
The Bronze Bow
The Bronze Bow

Review:We found this a great family read-aloud. But more importantly, it's one that holds the interest of my 11-year-old son enough for him to choose to read it alone. Set in ancient Israel during the Roman Empire, and the time of Jesus (in fact He is included in the story). So this makes for great historical fiction... and great for home-schoolers! Read more

Walking the Path of Norse Paganism - Essential Asatru
Walking the Path of Norse Paganism - Essential Asatru

Review:Yet another Asatru book that only covers the VERY basics, and yet another book on Asatru that is trying to liberalize the religion. What this book represents is about one step away from "Norse Wicca".

As you may or may not know, the media, including book publishers tend to be very liberal. Asatru tends to be very conservative. If you want a liberal "new age" or neo-pagan religion there are plenty of them, Wicca being the main one as well as many new age books etc. The problem is few publi... Read more

The Serpent King
The Serpent King

Review:It is extraordinarily difficult for me to gather my thoughts on this book into coherent form. You can tell by this sampling of my notes:

pg 97 tears already


pg 249 why

So, forgive me the rambling quality of this review.

THE SERPENT KING is a book about salvation and family and what we inherit and what we make of ourselves. It touches on poverty, mental illness, abuse, and religion--all difficult topics, all handled deftl... Read more

7 Tipping Points That Saved the World
7 Tipping Points That Saved the World

Review:Chris and Ted Stewart have chosen to chronicle seven major events from world history that, to me, show how blessed we are to enjoy the freedoms we now have. The work [...] is so interesting that, once once opens the cover and begins to learn about these events, it is difficult to put the book down. It makes one grateful to live in these times -- perilous though they are becoming -- and makes one want to protect that which we have. Read more

and the Making of a Nation - the Founding Fathers
and the Making of a Nation - the Founding Fathers

Review:American Gospel is right on target. Americans are fortunate that our founders conceived the wall of separation between church and state. These educated and forward thinking representatives had the historical knowledge to realize the folly of alternatives. Read more


Review:Ok, so I don’t really know where to begin. Anomaly was such a complex and surprising book that I’m astounded. Krista McGee certainly knows how to write a book with surprises and no predictability at all (well, for me at least). Ms McGee’s writing style was great and I was addicted for the most part. My only conflicting reflections would be the Christian aspect; I am not religious and don’t generally read books with it as a strong subject matter, but the overall premise was amazing and very uniqu... Read more

The Hired Girl
The Hired Girl

Review:Fourteen-year-old Joan Scraggs lives the life of a drudge on her father's farm cleaning up after her dad and four brothers, all of whom seem to hate her. She longs for education and to become a teacher, but her father seems set to work her to death the way he did her mother. She might even settle for some love. The last straw comes when her father burns her only three "friends," her beloved books. Finding out from a newspaper that she can get paid work in the city for the same labor she performs... Read more

The Astonishing True Story of the Man Who Saw Tomorrow... and What He Says Is Coming Next
The Astonishing True Story of the Man Who Saw Tomorrow... and What He Says Is Coming Next

Review:Very interesting. If you support this president, and are curious about him and his presidency, this is a great introduction to the possibility that there is more to it than just what you see. It helps you if you are the type of person that likes to look behind the curtain. Read more

Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion - The Truth About Muhammad
Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion - The Truth About Muhammad

Review:The topic and content of the book is most revealing and disturbing if true. The documentations he cites, particulary the constant recitation of names becomes a bit monotonous and the listener may loose concentration. After listening to the CD's, I bought a copy of the Koran to see if the statements and citations made are correct. So far, his quotes seem to check out.. I have an open mind and will check other sources. If what Mr. Spencer claims turns out to be true about the danger of Islam, ... Read more

Crossroads (Crossroads Saga Book 1)
Crossroads (Crossroads Saga Book 1)

Review:Great use of solid characters, keeps you interested in what is going to happen next. Keeps your emotions going in every direction. Could not put it down. Looking forward to Between. Got to go so I can get started. This is a must read book. Great writing skills. Read more

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