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Referral Marketing, Multi Level Marketing (MLM) industry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great CD to listen to. Mr. Robert Kiyosaki speaks beautifully and honestly about the new business model that is sweeping the country and the world. Even though traditional businesses have proven to be successful, it is a fact that they require too much investment, worry, hard work and lots of prayers to pass those 2,5 and 7 year benchmarks and hoping you're still in business. Learning what is the new trend and how to do it to become successful is the premise of this wonderful audio of The Business of the 21st Century narrated by Mr. Kiyosaki himself.

Times change and with it comes better opportunities out there. A lot of people are stuck in ruts and don't know what to do to change from what they are currently doing to increase their income. This audio can show you how to change your mindset and be open to opportunities that are everywhere. Network Marketing is the best business of the 21st Century indeed without a doubt! Everyone that is involved with network marketing can tell you that it's a great way to move from the left to the right quadrant and become a success and more importantly to have "time" freedom to do what you really "like" to do with your life. With a little training and books like this one, the sky is truly the limit!! Thank you Mr. Kiyosaki for this outstanding instructional and educational audio book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In his world wide best seller, "The Business of the 21st Century", best world wide seller "Rich Dad Poor Dad, What the Rich Teach their Kids about Money, that the Poor Do Not", world renowned financial expert, successful Millionaire, world wide conference leader and professional trainer, Robert Kiyosaki, explains why "Network Marketing" is the most effective and efficient business model, and will continue to be for decades to come, the "Business of the 21st Century". I gave this book the highest possible rating because it explains why "Network Marketing" is now and will be the most powerful business model from which ordinary people can build enough wealth and become independent business owners who can not only live a life of "Time and Financial Freedom", but as "Entreprenuers" can take control of their own lives and financial futures, but who will also using this business model build significant retirement in 'Residual Income'. Both "Rich Dad Poor Dad", and this book are "must reads" for anyone considering Network Marketing, and for eveyone who is already strongly commited to being an Entrepreneur in Network Marketing. This book breaks down every aspect of Network Marketing providing its readers with a complete understanding of why Network Markeing is and will continue to be one of the most powerful Business Models during the 21st Century.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ruth stebelska
First of all, I agree with Kiyosaki that multi-level marketing (MLM) companies may be among the best business opportunities today - in that they are hybrids, where you can build a business "on the back" of an already established, proven business. But, having said that, I'll say this: If entrepreneurship is in your blood; if you have that passion to build your own business; and not march to the drum of someone else, then MLM is probably NOT for you. In fact, I would say you would be decidedly unhappy in such an environment. In MLM, you plug yourself into someone's else's company; someone else's vision. You play by their rules; market their way. You are a cog in their wheel, albeit a more independent cog.

I think the people who succeed with MLM are those who like the idea of building their own business, but still have an "employee" mindset. If you do what they tell you - if you, as they say, are "coachable" and are a team player, you may do very well; perhaps better than you can do by building your own company from scratch. But you need to seriously ask yourself if you are that kind of person.

Also, I disagree with Kiyosaki when he says MLM companies are great places to learn how to sell. For over a decade I sold wholesale to the likes of Wal-Mart and Target. MLM "sales" are very different. It is because - and this is the key -- MLM sales are not about the product (even though some of them have great product). MLM sales are about MLM - adding promoters to your downline (like a pyramid scheme, to be honest). That is the mantra that is drummed into you. That's why MLM selling kinda feels like being a religious missionary; and why some people call it cultlike.

Quick sidenote: Here's an angle that I thought Kiyosaki should have explored and discussed further: whether an MLM model could be used to scale your own business.

I was going to entitle this review something like "A good road if you want to be an entrepreneur but think like an employee." In the end, I'm thinking that this could even have been Kiyosaki's thoughts all along: he knows many of his readers have not instilled the lessons of his "Cashflow Quadrant," and that the recommendations of this book might be what they are looking for. But if you are a real entrepreneur, think twice about going down the MLM road.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Especially if you are new to business or network marketing, this is an amazing FIRST book to read.
It honestly took me a while to consider reading it because it just looked like it would be so boring, at least for my age and taste.
But it's a great book, very understandable and opens your mind to a whole new world. I had to buy a few more copies just so I could have by business partners read it as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april prince
The business principles in this book itself are very informational and informative. The "network marketing" principle is something I am not in total support of. Kiyosaki is selling hope. But not a bad read in terms of principles. I would buy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
holly pokorny
The business principles in this book itself are very informational and informative. The "network marketing" principle is something I am not in total support of. Kiyosaki is selling hope. But not a bad read in terms of principles. I would buy it.
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