Women's Fiction

Daddy Next Door
Daddy Next Door

Review:**I am voluntarily reviewing an Advanced Readers Copy of this book**
This book was an fast, fun, OK read. Tyler and Quinn's relationship was not always smooth and it felt at times, if it wasn't for his daughter Rachel, there wouldn't be much of a relationship at all. The book was fast paced, but was somewhat predictable, drama with the ex. Still a fun read. Read more

Everybody Rise: A Novel
Everybody Rise: A Novel

Review:When I picked up, “Everybody Rise” I simply wanted to hate it. I heard that all the Lily Pullitzer moms were reading it and to keep an eye on their doings, I thought I’d give it an open and honest read...

In “Everybody Rise” readers can expect a tale of class, status and power seeking among New York’s socialistas. Reliably narrated in third person point of view, Clifford takes us into the life of twenty-something Evelyn Beegan who in character is not particularly special and is wildly h... Read more

Life After: A Novel
Life After: A Novel

Review:My Review:

As shocking as it may seem, life doesn't go back to normal after a huge tragedy in our lives. And on a side note everyone's definition of a tragedy is different. Autumn Manning has experienced a life altering tragedy that still holds her life in it's ugly grip and won't let go. Paul Elliot on the other hand it means moving on and letting go. He hasn't had too much trouble moving on and he wants everyone else to do the same.

I felt sorry for Autumn from the start. I hav... Read more

Life After Wife (A Three Magic Words Romance)
Life After Wife (A Three Magic Words Romance)

Review:Carolyn Brown's "Life After Wife" is an incredibly fun, fast-paced romance. Believable characters, dialogue and story line. Match-making from beyond the grave by applying logic. Sophie and Elijah had spent time on Aunt Maude's ranch when they were children. She will's the ranch to both of them. They each feel the ranch is their home, refusing to sell out to the other. Sparks, sarcasm, love for Maude and the ranch make this story well worth reading.

This is an incredibly funny story.... Read more

Life After Coffee
Life After Coffee

Review:When I first started this book, the plot seemed a little improbable to me. Actually, that didn't change much--there were improbable things throughout the book--but it did finally get better, and the main character became a little more likable. That's not a must for me, but I do enjoy having someone I'm rooting for. I thought at first it would be the husband, but he was a flake; the kids weren't likable; and since the main character (let's call her MC) didn't really have any friends, non of the... Read more

Iris & Lily: Book One
Iris & Lily: Book One

Review:Enjoyed immensely. Got a little bogged down with the overly descriptive passages involving the relationship with max and their travels. Other than that it was a great read especially the first book. Took me back to my childhood with my sister Read more

The Winter Long
The Winter Long

Review:Absolutely loves this book. Her October Daye series gets better with each book!! So sad I have to wait a year for the next installment. Seanan McGuire knows how to wrap up a book but keep you in suspense and wanting for the next book. Read more

Pierced by the Sun
Pierced by the Sun

Review:After choosing this as my monthly Kindle First book, I let time lapse and did not read the synopsis before I read the book. The format was a pleasant change from the norm and the subject matter certainly provocative and critical of our neighboring country by a citizen of same. I quite enjoyed this quick read. Read more

emotional rollercoaster read you’ll devour in one sitting
emotional rollercoaster read you’ll devour in one sitting

Review:Great author!! I love all your books!! They are real to life, very interesting, entertaining, heartfelt, and always very funny! I loved the character development. I did see some repeated material from other books, but that's ok. It fit well with the story. This book was so good. I took my time with it. I plan to read any new book you write! I read a lot and I really enjoy your style!! "Here's to friendship and all who sailed in on her!!" Classic! Well done! Keep up the good work! Read more

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