Individual Sports

A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike - Just Ride
A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike - Just Ride

Review:Practical is the right word to describe this book: the author eschews trendy clothing, bikes and accessories and advocates just getting on the thing and riding. Lots of valuable info. Stop by his shop in Walnut Creek if you're ever in the area, nice knowledgable people. Read more

Systematically & Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling
Systematically & Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling

Review:208 pages of tedium followed by 11 pages of mildly humorous writing. I'm a big fan of Bike Snob's blog, but this book was a real let-down. In some parts it felt like he was trying too hard to be funny. Other times, it felt like he was trying to be unfunny. It just didn't hit the same chord as his web page. I'll try re-reading it in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll see some humour I missed the first time round. But right now, I wouldn't recommend this book. Read more

The Pursuit of Happiness on Two Wheels - It's All About the Bike
The Pursuit of Happiness on Two Wheels - It's All About the Bike

Review:The author's love for all aspects of bicycling is quite evident in this book: the history, its culture, the joy of riding, the challenge of long trips, and the bike itself. But most of all, he is intrigued by "old-school" bicycle craftsmen, who know virtually everything about bicycles, tend to use traditional tools and techniques, and are committed to quality above all else. The basis of this book is the author's quest to have the perfect - for him - bike built, utilizing the knowledge of bicycl... Read more

A Navy SEAL's Secrets to Surviving Any Disaster - SEAL Survival Guide
A Navy SEAL's Secrets to Surviving Any Disaster - SEAL Survival Guide

Review:Great book that stresses getting out of our comfort zone. He is very specific and offers great tips on surviving many various hostile incidences, both man made and natural. Very practical and useful. Really enjoyed reading it. Read more

Take Me On
Take Me On

Review:I love, love, love Katie McGarry's Pushing the Limits series. TAKE ME ON was no exception. I loved reading about West and Haley. As always, McGarry's characterization skills are amazing, as are her abilities to create compelling relationships. And I'm not just talking about the romances, which are always packed with chemistry. Complex friendships and family dynamics are always a sure find and part of what pulls me so deeply into her books that I don't want to climb back out again.

Is it w... Read more

The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing
The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing

Review:Great book for endurance training, however, it falls short when it comes to dietary advice. For example, the following quote comes from the book:
"About 40 percent or more of the carbohydrates you eat is converted to fat and stored as body fat."

Excess Starch Does Not Turn to Body Fat

A widely held belief is that the sugars in starches are readily converted into fat and then stored unattractively in the abdomen, hips, and buttock. Incorrect! And there is no disagreement about t... Read more

and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation - A True Story of WWII Italy
and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation - A True Story of WWII Italy

Review:Fabulous ... A must read for anyone interested in cycling legends, interested in WW II history, the work of resistance fighters against the Nazis, and for those looking for a true definition of heroism. Read more

Four Years Around the World on a Triumph - Jupiters Travels
Four Years Around the World on a Triumph - Jupiters Travels

Review:I purchased this book after reading about it in a motorcycle article. I found it to be a pretty good read, although I find it hard to believe someone in the 1970's would choose a triumph motorcycle to do this trip on, knowing their history and reputation during the 70's! I thoroughly enjoyed Ted Simons' writing about his experiences and would recommend this book. Read more

A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence
A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence

Review:I take martial arts and have developed a slight interest in self-defense. Enjoyed Miller's perspective in this book. Easy read. Miller shares his real world, bare knuckle experience in law enforcement and as a prison guard.

Bottom line is avoidance is the best self-defense strategy. Stay away from sketchy people and sketchy places. Know what to look for and trust your intuition. Also, adrenaline will dampen the benefits of training in attack mode, assuming the rare occurrence that the at... Read more

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